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The SteelSeries is a javabeans component library that contains gauges. You will find linear and radial gauges. In addition you will also find digital displays.

The newest version!

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontFormatException;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.LinearGradientPaint;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Transparency;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

 * A set of handy methods that will be used all over
 * the place.
 * @author hansolo
public enum Util {

    private final float INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST = 1f / 255f;
    private final Pattern NUMBERS_ONLY = Pattern.compile("^[-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$");
    private final Matcher MATCHES_NUMBERS = NUMBERS_ONLY.matcher("");
    private Font digitalFont = null;
    private final Font STANDARD_FONT = new Font("Verdana", 1, 24);
    private final Rectangle2D TEXT_BOUNDARY = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 10, 10);

     * A class that contains some useful methods related to the PointOfInterest class and
     * to general ui related things.
    Util() {
        try {
            digitalFont = Font.createFont(0, this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/steelseries/resources/digital.ttf"));
        } catch (FontFormatException exception) {
        } catch ( exception) {

    //********************************** UI related utils **************************************************************
     * It will take the font from the given Graphics2D object and returns a shape of the given TEXT
     * that is rotated by the ROTATION_ANGLE around it's center which is defined
     * by TEXT_POSITION_X and TEXT_POSITION_Y. It will take the font's descent into account so that
     * the rotated text will be centered correctly even if it doesn't contain characters with descent.
     * @param G2
     * @param TEXT
     * @param TEXT_POSITION_X
     * @param TEXT_POSITION_Y
     * @param ROTATION_ANGLE
     * @return Glyph that is a shape of the given string rotated around it's center.
    public Shape rotateTextAroundCenter(final Graphics2D G2, final String TEXT, final int TEXT_POSITION_X, final int TEXT_POSITION_Y, final double ROTATION_ANGLE) {
        final FontRenderContext RENDER_CONTEXT = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
        final TextLayout TEXT_LAYOUT = new TextLayout(TEXT, G2.getFont(), RENDER_CONTEXT);

        // Check if need to take the fonts descent into account
        final float DESCENT;
        if (MATCHES_NUMBERS.matches()) {
            DESCENT = TEXT_LAYOUT.getDescent();
        } else {
            DESCENT = 0;
        final Rectangle2D TEXT_BOUNDS = TEXT_LAYOUT.getBounds();
        TEXT_BOUNDARY.setRect(TEXT_BOUNDS.getMinX(), TEXT_BOUNDS.getMinY(), TEXT_BOUNDS.getWidth(), TEXT_BOUNDS.getHeight() + DESCENT / 2);

        final GlyphVector GLYPH_VECTOR = G2.getFont().createGlyphVector(RENDER_CONTEXT, TEXT);

        final java.awt.Shape GLYPH = GLYPH_VECTOR.getOutline((int) -TEXT_BOUNDARY.getCenterX(), 2 * (int) TEXT_BOUNDARY.getCenterY());

        final AffineTransform OLD_TRANSFORM = G2.getTransform();
        G2.translate(TEXT_POSITION_X, TEXT_POSITION_Y + TEXT_BOUNDARY.getHeight());

        G2.rotate(ROTATION_ANGLE, -TEXT_BOUNDARY.getCenterX() + TEXT_BOUNDARY.getWidth() / 2, TEXT_BOUNDARY.getCenterY() - (TEXT_BOUNDARY.getHeight() + DESCENT) / 2);


        return GLYPH;

     * Calculates the centered position of the given text in the given boundary and
     * the given graphics2d object. This is really useful when centering text on buttons or other components.
     * @param G2
     * @param BOUNDARY
     * @param TEXT
     * @return a point2d that defines the position of the given text centered in the given rectangle
    public Point2D getCenteredTextPosition(final Graphics2D G2, final Rectangle2D BOUNDARY, final String TEXT) {
        return getCenteredTextPosition(G2, BOUNDARY, G2.getFont(), TEXT);

     * Calculates the centered position of the given text in the given boundary, with the given font and
     * the given graphics2d object. This is really useful when centering text on buttons or other components.
     * @param G2
     * @param BOUNDARY
     * @param FONT
     * @param TEXT
     * @return a point2d that defines the position of the given text centered in the given rectangle
    public Point2D getCenteredTextPosition(final Graphics2D G2, final Rectangle2D BOUNDARY, final Font FONT, final String TEXT) {
        // Get the visual center of the component.
        final double CENTER_X = BOUNDARY.getWidth() / 2.0;
        final double CENTER_Y = BOUNDARY.getHeight() / 2.0;

