edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.loader.AbstractClientLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.loader;
import edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.ClientEnvironment;
import edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.ClientLoaderInterface;
import edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.ClientXMLTags;
import edu.uiuc.ncsa.oa4mp.delegation.client.DelegationService;
import edu.uiuc.ncsa.oa4mp.delegation.common.servlet.DBConfigLoader;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.ConfigurationNode;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import static edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.oa4mp.client.ClientXMLTags.*;
* Top-level class for client loader that creates asset store and controls which classes are instantiated for the client.
* Created by Jeff Gaynor
* on 11/25/13 at 1:12 PM
public abstract class AbstractClientLoader extends DBConfigLoader implements ClientLoaderInterface {
public static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "token";
public static final String AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT = "authorize";
public static final String ASSET_ENDPOINT = "getcert";
public static final String INITIATE_ENDPOINT = "initiate";
public static final String USER_INFO_ENDPOINT = "userinfo";
public static final String INTROSPECTION_ENDPOINT = "introspect";
public static final String REVOCATION_ENDPOINT = "revoke";
public static final String DEVICE_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "device_authorization"; // suggested in the spec, best guess for default.
// FIX for OAUTH-137. Set default cert lifetime to be 12 hours, not 10 days.
public static final long defaultCertLifetime = 43200L; // default is 12 hours, in seconds.
protected AbstractClientLoader(ConfigurationNode node) {
protected AbstractClientLoader(ConfigurationNode node, MyLoggingFacade logger) {
super(node, logger);
protected Provider assetStoreProvider;
public abstract AssetProvider getAssetProvider();
protected Provider getAssetStoreProvider() {
if (assetStoreProvider == null) {
MultiAssetStoreProvider masp = new MultiAssetStoreProvider(cn, isDefaultStoreDisabled(), loggerProvider.get());
//final AssetProvider assetProvider = new AssetProvider();
AssetConverter assetConverter = new AssetConverter(new AssetSerializationKeys(), getAssetProvider());
assetStoreProvider = masp;
masp.addListener(new FSAssetStoreProvider(cn, getAssetProvider(), assetConverter));
masp.addListener(new SQLAssetStoreProvider(cn, ClientXMLTags.POSTGRESQL_STORE, getPgConnectionPoolProvider(),
getAssetProvider(), assetConverter));
masp.addListener(new SQLAssetStoreProvider(cn, ClientXMLTags.DERBY_STORE, getDerbyConnectionPoolProvider(),
getAssetProvider(), assetConverter));
masp.addListener(new SQLAssetStoreProvider(cn, ClientXMLTags.MYSQL_STORE, getMySQLConnectionPoolProvider(),
getAssetProvider(), assetConverter));
masp.addListener(new SQLAssetStoreProvider(cn, ClientXMLTags.MARIADB_STORE, getMariaDBConnectionPoolProvider(),
getAssetProvider(), assetConverter));
// and a memory store, So only if one is requested it is available.
masp.addListener(new TypedProvider(cn, ClientXMLTags.MEMORY_STORE, ClientXMLTags.ASSET_STORE) {
public Object componentFound(CfgEvent configurationEvent) {
if (checkEvent(configurationEvent)) {
return get();
return null;
public MemoryAssetStore get() {
return new MemoryAssetStore(getAssetProvider());
return assetStoreProvider;
protected Provider dsp;
abstract protected Provider getDSP();
protected URI checkURI(String x, String componentName) {
if (trivial(x)) {
throw new MyConfigurationException("Error: There is no " + componentName + " URI specified.");
try {
// set it this way rather than with URI.create so we get a recognizable exception to hand back.
return new URI(x);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new MyConfigurationException("Error: The specified " + componentName + " is not a valid URI", e);
* This takes a key and returns the value of the node associated with that key.
