edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.indexing.IndexHelper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018 University of California, Riverside
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.indexing
import{JavaPartitionedSpatialRDD, JavaSpatialRDD, PartitionedSpatialRDD, SpatialRDD}
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.common.BeastOptions
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.geolite.{EnvelopeNDLite, GeometryHelper, IFeature}
import{FeatureWriter, SpatialOutputFormat, SpatialWriter}
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.synopses._
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.util.{IntArray, OperationHelper, OperationParam}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, PathFilter}
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import{JavaPairRDD, JavaRDD}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.util.TaskFailureListener
* A helper object for creating indexes and partitioning [[SpatialRDD]]s
object IndexHelper extends Logging {
/**The different ways for specifying the number of partitions*/
trait PartitionCriterion
/**The number of partitions is explicitly specified*/
case object Fixed extends PartitionCriterion
/**The number of partitions is adjusted so that each partition has a number of features*/
case object FeatureCount extends PartitionCriterion
/**The number of partitions is adjusted so that each partition has a specified size*/
case object Size extends PartitionCriterion
/**Information that is used to calculated the number of partitions*/
case class NumPartitions(pc: PartitionCriterion, value: Long)
/**The type of the global index (partitioner)*/
description = "The type of the global index",
required = false,
defaultValue = "rsgrove"
val GlobalIndex = "gindex"
/**Whether to build a disjoint index (with no overlapping partitions)*/
description = "Build a disjoint index with no overlaps between partitions",
defaultValue = "false"
val DisjointIndex = "disjoint"
/**The size of the synopsis used to summarize the input before building the index*/
description = "The size of the synopsis used to summarize the input, e.g., 1024, 10m, 1g",
defaultValue = "10m"
val SynopsisSize = "synopsissize";
/**A flag to increase the load balancing by using the histogram with the sample, if possible*/
description = "Set this option to combine the sample with a histogram for accurate load balancing",
defaultValue = "true"
val BalancedPartitioning = "balanced";
/**The criterion used to calculate the number of partitions*/
description =
"""The criterion used to compute the number of partitions. It can be one of:
- Fixed(n): Create a fixed number of partitions (n partitions)
- Size(s): Create n partitions such that each partition contains around s bytes
- Count(c): Create n partitions such that each partition contains around c records""",
defaultValue = "Size(128m)"
val PartitionCriterionThreshold = "pcriterion";
// ---- The following set of functions help in creating a partitioner from a SpatialRDD and a partitioner class
* Compute number of partitions for a partitioner given the partitioning criterion and the summary of the dataset.
* @param numPartitions the desired number of partitions
* @param summary the summary of the dataset
* @return the preferred number of partitions
def computeNumberOfPartitions(numPartitions: NumPartitions, summary: Summary): Int = numPartitions.pc match {
case Fixed => numPartitions.value.toInt
case FeatureCount => Math.ceil(summary.numFeatures.toDouble / numPartitions.value).toInt
case Size => Math.ceil(summary.size.toDouble / numPartitions.value).toInt
* (Java shortcut to)
* Compute number of partitions for a partitioner given the partitioning criterion and the summary of the dataset.
* @param pcriterion the criterion used to define the number of partitions
* @param value the value associated with the criterion
* @param summary the summary of the dataset
* @return the preferred number of partitions
def computeNumberOfPartitions(pcriterion: String, value: Long, summary: Summary): Int = {
val pc: PartitionCriterion = pcriterion.toLowerCase match {
case "fixed" => Fixed
case "count" => FeatureCount
case "size" => Size
computeNumberOfPartitions(NumPartitions(pc, value), summary)
* Constructs a spatial partitioner for the given features. Returns an instance of the spatial partitioner class
* that is given which is initialized based on the given features.
