ucar.nc2.iosp.uamiv.UAMIVServiceProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package ucar.nc2.iosp.uamiv;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Class for reading CAMx flavored uamiv files.
* CAMx UAM-IV formatted files.
* uses "IOAP Conventions", handled by M3IO CoordSysBuilder
* @author Barron Henderson [email protected]
* @see "http://www.camx.com/"
public class UAMIVServiceProvider extends AbstractIOServiceProvider {
static private org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(UAMIVServiceProvider.class);
static private final String AVERAGE = "A V E R A G E ";
static private final String EMISSIONS = "E M I S S I O N S ";
static private final String AIRQUALITY ="A I R Q U A L I T Y ";
static private final String INSTANT = "I N S T A N T ";
static private final String HEIGHT = "HEIGHT";
static private final String PBL = "PBL";
static private final String TEMP = "TEMP";
static private final String PRESS = "PRESS";
static private final String WINDX = "WINDX";
static private final String WINDY = "WINDY";
static private final String VERTDIFF = "Kv";
static private final String SPEED = "SPEED";
static private final String CLDOD = "CLD OPDEP";
static private final String CLDWATER = "CLD WATER";
static private final String PRECIP = "PCP WATER";
static private final String RAIN = "RAIN";
private String[] species_names;
private long data_start;
private int n2dvals;
private int n3dvals;
private int spc_2D_block;
private int spc_3D_block;
private int data_block;
private int date_block;
private int nspec;
* Check if this is a valid file for this IOServiceProvider.
* @param raf RandomAccessFile
* @return true if valid.
public boolean isValidFile(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
try {
String test = raf.readString(40);
return test.equals(EMISSIONS) || test.equals(AVERAGE) || test.equals(AIRQUALITY) || test.equals(INSTANT);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return false;
public String getFileTypeId() {
return "UAMIV";
public String getFileTypeDescription() {
return "CAMx UAM-IV formatted files";
* Open existing file, and populate ncfile with it.
* @param raf the file to work on, it has already passed the isValidFile() test.
* @param ncfile add objects to this NetcdfFile
* @param cancelTask used to monito user cancellation; may be null.
* @throws IOException
public void open(RandomAccessFile raf, NetcdfFile ncfile, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
* open initializes the file meta data and creates all variables.
* The meta-data and variable information is gathered from the UAM-IV
* header. The header format is detailed in the CAMx User's
* guide and copied here.
* Header:
* name,note,ione,nspec,ibdate,btime,iedate,etime
* rdum,rdum,iutm,xorg,yorg,delx,dely,nx,ny,nz,idum,idum,rdum,rdum,rdum
* ione,ione,nx,ny
* (mspec(l),l=1,nspec)
* name - Text string (character*4(10) array)
* note - Text string containing file description (character*4(60) array)
* ione - Dummy variable = 1
* nspec - Number of species on file
* ibdate - Beginning date (YYJJJ)
* btime - Beginning hour (HHMM)
* iedate - Ending date (YYJJJ)
* etime - Ending hour (HHMM)
* rdum - Dummy real variable
* iutm - UTM zone (ignored for other projections)
* xorg - Grid x-origin at southwest corner of domain (m or degrees longitude)
* yorg - Grid y-origin at southwest corner of domain (m or degrees latitude)
* delx - Cell size in x-direction (m or degrees longitude)
* dely - Cell size in y-direction (m or degrees longitude)
* nx - Number of grid columns
* ny - Number of grid rows
* nz - Number of layers
* idum - Dummy integer variable
* mspec - Species names for nspec species (character*4(10,nspec) array)
* time step is HHMMSS
* the projection is:
* LCC // > :GDTYP = 2; // int
* First True Latitude (Alpha): 30N // > :P_ALP = 30.0; // double
* Second True Latitude (Beta): 60N // > :P_BET = 60.0; // double
* Central Longitude (Gamma): 100W //> :XCENT = -100.0; // double
* Projection Origin: (100W, 40N) //> :YCENT = 40.0; // double
// Internalize raf and ncfile
super.open(raf, ncfile, cancelTask);
// set raf to big endian and start at the beginning
// Read first line of UAM-IV header
raf.skipBytes(4); // Skip record pad
String name = raf.readString(40); // read 40 name
String note = raf.readString(240);
int itzone = raf.readInt(); // Read the time zone
int nspec = raf.readInt(); // Read number of species
this.nspec = nspec; // internalize nspec
int bdate = raf.readInt(); // get file start date
float btime = raf.readFloat(); // get file start time
int edate = raf.readInt(); // get file end date
float etime = raf.readFloat(); // get file end time
int btimei = (int) btime; // convert btime to an integer
// CAMx times are sometimes provided as HH or HHMM.
