Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2022 University of California, Riverside
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.geolite.EnvelopeNDLite
import{MaxSplitSize, MinSplitSize, SpatialFilePartition}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, Path}
import{CompressionCodecFactory, SplittableCompressionCodec}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* A class that iterates over all files that match a set of extensions.
* This class lazily returns the matching paths which helps when only one file is needed and the input path
* contains thousands of matching files.
* @param fileSystem the file system that contains all the given files
* @param files the list of files or directories to start the search on
* @param extensions (optional) list of extensions to limit the search. Each one contains the dot, e.g., ".zip"
* @param recursive recursively go into subdirectories in the search. Default: false
* @param skipHidden skip hidden files that begin with "." or "_". Default: true
* @param useMaster in directories with a master file, use it to list the files instead of using the file system
* @param splitFiles a function that tells whether a file should be split or not
class SpatialFilePartitioner(fileSystem: FileSystem, files: Iterator[Path],
extensions: Array[String] = null,
recursive: Boolean = false,
skipHidden: Boolean = true,
useMaster: Boolean = true,
splitFiles: FileStatus => Boolean = SpatialFilePartitioner.splitCompressed)
extends Iterator[SpatialFilePartition2] with Logging {
/** The list of paths that should be searched next */
private val pathsToSearch = new ArrayBuffer[FileStatus]()
for (file <- files)
/** Partitions that have been created but not returned yet */
private val partitions = new ArrayBuffer[SpatialFilePartition2]()
/** A filter that is used to determine which paths to consider based on user preferences */
private lazy val filter: FileStatus => Boolean = {
var subFilters = Array[FileStatus => Boolean]()
if (extensions != null) {
val lowerCaseExtensions =
val extensionFilter: FileStatus => Boolean = fileStatus => {
if (fileStatus.isDirectory)
true // Extensions are only applied to files not directories
else {
val name = fileStatus.getPath.getName.toLowerCase
lowerCaseExtensions.indexWhere(ext => name.endsWith(ext)) != -1
subFilters = subFilters :+ extensionFilter
if (skipHidden) {
val hiddenFilter: FileStatus => Boolean = fileStatus => {
val name = fileStatus.getPath.getName
// Hidden filter applies to directories and files
!(name.startsWith("_") || name.startsWith("."))
subFilters = subFilters :+ hiddenFilter
val combinedFilter: FileStatus => Boolean = path => subFilters.forall(filter => filter(path))
/** Number of partitions that have been created so far */
private var numPartitionsCreated: Int = 0
/** The record that will be returned next */
private var nextRecord: SpatialFilePartition2 = prefetchNext
private def prefetchNext: SpatialFilePartition2 = {
while (partitions.nonEmpty || pathsToSearch.nonEmpty) {
if (partitions.nonEmpty)
return partitions.remove(partitions.length - 1)
val pathToSearch = pathsToSearch.remove(pathsToSearch.size - 1)
if (pathToSearch.isFile) {
// A file, apply any user-provided filters before returning
if (filter(pathToSearch)) {
val locations = fileSystem.getFileBlockLocations(pathToSearch, 0, pathToSearch.getLen)
val filePartition = SpatialFilePartition2(0, pathToSearch.getPath.toString,
0, pathToSearch.getLen, locations, -1, -1, null, null)
// Split the file if needed
addFilePartitions(filePartition, partitions)
} else if (pathToSearch.isDirectory) {
// A directory, return all files inside it while applying the filter
var contents = fileSystem.listStatus(pathToSearch.getPath)
val iMaster = if (!useMaster) -1 else contents.indexWhere(f => f.getPath.getName.startsWith("_master"))
if (iMaster != -1) {
// Override the contents based on the master file and ignore the user-provided filter
val masterReader = new CSVReaderLite(, '\t')
try {
val masterFilePartitions = => {
val path = new Path(pathToSearch.getPath, row.getAs[String]("File Name"))
// Use the file length from the master file to override the split length
val length = row.getAs[String]("Data Size").trim.toLong
val firstDimension = row.fieldIndex("Geometry") + 1
val lastDimension = row.length - 1
val numDimensions = (lastDimension - firstDimension + 1) / 2
val minCoord = new Array[Double](numDimensions)
val maxCoord = new Array[Double](numDimensions)
for (d <- 0 until numDimensions) {
minCoord(d) = row.getAs[String](firstDimension + d).trim.toDouble
maxCoord(d) = row.getAs[String](firstDimension + numDimensions + d).trim.toDouble
val mbr = new EnvelopeNDLite(minCoord, maxCoord)
val numRecords = row.getAs[String]("Record Count").trim.toLong
val locations = fileSystem.getFileBlockLocations(path, 0, length)
SpatialFilePartition2(0, path.toString, 0, length, locations, numRecords, -1, null, mbr)
for (masterFilePartition <- masterFilePartitions)
addFilePartitions(masterFilePartition, partitions)
} finally {
} else {
contents = contents.filter(status => filter(status))
for (content <- contents) {
if (recursive || !content.isDirectory)
} else {
logWarning(s"Do not know how to handle $pathToSearch")
// No more paths to search. Return null to mark end of iterator
override def hasNext: Boolean = nextRecord != null
override def next(): SpatialFilePartition2 = {
val currentRecord = nextRecord
nextRecord = prefetchNext
def addFilePartitions(file: SpatialFilePartition2, partitions: ArrayBuffer[SpatialFilePartition2]): Unit = {
val fileStatus = fileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(file.filePath))
if (!splitFiles(fileStatus)) {
file.index = numPartitionsCreated
numPartitionsCreated += 1
} else {
// Split files
val splitSize = {
val minSize = fileSystem.getConf.getLong(MinSplitSize, 1)
val maxSize = fileSystem.getConf.getLong(MaxSplitSize, Long.MaxValue)
Math.max(minSize, Math.min(maxSize, fileStatus.getBlockSize))
val blkLocations = fileSystem.getFileBlockLocations(fileStatus, file.offset, file.length)
var partitionStart = file.offset
val fileEnd = file.end
val SPLIT_SLOP = 1.1 // 10% slop
while (partitionStart < fileEnd) {
val blkIndex = blkLocations.find(bl => partitionStart >= bl.getOffset && partitionStart < bl.getOffset + bl.getLength)
assert(blkIndex.isDefined, s"No locations found for block at offset $partitionStart")
val partitionEnd = if ((fileEnd - partitionStart).toDouble / splitSize > SPLIT_SLOP)
partitionStart + splitSize
val partitionID = numPartitionsCreated
val spatialPartition = SpatialFilePartition2(partitionID, file.filePath, partitionStart,
partitionEnd - partitionStart, blkIndex.get.getHosts, file.numFeatures, file.numPoints, file.avgSideLength, file.mbr)
numPartitionsCreated += 1
partitionStart = partitionEnd
object SpatialFilePartitioner {
/** The configuration entry for the minimum split size */
val MinSplitSize: String = FileInputFormat.SPLIT_MINSIZE
/** The configuration entry for the maximum split size */
val MaxSplitSize: String = FileInputFormat.SPLIT_MAXSIZE
lazy val codecFactory: CompressionCodecFactory = new CompressionCodecFactory(new Configuration())
* A splitter that splits non-compressed files and block-compressed files.
* @return
def splitCompressed: FileStatus => Boolean = fileStatus => codecFactory.getCodec(fileStatus.getPath) match {
case null | _: SplittableCompressionCodec => true
case _ => false
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