edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.geolite.Feature.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 University of California, Riverside
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.geolite
import{Input, Output}
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.{Kryo, KryoSerializable}
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.geolite.Feature.{readType, readValue, writeType, writeValue}
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.util.{BitArray, KryoInputToObjectInput, KryoOutputToObjectOutput}
import org.apache.spark.beast.sql.GeometryDataType
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeArrayData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry
import{Externalizable, ObjectInput, ObjectOutput}
import java.util.{Calendar, SimpleTimeZone, TimeZone}
* A Row that contains a geometry
* @param _values an initial list of values that might or might not contain a [[Geometry]]
* @param _schema the schema of the given values or `null` to auto-detect the types from the values
class Feature(private var _values: Array[Any], private var _schema: StructType)
extends IFeature with Externalizable with KryoSerializable {
override def schema: StructType = _schema
private var values : Array[Any] = if(_values == null) { new Array[Any](0) } else {{
case string : UTF8String => string.toString
case geom : UnsafeArrayData => GeometryDataType.deserialize(geom)
case other : Any => other
case _ => null
if (_schema == null && values != null)
_schema = Feature.inferSchema(values)
* Default constructor for serialization/deserialization
def this() {
this(_values = null, _schema = null)
override def fieldIndex(name: String): Int = schema.fieldIndex(name)
* Efficient Java serialization/deserialization. A feature is serialized as follows.
* - Total number of attributes including the geometry, i.e., [[length]]
* - The names of the attributes in order. If the name does not exist, an empty string is written.
* - The types of the attributes, each written as a single byte.
* - A compact bit mask of which attribute values are null.
* - The values of the attributes in Java serialization form.
* - The geometry is written using GeometryWriter with the SRID in its position in the list of values
* - null values are skipped
* @param out the output to write to
override def writeExternal(out: ObjectOutput): Unit = {
// Number of attributes
if (length > 0) {
// Attribute names
for (field <- schema)
out.writeUTF(if ( == null) "" else
// Attribute types
for (field <- schema)
writeType(field.dataType, out)
// Attribute exists (bit mask)
val attributeExists = new BitArray(length)
for (i <- 0 until length)
attributeExists.set(i, !isNullAt(i))
// Attribute values
for (i <- 0 until length; if !isNullAt(i)) {
val value = values(i)
writeValue(out, value, schema(i).dataType)
override def readExternal(in: ObjectInput): Unit = {
// Read number of attributes
val recordLength: Int = in.readShort()
val attributeNames = new Array[String](recordLength)
val attributeTypes = new Array[DataType](recordLength)
// Read attribute names
for (i <- 0 until recordLength)
attributeNames(i) = in.readUTF()
// Read attribute types
for (i <- 0 until recordLength)
attributeTypes(i) = readType(in)
this._schema = StructType((0 until recordLength).map(i => StructField(attributeNames(i), attributeTypes(i))))
// Read attribute exists
val attributeExists = new BitArray(recordLength)
// Read attribute values
this.values = new Array[Any](recordLength)
for (i <- 0 until recordLength; if attributeExists.get(i))
values(i) = readValue(in, attributeTypes(i))
override def write(kryo: Kryo, out: Output): Unit = writeExternal(new KryoOutputToObjectOutput(kryo, out))
override def read(kryo: Kryo, in: Input): Unit = readExternal(new KryoInputToObjectInput(kryo, in))
override def length: Int = if (values == null) 0 else values.length
override def get(i: Int): Any = values(i)
* Make a copy of this row. Since Feature is immutable, we just return the same object.
* @return the same object
override def copy(): Row = this
* Convert it to an [[InternalRow]] to work with the DataSource API.
* Notice that [[Row]] and [[InternalRow]] are not compatible with each other due to the conflicting
* return data type of the function copy(). So, there is no way to create one class that implements both.
* @return an [[InternalRow]] representation of this feature, i.e., values without schema
def toInternalRow: InternalRow = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericInternalRow( {
case string : String => UTF8String.fromString(string)
case geom : Geometry => GeometryDataType.serialize(geom)
case other : Any => other
case _ => null
object Feature {
val UTC: TimeZone = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "UTC")
* Maps each data type to its ordinal number
val typeOrdinals: Map[DataType, Int] = Map(
ByteType -> 0,
ShortType -> 1,
IntegerType -> 2,
LongType -> 3,
FloatType -> 4,
DoubleType -> 5,
StringType -> 6,
BooleanType -> 7,
GeometryDataType -> 8,
DateType -> 9,
TimestampType -> 10,
MapType(BinaryType, BinaryType, valueContainsNull = true) -> 11,
ArrayType(BinaryType) -> 12
* Maps each integer value to the corresponding data type
val ordinalTypes: Map[Int, DataType] = => (kv._2, kv._1))
* Writes the given data type to the given output so that it can be read back using the function [[readType()]]
* @param t the SparkSQL data type of the value to write
* @param out the output to write the type to.
