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* Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
private typealias EncodedSdElement = Pair>
value class MinimumDigests(val value: Int) {
init {
require(value > 0) { "value must be greater than zero." }
operator fun plus(that: MinimumDigests) = MinimumDigests(this.value + that.value)
fun Int?.atLeastDigests(): MinimumDigests? = this?.let { MinimumDigests(it) }
* Factory for creating an [UnsignedSdJwt]
* @param hashAlgorithm the algorithm to calculate the [DisclosureDigest]
* @param saltProvider provides [Salt] for the calculation of [Disclosure]
* @param fallbackMinimumDigests This is an optional hint, that expresses the number of digests on the immediate level
* of every [SdObject]. It will be taken into account if there is not an explicit [hint][SdObject.minimumDigests] for
* this [SdObject]. If not provided, decoys will be added only if there is a hint at [SdObject] level.
class SdJwtFactory(
private val hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.SHA_256,
private val saltProvider: SaltProvider = SaltProvider.Default,
private val decoyGen: DecoyGen = DecoyGen.Default,
private val fallbackMinimumDigests: MinimumDigests? = null,
) {
* Calculates a [UnsignedSdJwt] for a given [SD-JWT element][sdJwtElements].
* @param sdJwtElements the contents of the SD-JWT
* @return the [UnsignedSdJwt] for the given [SD-JWT element][sdJwtElements]
fun createSdJwt(sdJwtElements: SdObject): Result = runCatching {
val (jwtClaimSet, disclosures) = encodeObj(sdJwtElements).addHashAlgClaim(hashAlgorithm)
UnsignedSdJwt(jwtClaimSet, disclosures)
* Encodes a set of [SD-JWT element][sdObject]
* @param sdObject the set of elements to disclose
* @return the [UnsignedSdJwt]
private fun encodeObj(sdObject: SdObject): EncodedSdElement {
val disclosures = mutableListOf()
val encodedClaims = mutableMapOf()
// Add the given claim to encodedClaims
fun add(encodedClaim: Claims) {
val mergedSdClaim = JsonArray(encodedClaims.sdClaim() + encodedClaim.sdClaim())
encodedClaims += encodedClaim
if (mergedSdClaim.isNotEmpty()) {
encodedClaims["_sd"] = mergedSdClaim
// Adds decoys if needed
fun addDecoysIfNeeded() {
val digests = encodedClaims.sdClaim()
val decoys = genDecoys(digests.size, sdObject.minimumDigests).map { JsonPrimitive(it.value) }
val digestAndDecoys = (digests + decoys).sortedBy { it.jsonPrimitive.contentOrNull }
if (digestAndDecoys.isNotEmpty()) {
encodedClaims["_sd"] = JsonArray(digestAndDecoys)
for ((subClaimName, subClaimValue) in sdObject) {
val (encodedSubClaim, subClaimDisclosures) = encodeClaim(subClaimName, subClaimValue)
disclosures += subClaimDisclosures
val sdObjectClaims = JsonObject(encodedClaims)
return sdObjectClaims to disclosures
* Produces the disclosures and the JWT claims (which include digests)
* for the given claim
* @param claimName the name of the claim
* @param claimValue the value of the claim
* @return the disclosures and the JWT claims (which include digests)
* for the given claim
private fun encodeClaim(claimName: String, claimValue: SdObjectElement): EncodedSdElement {
fun encodePlain(plain: DisclosableJsonElement.Plain): EncodedSdElement {
val plainClaim = JsonObject(mapOf(claimName to plain.value))
return plainClaim to emptyList()
fun encodeSd(sd: DisclosableJsonElement.Sd, allowNestedDigests: Boolean = false): EncodedSdElement {
val claim = claimName to sd.value
val (disclosure, digest) = objectPropertyDisclosure(claim, allowNestedDigests)
val digestAndDecoys = setOf(digest)
val sdClaim = digestAndDecoys.sdClaim()
return sdClaim to listOf(disclosure)
fun encodeSdArray(sdArray: SdArray): EncodedSdElement {
val (disclosures, plainOrDigestElements) = arrayElementsDisclosure(sdArray)
val actualDisclosureDigests = plainOrDigestElements.filterIsInstance().size
val decoys = genDecoys(actualDisclosureDigests, sdArray.minimumDigests).map { PlainOrDigest.Dig(it) }
val allElements = JsonArray(
(plainOrDigestElements + decoys).map {
when (it) {
is PlainOrDigest.Dig -> it.value.asDigestClaim()
is PlainOrDigest.Plain -> it.value
val arrayClaim = JsonObject(mapOf(claimName to allElements))
return arrayClaim to disclosures
fun encodeStructuredSdObject(structuredSdObject: StructuredSdObject): EncodedSdElement {
val (encodedSubClaims, disclosures) = encodeObj(structuredSdObject.content)
val structuredSdClaim = JsonObject(mapOf(claimName to encodedSubClaims))
return structuredSdClaim to disclosures