        // Get the text boundary
        final FontRenderContext RENDER_CONTEXT = G2.getFontRenderContext();
        final TextLayout LAYOUT = new TextLayout(TEXT, FONT, RENDER_CONTEXT);
        final Rectangle2D TEXT_BOUNDS = LAYOUT.getBounds();

        // Calculate the text position
        final double TEXT_X = CENTER_X - TEXT_BOUNDS.getWidth() / 2.0;
        final double TEXT_Y = CENTER_Y - TEXT_BOUNDS.getHeight() / 2.0 + TEXT_BOUNDS.getHeight();

        return new Point2D.Double(TEXT_X, TEXT_Y);

     * This method was taken from the great book "Filthy Rich Clients"
     * from Chet Haase and Romain Guy
     * Convenience method that returns a scaled instance of the
     * provided BufferedImage.
     * @param IMAGE the original image to be scaled
     * @param TARGET_WIDTH the desired width of the scaled instance,
     *    in pixels
     * @param TARGET_HEIGHT the desired height of the scaled instance,
     *    in pixels
     * @param HINT one of the rendering hints that corresponds to
     *    RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION (e.g.
     * @return a scaled version of the original BufferedImage
    public BufferedImage getScaledInstance(final BufferedImage IMAGE, final int TARGET_WIDTH, final int TARGET_HEIGHT, final Object HINT) {
        final int TYPE = (IMAGE.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE) ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
        BufferedImage ret = IMAGE;
        BufferedImage scratchImage = null;
        Graphics2D g2 = null;
        final int WIDTH = TARGET_WIDTH;
        final int HEIGHT = TARGET_HEIGHT;
        int previewWidth = ret.getWidth();
        int previewHeight = ret.getHeight();

        if (scratchImage == null) {
            scratchImage = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, TYPE);
            g2 = scratchImage.createGraphics();

        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, HINT);
        g2.drawImage(ret, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, 0, previewWidth, previewHeight, null);

        ret = scratchImage;


        if (TARGET_WIDTH != ret.getWidth() || TARGET_HEIGHT != ret.getHeight()) {
            scratchImage = new BufferedImage(TARGET_WIDTH, TARGET_HEIGHT, TYPE);
            g2 = scratchImage.createGraphics();
            g2.drawImage(ret, 0, 0, null);
            ret = scratchImage;

        return ret;

     * Creates a image that contains the reflection of the given sourceimage.
     * This could be useful whereever you need some eyecandy. Here we use the good working
     * standard values for opacity = 0.5f and fade out height = 0.7f.
     * @param SOURCE_IMAGE
     * @return a new buffered image that contains the reflection of the original image
    public BufferedImage createReflectionImage(final BufferedImage SOURCE_IMAGE) {
        return createReflectionImage(SOURCE_IMAGE, 0.5f, 0.7f);

     * Creates a image that contains the reflection of the given sourceimage.
     * This could be useful whereever you need some eyecandy.
     * @param SOURCE_IMAGE
     * @param OPACITY a good standard value is 0.5f
     * @param FADE_OUT_HEIGHT a good standard value is 0.7f
     * @return a new buffered image that contains the reflection of the original image
    public BufferedImage createReflectionImage(final BufferedImage SOURCE_IMAGE, final float OPACITY, final float FADE_OUT_HEIGHT) {
        final BufferedImage REFLECTION_IMAGE = new BufferedImage(SOURCE_IMAGE.getWidth(), SOURCE_IMAGE.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        final BufferedImage BLURED_REFLECTION_IMAGE = new BufferedImage(SOURCE_IMAGE.getWidth(), SOURCE_IMAGE.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

        final Graphics2D G2 = REFLECTION_IMAGE.createGraphics();

        G2.translate(0, SOURCE_IMAGE.getHeight());
        G2.scale(1, -1);
        G2.drawRenderedImage(SOURCE_IMAGE, null);
        G2.setPaint(new java.awt.GradientPaint(0, SOURCE_IMAGE.getHeight() * FADE_OUT_HEIGHT, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, SOURCE_IMAGE.getHeight(), new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, OPACITY)));
        G2.fillRect(0, 0, SOURCE_IMAGE.getWidth(), SOURCE_IMAGE.getHeight());