def writeType(t: DataType, out: ObjectOutput): Unit = t match {
case mp: MapType =>
writeType(mp.keyType, out)
writeType(mp.valueType, out)
case ap: ArrayType =>
writeType(ap.elementType, out)
case _ => out.writeByte(typeOrdinals.getOrElse(t, -1))
* Read a data type from an input stream that was written with the function [[writeType()]]
* @param in the input stream to read from
* @return the created data type
def readType(in: ObjectInput): DataType = {
val typeOrdinal = in.readByte()
if (typeOrdinal == 11) {
// Indicates a map type
val keyType: DataType = readType(in)
val valueType: DataType = readType(in)
MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull = true)
} else if (typeOrdinal == 12) {
// Indicates an array type
val elementType: DataType = readType(in)
ArrayType(elementType, containsNull = true)
} else {
ordinalTypes.getOrElse(typeOrdinal, BinaryType)
* Writes the given value with the corresponding data type to the output stream
* @param out the output stream to write to
* @param t the data type of the given value as specified in the Row schema
def writeValue(out: ObjectOutput, value: Any, t: DataType): Unit = t match {
case ByteType => out.writeByte(value.asInstanceOf[Number].byteValue())
case ShortType => out.writeShort(value.asInstanceOf[Number].shortValue())
case IntegerType => out.writeInt(value.asInstanceOf[Number].intValue())
case LongType => out.writeLong(value.asInstanceOf[Number].longValue())
case FloatType => out.writeFloat(value.asInstanceOf[Number].floatValue())
case DoubleType => out.writeDouble(value.asInstanceOf[Number].doubleValue())
case StringType => out.writeUTF(value.asInstanceOf[String])
case BooleanType => out.writeBoolean(value.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
case GeometryDataType => new GeometryWriter().write(value.asInstanceOf[Geometry], out, true)
case mapType: MapType =>
val map = value.asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
for ((k, v) <- map) {
writeValue(out, k, mapType.keyType)
writeValue(out, v, mapType.valueType)
case _ => out.writeObject(value)
* Read a single value from an input stream according to the given data type.
* @param in the input stream to read from
* @param t the type of the attribute
* @return the attribute value read from the input stream
def readValue(in: ObjectInput, t: DataType): Any = t match {
case ByteType => in.readByte()
case ShortType => in.readShort()
case IntegerType => in.readInt()
case LongType => in.readLong()
case FloatType => in.readFloat()
case DoubleType => in.readDouble()
case StringType => in.readUTF()
case BooleanType => in.readBoolean()
case GeometryDataType => GeometryReader.DefaultInstance.parse(in)
case mt: MapType =>
val size = in.readInt()
val entries = new Array[(Any, Any)](size)
for (i <- 0 until size) {
val key = readValue(in, mt.keyType)
val value = readValue(in, mt.valueType)
entries(i) = (key, value)
case _ => in.readObject()
* Initialize the schema from the given parameters where the first field is always the geometry.
* If names and types are not null, they are simply padded
* together to create the schema. If any of the types is null, the value is used to detect the type.
* If the value is also null, the type is set to [[StringType]] by default
* @param names the list of names. Can be null and can contain nulls.
* @param types the list of types. Can be null and can contain nulls.
* @param values the list of values. Can be null and can contain nulls.
* @return
private def makeSchema(names: Array[String], types: Array[DataType], values: Array[Any]): StructType = {
val numAttributes: Int = if (names != null) names.length
else if (types != null) types.length
else if (values != null) values.length
else 0
val fields = new Array[StructField](numAttributes + 1)
fields(0) = StructField("g", GeometryDataType)
for (i <- 0 until numAttributes) {
var fieldType: DataType = null
if (types != null && types(i) != null) {
fieldType = types(i)
} else if (values != null && values(i) != null) {
fieldType = inferType(values(i))
} else if (values(i) == null) {
fieldType = NullType
} else {
fieldType = StringType
val name: String = if (names == null) null else names(i)
fields(i + 1) = StructField(name, fieldType)
protected def inferType(value: Any): DataType = value match {
case null => NullType
case _: String => StringType
case _: Integer | _: Int | _: Byte | _: Short => IntegerType
case _: java.lang.Long | _: Long => LongType
case _: java.lang.Double | _: Double | _: Float => DoubleType
case _: java.sql.Timestamp => TimestampType
case _: java.sql.Date => DateType
case _: java.lang.Boolean | _: Boolean => BooleanType
case _: Geometry => GeometryDataType
case map: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Object, Object] =>
// Detect the type of the value based on the first value
val keyType: DataType = inferType(map.keys.head)
val valueType: DataType = inferType(map.values.head)
DataTypes.createMapType(keyType, valueType)
case list: scala.collection.Seq[Object] =>
// Infer the type of the list based on the first element
DataTypes.createArrayType(if (list.isEmpty) BinaryType else inferType(list.head))
* Create an array of values that contains the given geometry.