* @param features the features to create the partitioner on
* @param partitionerClass the class of the partitioner to construct
* @param numPartitions the desired number of partitions (this is just a loose hint not a strict number)
* @param sizeFunction a function that calculates the size of each feature for load balancing. Only needed if
* the partition criterion is specified through partition size [[Size]]
* @return a constructed spatial partitioner
def createPartitioner(features: SpatialRDD,
partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
numPartitions: NumPartitions,
sizeFunction: IFeature=>Int,
opts: BeastOptions
): SpatialPartitioner = {
// The size of the synopsis (summary) that will be created
val synopsisSize = opts.getSizeAsBytes(SynopsisSize, "10m")
// Whether to generate a disjoint index (if supported)
val disjoint = opts.getBoolean(DisjointIndex, false)
// Whether to generate a highly-balanced partitioning using a histogram (if supported)
val balanced = opts.getBoolean(BalancedPartitioning, true)
// Calculate the summary
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
val (histogram, sampleCoordinates, summary) =
summarizeDataset(features.filter(f => f.getGeometry != null && !f.getGeometry.isEmpty),
partitionerClass, synopsisSize, sizeFunction, balanced)
val t2 = System.nanoTime
// Now that the input set has been summarized, we can create the partitioner
val numCells: Int = computeNumberOfPartitions(numPartitions, summary)
if (numCells == 1) {
logInfo("Input too small. Creating a cell partitioner with one cell")
// Create a cell partitioner that contains one cell that represents the entire input
val universe = new EnvelopeNDLite(summary)
new CellPartitioner(universe)
// Notice that it might be possible to avoid computing the histogram and sample. However, it is not worth it
// since this case happens only for small datasets
} else {
val spatialPartitioner: SpatialPartitioner = partitionerClass.newInstance
spatialPartitioner.setup(opts, disjoint)
val pMetadata = spatialPartitioner.getMetadata
if (disjoint && !pMetadata.disjointSupported)
throw new RuntimeException("Partitioner " + partitionerClass + " does not support disjoint partitioning")
// Construct the partitioner
val nump: Int = computeNumberOfPartitions(numPartitions, summary)
spatialPartitioner.construct(summary, sampleCoordinates, histogram, nump)
val t3 = System.nanoTime
logInfo(f"Synopses created in ${(t2 - t1) * 1E-9}%f seconds and partitioner '${partitionerClass.getSimpleName}' " +
f" constructed in ${(t3 - t2) * 1E-9}%f seconds")
* (Java shortcut to)
* Constructs a spatial partitioner for the given features. Returns an instance of the spatial partitioner class
* that is given which is initialized based on the given features.
* @param features the features to create the partitioner on
* @param partitionerClass the class of the partitioner to construct
* @param pcriterion the partition criterion {fixed, count, size}
* @param pvalue the value of partition criterion
* @param sizeFunction a function that calculates the size of each feature for load balancing. Only needed if
* the partition criterion is specified through partition size [[Size]]
* @return a constructed spatial partitioner
def createPartitioner(features: JavaSpatialRDD,
partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
pcriterion: String,
pvalue: Long,
sizeFunction:[IFeature, Int] = {_.getStorageSize},
opts: BeastOptions
): SpatialPartitioner = {
require(sizeFunction != null, "Size function cannot be null. You can use {IFeature::getStorageSize} as a default.")
val pc = pcriterion match {
case "fixed" => Fixed
case "count" => FeatureCount
case "size" => Size
createPartitioner(features.rdd, partitionerClass, NumPartitions(pc, pvalue), f =>, opts)
* Compute up-to three summaries as supported by the partitioner.
* [[HistogramOP]].Sparse method since the histogram size is usually large.
* @param features the features to summarize
* @param partitionerClass the partitioner class to compute the summaries for
* @param summarySize the total summary size (combined size for sample and histogram)
* @param sizeFunction the function the calculates the size of each feature (if size is needed)
* @param balancedPartitioning set to true if balanced partitioning is desired
* @return the three computed summaries with nulls for non-computed ones
private[beast] def summarizeDataset(features: SpatialRDD, partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
summarySize: Long, sizeFunction: IFeature=>Int, balancedPartitioning: Boolean)
: (UniformHistogram, Array[Array[Double]], Summary) = {
// The summary is always computed
var summary: Summary = null
var sampleCoordinates: Array[Array[Double]] = null
var histogram: UniformHistogram = null
// Retrieve the construct method to determine the required parameters
val constructMethod = partitionerClass.getMethod("construct", classOf[Summary],
classOf[Array[Array[Double]]], classOf[AbstractHistogram], classOf[Int])
val parameterAnnotations = constructMethod.getParameterAnnotations
// Determine whether the sample or the histogram (or both) are needed to construct the partitioner
val sampleNeeded = parameterAnnotations(1).exists(p => p.isInstanceOf[SpatialPartitioner.Required] ||
val histogramNeeded = parameterAnnotations(2).exists(p => p.isInstanceOf[SpatialPartitioner.Required]) ||
(balancedPartitioning && parameterAnnotations(2).exists(p => p.isInstanceOf[SpatialPartitioner.Preferred]))
// If both sample and histogram are required, reduce the size of the synopsis size to accommodate both
val synopsisSize = if (sampleNeeded && histogramNeeded) summarySize / 2 else summarySize
if (!sampleNeeded && !histogramNeeded) {
// Compute the summary directly
summary = Summary.computeForFeatures(features, sizeFunction)
} else if (sampleNeeded) {
// Read sample and compute summary using accumulator
// We use a number of dimensions of two since we did not calculate the summary yet
val numDimensions = 2
val sampleSize = (synopsisSize / (8 * numDimensions)).toInt
val acc = Summary.createSummaryAccumulator(features.sparkContext, sizeFunction)
sampleCoordinates = PointSampler.pointSample( => {acc.add(f); f}), sampleSize, 0.01)
summary = new Summary(acc.value)
if (sampleCoordinates == null || sampleCoordinates.isEmpty ||
(sampleCoordinates(0).length < sampleSize && sampleCoordinates(0).length < summary.numFeatures)) {
// Fall safe for the case where the input size is very small. Mostly used in testing.