        // Blur the reflection to make it look more realistic
        float[] data = {
        final java.awt.image.Kernel KERNEL = new java.awt.image.Kernel(3, 3, data);
        final java.awt.image.ConvolveOp CONVOLE = new java.awt.image.ConvolveOp(KERNEL, java.awt.image.ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null);


     * Creates a texture with a brushed metal look. The code originaly comes from Jerry Huxtable.
     * If you don't know his Java image related stuff you have to check out
     * @param WIDTH
     * @param HEIGHT
     * @param COLOR
     * @return a buffered image that contains a brushed metal texture
    public BufferedImage createBrushMetalTexture(final Color COLOR, final int WIDTH, final int HEIGHT) {
        return createBrushMetalTexture(COLOR, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 5, 0.1f, true, 0.3f);

     * Creates a texture with a brushed metal look. The code originaly comes from Jerry Huxtable.
     * If you don't know his Java image related stuff you have to check out
     * @param WIDTH
     * @param HEIGHT
     * @param COLOR
     * @param RADIUS
     * @param AMOUNT
     * @param MONOCHROME
     * @param SHINE
     * @return a buffered image that contains a brushed metal texture
    public BufferedImage createBrushMetalTexture(final Color COLOR, final int WIDTH, final int HEIGHT, final int RADIUS, final float AMOUNT, final boolean MONOCHROME, final float SHINE) {
        if (WIDTH <= 0 || HEIGHT <= 0) {
            return new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

        final BufferedImage IMAGE = createImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        BrushedMetalFilter metalBrush = new BrushedMetalFilter();
        if (COLOR != null) {
        return metalBrush.filter(IMAGE, IMAGE);

     * Creates a texture with a linen look. The code is derived from Jerry Huxtables BrushMetalTexture.
     * A linen texture is in principle the same as a brushed metal texture but instead of adding a motion blur to
     * the noise pattern in only one direction you add a second motion blur to the orthogonal direction.
     * @param COLOR
     * @param WIDTH
     * @param HEIGHT
     * @return a buffered image that contains a linen texture
    public BufferedImage createLinenTexture(final Color COLOR, final int WIDTH, final int HEIGHT) {
        if (WIDTH <= 0 || HEIGHT <= 0) {
            return new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

        final BufferedImage IMAGE1 = createImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        final BufferedImage IMAGE2 = createImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        LinenFilter linenBrush = new LinenFilter();
        if (COLOR != null) {
        final AlphaComposite COMPOSITE = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.5f);
        final BufferedImage RESULT = createImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        final Graphics2D G2 = RESULT.createGraphics();
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        G2.drawImage(linenBrush.filter(IMAGE1, IMAGE1), 0, 0, null);
        G2.drawImage(linenBrush.filter(IMAGE2, IMAGE2), 0, 0, null);

        return RESULT;

     * Returns a buffered image that contains a texture of a grinded stainless steel plate.
     * A good default value for the size is 100 px.
     * @param SIZE
     * @return a buffered image that contains a texture of a grinded stainless steel plate
    public BufferedImage create_STAINLESS_STEEL_PLATE_Texture(final int SIZE) {
        if (SIZE <= 0) {
            return createImage(1, 1, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        final BufferedImage IMAGE = createImage(SIZE, SIZE, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);

        final Graphics2D G2 = IMAGE.createGraphics();
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        final Ellipse2D STEEL_CIRCLE = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, SIZE / 2.0, SIZE / 2.0);
        final Point2D CENTER = new Point2D.Double(STEEL_CIRCLE.getCenterX(), STEEL_CIRCLE.getCenterY());
        final float[] FRACTIONS = {

        final Color[] COLORS = {
            new Color(0xFDFDFD),
            new Color(0xFDFDFD),
            new Color(0xB2B2B4),
            new Color(0xACACAE),
            new Color(0xFDFDFD),
            new Color(0x6E6E70),
            new Color(0x6E6E70),
            new Color(0xFDFDFD),
            new Color(0x6E6E70),
            new Color(0x6E6E70),
            new Color(0xFDFDFD),
            new Color(0xACACAE),
            new Color(0xB2B2B4),
            new Color(0xFDFDFD),
            new Color(0xFDFDFD)
        final ConicalGradientPaint GRADIENT = new ConicalGradientPaint(false, CENTER, -0.45f, FRACTIONS, COLORS);
        int amount;
        final double TRANSLATE_STEP = SIZE / 4.0;
        G2.translate(-TRANSLATE_STEP, -TRANSLATE_STEP);
        final AffineTransform OLD = G2.getTransform();
        for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) {
            if (y % 2 == 0) {
                amount = 3;
                G2.translate(0, TRANSLATE_STEP * y);
            } else {
                amount = 2;
                G2.translate(TRANSLATE_STEP, TRANSLATE_STEP * y);

            for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++) {
                G2.translate(SIZE / 2.0, 0);

        return IMAGE;

