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package ee.telekom.workflow.api;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import ee.telekom.workflow.api.Element.Type;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.Node;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.el.ElUtil;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.activity.BeanAsyncCallActivity;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.activity.BeanCallActivity;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.activity.CreateNewInstanceActivity;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.activity.HumanTaskActivity;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.activity.SetAttributeActivity;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.activity.ValidateAttributeActivity;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.event.CatchSignal;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.event.CatchTimer;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.event.ThrowEscalation;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.gateway.AndFork;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.gateway.AndJoin;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.gateway.CancellingDiscriminator;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.gateway.OrFork;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.gateway.XorFork;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.gateway.XorJoin;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.input.ConstantMapping;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.input.ExpressionLanguageMapping;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.input.InputMapping;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.input.MapMapping;
import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.node.output.OutputMapping;
* Builder that can create a {@link Node} for the given tree node.
public class NodeBuilder{
* Creates a {@link Node} based on the give tree node.
* @return the created {@link Node} or null if the tree node does not describe a node.
public Node createNode( Tree current ){
Row row = current.getContent();
Element output = row.getOutputElement();
Element main = row.getMainElement();
List input = row.getInputElement();
Integer id = main.getId();
Type type = main.getType();
switch( type ) {
case START:
return null;
case END:
return null;
case VALUE:
String vAttribute = output.getString( 0 );
Object value = main.getObject( 0 );
return new SetAttributeActivity( id, vAttribute, value );
case CALL:
String cBean = main.getString( 0 );
String cMethod = main.getString( 1 );
InputMapping>[] cArgumentsMapping = ElementUtil.createArrayMapping( main.getObjectArray( 2 ) );
OutputMapping cOutputMapping = ElementUtil.createOutputMapping( output );
return new BeanCallActivity( id, cBean, cMethod, cArgumentsMapping, cOutputMapping );
String caBean = main.getString( 0 );
String caMethod = main.getString( 1 );
InputMapping>[] caArgumentsMapping = ElementUtil.createArrayMapping( main.getObjectArray( 2 ) );
OutputMapping caOutputMapping = ElementUtil.createOutputMapping( output );
return new BeanAsyncCallActivity( id, caBean, caMethod, caArgumentsMapping, caOutputMapping );
String role = main.getString( 0 );
String user = main.getString( 1 );
MapMapping htArgumentsMapping = ElementUtil.createMapMapping( input );
OutputMapping htOutputMapping = ElementUtil.createOutputMapping( output );
return new HumanTaskActivity( id, role, user, htArgumentsMapping, htOutputMapping );
String signal = main.getString( 0 );
OutputMapping wsOutputMapping = ElementUtil.createOutputMapping( output );
return new CatchSignal( id, signal, wsOutputMapping );
String due = main.getString( 0 );
if( ElUtil.hasBrackets( due ) ){
return new CatchTimer( new ExpressionLanguageMapping( due ), id );
long delayMillis = Long.valueOf( due );
return new CatchTimer( id, delayMillis );
String dueDate = main.getString( 0 );
return new CatchTimer( id, new ExpressionLanguageMapping( dueDate ) );
String graphName = main.getString( 0 );
InputMapping nameMapping = ElUtil.hasBrackets( graphName ) ?
new ExpressionLanguageMapping( graphName ) : ConstantMapping.of( graphName );
Integer graphVersion = main.getInteger( 1 );
InputMapping versionMapping = ConstantMapping.of( graphVersion );
String label1 = main.getString( 2 );
InputMapping label1Mapping = ElUtil.hasBrackets( label1 ) ?
new ExpressionLanguageMapping( label1 ) : ConstantMapping.of( label1 );
String label2 = main.getString( 3 );
InputMapping label2Mapping = ElUtil.hasBrackets( label2 ) ?
new ExpressionLanguageMapping( label2 ) : ConstantMapping.of( label2 );
MapMapping ciArgumentsMapping = ElementUtil.createMapMapping( input );
return new CreateNewInstanceActivity( id, nameMapping, versionMapping, label1Mapping, label2Mapping, ciArgumentsMapping );
return new XorFork( id );
id = -findPartnerNodeId( current, type );
return new XorJoin( id );
id = -findPartnerNodeId( current, type );
return new XorJoin( id );
return new XorFork( id );
case IF:
return new XorFork( id );
case ELSE_IF:
return null;
case ELSE:
return null;
case END_IF:
id = -findPartnerNodeId( current, type );
return new XorJoin( id );
case SPLIT:
boolean hasConditionalBranches = hasConditionalBranches( current );
return hasConditionalBranches ? new OrFork( id ) : new AndFork( id );
case BRANCH:
return null;
id = -findPartnerNodeId( current, type );
return new CancellingDiscriminator( id );
case JOIN_ALL:
id = -findPartnerNodeId( current, type );
return new AndJoin( id );
return new ThrowEscalation( id );
String vivAttribute = main.getString( 0 );
Class> vivType = (Class>)main.getObject( 1 );
if( main.countArguments() == 2 ){
return new ValidateAttributeActivity( id, vivAttribute, vivType );
boolean vivIsRequired = (boolean)main.getObject( 2 );
if( main.countArguments() == 3 ){
return new ValidateAttributeActivity( id, vivAttribute, vivType, vivIsRequired );
Object vivDefaultValue = main.getObject( 3 );
return new ValidateAttributeActivity( id, vivAttribute, vivType, vivIsRequired, vivDefaultValue );
default :
throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot create node for unknown main element type in row: " + row );
* There are two types of branches, those with and those without a condition ({@link WorkflowFactory#branch()} vs {@link WorkflowFactory#branch(String)}).
* This method returns whether the given split has at least one branch that defines a condition.
private boolean hasConditionalBranches( Tree split ){
for( Tree branch : split.getChildren() ){
Element main = branch.getContent().getMainElement();
if( main.countArguments() > 0 ){
return true;
return false;
* Some node producing elements do not define an id themselves but deduce their id based
* on their block-opening or block-closing partner. E.g. a WHILE_DO_END deduces its id
* based on its WHILE_DO_BEGIN partner.
private int findPartnerNodeId( Tree current, Type type ){
switch( type ) {
case JOIN_ALL:
// The partner is the previous sibling which is the SPLIT or WHILE_DO_BEGIN
return current.getPrevious().getContent().getId();
// The partner is the next sibling which is the DO_WHILE_END
return current.getNext().getContent().getMainElement().getId();
case END_IF:
// The partner is the first previous IF (there may be ELSE_IF and ELSE siblings between IF and this END_IF)
Tree if_ = current;
while( !Type.IF.equals( if_.getContent().getType() ) ){
if_ = if_.getPrevious();
return if_.getContent().getId();
default :
throw new IllegalStateException();