Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import java.time.Clock
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
* Errors that may occur during SD-JWT verification
* They are raised as [SdJwtVerificationException]
sealed interface VerificationError {
* SD-JWT is not in Combined Issuance of Presentation format
data object ParsingError : VerificationError
* SD-JWT contains in invalid JWT
data object InvalidJwt : VerificationError
* Failure to verify key binding
* @param details the specific problem
data class KeyBindingFailed(val details: KeyBindingError) : VerificationError
* SD-JWT contains invalid disclosures (cannot obtain a claim)
data class InvalidDisclosures(val invalidDisclosures: List) : VerificationError
* SD-JWT contains a JWT which is missing or contains an invalid
* Hashing Algorithm claim
data object MissingOrUnknownHashingAlgorithm : VerificationError
* SD-JWT contains non-unique disclosures
data object NonUniqueDisclosures : VerificationError
* SD-JWT contains a JWT which has non unique digests
data object NonUniqueDisclosureDigests : VerificationError
* SD-JWT doesn't contain digests for the [disclosures]
* @param disclosures The disclosures for which there are no digests
data class MissingDigests(val disclosures: List) : VerificationError
* An exception carrying a [verification error][reason]
* @param reason the problem
data class SdJwtVerificationException(val reason: VerificationError) : Exception()
* Creates a [SdJwtVerificationException] for the given error
* @receiver the error to be wrapped into the exception
* @return an exception with the given error
fun VerificationError.asException(): SdJwtVerificationException = SdJwtVerificationException(this)
* An interface that abstracts the verification of JWT signature
* Implementations should provide [checkSignature]
fun interface JwtSignatureVerifier {
* Verifies the signature of the [jwt] and extracts its payload
* @param jwt the JWT to validate
* @return the payload of the JWT if signature is valid, otherwise raises [InvalidJwt]
suspend fun verify(jwt: String): Result =
runCatching { checkSignature(jwt) ?: throw InvalidJwt.asException() }
* Implement this method to check the signature of the JWT and extract its payload
* @param jwt the JWT to validate
* @return the payload of the JWT if signature is valid, otherwise null
suspend fun checkSignature(jwt: String): Claims?
* Constructs a new [JwtSignatureVerifier] that in addition applies to the
* extracted payload the [additionalCondition]
* @return a new [JwtSignatureVerifier] that in addition applies to the
* extracted payload the [additionalCondition]
fun and(additionalCondition: suspend (Claims) -> Boolean): JwtSignatureVerifier = JwtSignatureVerifier { jwt ->
this.checkSignature(jwt)?.let { claims -> if (additionalCondition(claims)) claims else null }
companion object
* Errors related to Key Binding
sealed interface KeyBindingError {
* Indicates that the pub key of the holder cannot be located
* in SD-JWT, JWT claims
data object MissingHolderPubKey : KeyBindingError
* SD-JWT contains in invalid Key Binding JWT
data object InvalidKeyBindingJwt : KeyBindingError
* SD-JWT contains a Key Binding JWT, but this was not expected
data object UnexpectedKeyBindingJwt : KeyBindingError
* SD-JWT lacks a Key Binding JWT, which was expected
data object MissingKeyBindingJwt : KeyBindingError
* This represents the two kinds of Key Binding verification
* [MustNotBePresent] : A [presentation SD-JWT][SdJwt.Presentation] must not have a Key Binding
* [MustBePresent]: A [presentation SD-JWT][SdJwt.Presentation] must have a valid Key Binding
sealed interface KeyBindingVerifier {
* @param jwtClaims The claims of the JWT part of the SD-JWT. They will be used to extract the
* public key of the Holder, in case of [MustBePresentAndValid]
* @param expectedDigest The digest of the SD-JWT, as expected to be found inside the Key Binding JWT
* under `sd_hash` claim.
* It will be used in case of [MustBePresentAndValid]
* @param unverifiedKbJwt the Key Binding JWT to be verified.
* In case of [MustNotBePresent] it must not be provided.