     * Returns a buffered image that contains a texture of carbon fibre.
     * @param SIZE
     * @return a buffered image that contains a texture of carbon fibre.
    public BufferedImage create_CARBON_Texture(final int SIZE) {
        if (SIZE <= 0) {
            return createImage(1, 1, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);

        final BufferedImage IMAGE = createImage(SIZE, SIZE, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        final Graphics2D G2 = IMAGE.createGraphics();
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE);
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY);
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY);

        final int IMAGE_WIDTH = IMAGE.getWidth();
        final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = IMAGE.getHeight();

        final Rectangle2D RULB = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.0, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.0, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5);
        final Point2D RULB_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RULB.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RULB_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RULB.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RULB_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RULB_COLORS = {
            new Color(35, 35, 35, 255),
            new Color(23, 23, 23, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RULB_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RULB_START, RULB_STOP, RULB_FRACTIONS, RULB_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RULF = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.08333333333333333, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.0, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.3333333333333333, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4166666666666667);
        final Point2D RULF_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RULF.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RULF_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RULF.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RULF_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RULF_COLORS = {
            new Color(38, 38, 38, 255),
            new Color(30, 30, 30, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RULF_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RULF_START, RULF_STOP, RULF_FRACTIONS, RULF_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RLRB = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5);
        final Point2D RLRB_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RLRB.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RLRB_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RLRB.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RLRB_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RLRB_COLORS = {
            new Color(35, 35, 35, 255),
            new Color(23, 23, 23, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RLRB_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RLRB_START, RLRB_STOP, RLRB_FRACTIONS, RLRB_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RLRF = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5833333333333334, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.3333333333333333, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4166666666666667);
        final Point2D RLRF_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RLRF.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RLRF_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RLRF.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RLRF_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RLRF_COLORS = {
            new Color(38, 38, 38, 255),
            new Color(30, 30, 30, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RLRF_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RLRF_START, RLRF_STOP, RLRF_FRACTIONS, RLRF_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RURB = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.0, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5);
        final Point2D RURB_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RURB.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RURB_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RURB.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RURB_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RURB_COLORS = {
            new Color(48, 48, 48, 255),
            new Color(40, 40, 40, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RURB_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RURB_START, RURB_STOP, RURB_FRACTIONS, RURB_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RURF = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5833333333333334, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.08333333333333333, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.3333333333333333, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4166666666666667);
        final Point2D RURF_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RURF.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RURF_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RURF.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RURF_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RURF_COLORS = {
            new Color(53, 53, 53, 255),
            new Color(45, 45, 45, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RURF_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RURF_START, RURF_STOP, RURF_FRACTIONS, RURF_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RLLB = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.0, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.5, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5);
        final Point2D RLLB_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RLLB.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RLLB_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RLLB.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RLLB_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RLLB_COLORS = {
            new Color(48, 48, 48, 255),
            new Color(40, 40, 40, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RLLB_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RLLB_START, RLLB_STOP, RLLB_FRACTIONS, RLLB_COLORS);

        final Rectangle2D RLLF = new Rectangle2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.08333333333333333, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5833333333333334, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.3333333333333333, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4166666666666667);
        final Point2D RLLF_START = new Point2D.Double(0, RLLF.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D RLLF_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, RLLF.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final float[] RLLF_FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] RLLF_COLORS = {
            new Color(53, 53, 53, 255),
            new Color(45, 45, 45, 255)
        final LinearGradientPaint RLLF_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(RLLF_START, RLLF_STOP, RLLF_FRACTIONS, RLLF_COLORS);


        return IMAGE;

