Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Represents a map which contains all the claims - selectively disclosable or not -
* found in a SD-JWT.
* Each entry contains the [pointer][JsonPointer] and the [disclosures][Disclosure]
* required to revel the claim
typealias DisclosuresPerClaim = Map>
* Recreates the claims, used to produce the SD-JWT and at the same time calculates [DisclosuresPerClaim]
* @param claimsOf a function to obtain the [Claims] of the [SdJwt.jwt]
* @param JWT the type representing the JWT part of the SD-JWT
* @see SdJwt.recreateClaims
fun SdJwt.recreateClaimsAndDisclosuresPerClaim(claimsOf: (JWT) -> Claims): Pair {
val disclosuresPerClaim = mutableMapOf>()
val visitor = ClaimVisitor { path, disclosure ->
if (disclosure != null) {
require(path !in disclosuresPerClaim.keys) { "Disclosures for $path have already been calculated." }
val claimDisclosures = run {
val containerPath = path.parent()
val containerDisclosures = containerPath?.let { disclosuresPerClaim[it] }.orEmpty()
?.let { containerDisclosures + it }
?: containerDisclosures
disclosuresPerClaim.putIfAbsent(path, claimDisclosures)
val claims = recreateClaims(visitor, claimsOf)
return claims to disclosuresPerClaim
* Tries to create a presentation that discloses the claims are in [query]
* @param query a set of [JsonPointer] relative to the unprotected JSON (not the JWT payload). Pointers for
* claims that are always disclosable can be omitted
* @param claimsOf a function to obtain the [Claims] of the [SdJwt.jwt]
* @receiver The issuance SD-JWT upon which the presentation will be based
* @param JWT the type representing the JWT part of the SD-JWT
* @return the presentation if possible to satisfy the [query]
fun SdJwt.Issuance.present(
query: Set,
claimsOf: (JWT) -> Claims,
): SdJwt.Presentation? =
present({ it in query }, claimsOf)
* Tries to create a presentation that discloses the claims that satisfy
* [query]
* @param query a predicate for the claims to include in the presentation. The [JsonPointer]
* is relative to the unprotected JSON (not the JWT payload)
* @param claimsOf a function to obtain the [Claims] of the [SdJwt.jwt]
* @receiver The issuance SD-JWT upon which the presentation will be based
* @param JWT the type representing the JWT part of the SD-JWT
* @return the presentation if possible to satisfy the [query]
fun SdJwt.Issuance.present(
query: (JsonPointer) -> Boolean,
claimsOf: (JWT) -> Claims,
): SdJwt.Presentation? {
val (_, disclosuresPerClaim) = recreateClaimsAndDisclosuresPerClaim(claimsOf)
val keys = disclosuresPerClaim.keys.filter(query)
return if (keys.isEmpty()) null
else {
val ds = disclosuresPerClaim.filterKeys { it in keys }.values.flatten().toSet()
SdJwt.Presentation(jwt, ds.toList())
* Tries to create a presentation that discloses the claims are in [query]
* @param query a set of [JsonPointer] relative to the unprotected JSON (not the JWT payload). Pointers for
* * claims that are always disclosable can be omitted
* @receiver The issuance SD-JWT upon which the presentation will be based
* @return the presentation if possible to satisfy the [query]
fun SdJwt.Issuance.present(
query: Set,
): SdJwt.Presentation? = present(query) { (_, claims) -> claims }
* Tries to create a presentation that discloses the claims that satisfy
* [query]
* @param query a predicate for the claims to include in the presentation. The [JsonPointer]
* is relative to the unprotected JSON (not the JWT payload)
* @receiver The issuance SD-JWT upon which the presentation will be based
* @return the presentation if possible to satisfy the [query]
fun SdJwt.Issuance.present(
query: (JsonPointer) -> Boolean,
): SdJwt.Presentation? = present(query) { (_, claims) -> claims }