* Otherwise, in case of [MustBePresentAndValid], it must be present, having a valid signature and containing
* at least an [expectedDigest] under claim `sd_hash`
* @return the claims of the Key Binding JWT, in case of [MustBePresentAndValid], otherwise null.
suspend fun verify(jwtClaims: Claims, expectedDigest: SdJwtDigest, unverifiedKbJwt: String?): Result =
runCatching {
fun mustBeNotPresent(): Claims? =
if (unverifiedKbJwt != null) throw UnexpectedKeyBindingJwt.asException()
else null
suspend fun mustBePresentAndValid(keyBindingVerifierProvider: (Claims) -> JwtSignatureVerifier?): Claims {
if (unverifiedKbJwt == null) throw MissingKeyBindingJwt.asException()
val keyBindingJwtVerifier =
keyBindingVerifierProvider(jwtClaims) ?: throw MissingHolderPubKey.asException()
return keyBindingJwtVerifier.checkSignature(unverifiedKbJwt)
?.takeIf { kbClaims ->
val sdHash = kbClaims[SdJwtDigest.CLAIM_NAME]
?.takeIf { element -> element is JsonPrimitive && element.isString }
?.let { JwtBase64.removePadding(it) }
expectedDigest.value == sdHash
?: throw InvalidKeyBindingJwt.asException()
when (this) {
is MustNotBePresent -> mustBeNotPresent()
is MustBePresentAndValid -> mustBePresentAndValid(keyBindingVerifierProvider)
* Indicates that a presentation SD-JWT must not have key binding
data object MustNotBePresent : KeyBindingVerifier
* Indicates that a presentation SD-JWT must have key binding
* @param keyBindingVerifierProvider this is a function to extract of the JWT part of the SD-JWT,
* the public key of the Holder and create [JwtSignatureVerifier] to be used for validating the
* signature of the Key Binding JWT.
* It assumes that Issuer has included somehow the holder pub key to SD-JWT.
class MustBePresentAndValid(val keyBindingVerifierProvider: (Claims) -> JwtSignatureVerifier?) :
companion object {
internal fun KeyBindingError.asException(): SdJwtVerificationException =
* Representation of a JWT both as [string][Jwt] and its [payload][Claims]
typealias JwtAndClaims = Pair
* A single point for verifying SD-JWTs in both [Combined Issuance Format][verifyIssuance]
* and [Combined Presentation Format][verifyPresentation]
object SdJwtVerifier {
* Verifies an SD-JWT (in simple format)
* Typically, this is useful to Holder that wants to verify an issued SD-JWT
* @param jwtSignatureVerifier the verification the SD-JWT signature.
* To provide an implementation of this,
* Holder should be aware of the public key and the signing algorithm that the Issuer
* used to sign the SD-JWT
* @param unverifiedSdJwt the SD-JWT to be verified
* @return the verified SD-JWT, if valid. Otherwise, method could raise a [SdJwtVerificationException]
* The verified SD-JWT will contain a [JWT][SdJwt.Issuance.jwt] as both string and decoded payload
suspend fun verifyIssuance(
jwtSignatureVerifier: JwtSignatureVerifier,
unverifiedSdJwt: String,
): Result> = runCatching {
// Parse
val (unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures) = StandardSerialization.parseIssuance(unverifiedSdJwt)
verifyIssuance(jwtSignatureVerifier, unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures).getOrThrow()
* Verifies an SD-JWT in JWS JSON general of flattened format as defined by RFC7515 and extended by SD-JWT
* specification
* Typically, this is useful to Holder that wants to verify an issued SD-JWT
* @param jwtSignatureVerifier the verification the SD-JWT signature.
* To provide an implementation of this,
* Holder should be aware of the public key and the signing algorithm that the Issuer
* used to sign the SD-JWT
* @param unverifiedSdJwt the SD-JWT to be verified.
* A JSON Object that is expected to be in general
* or flatten form as defined in RFC7515 and extended by SD-JWT specification.
* @return the verified SD-JWT, if valid.