sampleCoordinates = PointSampler.pointSample( => {acc.add(f); f}), sampleSize, 1.0)
if (histogramNeeded) {
// Compute histogram given the summary
val numBuckets = (synopsisSize / 8).toInt
histogram = HistogramOP.computePointHistogramSparse(features, sizeFunction, summary, numBuckets)
(histogram, sampleCoordinates, summary)
* Parse the partition criterion and value in the form "method(value)"
* @param criterionValue a user-given string in the form "method(value)"
* @return the parsed partition criterion and value
def parsePartitionCriterion(criterionValue: String): NumPartitions = {
val pCriterionRegexp = raw"(fixed|count|size)+\((\w+)\)".r
criterionValue.toLowerCase match {
case pCriterionRegexp(method, value) => {
val pc = method match {
case "fixed" => Fixed
case "count" => FeatureCount
case "size" => Size
val pvalue: Long = StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix.string2long(value)
NumPartitions(pc, pvalue)
// ---- The following set of functions partition and RDD to generate a partitioned RDD using a partitioner instance
* :: DeveloperApi :: Assigns each record to one or more partitions based on the given partitioner.
* NOTE: This method does NOT partition the records; it just assigns each record to the overlapping partitions ID(s).
* Each record stays in its own RDD partition.
* @param features the set of features to assign to partitions
* @param spatialPartitioner the partitioner to use to assign features to partitions
* @return a new RDD where each feature is assigned to all overlapping partitions
@DeveloperApi def _assignFeaturesToPartitions(features: SpatialRDD, spatialPartitioner: SpatialPartitioner): RDD[(Int, IFeature)] = {
val featuresToPartitions: SpatialRDD = runDuplicateAvoidance(features)
val mbr: EnvelopeNDLite = new EnvelopeNDLite(spatialPartitioner.getCoordinateDimension)
if (!spatialPartitioner.isDisjoint) {
// Non disjoint partitioners are easy as each feature is assigned to exactly one partition => {
(spatialPartitioner.overlapPartition(mbr.merge(f.getGeometry)), f)
} else {
// Disjoint partitioners need us to create a list of partition IDs for each record
featuresToPartitions.flatMap(f => {
val matchedPartitions = new IntArray
spatialPartitioner.overlapPartitions(mbr, matchedPartitions)
val resultingPairs = Array.ofDim[(Int, IFeature)](matchedPartitions.size())
for (i <- 0 until matchedPartitions.size())
resultingPairs(i) = (matchedPartitions.get(i), f)
* Partitions the given features using an already initialized [[SpatialPartitioner]].
* @param features the features to partition
* @param spatialPartitioner the spatial partitioner to partition the features with
* @return an RDD of (partition number, IFeature)
* @deprecated Use [[partitionFeatures2]] instead
def partitionFeatures(features: SpatialRDD, spatialPartitioner: SpatialPartitioner): PartitionedSpatialRDD = {
val partitionIDFeaturePairs = _assignFeaturesToPartitions(features, spatialPartitioner)
// Enforce the partitioner to shuffle records by partition ID
* Partitions the given features using an already initialized [[SpatialPartitioner]]
* @param features the features to partition
* @param spatialPartitioner the spatial partition to use.