// IOAPI times are always provided as HHMMSS.
// CAMx times less than 100 are HH and should be
// multipled by 100 to get HHMM. CAMx times less
// 10000 are HHMM and should be multipled by 100
// to get HHMMSS.
if (btimei < 100) btimei = btimei * 100;
if (btimei < 10000) btimei = btimei * 100;
* Dates are YYJJJ and are heuristically converted
* to YYYYJJJ based on the following assumption:
* YY < 70 are 2000
* YY >= 70 are 1900
if (bdate < 70000) {
edate = edate + 2000000;
bdate = bdate + 2000000;
} else {
edate = edate + 1900000;
bdate = bdate + 1900000;
raf.skipBytes(4); //Skip record pad
// Read second line of UAM-IV header
raf.skipBytes(4); //Skip record pad
float plon = raf.readFloat(); // get polar longitude
float plat = raf.readFloat(); // get polar latitude
int iutm = raf.readInt(); // get utm
float xorg = raf.readFloat(); // get x origin in meters
float yorg = raf.readFloat(); // get y origin in meters
float delx = raf.readFloat(); // get x cell size in meters
float dely = raf.readFloat(); // get y cell size in meters
int nx = raf.readInt(); // get number of columns
int ny = raf.readInt(); // get number of rows
int nz = raf.readInt(); // get number of layers
// get projection number
// (0: lat-lon;
// 1: Universal Transverse Mercator;
// 2: Lambert Conic Conformal;
// 3: Polar stereographic)
// These translate to IOAPI GDTYP3D values 1, 5, 2, and 6 respectively
int iproj = raf.readInt();
int istag = raf.readInt(); // Read stagger indicator
float tlat1 = raf.readFloat(); // Read true latitude 1
float tlat2 = raf.readFloat(); // Read true latitude 2
raf.skipBytes(4); //Skip 1 dummies
raf.skipBytes(4); //Skip record pad
// Read third line of UAM-IV header
raf.skipBytes(4); //Skip record pad
raf.skipBytes(8); //Skip 2 dummies
int nx2 = raf.readInt(); // duplicate number of columns
int ny2 = raf.readInt(); // duplicate number of rows
raf.skipBytes(8); //Skip 2 dummies
nz = Math.max(nz, 1); // number of layers; Emissions files occasionally report 0 layers
* 1) Read each species name
* 2) remove white space from the name
* 3) store the names
* 4) internalize them
int count = 0;
String[] spc_names = new String[nspec];
while (count < nspec) {
String spc = raf.readString(40); // 1) read species name
spc_names[count++] = spc.replace(" ", ""); // 2&3) store name without whitespace
this.species_names = spc_names; // 4) internalize names
raf.skipBytes(4); // Skip record pad
// Note this position; it is the start of the data block
this.data_start = raf.getFilePointer();
// Note the number of float equivalents (4 byte chunks) in data block
int data_length_float_equivalents = ((int) raf.length() - (int) data_start) / 4;
// Store 2D value size
this.n2dvals = nx * ny;
// Store 3D value size
this.n3dvals = nx * ny * nz;
// Store 2D binary data block size: include values (nx*ny),
// species name (10), a dummy (1) and 2 record pads
this.spc_2D_block = nx * ny + 10 + 2 + 1;
// Store 3D binary data block size
this.spc_3D_block = this.spc_2D_block * nz;
// Store whole data block size; includes date (6)
this.data_block = this.spc_3D_block * nspec + 6;
// Store the number of times
int ntimes = data_length_float_equivalents / this.data_block;
// Add dimensions based on header values
ncfile.addDimension(null, new Dimension("TSTEP", ntimes, true));
ncfile.addDimension(null, new Dimension("LAY", nz, true));
ncfile.addDimension(null, new Dimension("ROW", ny, true));
ncfile.addDimension(null, new Dimension("COL", nx, true));
// Force sync of dimensions
count = 0;
* For each species, create a variable with long_name,
* and var_desc, and units. long_name and var_desc are
* simply the species name. units is heuristically
* determined from the name
HashSet AeroSpcs = new HashSet(Arrays.asList( "PSO4", "PNO3", "PNH4", "PH2O", "SOPA", "SOPB", "NA", "PCL", "POA", "PEC", "FPRM", "FCRS", "CPRM", "CCRS"));
while (count < nspec) {
String spc = spc_names[count++];
Variable temp = ncfile.addVariable(null, spc, DataType.FLOAT, "TSTEP LAY ROW COL");
if (spc.equals(WINDX) || spc.equals(WINDY) ||
spc.equals(SPEED)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "m/s"));
} else if (spc.equals(VERTDIFF)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "m**2/s"));
} else if (spc.equals(TEMP)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "K"));
} else if (spc.equals(PRESS)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "hPa"));
} else if (spc.equals(HEIGHT) || spc.equals(PBL)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "m"));
} else if (spc.equals(CLDWATER) || spc.equals(PRECIP) || spc.equals(RAIN)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "g/m**3"));
} else if (spc.equals(CLDOD) || spc.equals("CLOUDOD")) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "none"));