* Otherwise, method could raise a [SdJwtVerificationException]
* The verified SD-JWT will contain a [JWT][SdJwt.Issuance.jwt] as both string and decoded payload
suspend fun verifyIssuance(
jwtSignatureVerifier: JwtSignatureVerifier,
unverifiedSdJwt: JsonObject,
): Result> = runCatching {
val (unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures, unverifiedKbJwt) =
if (null != unverifiedKbJwt) throw UnexpectedKeyBindingJwt.asException()
verifyIssuance(jwtSignatureVerifier, unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures).getOrThrow()
* Implementation of the verification for an issued SD-JWT which is independent of the serialization
* format used.
* @param jwtSignatureVerifier the verification the SD-JWT signature.
* To provide an implementation of this,
* Holder should be aware of the public key and the signing algorithm that the Issuer
* used to sign the SD-JWT
* @param unverifiedJwt the JWT of the SD-JWT
* @param unverifiedDisclosures the disclosures of the SD-JWT
* @return the verified SD-JWT, if valid.
* Otherwise, method could raise a [SdJwtVerificationException]
* The verified SD-JWT will contain a [JWT][SdJwt.Issuance.jwt] as both string and decoded payload
private suspend fun verifyIssuance(
jwtSignatureVerifier: JwtSignatureVerifier,
unverifiedJwt: Jwt,
unverifiedDisclosures: List,
): Result> = runCatching {
// Check JWT signature
val jwtClaims = jwtSignatureVerifier.verify(unverifiedJwt).getOrThrow()
verifyIssuance(unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures) { jwtClaims }.getOrThrow()
* Verifies a SD-JWT in Combined Presentation Format
* Typically, this is useful to Verifier that wants to verify presentation SD-JWT communicated by Holder
* @param jwtSignatureVerifier the verification of SD-JWT signature.
* To provide an implementation of this,
* Verifier should be aware of the public key and the signing algorithm that the Issuer
* used to sign the SD-JWT.
* @param keyBindingVerifier specifies whether a Key Binding JWT is expected or not.
* In the case that it is expected, Verifier should be aware of how the Issuer has chosen to include the
* Holder public key into the SD-JWT and which algorithm the Holder used to sign the challenge of the Verifier.
* @param unverifiedSdJwt the SD-JWT to be verified
* @return the verified SD-JWT and the key binding JWT, if valid.
* Otherwise, method could raise a [SdJwtVerificationException]
* The verified SD-JWT will the [JWT][SdJwt.Presentation.jwt] and key binding JWT
* are representing in both string and decoded payload.
* Expected errors are reported via a [SdJwtVerificationException]
suspend fun verifyPresentation(
jwtSignatureVerifier: JwtSignatureVerifier,
keyBindingVerifier: KeyBindingVerifier,
unverifiedSdJwt: String,
): Result, JwtAndClaims?>> = runCatching {
// Parse
val (unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures, unverifiedKBJwt) =
// Check JWT
val jwtClaims = jwtSignatureVerifier.verify(unverifiedJwt).getOrThrow()
val hashAlgorithm = hashingAlgorithmClaim(jwtClaims)
val disclosures = uniqueDisclosures(unverifiedDisclosures)
val digests = collectDigests(jwtClaims, disclosures)
verifyDisclosures(hashAlgorithm, disclosures, digests)
// Check Key binding
val expectedDigest = SdJwtDigest.digest(hashAlgorithm, unverifiedSdJwt).getOrThrow()
val kbJwtClaims = keyBindingVerifier.verify(jwtClaims, expectedDigest, unverifiedKBJwt).getOrThrow()
// Assemble it
val kbJwt: JwtAndClaims? = kbJwtClaims?.let { checkNotNull(unverifiedKBJwt) to it }
val sdJwt = SdJwt.Presentation(unverifiedJwt to jwtClaims, disclosures)
sdJwt to kbJwt
* Verifies a SD-JWT in JWS JSON serialization
* Typically, this is useful to Verifier that wants to verify presentation SD-JWT communicated by Holder
* @param jwtSignatureVerifier the verification of SD-JWT signature.