* @return a [[SpatialRDD]] that is partitioned
def partitionFeatures2(features: SpatialRDD, spatialPartitioner: SpatialPartitioner): SpatialRDD = {
_assignFeaturesToPartitions(features, spatialPartitioner)
.mapPartitions(, preservesPartitioning = true)
* Run the duplicate avoidance technique on the given set of features if it is spatially partitioned
* using a disjoint partitioner. Otherwise, the input set is returned as-is.
* @param features the set of features to remove the duplicates from.
* @return a set of features with all duplicates removed.
private[beast] def runDuplicateAvoidance(features: SpatialRDD): SpatialRDD = {
val partitioner = features.partitioner
if (partitioner.isEmpty || !partitioner.get.isInstanceOf[SpatialPartitioner])
return features
val spatialPartitioner = partitioner.get.asInstanceOf[SpatialPartitioner]
if (!spatialPartitioner.isDisjoint)
return features
features.mapPartitionsWithIndex((partitionID, features) => {
val referenceMBR = spatialPartitioner.getPartitionMBR(partitionID)
val geometryMBR: EnvelopeNDLite = new EnvelopeNDLite(referenceMBR.getCoordinateDimension)
val referencePoint: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](referenceMBR.getCoordinateDimension)
features.filter(f => {
for (d <- 0 until geometryMBR.getCoordinateDimension)
referencePoint(d) = geometryMBR.getMinCoord(d)
}, preservesPartitioning = true)
* Partition features using an already initialized [[SpatialPartitioner]] from Java
* @param features the set of features to partition
* @param partitioner an already initialized partitioner
* @return a JavaPairRDD where the key represents the partition number and the value is the feature.
* @deprecated use [[partitionFeatures2(JavaRDD[IFeature], SpatialPartitioner)]]
@deprecated("Use partitionFeatures2", "0.9.2")
def partitionFeatures(features: JavaSpatialRDD, partitioner: SpatialPartitioner): JavaPairRDD[Integer, IFeature] = {
val pairs: RDD[(Integer, IFeature)] = IndexHelper
._assignFeaturesToPartitions(features.rdd, partitioner)
.map(kv => (kv._1, kv._2))
* Partitions a JavaSpatialRDD using the given spatial partitioner and returns a new partitioned RDD.
* If the given partitioner is configured to be disjoint, the returned RDD might contain some replication.
* @param features the set of features to partition
* @param partitioner the partitioner to use to partition the features
* @return the partitioned RDD
def partitionFeatures2(features: JavaSpatialRDD, partitioner: SpatialPartitioner): JavaSpatialRDD =
JavaRDD.fromRDD(partitionFeatures2(features.rdd, partitioner))
// ---- The following set of functions partition a SpatialRDD given a partitioner class
* Partitions the given features using a partitioner of the given type. This method first initializes the partitioner
* and then uses this initialized partitioner to partition the data.
* @param features the RDD of features to partition
* @param partitionerClass the partitioner class to use for partitioning
* @param opts any user options to use while creating the partitioner
* @deprecated use [[partitionFeatures2]]
@deprecated("Use partitionFeatures2", "0.9.2")
def partitionFeatures(features: SpatialRDD, partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
sizeFunction: IFeature=>Int, opts: BeastOptions): PartitionedSpatialRDD = {
val pInfo = parsePartitionCriterion(opts.getString(IndexHelper.PartitionCriterionThreshold, "Size(128m)"))
val spatialPartitioner = createPartitioner(features, partitionerClass, pInfo, sizeFunction, opts)
partitionFeatures(features, spatialPartitioner)
* Partitions the given features using a partitioner of the given type. This method first initializes the partitioner
* and then uses this initialized partitioner to partition the data.
* @param features the set of features to spatially partition
* @param partitionerClass the type of the spatial partition
* @param sizeFunction the function used to computed the size
* @param opts additional options
* @return the same set of input features after they are partitioned.
def partitionFeatures2(features: SpatialRDD, partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
sizeFunction: IFeature=>Int, opts: BeastOptions): SpatialRDD = {
val pInfo = parsePartitionCriterion(opts.getString(IndexHelper.PartitionCriterionThreshold, "Size(128m)"))
val spatialPartitioner = createPartitioner(features, partitionerClass, pInfo, sizeFunction, opts)
partitionFeatures2(features, spatialPartitioner)
* (Java shortcut to)
* Partitions the given features using a partitioner of the given type. This method first initializes the partitioner
* and then uses this initialized partitioner to partition the data.
