eu.henkelmann.actuarius.LineTokenizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eu.henkelmann.actuarius
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ArrayBuffer}
import scala.util.parsing.input.{Position, Reader}
import scala.xml
* A Reader for reading whole Strings as tokens.
* Used by the Tokenizer to parse whole lines as one Element.
case class LineReader private (val lines:Seq[String],
val lineCount:Int)
extends Reader[String] {
/**should never be used anywhere, just a string that should stick out for better debugging*/
private def eofLine = "EOF"
def this(ls:Seq[String]) = this(ls, 1)
def first = if (lines.isEmpty) eofLine else lines.head
def rest = if (lines.isEmpty) this else new LineReader(lines.tail, lineCount + 1)
def atEnd = lines.isEmpty
def pos = new Position {
def line = lineCount
def column = 1
protected def lineContents = first
* Chops the input into lines and turns those lines into line tokens.
* Also takes care of preprocessing link definitions and xml blocks.
class LineTokenizer() extends Parsers {
object lineParsers extends LineParsers
/**we munch whole lines (OM NOM NOM)
type Elem = String
/** Determines if xml blocks may be included verbatim.
* If true, they are passed through, else they are escaped and turned into paragraphs
def allowXmlBlocks = true
* Returns a parser based on the given line parser.
* The resulting parser succeeds if the given line parser consumes the whole String.
def p[T](parser:lineParsers.Parser[T]):Parser[T] = Parser{in =>
if (in.atEnd) {
Failure("End of Input.", in)
} else {
lineParsers.parseAll(parser, in.first) match {
case lineParsers.Success(t, _) => Success(t,
case n:lineParsers.NoSuccess => Failure(n.msg, in)
/** Returns the first char in the given string or a newline if the string is empty.
* This is done to speed up header parsing. Used to speed up line tokenizing substantially
* by using the first char in a line as lookahead for which parsers to even try.
def firstChar(line:String):Char = {
if (line.length == 0) '\n' else line.charAt(0)
/**Finds the char in the given line that is the best indication of what kind of markdown line this is.
* The “special” Markdown lines all start with up to three spaces. Those are skipped if present.
* The first char after those (up to)three spaces or a newline is returned.
def indicatorChar(line:String):Char = {
var i = 0
//skip the first three spaces, if present
while (i < 3 && i < line.length && line.charAt(i) == ' ') i += 1
//return the next char after the spaces or a newline if there are no more
if (i==line.length) '\n'
else line.charAt(i)
// Link definitions //
/** Tries to parse an URL from the next line if necessary.
* The passed tuple is the result from a previous parser and used to decide how to continue parsing.
def maybeUrlInNextLine(prev:(LinkDefinitionStart, Option[String])):Parser[LinkDefinition] = prev match {
case (lds, Some(title)) => success(lds.toLinkDefinition(Some(title)))
case (lds, None) => Parser {in =>
if (in.atEnd) {
Success(lds.toLinkDefinition(None), in)
} else {
lineParsers.parseAll(lineParsers.linkDefinitionTitle, in.first) match {
case lineParsers.Success(title, _) => Success(lds.toLinkDefinition(Some(title)),
case _ => Success(lds.toLinkDefinition(None), in)
* Parses a link definition.
def linkDefinition:Parser[LinkDefinition] = p(lineParsers.linkDefinitionStart) into(maybeUrlInNextLine)
// XML blocks //
/** The start of a verbatim XML chunk: any line starting directly with an XML element
def xmlChunkStart = p(lineParsers.xmlBlockStartLine)
/** Parses any line that does not start with a closing XML element.
def notXmlChunkEnd = p(lineParsers.notXmlBlockEndLine)
/** Parses a line beginning with a closing XML tag.
def xmlChunkEnd = p(lineParsers.xmlBlockEndLine)
/** Very dumb parser for XML chunks.
def xmlChunk = xmlChunkStart ~ (notXmlChunkEnd*) ~ xmlChunkEnd ^^ {
case s ~ ms ~ e => new XmlChunk(s + "\n" + ms.mkString("\n") + "\n" + e + "\n")
/** Parses Markdown Lines. Always succeeds.
