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ks-server-http from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

The HTTP server module (ks-server-http) implements the Web API of the KnowledgeStore, which includes the two CRUD and SPARQL endpoints. The CRUD Endpoint supports the retrieval and manipulation of semi-structured data about resource, mention, entity and axiom records (encoded in RDF, possibly using JSONLD), and the upload / download of resource representation. The SPARQL Endpoint supports SPARQL SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE and ASK queries according to the W3C SPARQL protocol. The two endpoints are implemented on top of a component implementing the KnowledgeStore Java API (the Store interface), which can be either the the KnowledgeStore frontend (ks-frontend) or the Java Client. The implementation of the module is based on the Jetty Web sever (run in embedded mode) and the Jersey JAX-RS implementation. Reference documentation of the Web API is automatically generated using the Enunciate tool.

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-server-http
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Download ks-server-http.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-server-http
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies slf4j-api, guava, sesame-model, jetty-server, jetty-jmx, jetty-webapp, jetty-security, jetty-util, javax.servlet-api,, jersey-server, jersey-common, jersey-media-multipart, jersey-mvc, jersey-mvc-mustache, logback-access, sesame-query, ks-core, ks-server, rdfpro-core, sesame-rio-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-tool from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

A collection of command line tools for interacting with a KnowledgeStore server, including benchmarking tools to create and perform a performance test of KS retrieval methods as well as a tool for dumping the contents of a KS instance to RDF files.

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-tool
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Download ks-tool.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-tool
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies ks-core, ks-client, sesame-model, sesame-query, sesame-rio-api, commons-math3, rdfpro-core, guava, slf4j-api, jersey-guava,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-populator-rdf from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

KnowledgeStore RDF Populator

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-populator-rdf
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Download ks-populator-rdf.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-populator-rdf
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies ks-core, ks-client, sesame-model, sesame-rio-api, guava, commons-cli, slf4j-api, logback-classic, logback-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-server from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

ks server

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-server
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Download ks-server.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-server
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 19
Dependencies lucene-core, HikariCP-java6, avro, ks-core, slf4j-api, guava, hadoop-core, sesame-model, sesame-util, sesame-rio-api, sesame-query, sesame-queryalgebra-model, sesame-queryalgebra-evaluation, sesame-queryparser-api, sesame-queryrender, sesame-queryparser-sparql, sesame-repository-api, sesame-sail-api, sesame-repository-sail,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-populator-naf from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

KnowledgeStore NAF Populator

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-populator-naf
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Download ks-populator-naf.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-populator-naf
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies slf4j-api, sesame-model, ks-core, ks-client, commons-cli, commons-compress,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-core from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

The Core module (ks-core) contains core abstractions and basic functionalities shared by the KnowledgeStore Frontend Server and the Java Client. It also defines the Java version of the KnowledgeStore API.

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-core
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Download ks-core.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-core
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies sesame-model, sesame-query, sesame-rio-api, sesame-util, jaxen, rdfpro-core, guava, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-server-hbase from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

The HBase server module (ks-server-hbase) provides an implementation of the Data Store internal sub-component of the Knowledgestore based on the Apache HBase no-sql store, exploiting OMID and Apache Avro to support, respectively, operation transactionality and serialization of efficient serialization of structured data in byte strings.

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-server-hbase
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Download ks-server-hbase.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-server-hbase
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies slf4j-api, guava, sesame-model, avro, hadoop-core, hbase, ks-core, ks-server, omid, commons-cli,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

The KnowledgeStore

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks
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There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact ks
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-client from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

KnowledgeStore Java Client

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-client
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Download ks-client.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-client
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies ks-core, sesame-model, sesame-query, sesame-rio-api,, jersey-client, jersey-common, jersey-apache-connector, httpclient, httpcore, guava, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ks-server-virtuoso from group eu.fbk.knowledgestore (version 1.7.1)

The Virtuoso server module (ks-server-virtuoso) provides an implementation of the Triple Store server-side component (API in ks-triplestore) on top of the OpenLink Virtuoso triple store, a scalable native code triple store that is accessed as an external service. The Virtuoso Sesame driver, which builds on the Virtuoso JDBC driver, is used to remotely access the Virtuoso server for writing data and performing SPARQL queries. For performance reasons, data modification is performed in a non-transactional way, with the module managing possible failures in a way that trigger the external repopulation of the Virtuoso triple store starting from the master copy of data stored in the Data Store component.

Group: eu.fbk.knowledgestore Artifact: ks-server-virtuoso
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Download ks-server-virtuoso.jar (1.7.1)

Artifact ks-server-virtuoso
Group eu.fbk.knowledgestore
Version 1.7.1
Last update 08. October 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies slf4j-api, guava, sesame-model, sesame-util, sesame-query, sesame-repository-api, hadoop-core, virtjdbc4_1, virt_sesame2, ks-core, ks-server,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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