} else if (spc.equals("SNOWCOVER")) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "yes/no"));
} else if (spc.startsWith("SOA") || AeroSpcs.contains(spc)) {
if (name.equals(EMISSIONS)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "g/time"));
} else {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "ug/m**3"));
} else if (LULC.contains(spc)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "fraction"));
} else if (spc.lastIndexOf("_") > -1) {
String tmpunit = spc.substring(spc.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
tmpunit = tmpunit.trim();
if (tmpunit.equals("M2pS")) {
tmpunit = "m**2/s";
} else if (tmpunit.equals("MpS")) {
tmpunit = "m/s";
} else if (tmpunit.equals("PPM")) {
tmpunit = "ppm";
} else if (tmpunit.equals("MB")) {
tmpunit = "millibar";
} else if (tmpunit.equals("GpM3")) {
tmpunit = "g/m**3";
} else if (tmpunit.equals("M")) {
tmpunit = "m";
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, tmpunit));
} else {
if (name.equals(EMISSIONS)) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "mol/time"));
} else {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "ppm"));
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, spc));
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute("var_desc", spc));
* Create 1...n array of "sigma" values
double[] sigma = new double[nz + 1];
count = 0;
while (count < nz + 1) {
sigma[count++] = count;
int[] size = new int[1];
size[0] = nz + 1;
Array sigma_arr = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), size, sigma);
* Add meta-data according to the IOAPI conventions
* http://www.baronams.com/products/ioapi
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("VGLVLS", sigma_arr));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("SDATE", new Integer(bdate)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("STIME", new Integer(btimei)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("TSTEP", new Integer(10000)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("NSTEPS", new Integer(ntimes)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("NLAYS", new Integer(nz)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("NROWS", new Integer(ny)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("NCOLS", new Integer(nx)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("XORIG", new Double(xorg)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("YORIG", new Double(yorg)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("XCELL", new Double(delx)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("YCELL", new Double(dely)));
* IOAPI Projection parameters are provided by a colocated camxproj.txt file;
* to do:
* 1) needs earth radius
* 2) needs better error checking
Integer gdtyp = 2;
Double p_alp = 20.;
Double p_bet = 60.;
Double p_gam = 0.;
Double xcent = -95.;
Double ycent = 25.;
if (!((iproj == 0) && (tlat1 == 0) && (tlat2 == 0) && (plon == 0) && (plat == 0))) {
xcent = new Double(plon);
ycent = new Double(plat);
if (iproj == 0) {
// Lat-Lon (iproj=0) has no additional information
gdtyp = 1;
} else if (iproj == 1){
// UTM uses only iutm
gdtyp = 5;
p_alp = new Double(iutm);
} else if (iproj == 2){
gdtyp = 2;
p_alp = new Double(tlat1);
p_bet = new Double(tlat2);
p_gam = new Double(plon);
} else if (iproj == 3){
gdtyp = 6;
if (plat == 90){
p_alp = 1.;
} else if (plat == -90) {
p_alp = -1.;
p_bet = new Double(tlat1);
p_gam = new Double(plon);
} else {
gdtyp = 2;
p_alp = 20.;
p_bet = 60.;
p_gam = 0.;
xcent = -95.;
ycent = 25.;
String[] key_value = null;
String thisLine;
String projpath = raf.getLocation();
Boolean lgdtyp = false;
Boolean lp_alp = false;
Boolean lp_bet = false;
Boolean lp_gam = false;
Boolean lxcent = false;
Boolean lycent = false;
int lastIndex = projpath.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
if (lastIndex <= 0)
lastIndex = projpath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastIndex > 0)
projpath = projpath.substring(0, lastIndex);
projpath = projpath + File.separator + "camxproj.txt";
File paramFile = new File(projpath);
if (paramFile.exists()) {
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(paramFile))) {
while ((thisLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
if ((thisLine.substring(0, 1) != "#") && (thisLine != "")) {
key_value = thisLine.split("=");
if (key_value[0].equals("GDTYP")) {
gdtyp = Integer.parseInt(key_value[1]);
lgdtyp = true;
} else if (key_value[0].equals("P_ALP")) {
p_alp = Double.parseDouble(key_value[1]);
lp_alp = true;
} else if (key_value[0].equals("P_BET")) {
p_bet = Double.parseDouble(key_value[1]);
lp_bet = true;
} else if (key_value[0].equals("P_GAM")) {
p_gam = Double.parseDouble(key_value[1]);
lp_gam = true;
} else if (key_value[0].equals("YCENT")) {
ycent = Double.parseDouble(key_value[1]);