def lineToken = Parser{ in =>
if (in.atEnd) {
Failure("End of Input.", in)
} else {
val line = in.first
(firstChar(line), indicatorChar(line)) match {
case ('=', _) => p(lineParsers.setextHeader1)(in)
case ('-', _) => p(lineParsers.setext2OrRulerOrUItem)(in)
case ('#', _) => p(lineParsers.atxHeader)(in)
case (_, '-') => p(lineParsers.rulerOrUItem)(in)
case (_, '*') => p(lineParsers.rulerOrUItem)(in)
case (_, '+') => p(lineParsers.uItemStartLine)(in)
case (_, '>') => p(lineParsers.blockquoteLine)(in)
case (_, n) if (n >= '0' && n <= '9') => p(lineParsers.oItemStartLine)(in)
case (_, ' ') => p(lineParsers.emptyOrCode)(in)
case (_, '\t')=> p(lineParsers.emptyOrCode)(in)
case (_, '\n')=> p(lineParsers.emptyLine)(in)
case (_, '`') => p(lineParsers.fencedCodeStartOrEnd)(in)
case _ => p(lineParsers.otherLine)(in)
} | p(lineParsers.otherLine) //this makes sure every line is consumed, even if our guess was no good
/** Parses link definitions and verbatim xml blocks
def preprocessToken = Parser{ in =>
if (in.atEnd) {
Failure("End of Input.", in)
} else {
val line = in.first
(firstChar(line), indicatorChar(line)) match {
//link definitions have absolute precedence
case (_, '[') => linkDefinition(in)
//then filter out xml blocks if allowed
case ('<', _) if (allowXmlBlocks) => xmlChunk(in)
//no token for preprocessing
case _ => Failure("No preprocessing token.", in)
/** Parses tokens that may occur inside a block. Works like the normal token parser except that
* it does not check for link definitions and verbatim XML.
def innerTokens(lookup:Map[String, LinkDefinition]):Parser[MarkdownLineReader] = phrase(lineToken *) ^^ {
case ts => new MarkdownLineReader(ts, lookup)
/** Parses first level line tokens, i.e. Markdown lines, XML chunks and link definitions.
def tokens:Parser[MarkdownLineReader] = phrase((preprocessToken | lineToken) *) ^^ { case ts =>
val lines = new ArrayBuffer[MarkdownLine]()
val lookup = new HashMap[String, LinkDefinition]()
for (t <- ts) { t match {
case ld:LinkDefinition => lookup( = ld
case ml:MarkdownLine => lines.append(ml)
} }
new MarkdownLineReader(lines.toList, lookup.toMap)
/** Simple preprocessing: split the input at each newline. These whole lines are then fed to
* the actual Tokenizer.
def splitLines(s:String):List[String] = {
def chopWindoze(line:String) = {
if (line.endsWith("\r")) {
line.substring(0, line.length-1)
} else {
/** Turns a list of inner lines (the payloads of the lines making up the block)
* into line tokens. Does not check for XML chunks or link definitions.
def innerTokenize(lines:List[String], lookup:Map[String, LinkDefinition])=
innerTokens(lookup)(new LineReader(lines)) match {
case Success(reader, _) => reader
case n:NoSuccess =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Inner line Tokenizing failed. This is a bug. Message was: " + n.msg)
/** Tokenizes a whole Markdown document.
def tokenize(s:String):MarkdownLineReader = tokenize(splitLines(s))
/** Tokenizes a preprocessed Markdown document.
def tokenize(lines:List[String]):MarkdownLineReader = tokenize(new LineReader(lines))
/** Tokenizes preprocessed lines read from a line reader.
def tokenize(lines:Reader[String]):MarkdownLineReader = tokens(lines) match {
case Success(reader, _) => reader
case n:NoSuccess =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Tokenizing failed. This is a bug. Message was: " + n.msg)
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