     * Returns a buffered image that contains a texture of dark punched sheet.
     * @param SIZE
     * @param TEXTURE_COLOR
     * @return a buffered image that contains a texture of dark punched sheet.
    public BufferedImage create_PUNCHED_SHEET_Image(final int SIZE, final Color TEXTURE_COLOR) {
        final GraphicsConfiguration GFX_CONF = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();

        if (SIZE <= 0) {
            return GFX_CONF.createCompatibleImage(1, 1, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);

        final BufferedImage IMAGE = GFX_CONF.createCompatibleImage(SIZE, SIZE, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        final Graphics2D G2 = IMAGE.createGraphics();
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE);

        final int IMAGE_WIDTH = IMAGE.getWidth();
        final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = IMAGE.getHeight();

        final Rectangle2D BACK = new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

        //final Color DARK = new Color(0x050506);
        final Color DARK = TEXTURE_COLOR.darker().darker();
        final float[] FRACTIONS = {
        final Color[] COLORS = {
            new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
            new Color(68, 68, 68, 255)

        final Ellipse2D ULB = new Ellipse2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.0, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.06666667014360428, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.4000000059604645, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4000000059604645);
        final Point2D ULB_START = new Point2D.Double(0, ULB.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D ULB_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, ULB.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final LinearGradientPaint ULB_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(ULB_START, ULB_STOP, FRACTIONS, COLORS);

        final Ellipse2D ULF = new Ellipse2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.0, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.0, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.4000000059604645, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4000000059604645);

        final Ellipse2D LRB = new Ellipse2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.46666666865348816, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.5333333611488342, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.4000000059604645, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.3999999761581421);
        final Point2D LRB_START = new Point2D.Double(0, LRB.getBounds2D().getMinY());
        final Point2D LRB_STOP = new Point2D.Double(0, LRB.getBounds2D().getMaxY());
        final LinearGradientPaint LRB_GRADIENT = new LinearGradientPaint(LRB_START, LRB_STOP, FRACTIONS, COLORS);

        final Ellipse2D LRF = new Ellipse2D.Double(IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.46666666865348816, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.46666666865348816, IMAGE_WIDTH * 0.4000000059604645, IMAGE_HEIGHT * 0.4000000059604645);


        return IMAGE;

     * Returns a buffered image that contains a simple random noise
     * @param WIDTH
     * @param HEIGHT
     * @param COLOR
     * @return a buffered image that contains a simple random noise
    public BufferedImage create_NOISE_Image(final int WIDTH, final int HEIGHT, final Color COLOR) {
        final GraphicsConfiguration GFX_CONF = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();

        if (WIDTH <= 0 || HEIGHT <= 0) {
            return GFX_CONF.createCompatibleImage(1, 1, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);

        final BufferedImage IMAGE = GFX_CONF.createCompatibleImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
        final Graphics2D G2 = IMAGE.createGraphics();
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        G2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE);

        final int IMAGE_WIDTH = IMAGE.getWidth();
        final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = IMAGE.getHeight();

        final Color DARK_NOISE = COLOR.darker();
        final Color BRIGHT_NOISE = COLOR.brighter();

        final Random BW_RND = new Random();
        final Random ALPHA_RND = new Random();
        Color noiseColor;
        int noiseAlpha;
        for (int y = 0; y < IMAGE_HEIGHT; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < IMAGE_WIDTH; x++) {
                if (BW_RND.nextBoolean()) {
                    noiseColor = BRIGHT_NOISE;
                } else {
                    noiseColor = DARK_NOISE;
                noiseAlpha = 90 + ALPHA_RND.nextInt(90) - 45;
                G2.setColor(new Color(noiseColor.getRed(), noiseColor.getGreen(), noiseColor.getBlue(), noiseAlpha));
                G2.drawLine(x, y, x, y);

        return IMAGE;

     * Returns a compatible image of the given size and transparency
     * @param WIDTH
     * @param HEIGHT
     * @param TRANSPARENCY
     * @return a compatible image of the given size and transparency
    public BufferedImage createImage(final int WIDTH, final int HEIGHT, final int TRANSPARENCY) {
        GraphicsConfiguration gfxConf = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();
        if (WIDTH <= 0 || HEIGHT <= 0) {
            return gfxConf.createCompatibleImage(1, 1, TRANSPARENCY);
        return gfxConf.createCompatibleImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, TRANSPARENCY);