fun encodeRecursiveSdArray(recursiveSdArray: RecursiveSdArray): EncodedSdElement {
val (contentClaims, contentDisclosures) = encodeSdArray(recursiveSdArray.content)
val wrapper = DisclosableJsonElement.Sd(checkNotNull(contentClaims[claimName]))
val (wrapperClaim, wrapperDisclosures) = encodeSd(wrapper)
val disclosures = contentDisclosures + wrapperDisclosures
return wrapperClaim to disclosures
fun encodeRecursiveSdObject(recursiveSdObject: RecursiveSdObject): EncodedSdElement {
val (contentClaims, contentDisclosures) = encodeObj(recursiveSdObject.content)
val wrapper = DisclosableJsonElement.Sd(contentClaims)
val (wrapperClaim, wrapperDisclosures) = encodeSd(wrapper, allowNestedDigests = true)
val disclosures = contentDisclosures + wrapperDisclosures
return wrapperClaim to disclosures
return when (claimValue) {
is Disclosable -> when (val disclosable = claimValue.disclosable) {
is DisclosableJsonElement.Plain -> encodePlain(disclosable)
is DisclosableJsonElement.Sd -> encodeSd(disclosable)
is SdArray -> encodeSdArray(claimValue)
is StructuredSdObject -> encodeStructuredSdObject(claimValue)
is RecursiveSdArray -> encodeRecursiveSdArray(claimValue)
is RecursiveSdObject -> encodeRecursiveSdObject(claimValue)
* Adds the hash algorithm claim if disclosures are present
* @param h the hash algorithm
* @return a new [EncodedSdElement] with an updated [Claims] to
* contain the hash algorithm claim, if disclosures are present
private fun EncodedSdElement.addHashAlgClaim(h: HashAlgorithm): EncodedSdElement {
val (jwtClaimSet, disclosures) = this
return if (disclosures.isEmpty()) this
else {
val newClaimSet = JsonObject(jwtClaimSet + ("_sd_alg" to JsonPrimitive(h.alias)))
newClaimSet to disclosures
* Generates decoys, if needed.
private fun genDecoys(disclosureDigests: Int, minimumDigests: MinimumDigests?): Set {
val min = (minimumDigests ?: fallbackMinimumDigests)?.value ?: 0
val numOfDecoys = min - disclosureDigests
return decoyGen.gen(hashAlgorithm, numOfDecoys)
private fun Set.sdClaim(): JsonObject =
if (isEmpty()) JsonObject(emptyMap())
else JsonObject(mapOf("_sd" to JsonArray(map { JsonPrimitive(it.value) })))
private fun Claims.sdClaim(): List = this["_sd"]?.jsonArray ?: emptyList()
private fun DisclosureDigest.asDigestClaim(): JsonObject {
return JsonObject(mapOf("..." to JsonPrimitive(value)))
private fun objectPropertyDisclosure(
claim: Claim,
allowNestedDigests: Boolean,
): Pair {
val disclosure = Disclosure.objectProperty(saltProvider, claim, allowNestedDigests).getOrThrow()
val digest = DisclosureDigest.digest(hashAlgorithm, disclosure).getOrThrow()
return disclosure to digest
private fun arrayElementsDisclosure(sdArray: SdArray): Pair, List> {
fun disclosureOf(jsonElement: JsonElement): Pair {
val disclosure = Disclosure.arrayElement(saltProvider, jsonElement).getOrThrow()
val digest = DisclosureDigest.digest(hashAlgorithm, disclosure).getOrThrow()
return disclosure to digest
val disclosures = mutableListOf()
val plainOrDigestElements = mutableListOf()
for (element in sdArray) {
when (element) {
is SdArrayElement.Disclosable -> {
when (val v = element.disclosable) {
is DisclosableJsonElement.Plain -> plainOrDigestElements += PlainOrDigest.Plain(v.value)
is DisclosableJsonElement.Sd -> {
val (disclosure, digest) = disclosureOf(v.value)
disclosures += disclosure
plainOrDigestElements += PlainOrDigest.Dig(digest)
is SdArrayElement.DisclosableObj -> {
val (json, ds) = encodeObj(element.sdObject)
val (ds2, dig) = disclosureOf(json)
disclosures += (ds + ds2)
plainOrDigestElements += PlainOrDigest.Dig(dig)
return disclosures to plainOrDigestElements
companion object {
* A default [SdJwtFactory] with the following options set
* - SHA_256 hash algorithm
* - [SaltProvider.Default]
* - [DecoyGen.Default]
* - No hint for [SdJwtFactory.fallbackMinimumDigests]
val Default: SdJwtFactory =
SdJwtFactory(HashAlgorithm.SHA_256, SaltProvider.Default, DecoyGen.Default, null)
message = "Deprecated and will be removed in a future release",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("SdJwtFactory(hashAlgorithm, globalDigestNumberHint = globalDigestNumberHint)"),
fun of(hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm, fallbackMinimumDigests: Int?): SdJwtFactory =
SdJwtFactory(hashAlgorithm, fallbackMinimumDigests = fallbackMinimumDigests.atLeastDigests())
private sealed interface PlainOrDigest {
data class Plain(val value: JsonElement) : PlainOrDigest
data class Dig(val value: DisclosureDigest) : PlainOrDigest