lycent = true;
} else if (key_value[0].equals("XCENT")) {
xcent = Double.parseDouble(key_value[1]);
lxcent = true;
if (!lgdtyp) log.warn("GDTYP not found; using " + gdtyp.toString());
if (!lp_alp) log.warn("P_ALP not found; using " + p_alp.toString());
if (!lp_bet) log.warn("P_BET not found; using " + p_bet.toString());
if (!lp_gam) log.warn("P_GAM not found; using " + p_gam.toString());
if (!lxcent) log.warn("XCENT not found; using " + xcent.toString());
if (!lycent) log.warn("YCENT not found; using " + ycent.toString());
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("UAMIVServiceProvider: adding projection file");
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(paramFile)) {
OutputStreamWriter fout = new OutputStreamWriter(out, CDM.utf8Charset);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fout);
bw.write("# Projection parameters are based on IOAPI. For details, see www.baronams.com/products/ioapi/GRIDS.html");
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("GDTYP", gdtyp));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("P_ALP", p_alp));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("P_BET", p_bet));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("P_GAM", p_gam));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("XCENT", xcent));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("YCENT", ycent));
* Read data from a top level Variable and return a memory resident Array.
* This Array has the same element type as the Variable, and the requested shape.
* @param v2 a top-level Variable
* @param wantSection List of type Range specifying the section of data to read.
* There must be a Range for each Dimension in the variable, in order.
* Note: no nulls.
* @return the requested data in a memory-resident Array
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException
* @see ucar.ma2.Range
public ucar.ma2.Array readData(Variable v2, Section wantSection) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
* readData seeks and reads the data for each variable. The variable
* data format is detailed in the CAMx User's guide and summarized here.
* For each time:
* ibdate,btime,iedate,etime
* Loop from 1 to nspec species:
* ione,mspec(l),((val(i,j,l),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
* ione - Dummy variable = 1
* nspec - Number of species on file
* ibdate - Beginning date (YYJJJ)
* btime - Beginning hour (HHMM)
* iedate - Ending date (YYJJJ)
* etime - Ending hour (HHMM)
* mspec - Species names for nspec species (character*4(10,nspec) array)
* val - Species l, layer k initial concentrations (ppm for gases, ug/m3 for aerosols)
* for nx grid columns and ny grid rows
// CAMx UAM-IV Files are all big endian
// Prepare an array for binary data
int size = (int) v2.getSize();
float[] arr = new float[size];
// Move to data block of file
* First record is stime,sdate,etime,edate
* We are skipping the data, but checking
* the consistency of the Fortran "unformatted"
* data record
int pad1 = raf.readInt();
int pad2 = raf.readInt();
if (pad1 != pad2) {
throw new IOException("Asymmetric fortran buffer values: 1");
// Find species name/id associated with this variable
int spcid = -1;
String spc = "";
while (spc != v2.getShortName()) {
spc = this.species_names[++spcid];
* Skip data associated with species that are prior
* in the data block
raf.skipBytes(this.spc_3D_block * spcid * 4);
// Initialize count for indexing arr
int count = 0;
while (count < size) {
* Read species name and store the initial record pad.
* Note: it might be good to compare
* spc string to variable.getShortName
if (count == 0) {
pad1 = raf.readInt();
int ione = raf.readInt();
spc = raf.readString(40);
* If we have read a 2D slice, read the final record pad
* and compare to initial record pad. If everything is okay, proceed.
* (1) skip to next 2D slice
* (2) store initial pad
* (3) read spc name
* Note: it might be good to compare
* spc string to variable.getShortName
if ((count != 0) && ((count % this.n2dvals) == 0)) {
pad2 = raf.readInt();
if (pad1 != pad2) {
throw new IOException("Asymmetric fortran buffer values: 2");
if ((count % this.n3dvals) == 0) {
raf.skipBytes((this.data_block - this.spc_3D_block) * 4);
pad1 = raf.readInt();
int ione = raf.readInt();
spc = raf.readString(40);
* Attempt to read a Float from the file
try {
arr[count++] = raf.readFloat();
} catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException io) {
throw new IOException(io.getMessage());
// Convert java float[] to ma2.Array
Array data = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), arr);
// Subset the data based on the wantSection and return a 4D variable
return data.sectionNoReduce(wantSection.getRanges());
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