edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.indexing.RStarTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018 University of California, Riverside
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.indexing;
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.geolite.EnvelopeNDLite;
import edu.ucr.cs.bdlab.beast.util.IntArray;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.IndexedSortable;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.QuickSort;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
* An R*-tree implementation based on the design in the following paper.
* Norbert Beckmann, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger:
* The R*-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles.
* SIGMOD Conference 1990: 322-331
public class RStarTree extends RTreeGuttman {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RStarTree.class);
/**Number of entries to delete and reinsert if a forced re-insert is needed*/
protected int p;
/**A flag set to true while a reinserting is in action to avoid cascade reinsertions*/
protected boolean reinserting;
public RStarTree(int minCapacity, int maxCapcity) {
super(minCapacity, maxCapcity);
p = maxCapcity * 3 / 10;
* Tests if the MBR of a node fully contains an object
* @param node the ID of the node
* @param object the ID of the object
* @return {@code true} if the object is contained in the node boundary
protected boolean Node_contains(int node, int object) {
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
if (minCoord[d][object] < minCoord[d][node] || maxCoord[d][object] > maxCoord[d][node])
return false;
return true;
* Compute the enlargement of the overlap of two nodes if an object is added to the first node.
* In other words, it computes Volume((T U O) ^ J) - Volume(T ^ J),
* where T and J are the first and second noes, respectively, and O is the object
* to be added to T.
* @param nodeT the ID of the node T
* @param object the ID of the object
* @param nodeJ the ID of the node J
* @return the overlap volume enlargement
protected double Node_overlapVolumeEnlargement(int nodeT, int object, int nodeJ) {
double volTJ = 1.0; // Volume (T ^ J)
double volTOJ = 1.0; // Volume ((T U O) ^ J)
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
double lengthTJ = Math.min(maxCoord[d][nodeJ], maxCoord[d][nodeT]) -
Math.max(minCoord[d][nodeJ], minCoord[d][nodeT]);
double lengthTOJ = Math.min(Math.max(maxCoord[d][nodeT], maxCoord[d][object]), maxCoord[d][nodeJ]) -
Math.max(Math.min(minCoord[d][nodeT], minCoord[d][object]), minCoord[d][nodeJ]);
volTJ *= Math.max(0.0, lengthTJ);
volTOJ *= Math.max(0.0, lengthTOJ);
return volTOJ - volTJ;
protected int chooseSubtree(final int entry, int node) {
assert !isLeaf.get(node);
// If the child pointers in N do not point to leaves,
// determine the minimum area cost (as in regular R-tree)
if (!isLeaf.get(children.get(node).peek()))
return super.chooseSubtree(entry, node);
// If the child pointers in N point ot leaves, determine the minimum
// overlap cost
int bestChild = -1;
double minVolume = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final IntArray nodeChildren = children.get(node);
// If there are any nodes that completely covers the entry, choose the one
// with the least area
for (int child : nodeChildren) {
if (Node_contains(child, entry)) {
double volume = Node_volume(child);
if (volume < minVolume) {
bestChild = child;
minVolume = volume;
// Found a zero-enlargement child with least volume
if (bestChild != -1)
return bestChild;
// From this point on, we know that ALL children have to be expanded
// Sort the children by their increasing order of area enlargements so that
// we can reduce the processing by considering the first P=32 children
final double[] volumeEnlargements = new double[nodeChildren.size()];
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < nodeChildren.size(); iChild++)
volumeEnlargements[iChild] = Node_volumeExpansion(nodeChildren.get(iChild), entry);
IndexedSortable volEnlargementsSortable = new IndexedSortable() {
public int compare(int i, int j) {
double diff = volumeEnlargements[i] - volumeEnlargements[j];
if (diff < 0) return -1;
if (diff > 0) return 1;
return 0;
public void swap(int i, int j) {
nodeChildren.swap(i, j);
double temp = volumeEnlargements[i];
volumeEnlargements[i] = volumeEnlargements[j];
volumeEnlargements[j] = temp;
new QuickSort().sort(volEnlargementsSortable, 0, nodeChildren.size());
// Choose the entry N whose rectangle needs least overlap enlargement
// to include the new data rectangle.
