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package es.tid.topologyModuleBase.database;
import es.tid.ospf.ospfv2.lsa.tlv.subtlv.complexFields.BitmapLabelSet;
import es.tid.tedb.*;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;
//import es.tid.pce.computingEngine.algorithms.ComputingAlgorithmPreComputation;
//import es.tid.pce.computingEngine.algorithms.ComputingAlgorithmPreComputationSSON;
* It's just like DomainTEDB and TEDB but every function has an identifier with it.
* It's thought for you to have a list of TEDB and apply the function on a particular TEDB depending
* on the identifier.
* @author jaume
public interface TopologyTEDB
public boolean belongsToDomain(String id, Object addr);
public ReachabilityEntry getReachabilityEntry(String id);
public LinkedList getInterDomainLinks(String id);
public Set getIntraDomainLinks(String id);
public String printInterDomainLinks(String id);
public boolean containsVertex(String id, Object vertex);
public WSONInformation getWSONinfo(String id);
public SSONInformation getSSONinfo(String id);
public void notifyWavelengthReservation(String id, LinkedList