* The list of values is not expected to include a geometry field.
* @param geometry the geometry element to include in the array of values
* @param types the list of data types. Can be null
* @param values the list of values. Can be null
* @return a list of values with the given geometry included in it
private def makeValuesArray(geometry: Geometry, types: Array[DataType], values: Array[Any]): Array[Any] = {
val numAttributes = if (types != null) types.length
else if (values != null) values.length
else 0
if (values != null && numAttributes == values.length)
geometry +: values
else {
val retVal = new Array[Any](numAttributes + 1)
retVal(0) = geometry
if (values != null)
System.arraycopy(values, 0, retVal, 1, values.length)
* Infer schema from the values. If a value is `null`, the type is inferred as [[BinaryType]]
* @param values the array of values
* @return
private def inferSchema(values: Array[Any]): StructType = StructType( => StructField(s"$$${vi._2}", detectType(vi._1))))
* Detect the data type for the given value.
* @param value A value to detect its type
* @return a detected data type for the given value.
private def detectType(value: Any): DataType = value match {
case null => BinaryType
case _: Byte => ByteType
case _: Short => ShortType
case _: Int => IntegerType
case _: Long => LongType
case _: Float => FloatType
case _: Double => DoubleType
case _: String => StringType
case x: java.math.BigDecimal => DecimalType(x.precision(), x.scale())
case _: java.sql.Date | _: java.time.LocalDate => DateType
case _: java.sql.Timestamp | _: java.time.Instant => TimestampType
case _: Array[Byte] => BinaryType
case r: Row => r.schema
case _: Geometry => GeometryDataType
case m: Map[Any, Any] =>
val keyType: DataType = if (m.isEmpty) StringType else detectType(m.head._1)
val valueType: DataType = if (m.isEmpty) StringType else detectType(m.head._2)
MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull = true)
case _ => BinaryType
* Create a [[Feature]] from the given row and the given geometry.
* If the row already contains a geometry field, it is overridden.
* If the row does not contain a geometry field, the geometry is prepended.
* If the given geometry is null, the original geometry is kept intact.
* @param row and existing row that might or might not contain a geometry
* @param geometry the new geometry to use in the created feature
* @return a [[Feature]] with the given values and geometry
def create(row: Row, geometry: Geometry): Feature =
if (row == null) {
new Feature(Array(geometry), StructType(Seq(StructField("g", GeometryDataType))))
} else {
val rowValues: Array[Any] = Row.unapplySeq(row).get.toArray
val rowSchema: StructType = if (row.schema != null) row.schema else inferSchema(rowValues)
val iGeom: Int = rowSchema.indexWhere(_.dataType == GeometryDataType)
if (iGeom == -1) {
// No geometry field, prepend it
val values: Array[Any] = geometry +: rowValues
val schema: Seq[StructField] = Seq(StructField("g", GeometryDataType)) ++ rowSchema
new Feature(values, StructType(schema))
} else {
// A geometry field already exists, replace the geometry
rowValues(iGeom) = geometry
new Feature(rowValues, rowSchema)
* Concatenates two rows together to form a feature.
* @param feature a row that contains a geometry
* @param row another row to append at the end of the feature
* @return a new feature that combines the values and schema from both
def concat(feature: IFeature, row: Row): IFeature = {
val values = Row.unapplySeq(feature).get ++ Row.unapplySeq(row).get
val schema = feature.schema ++ row.schema
new Feature(values.toArray, StructType(schema))
* Appends an additional attribute to the given feature and returns a new feature
* @param feature the feature to append to. This feature is not modified.
* @param value the value to append.
* @param name (Optional) the name of the new attribute
* @param dataType (Optional) the type of the additional attribute.
* @return a new feature that contains the geometry and all attributes of the input feature + the new attribute.
def append(feature: IFeature, value: Any, name: String = null, dataType: DataType = null): IFeature = {
// Appends a single value to an existing feature
val values: Seq[Any] = Row.unapplySeq(feature).get :+ value
val schema: Seq[StructField] = feature.schema :+ StructField(name, if (dataType != null) dataType else detectType(value))
new Feature(values.toArray, StructType(schema))
def create(geometry: Geometry, _names: Array[String], _types: Array[DataType], _values: Array[Any]): Feature =
new Feature(Feature.makeValuesArray(geometry, _types, _values), Feature.makeSchema(_names, _types, _values))
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