double minOverlapEnlargement = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double minVolumeEnlargement = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// For efficiency, only consider the first 32 children in the sorted order
// of volume expansion
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < Math.min(32, nodeChildren.size()); iChild++) {
int child = nodeChildren.get(iChild);
double ovlpEnlargement = 0.0;
double volumeEnlargement = volumeEnlargements[iChild];
// If the MBB of the node expands, there could be some enlargement
for (int child2 : nodeChildren) {
if (child != child2) {
// Add the overlap and volume enlargements of this pair
ovlpEnlargement += Node_overlapVolumeEnlargement(child, entry, child2);
if (ovlpEnlargement < minOverlapEnlargement) {
// Choose the entry whose rectangle needs least overlap enlargement to
// include the new data rectangle
bestChild = child;
minOverlapEnlargement = ovlpEnlargement;
minVolumeEnlargement = volumeEnlargement;
} else if (ovlpEnlargement == minOverlapEnlargement) {
// Resolve ties by choosing the entry whose rectangle needs least area enlargement
if (volumeEnlargement < minVolumeEnlargement) {
minVolumeEnlargement = volumeEnlargement;
bestChild = child;
} else if (volumeEnlargement == minVolumeEnlargement) {
// then the entry with rectangle of smallest area
if (Node_volume(child) < Node_volume(bestChild))
bestChild = child;
assert bestChild != -1;
return bestChild;
* Treats a node that ran out of space by either forced reinsert of some entries or splitting.
* @param iLeafNode the leaf node that overflew
* @return the index of the newly created node if the overflow is treated by splitting. Otherwise, -1
protected int overflowTreatment(int iLeafNode) {
if (iLeafNode != root && !reinserting) {
// If the level is not the root level and this is the first call of
// overflowTreatment in the given level during the insertion of one entry
// invoke reInsert
// Return -1 which indicates no split happened.
// Although we call insert recursively which might result in another split,
// even in the same node, the recursive call will handle its split correctly
// As long as the ID of the given node and the path to the root do not
// change, this method should work fine.
return -1;
} else {
return split(iLeafNode, minCapacity);
* Delete and reinsert p elements from the given overflowing leaf node.
* Described in Beckmann et al'90 Page 327
* @param node the ID of the node
protected void reInsert(int node) {
reinserting = true;
final IntArray nodeChildren = children.get(node);
// Remove the last element (the one that caused the expansion)
int overflowEelement = nodeChildren.pop();
// RI1 For all M+1 entries of a node N, compute the distance between
// the centers of their rectangles and the center of the MBR of N
final double[] distances = new double[nodeChildren.size()];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
double nodeCenter = (minCoord[d][node] + maxCoord[d][node]) / 2.0;
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < nodeChildren.size(); iChild++) {
int child = nodeChildren.get(iChild);
double childCenter = (minCoord[d][child] + maxCoord[d][child]) / 2.0;
distances[iChild] += (childCenter - nodeCenter) * (childCenter - nodeCenter);
// RI2 Sort the entries in decreasing order of their distances
// Eldawy: We choose to sort them by increasing order and removing the
// the last p entries because removing the last elements from an array
// is simpler
IndexedSortable distanceSortable = new IndexedSortable() {
public int compare(int i, int j) {
double diff = distances[i] - distances[j];
if (diff > 0) return -1;
if (diff < 0) return 1;
return 0;
public void swap(int i, int j) {
nodeChildren.swap(i, j);
double temp = distances[i];
distances[i] = distances[j];
distances[j] = temp;
new QuickSort().sort(distanceSortable, 0, nodeChildren.size());
// RI3 Remove the first p entries from N and adjust the MBR of N
// Eldawy: We chose to sort them by (increasing) distance and remove
// the last p elements since deletion from the tail of the list is faster
IntArray entriesToReInsert = new IntArray();
entriesToReInsert.append(nodeChildren, nodeChildren.size() - p, p);
nodeChildren.resize(nodeChildren.size() - p);
// RI4: In the sort, defined in RI2, starting with the minimum distance
// (=close reinsert), invoke Insert to reinsert the entries
for (int iEntryToReinsert : entriesToReInsert)
// Now, we can reinsert the overflow element again
reinserting = false;
abstract static class MultiIndexedSortable implements IndexedSortable {
/**A flag that is set to true if the desired sort order is based on the maximum coordinate*/
boolean max;
/**The index of the dimension to sort on*/
int sortAttr;
void setAttribute(int dim, boolean isMax) {
this.sortAttr = dim;
this.max = isMax;
* The R* split algorithm operating on a leaf node as described in the
* following paper, Page 326.
* Norbert Beckmann, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger:
* The R*-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 322-331
* @param iNode the index of the node to split
* @param minSplitSize Minimum size for each split
* @return the index of the new node created as a result of the split
protected int split(int iNode, int minSplitSize) {
int nodeSize = Node_size(iNode);
final int[] nodeChildren = children.get(iNode).underlyingArray();
// ChooseSplitAxis
// Sort the entries by each axis and compute S, the sum of all margin-values
// of the different distributions
// Sort by all dimensions by both min and max
MultiIndexedSortable sorter = new MultiIndexedSortable() {
public int compare(int i, int j) {
double diff;
if (max)
diff = maxCoord[sortAttr][nodeChildren[i]] - maxCoord[sortAttr][nodeChildren[j]];
diff = minCoord[sortAttr][nodeChildren[i]] - minCoord[sortAttr][nodeChildren[j]];
if (diff < 0) return -1;
if (diff > 0) return 1;
return 0;
public void swap(int i, int j) {
int t = nodeChildren[i];
nodeChildren[i] = nodeChildren[j];
nodeChildren[j] = t;
double minSumMargin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
QuickSort quickSort = new QuickSort();
int bestAxis = 0;
boolean maxAxis = false;
for (sorter.sortAttr = 0; sorter.sortAttr < getNumDimensions(); sorter.sortAttr++) {
sorter.max = false;
do {
quickSort.sort(sorter, 0, nodeSize-1);
double sumMargin = computeSumMargin(iNode, minSplitSize);
if (sumMargin < minSumMargin) {
minSumMargin = sumMargin;
bestAxis = sorter.sortAttr;
maxAxis = sorter.max;
sorter.max = !sorter.max;
} while (sorter.max != false);
// Choose the axis with the minimum S as split axis.