* To provide an implementation of this,
* Verifier should be aware of the public key and the signing algorithm that the Issuer
* used to sign the SD-JWT.
* @param keyBindingVerifier specifies whether a Key Binding JWT is expected or not.
* In the case that it is expected, Verifier should be aware of how the Issuer has chosen to include the
* Holder public key into the SD-JWT and which algorithm the Holder used to sign the challenge of the Verifier.
* @param unverifiedSdJwt the SD-JWT to be verified
* @return the verified SD-JWT, if valid. Otherwise, method could raise a [SdJwtVerificationException]
* The verified SD-JWT will the [JWT][SdJwt.Presentation.jwt] and key binding JWT
* are representing in both string and decoded payload.
* Expected errors are reported via a [SdJwtVerificationException]
suspend fun verifyPresentation(
jwtSignatureVerifier: JwtSignatureVerifier,
keyBindingVerifier: KeyBindingVerifier,
unverifiedSdJwt: JsonObject,
): Result, JwtAndClaims?>> = runCatching {
// Parse and re-assemble it in combined form
val unverifiedSdJwtAsString = JwsJsonSupport.parseIntoStandardForm(unverifiedSdJwt)
verifyPresentation(jwtSignatureVerifier, keyBindingVerifier, unverifiedSdJwtAsString).getOrThrow()
internal fun verifyIssuance(
unverifiedJwt: Jwt,
unverifiedDisclosures: List,
jwtClaimsExtractor: (Jwt) -> Claims,
): Result> = runCatching {
val jwtClaims = jwtClaimsExtractor(unverifiedJwt)
val hashAlgorithm = hashingAlgorithmClaim(jwtClaims)
val disclosures = uniqueDisclosures(unverifiedDisclosures)
val digests = collectDigests(jwtClaims, disclosures)
// Check Disclosures
verifyDisclosures(hashAlgorithm, disclosures, digests)
// Assemble it
SdJwt.Issuance(unverifiedJwt to jwtClaims, disclosures)
* Verify the [disclosures] against the [digestFoundInSdJwt] found in the SD-JWT and in particular
* in the payload of the JWT and in the disclosures themselves.
* For every disclosure, we make sure that there is a digest within the SD-JWT
* @param hashAlgorithm the algorithm to use when re-calculating the digests
* @param disclosures the disclosures to verify
* @param digestFoundInSdJwt the digests found in the SD-JWT and in particular in the payload of the JWT and in the
* disclosures themselves.
* @throws SdJwtVerificationException with [MissingDigests] error in case there are disclosures
* for which there are no digests.
private fun verifyDisclosures(
hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm,
disclosures: List,
digestFoundInSdJwt: Set,
) {
val calculatedDigestsPerDisclosure: Map =
disclosures.associateWith { DisclosureDigest.digest(hashAlgorithm, it).getOrThrow() }
val disclosuresMissingDigest = mutableListOf()
for ((disclosure, digest) in calculatedDigestsPerDisclosure) {
if (digest !in digestFoundInSdJwt) {
if (disclosuresMissingDigest.isNotEmpty()) throw MissingDigests(disclosuresMissingDigest).asException()
* Checks that the [unverifiedDisclosures] are indeed [Disclosure] and that are unique
* @return the list of [Disclosure]. Otherwise, it may raise [InvalidDisclosures] or [NonUniqueDisclosures]
private fun uniqueDisclosures(unverifiedDisclosures: List): List {
val maybeDisclosures = unverifiedDisclosures.associateWith { Disclosure.wrap(it) }
maybeDisclosures.filterValues { it.isFailure }.keys.also { invalidDisclosures ->
if (invalidDisclosures.isNotEmpty())
throw InvalidDisclosures(invalidDisclosures.toList()).asException()
return { maybeDisclosures[it]!!.getOrThrow() }.also { disclosures ->
if (maybeDisclosures.keys.size != disclosures.size) throw NonUniqueDisclosures.asException()
* Looks in the provided claims for the hashing algorithm
* @param jwtClaims the claims in the JWT part of the SD-jWT
* @return the hashing algorithm, if a hashing algorithm is present and contains a string
* representing a supported [HashAlgorithm]. Otherwise raises [MissingOrUnknownHashingAlgorithm]
private fun hashingAlgorithmClaim(jwtClaims: Claims): HashAlgorithm {
val element = jwtClaims["_sd_alg"] ?: JsonPrimitive("sha-256")
val alg =
if (element is JsonPrimitive) HashAlgorithm.fromString(element.content)
else null
return alg ?: throw MissingOrUnknownHashingAlgorithm.asException()
* Collects [digests][DisclosureDigest] from both the JWT payload and the [disclosures][Disclosure].