* @param features the RDD of features to partition
* @param partitionerClass the partitioner class to use for partitioning
* @param opts any user options to use while creating the partitioner
* @deprecated use [[partitionFeatures2]]
@deprecated("Use partitionFeatures2", "0.9.2")
def partitionFeatures(features: JavaSpatialRDD, partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
sizeFunction:[IFeature, Int], opts: BeastOptions)
: JavaPartitionedSpatialRDD = {
val pInfo = parsePartitionCriterion(opts.getString(IndexHelper.PartitionCriterionThreshold, "Size(128m)"))
val spatialPartitioner = createPartitioner(features.rdd, partitionerClass, pInfo, f =>, opts)
partitionFeatures(features, spatialPartitioner)
* (Java shortcut) Partition features based on the given partitioner class.
* @param features a set of features
* @param partitionerClass the class of the partitioner
* @param sizeFunction the function that estimates the size of each record
* @param opts additional options
* @return a new RDD where the features are partitioned based on the given partitioner class
def partitionFeatures2(features: JavaSpatialRDD, partitionerClass: Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner],
sizeFunction:[IFeature, Int],
opts: BeastOptions) : JavaSpatialRDD =
JavaRDD.fromRDD(partitionFeatures2(features.rdd, partitionerClass, { f => }, opts))
// ---- The following functions provides access to the set of configured partitioners
/** A table of all the partitioners available */
lazy val partitioners: Map[String, Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner]] = {
val ps: scala.collection.mutable.TreeMap[String, Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner]] =
new scala.collection.mutable.TreeMap[String, Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner]]()
val partitionerClasses: java.util.List[String] = OperationHelper.readConfigurationXML("beast.xml").get("SpatialPartitioners")
val partitionerClassesIterator = partitionerClasses.iterator()
while (partitionerClassesIterator.hasNext) {
val partitionerClassName =
try {
val partitionerClass = Class.forName(partitionerClassName).asSubclass(classOf[SpatialPartitioner])
val metadata = partitionerClass.getAnnotation(classOf[SpatialPartitioner.Metadata])
if (metadata == null)
logWarning(s"Skipping partitioner '${partitionerClass.getName}' without a valid Metadata annotation")
ps.put(metadata.extension, partitionerClass)
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException =>
import scala.collection.convert.ImplicitConversionsToJava._
* (Java shortcut to) Return the set of partitioners defined in the configuration files.
def getPartitioners: java.util.Map[String, Class[_ <: SpatialPartitioner]] = partitioners
* (Java shortcut to) Save a partitioner dataset as a global index file to disk
* @param partitionedFeatures features that are already partitioned using a spatial partitioner
* @param path path to the output file to be written
* @param opts any additional user options
* @deprecated Use [[saveIndex2(RDD[IFeature], String, BeastOptions)]]
@deprecated("Use saveIndex2", "0.9.2")
def saveIndex(partitionedFeatures: JavaPartitionedSpatialRDD, path: String, opts: BeastOptions): Unit =
saveIndex2(partitionedFeatures.rdd.mapPartitions(, true), path, opts)
* Save a partitioner dataset as a global index file to disk
* @param partitionedFeatures features that are already partitioned using a spatial partitioner
* @param path path to the output file to be written
* @param opts any additional user options
* @deprecated Use [[saveIndex2(RDD[IFeature], String, BeastOptions)]]
@deprecated("Use saveIndex2", "0.9.2")
def saveIndex(partitionedFeatures: PartitionedSpatialRDD, path: String, opts: BeastOptions): Unit =
saveIndex2(partitionedFeatures.mapPartitions(, true), path, opts)
* Java shortcut to save partitioned data as index. See [[saveIndex2]]
* @param partitionFeatures a set of spatially partitioned features
* @param path the path to write the index to
* @param opts additional options for writing the output such as file output format for each partition
def saveIndex2J(partitionFeatures: JavaSpatialRDD, path: String, opts: BeastOptions): Unit =
saveIndex2(partitionFeatures.rdd, path, opts)
* Saves a partitioned RDD to disk. Each partition is stored to a separate file and an additional master file
* that stores the partition information.