if (bestAxis != sorter.sortAttr || maxAxis != sorter.max) {
sorter.sortAttr = bestAxis;
sorter.max = maxAxis;
quickSort.sort(sorter, 0, nodeSize);
// Along the chosen axis, choose the distribution with the minimum overlap value.
// Initialize the MBB of the first group to the minimum group size
double[] mbb1Min = new double[getNumDimensions()];
double[] mbb1Max = new double[getNumDimensions()];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb1Min[d] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
mbb1Max[d] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < minSplitSize; iChild++){
int child = nodeChildren[iChild];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb1Min[d] = Math.min(mbb1Min[d], minCoord[d][child]);
mbb1Max[d] = Math.max(mbb1Max[d], maxCoord[d][child]);
// Pre-cache the MBBs for groups that start at position i and end at the end
double[] mbb2Min = new double[getNumDimensions()];
double[] mbb2Max = new double[getNumDimensions()];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb2Min[d] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
mbb2Max[d] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double[][] mbb2MinCached = new double[getNumDimensions()][nodeSize];
double[][] mbb2MaxCached = new double[getNumDimensions()][nodeSize];
for (int i = nodeSize - 1; i >= minSplitSize; i--) {
int child = nodeChildren[i];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb2Min[d] = Math.min(mbb2Min[d], minCoord[d][child]);
mbb2Max[d] = Math.max(mbb2Max[d], maxCoord[d][child]);
mbb2MinCached[d][i] = mbb2Min[d];
mbb2MaxCached[d][i] = mbb2Max[d];
double minOverlapVol = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double minVol = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
int chosenK = -1;
// # of possible splits = current size - 2 * minSplitSize + 1
int numPossibleSplits = Node_size(iNode) - 2 * minSplitSize + 1;
for (int k = 1; k <= numPossibleSplits; k++) {
int separator = minSplitSize + k - 1; // Separator = size of first group
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb1Min[d] = Math.min(mbb1Min[d], minCoord[d][nodeChildren[separator-1]]);
mbb1Max[d] = Math.max(mbb1Max[d], maxCoord[d][nodeChildren[separator-1]]);
double overlapVol = 1.0;
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
double intersectionLength = Math.min(mbb1Max[d], mbb2MaxCached[d][separator])
- Math.max(mbb1Min[d], mbb2MinCached[d][separator]);
overlapVol *= Math.max(0.0, intersectionLength);
if (overlapVol < minOverlapVol) {
minOverlapVol = overlapVol;
double vol1 = 1.0, vol2 = 1.0;
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
vol1 *= mbb1Max[d] - mbb1Min[d];
vol2 *= mbb2MaxCached[d][separator] - mbb2MinCached[d][separator];
minVol = vol1 + vol2;
chosenK = k;
} else if (overlapVol == minOverlapVol) {
// Resolve ties by choosing the distribution with minimum area-value
double vol1 = 1.0, vol2 = 1.0;
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
vol1 *= mbb1Max[d] - mbb1Min[d];
vol2 *= mbb2MaxCached[d][separator] - mbb2MinCached[d][separator];
double vol = vol1 + vol2;
if (vol < minVol) {
minVol = vol;
chosenK = k;
// Split at the chosenK
int separator = minSplitSize - 1 + chosenK;
int iNewNode = Node_split(iNode, separator);
return iNewNode;
* Compute the sum margin of the given node assuming that the children have
* been already sorted along one of the dimensions.