* @param jwtClaims the JWT payload, of the SD-JWT
* @param disclosures the disclosures, of the SD-JWT
* @return digests from both the JWT payload and the [disclosures][Disclosure], assuring that they are unique
private fun collectDigests(jwtClaims: Claims, disclosures: List): Set {
// Get Digests
val jwtDigests = collectDigests(jwtClaims)
val disclosureDigests = { d -> collectDigests(JsonObject(mapOf(d.claim()))) }.flatten()
val digests = jwtDigests + disclosureDigests
val uniqueDigests = digests.toSet()
if (uniqueDigests.size != digests.size) throw NonUniqueDisclosureDigests.asException()
return uniqueDigests
* Extracts all the [digests][DisclosureDigest] from the given [claims],
* including also subclaims
* @param claims to use
* @return the digests found in the given [claims]
internal fun collectDigests(claims: Claims): List {
fun digestsOf(attribute: String, json: JsonElement): List =
when {
attribute == "_sd" && json is JsonArray -> json.mapNotNull { element ->
if (element is JsonPrimitive) DisclosureDigest.wrap(element.content).getOrNull()
else null
attribute == "..." && json is JsonPrimitive ->
DisclosureDigest.wrap(json.content).getOrNull()?.let { listOf(it) } ?: emptyList()
json is JsonObject -> collectDigests(json)
json is JsonArray -> { if (it is JsonObject) collectDigests(it) else emptyList() }.flatten()
else -> emptyList()
return { (attribute, json) -> digestsOf(attribute, json) }.flatten()
* Validations for the contents of an envelope JWT
object ClaimValidations {
* Retrieves the aud claim
* @receiver the claims to check
* @return the aud claim
fun Claims.aud(): List =
when (val audElement = get("aud")) {
is JsonPrimitive -> audElement.contentOrNull?.let { listOf(it) } ?: emptyList()
is JsonArray -> audElement.mapNotNull {
if (it is JsonPrimitive) it.contentOrNull else null
else -> emptyList()
* Retrieves the iat claim, if present and within the provided time window.
* The time window will be calculated by getting the [current time][Clock.instant]
* and the [offset].
* That is, iat less than equal to the clock's current time and not before the current time minus the offset
* @param clock the clock to use
* @param offset a time window within which the iat is expecting
* @receiver the claims to check
* @return the iat claim
fun Claims.iat(clock: Clock, offset: Duration): Instant? =
primitiveClaim("iat")?.longOrNull?.let { iatValue ->
val iat = Instant.ofEpochSecond(iatValue)
val now = clock.instant()
iat.takeIf { (iat >= now.minusSeconds(offset.seconds) && iat <= now) }
fun Claims.nonce(): String? = primitiveClaim("nonce")?.contentOrNull
fun Claims.primitiveClaim(name: String): JsonPrimitive? =
get(name)?.let { element -> if (element is JsonPrimitive) element else null }
private fun Claims.objectClaim(name: String): JsonObject? =
get(name)?.let { element -> if (element is JsonObject) element else null }
internal fun JwsJsonSupport.parseIntoStandardForm(unverifiedSdJwt: Claims): String {
val (unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures, unverifiedKBJwt) =
val jwtAndDisclosures = StandardSerialization.concat(unverifiedJwt, unverifiedDisclosures)
val kbJwtSerialized = unverifiedKBJwt ?: ""
return "$jwtAndDisclosures$kbJwtSerialized"