     * Returns the given COLOR with the given ALPHA transparency
     * @param COLOR
     * @param ALPHA
     * @return Color with the given float transparency
    public Color setAlpha(final Color COLOR, final float ALPHA) {
        if (ALPHA > 1) {
            return setAlpha(COLOR, 255);
        if (ALPHA < 0) {
            return setAlpha(COLOR, 0);
        return setAlpha(COLOR, (int) (Math.ceil(255 * ALPHA)));

     * Return the given COLOR with the given ALPHA transparency
     * @param COLOR
     * @param ALPHA
     * @return Color with given integer transparency
    public Color setAlpha(final Color COLOR, final int ALPHA) {
        return new Color(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), ALPHA);

     * Returns the color that equals the value from CURRENT_FRACTION in a RANGE of values
     * where the start of the RANGE equals the SOURCE_COLOR and the end of the RANGE
     * equals the DESTINATION_COLOR. In other words you could get any color in a gradient
     * between to colors by a given value.
     * @param SOURCE_COLOR
     * @param RANGE
     * @param CURRENT_FRACTION
     * @return Color that was calculated by a fraction from a range of values.
    public Color getColorFromFraction(final Color SOURCE_COLOR, final Color DESTINATION_COLOR, final int RANGE, final int CURRENT_FRACTION) {
        final float SOURCE_RED = SOURCE_COLOR.getRed() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float SOURCE_GREEN = SOURCE_COLOR.getGreen() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float SOURCE_BLUE = SOURCE_COLOR.getBlue() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float SOURCE_ALPHA = SOURCE_COLOR.getAlpha() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;



        final float RED_FRACTION = RED_DELTA / RANGE;
        final float GREEN_FRACTION = GREEN_DELTA / RANGE;
        final float BLUE_FRACTION = BLUE_DELTA / RANGE;
        final float ALPHA_FRACTION = ALPHA_DELTA / RANGE;


     * Returns the interpolated color that you get if you multiply the delta between
     * color2 and color1 with the given fraction (for each channel) and interpolation. The fraction should
     * be a value between 0 and 1.
     * @param COLOR1 The first color as integer in the hex format 0xALPHA RED GREEN BLUE, e.g. 0xFF00FF00 for a pure green
     * @param COLOR2 The second color as integer in the hex format 0xALPHA RED GREEN BLUE e.g. 0xFFFF0000 for a pure red
     * @param FRACTION The fraction between those two colors that we would like to get e.g. 0.5f will result in the color 0xFF808000
     * @return the interpolated color between color1 and color2 calculated by the given fraction and interpolation
    public Color interpolateColor(final Color COLOR1, final Color COLOR2, final float FRACTION) {
        assert (, 0f) >= 0 &&, 1f) <= 0);

        final float RED1 = COLOR1.getRed() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float GREEN1 = COLOR1.getGreen() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float BLUE1 = COLOR1.getBlue() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float ALPHA1 = COLOR1.getAlpha() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;

        final float RED2 = COLOR2.getRed() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float GREEN2 = COLOR2.getGreen() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float BLUE2 = COLOR2.getBlue() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;
        final float ALPHA2 = COLOR2.getAlpha() * INT_TO_FLOAT_CONST;

        final float DELTA_RED = RED2 - RED1;
        final float DELTA_GREEN = GREEN2 - GREEN1;
        final float DELTA_BLUE = BLUE2 - BLUE1;
        final float DELTA_ALPHA = ALPHA2 - ALPHA1;

        float red = RED1 + (DELTA_RED * FRACTION);
        float green = GREEN1 + (DELTA_GREEN * FRACTION);
        float blue = BLUE1 + (DELTA_BLUE * FRACTION);
        float alpha = ALPHA1 + (DELTA_ALPHA * FRACTION);

        red = red < 0f ? 0f : (red > 1f ? 1f : red);
        green = green < 0f ? 0f : (green > 1f ? 1f : green);
        blue = blue < 0f ? 0f : (blue > 1f ? 1f : blue);
        alpha = alpha < 0f ? 0f : (alpha > 1f ? 1f : alpha);

        return new Color(red, green, blue, alpha);