* @param iNode the index of the node to compute for
* @param minSplitSize the minimum split size to consider
* @return
private double computeSumMargin(int iNode, int minSplitSize) {
IntArray nodeChildren = children.get(iNode);
int nodeSize = nodeChildren.size() - 1; // -1 excludes the overflow object
double sumMargin = 0.0;
double[] mbb1Min = new double[getNumDimensions()];
double[] mbb1Max = new double[getNumDimensions()];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb1Min[d] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
mbb1Max[d] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
// Initialize the MBR of the first group to the minimum group size
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < minSplitSize; iChild++) {
int child = nodeChildren.get(iChild);
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb1Min[d] = Math.min(mbb1Min[d], minCoord[d][child]);
mbb1Max[d] = Math.max(mbb1Max[d], maxCoord[d][child]);
// Pre-cache the MBBs for groups that start at position i and end at the end
double[] mbb2Min = new double[getNumDimensions()];
double[] mbb2Max = new double[getNumDimensions()];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb2Min[d] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
mbb2Max[d] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double[][] mbb2MinCached = new double[getNumDimensions()][nodeSize];
double[][] mbb2MaxCached = new double[getNumDimensions()][nodeSize];
for (int i = nodeSize - 1; i >= minSplitSize; i--) {
int child = nodeChildren.get(i);
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb2Min[d] = Math.min(mbb2Min[d], minCoord[d][child]);
mbb2Max[d] = Math.max(mbb2Max[d], maxCoord[d][child]);
mbb2MinCached[d][i] = mbb2Min[d];
mbb2MaxCached[d][i] = mbb2Max[d];
int numPossibleSplits = nodeSize - 2 * minSplitSize + 1;
for (int k = 1; k <= numPossibleSplits; k++) {
int separator = minSplitSize + k - 1; // Separator = size of first group
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
mbb1Min[d] = Math.min(mbb1Min[d], minCoord[d][nodeChildren.get(separator-1)]);
mbb1Max[d] = Math.max(mbb1Max[d], maxCoord[d][nodeChildren.get(separator-1)]);
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDimensions(); d++) {
sumMargin += mbb1Max[d] - mbb1Min[d];
sumMargin += mbb2MaxCached[d][separator] - mbb2MinCached[d][separator];
return sumMargin;
enum MinimizationFunction {PERIMETER, AREA};
* Compute the margins (length on each dimension) for the given set of points in the given order. This is used as a
* basis to measure the sum or margins, or choose the distribution with the minimum margin, or area.
* However, it cannot be used to measure the distribution with the minimum overlap area because it does not keep the
* actual MBR.
* @param coords the array of point coordinates
* @param start the index of the first point to consider
* @param end the index after the last point to consider
* @param marginsLeft the output array that stores the margins of the set of points starting at the index {@code start}
* @param marginsRight the output array that stores the margins of the set of points ending at the index {@code end}
static void computeMargins(double[][] coords, int start, int end, double[][] marginsLeft, double[][] marginsRight) {
final int numDimensions = coords.length;
assert numDimensions == marginsLeft.length && numDimensions == marginsRight.length;
final int numPoints = end - start;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
double minLeft = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minRight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double maxLeft = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxRight = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
minLeft = Math.min(minLeft, coords[d][start + i]);
maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, coords[d][start + i]);
minRight = Math.min(minRight, coords[d][end - 1 - i]);
maxRight = Math.max(maxRight, coords[d][end - 1 - i]);
marginsLeft[d][i] = maxLeft - minLeft;
marginsRight[d][numPoints - 1 - i] = maxRight - minRight;
static class SplitTask {
/**The range of points to partition*/
int start, end;
/**The coordinate of the minimum corner of the MBB that covers these points*/
double[] min;
/**The coordinate of the maximum corner of the MBB that covers these points*/
double[] max;
/**Where the separation happens in the range [start, end)*/
int separator;
/**The coordinate along where the separation happened*/
double splitCoord;
/**The axis along where the separation happened. 0 for X and 1 for Y*/
int axis;
SplitTask(int s, int e, int numDimensions) {
this.start = s;
this.end = e;
this.min = new double[numDimensions];
this.max = new double[numDimensions];
* Use the R*-tree improved splitting algorithm to split the given set of points
* such that each split does not exceed the given capacity.
* Returns the MBRs of the splits. This method is a standalone static method
* that does not use the RStarTree class but uses a similar algorithm used
* in {@link #split(int, int)}
* The algorithm works in two steps.
* -
* Choose a split axis a with the minimum sum of perimeters
* for all possible splits
* -
* Since all splits are overlap free, the second step chooses the split
* with the minimum function f where f can be either the
* area or the perimeter.
* Notice that the first step computes the sum of all perimeters and choose the minimum
* while the second step chooses the single split with the minimum f along the chosen axis.
* So, even if f is the perimeter function, we cannot simply choose
* the split with the minimum f along all splits in the two axis.
* @param coords the coordinates of the points to partition
* @param minPartitionSize minimum number of points to include in a partition
* @param maxPartitionSize maximum number of point in a partition
* @param expandToInf when set to true, the returned partitions are expanded
* to cover the entire space from, Negative Infinity to
* Positive Infinity, in all dimensions.
* @param fractionMinSplitSize the minimum fraction of a split [0,1]. If set to zero, all possible splits are considered
* which might result in a bad performance. Setting this parameter to a larger fraction,
* e.g., 0.3,improves the running time but might result in a sub-optimal partitioning.
