edu.knowitall.openregex.example.Common.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package edu.knowitall.openregex.example
object Common {
val singleQuoteStringLiteralRegex = ("'" + """([^']*+)""" + "'").r
val caseInsensitiveSingleQuoteStringLiteralRegex = ("i'" + """([^']*+)""" + "'").r
val regexLiteralRegex = ("/" + """((?:[^/\\]*+(?:\\)*+(?:\\/)*+)*+)""" + "/").r
* Parse quotes and return a matcher for the string.
def unquote(string: String): String=>Boolean =
string match {
case singleQuoteStringLiteralRegex(string) =>
(that: String) => that == string
case caseInsensitiveSingleQuoteStringLiteralRegex(string) =>
(that: String) => that equalsIgnoreCase string
case regexLiteralRegex(string) =>
val unescapedString = string.replace("""\\""", """\""").replace("""\/""", "/")
val regex = unescapedString.r
(that: String) => {
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value not enclosed in quotes (') or (/): " + string)
* Look for a field or 0-argument method on t.
def publicValue[T](t: T, fieldName: String): Any = {
val field = scala.util.control.Exception.catching(classOf[NoSuchFieldException]) opt t.getClass.getField(fieldName)
field match {
case Some(field) => field.get(t)
case None =>
// see if we have a matching public method
val method = scala.util.control.Exception.catching(classOf[NoSuchMethodException]) opt t.getClass.getMethod(fieldName)
method match {
case Some(method) if method.getParameterTypes.isEmpty => method.invoke(t).toString
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such field or method: " + fieldName)