     * Returns the color calculated by a bilinear interpolation by the two fractions in x and y direction.
     * To get the color of the point defined by FRACTION_X and FRACTION_Y with in the rectangle defined by the
     * for given colors we first calculate the interpolated color between COLOR_00 and COLOR_10 (x-direction) with
     * the given FRACTION_X. After that we calculate the interpolated color between COLOR_01 and COLOR_11 (x-direction)
     * with the given FRACTION_X. Now we interpolate between the two results of the former calculations (y-direction)
     * with the given FRACTION_Y.
     * @param COLOR_UL The color on the lower left corner of the square
     * @param COLOR_UR The color on the lower right corner of the square
     * @param COLOR_LL The color on the upper left corner of the square
     * @param COLOR_LR The color on the upper right corner of the square
     * @param FRACTION_X The fraction of the point in x direction (between COLOR_00 and COLOR_10 or COLOR_01 and COLOR_11) range: 0.0f .. 1.0f
     * @param FRACTION_Y The fraction of the point in y direction (between COLOR_00 and COLOR_01 or COLOR_10 and COLOR_11) range: 0.0f .. 1.0f
     * @return the color of the point defined by fraction_x and fraction_y in the square defined by the for colors
    public Color bilinearInterpolateColor(final Color COLOR_UL, final Color COLOR_UR, final Color COLOR_LL, final Color COLOR_LR, final float FRACTION_X, final float FRACTION_Y) {
        final Color INTERPOLATED_COLOR_X1 = interpolateColor(COLOR_UL, COLOR_UR, FRACTION_X);
        final Color INTERPOLATED_COLOR_X2 = interpolateColor(COLOR_LL, COLOR_LR, FRACTION_X);

     * Returns the given COLOR with the given HUE
     * @param COLOR
     * @param HUE
     * @return Color with a given hue
    public Color setHue(final Color COLOR, final float HUE) {
        final float HSB_VALUES[] = Color.RGBtoHSB(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), null);
        return Color.getHSBColor(HUE, HSB_VALUES[1], HSB_VALUES[2]);

     * Returns the given COLOR with the given SATURATION which is really useful
     * if you would like to receive a red tone that has the same brightness and hue
     * as a given blue tone.
     * @param COLOR
     * @param SATURATION
     * @return Color with a given saturation
    public Color setSaturation(final Color COLOR, final float SATURATION) {
        final float HSB_VALUES[] = Color.RGBtoHSB(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), null);
        return Color.getHSBColor(HSB_VALUES[0], SATURATION, HSB_VALUES[2]);

     * Returns the given COLOR with the given BRIGHTNESS
     * @param COLOR
     * @param BRIGHTNESS
     * @return Color with the given brightness
    public Color setBrightness(final Color COLOR, final float BRIGHTNESS) {
        final float HSB_VALUES[] = Color.RGBtoHSB(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), null);
        return Color.getHSBColor(HSB_VALUES[0], HSB_VALUES[1], BRIGHTNESS);

     * Returns the given COLOR with the given HUE an SATURATION
     * @param COLOR
     * @param HUE
     * @param SATURATION
     * @return the given COLOR with the given HUE and SATURATION
    public Color setHueSaturation(final Color COLOR, final float HUE, final float SATURATION) {
        final float HSB_VALUES[] = Color.RGBtoHSB(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), null);
        return Color.getHSBColor(HUE, SATURATION, HSB_VALUES[2]);

     * Returns the given COLOR with the given SATURATION and BRIGHTNESS
     * @param COLOR
     * @param SATURATION
     * @param BRIGHTNESS
     * @return the given COLOR with the given SATURATION and BRIGHTNESS
    public Color setSaturationBrightness(final Color COLOR, final float SATURATION, final float BRIGHTNESS) {
        final float HSB_VALUES[] = Color.RGBtoHSB(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), null);
        return Color.getHSBColor(HSB_VALUES[0], SATURATION, BRIGHTNESS);

     * Returns a darker version of the given color
     * @param COLOR
     * @param FRACTION
     * @return a darker version of the given color
    public Color darker(final Color COLOR, final double FRACTION) {
        int red = (int) Math.round(COLOR.getRed() * (1.0 - FRACTION));
        int green = (int) Math.round(COLOR.getGreen() * (1.0 - FRACTION));
        int blue = (int) Math.round(COLOR.getBlue() * (1.0 - FRACTION));

        red = red < 0 ? 0 : (red > 255 ? 255 : red);
        green = green < 0 ? 0 : (green > 255 ? 255 : green);
        blue = blue < 0 ? 0 : (blue > 255 ? 255 : blue);

        return new Color(red, green, blue, COLOR.getAlpha());