* @param aux If not set to null
, this will be filled with some
* auxiliary information to help efficiently search through the
* partitions.
* @return a list of envelopes that represent the partitions
static EnvelopeNDLite[] partitionPoints(final double[][] coords,
final int minPartitionSize,
final int maxPartitionSize,
final boolean expandToInf,
final AuxiliarySearchStructure aux,
final double fractionMinSplitSize,
final MinimizationFunction f) {
final int numDimensions = coords.length;
final int numPoints = coords[0].length;
class SorterDim implements IndexedSortable {
int sortAxis;
public int compare(int i, int j) {
return (int) Math.signum(coords[sortAxis][i] - coords[sortAxis][j]);
public void swap(int i, int j) {
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
double t = coords[d][i];
coords[d][i] = coords[d][j];
coords[d][j] = t;
Stack rangesToSplit = new Stack();
Map rangesAlreadySplit = new HashMap();
SplitTask firstRange = new SplitTask(0, numPoints, numDimensions);
// The MBR of the first range covers the entire space (-Infinity, Infinity)
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
firstRange.min[d] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
firstRange.max[d] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
List finalizedSplits = new ArrayList<>();
// Create the temporary arrays once to avoid the overhead of recreating them in each loop iteration
// Store all the values at each split point so that we can choose the minimum at the end
double[][] marginsLeft = new double[numDimensions][numPoints];
double[][] marginsRight = new double[numDimensions][numPoints];
while (!rangesToSplit.isEmpty()) {
SplitTask range = rangesToSplit.pop();
if (range.end - range.start <= maxPartitionSize) {
// No further splitting needed. Create a final partition
EnvelopeNDLite partitionMBR = new EnvelopeNDLite(numDimensions);
if (expandToInf) {
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
} else {
double[] point = new double[numDimensions];
for (int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
point[d] = coords[d][i];
// Mark the range as a leaf partition by setting the separator to
// a negative number x. The partition ID is -x-1
range.separator = -finalizedSplits.size()-1;
rangesAlreadySplit.put(((long)range.end << 32) | range.start, range);
// ChooseSplitAxis
// Sort the entries by each dimension and compute S, the sum of all margin-values of the different distributions
final int minSplitSize = Math.max(minPartitionSize, (int)((range.end - range.start) * fractionMinSplitSize));
final int numPossibleSplits = (range.end - range.start) - 2 * minSplitSize + 1;
QuickSort quickSort = new QuickSort();
SorterDim sorter = new SorterDim();
// Choose the axis with the minimum sum of margin
int chosenAxis = 0;
double minMargin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Keep the sumMargins for all sort dimensions
for (sorter.sortAxis = 0; sorter.sortAxis < numDimensions; sorter.sortAxis++) {
// Sort then compute sum margin.
quickSort.sort(sorter, range.start, range.end);
computeMargins(coords, range.start, range.end, marginsLeft, marginsRight);
double margin = 0.0;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++)
for (int k = 1; k <= numPossibleSplits; k++)
margin += marginsLeft[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1] + marginsRight[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
if (margin < minMargin) {
minMargin = margin;
chosenAxis = sorter.sortAxis;
// Repeat the sorting along the chosen axis if needed
if (sorter.sortAxis != chosenAxis) {
sorter.sortAxis = chosenAxis;
quickSort.sort(sorter, range.start, range.end);
// Recompute the margins based on the new sorting order
computeMargins(coords, range.start, range.end, marginsLeft, marginsRight);
// Along the chosen axis, choose the distribution with the minimum area (or perimeter)
// Note: Since we partition points, the overlap is always zero and we ought to choose based on the total volume
int chosenK = -1;
double minValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int k = 1; k <= numPossibleSplits; k++) {
// Skip if k is invalid (either side induce an invalid size)
int size1 = minSplitSize + k - 1;
if (!isValid(size1, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize)) {
int size2 = range.end - range.start - size1;
if (!isValid(size2, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize)) {
double splitValue = 0.0;
switch (f) {
case AREA:
double vol1 = 1.0, vol2 = 1.0;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
vol1 *= marginsLeft[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
vol2 *= marginsRight[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
splitValue = vol1 + vol2;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
splitValue += marginsLeft[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
splitValue += marginsRight[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported function " + f);
if (splitValue < minValue) {
chosenK = k;
minValue = splitValue;
// Split at the chosenK
range.separator = range.start + minSplitSize - 1 + chosenK;
// Create two sub-ranges
// Sub-range 1 covers the range [rangeStart, separator)
// Sub-range 2 covers the range [separator, rangeEnd)
SplitTask range1 = new SplitTask(range.start, range.separator, numDimensions);
SplitTask range2 = new SplitTask(range.separator, range.end, numDimensions);
// Set the MBB of both to split along the chosen value
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
range1.min[d] = range2.min[d] = range.min[d];
range1.max[d] = range2.max[d] = range.max[d];
range.axis = chosenAxis;
range.splitCoord = range1.max[chosenAxis] = range2.min[chosenAxis] = coords[chosenAxis][range.separator];
rangesAlreadySplit.put(((long)range.end << 32) | range.start, range);
if (aux != null) {
// Assign an ID for each partition
Map partitionIDs = new HashMap();
int seq = 0;