* @param partitionFeatures a set of partitioned features
* @param path the path to store the files
* @param opts additional options for storing the data
def saveIndex2(partitionFeatures: SpatialRDD, path: String, opts: BeastOptions): Unit = {
require(partitionFeatures.partitioner.isDefined, "Input should be partitioned")
"Input should be spatially partitioned")
val out: Path = new Path(path)
val filesystem: FileSystem = out.getFileSystem(opts.loadIntoHadoopConf())
if (opts.getBoolean(SpatialWriter.OverwriteOutput, false)) {
if (filesystem.exists(out))
filesystem.delete(out, true)
val partitioner = partitionFeatures.partitioner.get.asInstanceOf[SpatialPartitioner]
val writerClass: Class[_ <: FeatureWriter] =
// Run a job that writes each partition to a separate file and returns its metadata
val partitionInfo: Array[(Int, String, Summary)] = partitionFeatures.sparkContext.runJob(partitionFeatures,
(context, features: Iterator[IFeature]) => {
if (features.hasNext) {
// Get writer metadata to determine the extension of the output file
val metadata: FeatureWriter.Metadata = writerClass.getAnnotation(classOf[FeatureWriter.Metadata])
// Create a temporary directory for this task output
val tempDir: Path = new Path(new Path(path), f"temp-${context.taskAttemptId()}")
val fileSystem = tempDir.getFileSystem(opts.loadIntoHadoopConf())
context.addTaskFailureListener(new TaskFailureListener() {
override def onTaskFailure(context: TaskContext, error: Throwable): Unit = {
if (fileSystem.exists(tempDir))
fileSystem.delete(tempDir, true)
val partitionId: Int = context.partitionId()
// The minimum bounding box of the partition based on the partitioner
val partitionMBB: EnvelopeNDLite = partitioner.getPartitionMBR(partitionId)
// The minimum bounding box of all the data stored in this partition
// Initialize the feature writer
val partitionFileName: String = f"part-${partitionId}%05d${metadata.extension()}"
val partitionFile: Path = new Path(tempDir, partitionFileName)
val featureWriter = writerClass.newInstance()
featureWriter.initialize(partitionFile, opts.loadIntoHadoopConf())
val summary = new Summary
for (feature <- features) {
if (partitioner.isDisjoint)
// Get file size
summary.size = fileSystem.getFileStatus(partitionFile).getLen
(partitionId, partitionFile.toString, summary)
} else {
// Move all files to the output directory and write the master file
val masterFilePath = new Path(out, "_master."+partitioner.getMetadata.extension())
val masterFileOut = new PrintStream(filesystem.create(masterFilePath))
printMasterFileHeader(partitioner.getCoordinateDimension, masterFileOut)
for ((partitionId, filename, summary) <- partitionInfo.filter(_ != null)) {
val partitionPath = new Path(filename)
// Move the file to the output directory
filesystem.rename(partitionPath, new Path(out, partitionPath.getName))
masterFileOut.print(getPartitionAsText(partitionId, partitionPath.getName, summary))
// Clean up temporary output directory
filesystem.listStatus(out, new PathFilter {
override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = path.getName.startsWith("temp-")
}).foreach(f => filesystem.delete(f.getPath, true))
* Convert a partition to text in a format that will appear in the master file
* @param id the ID of the partition
* @param filename the name of the file
* @param partition other partition information
* @return the created text
def getPartitionAsText(id: Int, filename: String, partition: Summary): java.lang.StringBuilder = {
val partitionText = new java.lang.StringBuilder
for (d <- 0 until partition.getCoordinateDimension) {
if (partition.getCoordinateDimension == 2) partition.toWKT(partitionText)
for (d <- 0 until partition.getCoordinateDimension) {
for (d <- 0 until partition.getCoordinateDimension) { // Avoid appending a tab separator after the last coordinate
if (d != 0) partitionText.append('\t')
* Writes the header of the master file
* @param numDimensions number of dimensions
* @param out the print stream to write to
def printMasterFileHeader(numDimensions: Int, out: PrintStream): Unit = {
out.print("File Name")
out.print("Record Count")
out.print("NonEmpty Count")
out.print("Data Size")
val numLetters = GeometryHelper.DimensionNames.length
for (d <- 0 until numDimensions) {
if (d < numLetters) out.print(GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d))
else out.print(GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d / numLetters - 1) + "" + GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d % numLetters))
for (d <- 0 until numDimensions) {
if (d < numLetters) out.print(GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d))
else out.print(GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d / numLetters - 1) + "" + GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d % numLetters))
for (d <- 0 until numDimensions) {
if (d < numLetters) out.print(GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d))
else out.print(GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d / numLetters - 1) + "" + GeometryHelper.DimensionNames(d % numLetters))
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