     * Returns a brighter version of the given color
     * @param COLOR
     * @param FRACTION
     * @return a brighter version of the given color
    public Color lighter(final Color COLOR, final double FRACTION) {
        int red = (int) Math.round(COLOR.getRed() * (1.0 + FRACTION));
        int green = (int) Math.round(COLOR.getGreen() * (1.0 + FRACTION));
        int blue = (int) Math.round(COLOR.getBlue() * (1.0 + FRACTION));

        red = red < 0 ? 0 : (red > 255 ? 255 : red);
        green = green < 0 ? 0 : (green > 255 ? 255 : green);
        blue = blue < 0 ? 0 : (blue > 255 ? 255 : blue);

        return new Color(red, green, blue, COLOR.getAlpha());

     * Return the "distance" between two colors where the rgb values are
     * are taken to be coordinates in a 3D space [0.0-1.0].
     * @param   COLOR1
     * @param   COLOR2
     * @return  Distance bwetween colors.
    public double colorDistance(final Color COLOR1, final Color COLOR2) {
        final double FACTOR = 1.0 / 255.0;
        final double DELTA_R = (COLOR2.getRed() - COLOR1.getRed()) * FACTOR;
        final double DELTA_G = (COLOR2.getGreen() - COLOR1.getGreen()) * FACTOR;
        final double DELTA_B = (COLOR2.getBlue() - COLOR1.getBlue()) * FACTOR;

        return Math.sqrt(DELTA_R * DELTA_R + DELTA_G * DELTA_G + DELTA_B * DELTA_B);

     * Returns true if the given color is closer to black than to white.
     * To get the result we calculate the colorDistance from the given color
     * to black and compare it with the colorDistance from the given color to
     * white.
     * @param COLOR
     * @return true if the given color is closer to black than white
    public boolean isDark(final Color COLOR) {
        final double DISTANCE_TO_WHITE = colorDistance(COLOR, Color.WHITE);
        final double DISTANCE_TO_BLACK = colorDistance(COLOR, Color.BLACK);


     * Returns true if the red, green and blue value of the given color are equal
     * @param COLOR
     * @return true if the red, green and blue value of the given color are equal
    public boolean isMonochrome(final Color COLOR) {
        return ((COLOR.getRed() == COLOR.getGreen()) && (COLOR.getGreen() == COLOR.getBlue()));

     * Returns the seven segment font "lcd.ttf" if it is available.
     * Usualy it should be no problem because it will be delivered in the package but
     * if there is a problem it will return the standard font which is verdana.
     * @return Font with fontface from lcd.ttf (if available)
    public Font getDigitalFont() {
        if (digitalFont == null) {
            digitalFont = STANDARD_FONT;
        return this.digitalFont.deriveFont(24).deriveFont(Font.PLAIN);

     * Returns the standard font which is verdana.
     * @return Font that is defined as standard
    public Font getStandardFont() {
        return this.STANDARD_FONT;

     * Saves the given buffered image as png image
     * @param IMAGE
     * @param FILE_NAME
    public void savePngImage(final BufferedImage IMAGE, final String FILE_NAME) {
        try {
            ImageIO.write(IMAGE, "png", new File(FILE_NAME));
        } catch (final EXCEPTION) {

     * Returns the logarithm of a given number and base
     * @param base
     * @param num
     * @return the logarithm of a given number and base
    public double logOfBase(double base, double num) {
        return Math.log(num) / Math.log(base);

     * Returns a list of 9 shades of the given color which will be calculated by the given
     * intensity. The 5 element of the list is the same as the igven color which means you will
     * get 4 darker colors and 4 brighter colors of the given color.
     * @param INTENSITY
     * @param COLOR
     * @return a list of 9 shades of the given color, 4 darker, the original and 4 brighter colors
    public LinkedList createShades(final float INTENSITY, final Color COLOR) {
        final float[] HSB = Color.RGBtoHSB(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), null);
        final float SATURATION_STEPSIZE = HSB[1] / INTENSITY;
        final float BRIGHTNESS_STEPSIZE = HSB[2] / INTENSITY;
        LinkedList colorShades = new LinkedList();
        for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--) {
            colorShades.add(new HsbColor.Builder(COLOR).saturation(HSB[1] - i * SATURATION_STEPSIZE).build().getColor());
        for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--) {
            colorShades.add(new HsbColor.Builder(COLOR).brightness(HSB[2] - i * BRIGHTNESS_STEPSIZE).build().getColor());
        return colorShades;

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