for (Map.Entry entry : rangesAlreadySplit.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().separator >= 0)
partitionIDs.put(entry.getKey(), seq++);
partitionIDs.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().separator);
// Build the search data structure
int numOfSplitAxis = rangesAlreadySplit.size() - finalizedSplits.size();
assert seq == numOfSplitAxis;
aux.partitionGreaterThanOrEqual = new int[numOfSplitAxis];
aux.partitionLessThan = new int[numOfSplitAxis];
aux.splitAxis = new IntArray(numOfSplitAxis);
aux.splitCoords = new double[numOfSplitAxis];
for (Map.Entry entry : rangesAlreadySplit.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().separator > 0) {
int id = partitionIDs.get(entry.getKey());
SplitTask range = entry.getValue();
aux.splitCoords[id] = range.splitCoord;
aux.splitAxis.set(id, range.axis);
long p1 = (((long)range.separator) << 32) | range.start;
aux.partitionLessThan[id] = partitionIDs.get(p1);
long p2 = (((long)range.end) << 32) | range.separator;
aux.partitionGreaterThanOrEqual[id] = partitionIDs.get(p2);
if (range.start == 0 && range.end == numPoints)
aux.rootSplit = id;
return finalizedSplits.toArray(new EnvelopeNDLite[finalizedSplits.size()]);
* Similar to {@link #partitionPoints(double[][], int, int, boolean, AuxiliarySearchStructure, double, MinimizationFunction)}
* but takes the weights of points into account so that the weight of each partition is within the given limits.
* Notice that it could be impossible to find partitions that satisfy the given size constraints. Only if this is
* the case, minimal modifications to the weights are applied to ensure a correct answer.
* @param coords the coordinates of the points to partition
* @param weights the weights assigned to points to calculate the partition sizes correctly
* @param minPartitionSize minimum number of points to include in a partition
* @param maxPartitionSize maximum number of point in a partition
* @param expandToInf when set to true, the returned partitions are expanded
* to cover the entire space from, Negative Infinity to
* Positive Infinity, in all dimensions.
* @param aux If not set to null
, this will be filled with some
* auxiliary information to help efficiently search through the
* partitions.
* @param fractionMinSplitSize the minimum fraction of a split [0,1]. If set to zero, all possible splits are considered
* which might result in a bad performance. Setting this parameter to a larger fraction,
* e.g., 0.3,improves the running time but might result in a sub-optimal partitioning.
* @param f the minimization function to use when calculating the quality of partitions
* @return
static EnvelopeNDLite[] partitionWeightedPoints(final double[][] coords,
final long[] weights,
final long minPartitionSize,
final long maxPartitionSize,
final boolean expandToInf,
final AuxiliarySearchStructure aux,
final double fractionMinSplitSize,
final MinimizationFunction f) {
final int numDimensions = coords.length;
final int numPoints = coords[0].length;
class SorterDim implements IndexedSortable {
int sortAxis;
public int compare(int i, int j) {
return (int) Math.signum(coords[sortAxis][i] - coords[sortAxis][j]);
public void swap(int i, int j) {
// Swap the coordinates
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
double t = coords[d][i];
coords[d][i] = coords[d][j];
coords[d][j] = t;
// Swap the weights
long t = weights[i];
weights[i] = weights[j];
weights[j] = t;
Stack rangesToSplit = new Stack();
Map rangesAlreadySplit = new HashMap();
SplitTask firstRange = new SplitTask(0, numPoints, numDimensions);
// The MBR of the first range covers the entire space (-Infinity, Infinity)
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
firstRange.min[d] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
firstRange.max[d] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
List finalizedSplits = new ArrayList<>();
// Create the temporary arrays once to avoid the overhead of recreating them in each loop iteration
// Store all the values at each split point so that we can choose the minimum at the end
double[][] marginsLeft = new double[numDimensions][numPoints];
double[][] marginsRight = new double[numDimensions][numPoints];
while (!rangesToSplit.isEmpty()) {
SplitTask range = rangesToSplit.pop();
long totalWeight = 0;
for (int $i = range.start; $i < range.end; $i++)
totalWeight += weights[$i];
assert isValid(totalWeight, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize) :
String.format("Invalid size encountered size=%d, m=%d, M=%d", totalWeight, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize);
if (totalWeight <= maxPartitionSize || range.end - range.start == 1) {
// No further splitting needed. Create a final partition
EnvelopeNDLite partitionMBR = new EnvelopeNDLite(numDimensions);
if (expandToInf) {
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
} else {
double[] point = new double[numDimensions];
for (int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
point[d] = coords[d][i];
// Mark the range as a leaf partition by setting the separator to
// a negative number x. The partition ID is -x-1
range.separator = -finalizedSplits.size()-1;
rangesAlreadySplit.put(((long)range.end << 32) | range.start, range);
// ChooseSplitAxis
// Sort the entries by each dimension and compute S, the sum of all margin-values of the different distributions
int minSplitSize = Math.max(1, (int)((range.end - range.start) * fractionMinSplitSize));
int numPossibleSplits = (range.end - range.start) - 2 * minSplitSize + 1;
QuickSort quickSort = new QuickSort();
SorterDim sorter = new SorterDim();
// Choose the axis with the minimum sum of margin
int chosenAxis = 0;
double minMargin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Keep the sumMargins for all sort dimensions
for (sorter.sortAxis = 0; sorter.sortAxis < numDimensions; sorter.sortAxis++) {
// Sort then compute sum margin.