* @param key
* @return
protected String getCfgValue(String key) {
return Configurations.getNodeValue(cn, key);
protected String getSkin() {
return getCfgValue(SKIN);
protected long getKeypairLifetime() {
String x = getCfgValue(KEYPAIR_LIFETIME);
long y = 0L; // OAUTH-167: set it to 0 (no key caching) by default
if (x == null || x.length() == 0) return y;
try {
// The value in the file is assumed to be in seconds.
y = Long.parseLong(x) * 1000L;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
// use default...
return y;
protected long getMaxAssetLifetime() {
String x = getCfgValue(MAX_ASSET_LIFETIME);
long y = 30 * 24 * 3600000L; // set it for a month in milliseconds
if (x == null || x.length() == 0) return y;
try {
// The value in the file is assumed to be in seconds.
y = Long.parseLong(x) * 1000L;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
// use default...
return y;
protected boolean isEnableAssetCleanup() {
boolean doIt = false;
try {
doIt = Boolean.parseBoolean(getCfgValue(ENABLE_ASSET_CLEANUP));
} catch (Throwable t) {
// do nothing....
return doIt;
* Checks if there is a found uri in the configuration. If so, check that and use it,
* if not, try and construct the service endpoint from the base uri.
* @param foundURI
* @param baseUri
* @param serviceEndpoint
* @return
protected URI createServiceURI(String foundURI, String baseUri, String serviceEndpoint) {
if (!trivial(foundURI)) {
return checkURI(foundURI, serviceEndpoint);
if (trivial(baseUri)) {
throw new MyConfigurationException("Error: No base uri for " + serviceEndpoint + " found");
return checkURI(baseUri + (baseUri.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + serviceEndpoint, serviceEndpoint);
protected long checkCertLifetime() {
String certLifetimeString = getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.CERT_LIFETIME);
if (!trivial(certLifetimeString)) {
try {
return Long.parseLong(certLifetimeString);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// if it fails, just say so, but keep going.
myLogger.warn("Error: parsing default lifetime for cert:" + t.getMessage());
return defaultCertLifetime;
boolean trivial(String x) {
return x == null || 0 == x.length();
protected String getId() {
String id = getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.ID);
if (trivial(id)) {
throw new MyConfigurationException("Error: there is no identifier specified.");
return id;
protected URI getCallback() {
return checkURI(getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.CALLBACK_URI), "callback");
* Fix for OAUTH-107. Check that the protocols are indeed https as per spec at client loading
* rather than wait for a much later error from a server possibly trying to do a redirect.
* It is ok for the argument to be null, since that just means that a (correct) address will be created.
* This is to find mis-specified service addresses.
* @param b
protected void checkProtocol(String b) {
if(b == null) return;
if (!b.toLowerCase().startsWith("https")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: the " + ClientXMLTags.BASE_URI + " must be https. You have \"" + b + "\"");
protected String getBaseURI() {
String b = getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.BASE_URI);
if (b == null || b.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: no " + ClientXMLTags.BASE_URI + " specified in the configuration file");
return b;
protected URI getAccessTokenURI() {
return createServiceURI(getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.ACCESS_TOKEN_URI), getBaseURI(), ACCESS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT);
protected URI getAssetURI() {
String x = getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.ASSET_URI);
return createServiceURI(x, getBaseURI(), ASSET_ENDPOINT);
protected URI getAuthorizeURI() {
String x = getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.AUTHORIZE_TOKEN_URI);
return createServiceURI(x, getBaseURI(), AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT);
protected URI getInitiateURI() {
String x = getCfgValue(ClientXMLTags.INITIATE_URI);
return createServiceURI(x, getBaseURI(), INITIATE_ENDPOINT);
T loader = null;
public T load() {
if (loader == null) {
loader = createInstance();
return loader;
SSLConfiguration sslConfiguration = null;
public SSLConfiguration getSSLConfiguration() {
if (sslConfiguration == null) {
sslConfiguration = SSLConfigurationUtil.getSSLConfiguration(myLogger, cn);
return sslConfiguration;
public ServiceClient createServiceClient(URI host) {
return new ServiceClient(host, getSSLConfiguration());