es.weso.utils.IOUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package es.weso.utils
import cats._
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.Stream
import es.weso.utils.internal.CollectionCompat._
case class IOException(
msg: String,
exc: Option[Throwable]
) extends Exception(msg)
object IOException {
def fromString(msg: String): IOException = IOException(msg, None)
object IOUtils {
def fromES[A](e: Either[String, A]): IO[A] =
def err[A](msg: String): IO[A] =
def ok[A](x: A): IO[A] = IO(x)
def errStream[A](msg: String): Stream[IO, A] =
def streamFromLazyList[A](ls: LazyList[A]): Stream[IO, A] = Stream.emits(ls)
def fromIO[A](x: IO[A]): Stream[IO, A] = Stream.eval(x)
def sequence[A](vs: List[IO[A]]): IO[List[A]] = vs.sequence
def io2ES[A](v: IO[A]): Either[String, A] = {
MonadError[IO, Throwable].attempt(v).unsafeRunSync().leftMap(_.getMessage())
// The following code is inspired by:
def streamFromIOs[A](vs: IO[List[A]]): Stream[IO, A] = {
Stream.eval(vs).flatMap(x => Stream(x: _*))
type ESIO[A] = EitherT[IO, String, A]
def either2io[A](e: Either[String, A]): IO[Either[String, A]] =
e.fold((msg: String) => IO(msg.asLeft[A]), (v: A) => IO(v.asRight[String]))
def ok_es[A](x: A): ESIO[A] = EitherT.pure(x)
def fail_es[A](msg: String): ESIO[A] = EitherT.fromEither(msg.asLeft[A])
def io2es[A](io: IO[A]): ESIO[A] = for {
either <- EitherT.liftF(io.attempt)
resp <- either.fold(
e => {
// pprint.log(e)
fail_es(s"Error: ${e.getMessage}")
} yield resp
def either2es[A](e: Either[String, A]): ESIO[A] = EitherT.fromEither(e)
def stream2es[A](s: Stream[IO, A]): ESIO[LazyList[A]] = io2es(
def print_es[A](msg: String): ESIO[Unit] = io2es(IO(println(msg)))
def run_es[A](es: ESIO[A]): IO[Either[String, A]] = es.value
type ESF[A, F[_]] = EitherT[F, String, A]
def ok_esf[A, F[_]: Applicative](x: A): ESF[A, F] = EitherT.pure[F, String](x)
def fail_ef[A, F[_]: Applicative](msg: String): ESF[A, F] = EitherT.fromEither[F](msg.asLeft[A])
def f2es[A, F[_]: Applicative](fa: F[A]): ESF[A, F] = EitherT.liftF(fa)
// def io2esf[A,F[_]:Effect: LiftIO](io:IO[A]): ESF[A,F] = EitherT.liftF(LiftIO[F].liftIO(io))
def either2ef[A, F[_]: Applicative](e: Either[String, A]): ESF[A, F] = EitherT.fromEither[F](e)
// def stream2ef[A,F[_]:Effect](s: Stream[F,A]): ESF[LazyList[A],F] = f2es(
def run_esf[A, F[_]](es: ESF[A, F]): F[Either[String, A]] = es.value
// def run_esiof[A,F[_]:Effect](esio: ESIO[A]): F[Either[String,A]] = run_esf(esio2esf[A,F](esio))
/* def esio2esf[A, F[_]: Effect](e: ESIO[A]): ESF[A,F] = {
for {
either <- io2esf[Either[String,A],F](e.value)
r <- either2ef[A,F](either)
} yield r
} */
def io2f[A, F[_]: LiftIO](io: IO[A]): F[A] = LiftIO[F].liftIO(io)
def stream2io[A](s: Stream[IO, A]): IO[LazyList[A]] =