quickSort.sort(sorter, range.start, range.end);
computeMargins(coords, range.start, range.end, marginsLeft, marginsRight);
double margin = 0.0;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++)
for (int k = 1; k <= numPossibleSplits; k++)
margin += marginsLeft[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1] + marginsRight[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
if (margin < minMargin) {
minMargin = margin;
chosenAxis = sorter.sortAxis;
// Repeat the sorting along the chosen axis if needed
if (sorter.sortAxis != chosenAxis) {
sorter.sortAxis = chosenAxis;
quickSort.sort(sorter, range.start, range.end);
// Recompute the margins based on the new sorting order
computeMargins(coords, range.start, range.end, marginsLeft, marginsRight);
// Along the chosen axis, choose the distribution with the minimum area (or perimeter)
// Note: Since we partition points, the overlap is always zero and we ought to choose based on the total volume
int chosenK = -1;
boolean weightsCorrected = false;
do {
// Accumulate the size of the points from start to the separator
long accumulatedWeight = 0;
for (int $i = 0; $i < minSplitSize - 1; $i++)
accumulatedWeight += weights[range.start + $i];
double minValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int k = 1; k <= numPossibleSplits; k++) {
// Skip if k is invalid (either side induce an invalid size)
accumulatedWeight += weights[range.start + minSplitSize + k - 2];
if (!isValid(accumulatedWeight, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize))
if (!isValid(totalWeight - accumulatedWeight, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize))
double splitValue = 0.0;
switch (f) {
case AREA:
double vol1 = 1.0, vol2 = 1.0;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
vol1 *= marginsLeft[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
vol2 *= marginsRight[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
splitValue = vol1 + vol2;
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
splitValue += marginsLeft[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
splitValue += marginsRight[d][minSplitSize + k - 1 - 1];
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported function " + f);
if (splitValue < minValue) {
chosenK = k;
minValue = splitValue;
assert !(weightsCorrected && chosenK == -1) : "Should always find a valid k after the weights are corrected";
if (chosenK == -1) {
// No valid split point. Correct the weights to induce some valid split points
minSplitSize = 1;
numPossibleSplits = (range.end - range.start) - 2 * minSplitSize + 1;
accumulatedWeight = weights[range.start];
int k = 1;
int numValidLeftRanges = (int) (totalWeight / minPartitionSize);
// Iterate over all valid left ranges (i.e., ranges where the partition to the left is of a valid weight)
for (int i = 1; i <= numValidLeftRanges; i++) {
long leftRangeStart = i * minPartitionSize;
long leftRangeEnd = i * maxPartitionSize;
// Find all valid right ranges that overlap this valid left range
int j1 = (int) Math.ceil(((double) totalWeight - i * maxPartitionSize) / maxPartitionSize);
int j2 = (int) Math.floor(((double) totalWeight - i * minPartitionSize) / minPartitionSize);
while (j1 <= j2 && j2 > 0) {
// Found an overlapping valid right range. Now, find the intersection between the two ranges.
long rightRangeStart = totalWeight - j2 * maxPartitionSize;
long rightRangeEnd = totalWeight - j2 * minPartitionSize;
long rangeStart = Math.max(leftRangeStart, rightRangeStart);
long rangeEnd = Math.min(leftRangeEnd, rightRangeEnd);
assert rangeStart <= rangeEnd : "The valid range should not be inverted";
// Advance the split point (k) until it is about to pass over the valid range
while (k <= numPossibleSplits && accumulatedWeight + weights[range.start + minSplitSize + k + 1 - 2] < rangeStart) {
accumulatedWeight += weights[range.start + minSplitSize + k - 2];
assert k <= numPossibleSplits : "Should not pass over all the points while correcting the weight";
// Found the last point before the valid range. Adjust its weight so that it falls in the range
long diff = (rangeStart + rangeEnd) / 2 - accumulatedWeight;
weights[range.start + minSplitSize + k - 2] += diff;
weights[range.start + minSplitSize + k + 1 - 2] -= diff;
accumulatedWeight += diff;
assert isValid(accumulatedWeight, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize) :
String.format("The weight should be valid after correction, weight=%d, m=%d, M=%d",
accumulatedWeight, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize);
// Go the next valid range
weightsCorrected = true;
} while (chosenK == -1);
assert chosenK != -1 : "Could not find any valid split points";
// Split at the chosenK
range.separator = range.start + minSplitSize - 1 + chosenK;
// Create two sub-ranges
// Sub-range 1 covers the range [rangeStart, separator)
// Sub-range 2 covers the range [separator, rangeEnd)
SplitTask range1 = new SplitTask(range.start, range.separator, numDimensions);
SplitTask range2 = new SplitTask(range.separator, range.end, numDimensions);
// Set the MBB of both to split along the chosen value
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
range1.min[d] = range2.min[d] = range.min[d];
range1.max[d] = range2.max[d] = range.max[d];
range.axis = chosenAxis;
range.splitCoord = range1.max[chosenAxis] = range2.min[chosenAxis] = coords[chosenAxis][range.separator];
rangesAlreadySplit.put(((long)range.end << 32) | range.start, range);
if (aux != null) {
// Assign an ID for each partition
Map partitionIDs = new HashMap();
int seq = 0;
for (Map.Entry entry : rangesAlreadySplit.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().separator >= 0)
partitionIDs.put(entry.getKey(), seq++);
partitionIDs.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().separator);
// Build the search data structure
int numOfSplitAxis = rangesAlreadySplit.size() - finalizedSplits.size();
assert seq == numOfSplitAxis;
aux.partitionGreaterThanOrEqual = new int[numOfSplitAxis];
aux.partitionLessThan = new int[numOfSplitAxis];
aux.splitAxis = new IntArray(numOfSplitAxis);
aux.splitCoords = new double[numOfSplitAxis];
for (Map.Entry entry : rangesAlreadySplit.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().separator > 0) {
int id = partitionIDs.get(entry.getKey());
SplitTask range = entry.getValue();
aux.splitCoords[id] = range.splitCoord;
aux.splitAxis.set(id, range.axis);
long p1 = (((long)range.separator) << 32) | range.start;
aux.partitionLessThan[id] = partitionIDs.get(p1);
long p2 = (((long)range.end) << 32) | range.separator;
aux.partitionGreaterThanOrEqual[id] = partitionIDs.get(p2);
if (range.start == 0 && range.end == numPoints)
aux.rootSplit = id;
return finalizedSplits.toArray(new EnvelopeNDLite[finalizedSplits.size()]);
* Checks if a given partition size is valid according to the min and max partition sizes.
* A valid partition can be split into smaller partitions such that each one has a size in the given range.
* @param size the size of the partition to test
* @param minPartitionSize the minimum partition size (inclusive)
* @param maxPartitionSize the maximum partition size (inclusive)
* @return {@code true} if the given size is valid.
protected static boolean isValid(long size, long minPartitionSize, long maxPartitionSize) {
int lowerBound = (int) Math.ceil((double) size/ maxPartitionSize);
int upperBound = (int) Math.floor((double) size / minPartitionSize);
return lowerBound <= upperBound;
* Partitions the given set of points using the improved R*-tree split algorithm.
* Calls the function {@link #partitionPoints(double[][], int, int, boolean, AuxiliarySearchStructure, double, MinimizationFunction)}
* with the last parameter as {@code MinimizationFunction.AREA}
* @param coords the coordinates of the points in all dimensions
* @param minPartitionSize the minimum number of records per partition
* @param maxPartitionSize the maximum number of records per partition
* @param expandToInf set to {@code true} to expand the boundaries of border partitions to cover the entire input space
* @param aux (output) an auxiliary structure that is filled with information to speed up the search for partitions
* @return the boundaries of partitions
static EnvelopeNDLite[] partitionPoints(double[][] coords, int minPartitionSize, int maxPartitionSize, boolean expandToInf,
double fractionMinSplitSize, AuxiliarySearchStructure aux) {
return partitionPoints(coords, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize, expandToInf, aux, fractionMinSplitSize,
static EnvelopeNDLite[] partitionWeightedPoints(double[][] coords, long[] weights, long minPartitionSize,
long maxPartitionSize, boolean expandToInf,
double fractionMinSplitSize, AuxiliarySearchStructure aux) {
return partitionWeightedPoints(coords, weights, minPartitionSize, maxPartitionSize, expandToInf, aux, fractionMinSplitSize,
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