eu.joaocosta.minart.backend.SdlAudioPlayer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package eu.joaocosta.minart.backend
import scala.concurrent.*
import scala.scalanative.meta.LinktimeInfo.isMultithreadingEnabled
import scala.scalanative.runtime.ByteArray
import scala.scalanative.unsafe.{blocking as _, *}
import scala.scalanative.unsigned.*
import sdl2.all.*
import sdl2.enumerations.SDL_AudioFormat.*
import sdl2.enumerations.SDL_InitFlag.*
import eu.joaocosta.minart.runtime.*
final class SdlAudioPlayer() extends LowLevelAudioPlayer {
private val preemptiveCallback = LoopFrequency.hz15.millis
private var device: SDL_AudioDeviceID = _
private var playQueue: AudioQueue.MultiChannelAudioQueue = _
private var callbackRegistered = false
protected def unsafeInit(): Unit = {
protected def unsafeApplySettings(settings: AudioPlayer.Settings): AudioPlayer.Settings = {
// TODO this should probably stop the running audio
playQueue = new AudioQueue.MultiChannelAudioQueue(settings.sampleRate)
val want = stackalloc[SDL_AudioSpec]()
val have = stackalloc[SDL_AudioSpec]()
(!want).freq = settings.sampleRate
(!want).format = AUDIO_S16LSB
(!want).channels = 1.toUByte
(!want).samples = settings.bufferSize.toUShort
(!want).callback = SDL_AudioCallback(null) // Ideally this should use a SDL callback
device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(null, 0, want, have, 0)
// TODO: Ideally this should use a callback like this or it's own callback
// Try this once scala native supports multi threading (or manually schedule futures to enqueue data)
/*val callback: SDL_AudioCallback = (userdata: Ptr[Byte], stream: Ptr[UByte], len: CInt) => {
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
stream(i) = playQueue.dequeueByte().toUByte
i = i + 1
given ExecutionContext =
private def callbackEventLoop(nextSchedule: Long): Future[Unit] = Future {
if (playQueue.nonEmpty() && SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) != 0) {
if (
System.currentTimeMillis() > nextSchedule && SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(device).toInt < (settings.bufferSize * 2)
) {
val samples = Math.min(settings.bufferSize, playQueue.size)
val buf = Iterator
.fill(samples) {
val next = playQueue.dequeue()
val short = (Math.min(Math.max(-1.0, next), 1.0) * Short.MaxValue).toInt
List((short & 0xff).toByte, ((short >> 8) & 0xff).toByte)
if (SDL_QueueAudio(device, buf.asInstanceOf[ByteArray].at(0), (samples * 2).toUInt) == 0) {
val bufferedMillis = (1000 * samples) / settings.sampleRate
Some(System.currentTimeMillis() + bufferedMillis - preemptiveCallback)
} else None
} else Some(nextSchedule)
} else None
}.flatMap {
case Some(next) =>
case None =>
callbackRegistered = false
private def callback(): Future[Unit] = Future {
var abort = false
while (!abort && playQueue.nonEmpty() && SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) != 0) {
if (SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(device).toInt < (settings.bufferSize * 2)) {
val samples = Math.min(settings.bufferSize, playQueue.size)
val buf = Iterator
.fill(samples) {
val next = playQueue.dequeue()
val short = (Math.min(Math.max(-1.0, next), 1.0) * Short.MaxValue).toInt
List((short & 0xff).toByte, ((short >> 8) & 0xff).toByte)
if (SDL_QueueAudio(device, buf.asInstanceOf[ByteArray].at(0), (samples * 2).toUInt) == 0) {
val bufferedMillis = (1000 * samples) / settings.sampleRate
blocking {
Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, bufferedMillis - preemptiveCallback))
} else { abort = true }
callbackRegistered = false
protected def unsafeDestroy(): Unit = {
if (isMultithreadingEnabled) { // Let the callback stop
val maxWaitMillis = (settings.bufferSize * 2 * 1000) / settings.sampleRate
def play(clip: AudioClip, channel: Int): Unit = {
// SDL_LockAudioDevice(device)
playQueue.enqueue(clip, channel)
if (!callbackRegistered) {
callbackRegistered = true
if (isMultithreadingEnabled) callback()
else callbackEventLoop(0)
// SDL_UnlockAudioDevice(device)
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(device, 0)
def isPlaying(): Boolean =
playQueue.nonEmpty() || SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(device).toInt > 0
def isPlaying(channel: Int): Boolean =
def stop(): Unit = {
def stop(channel: Int): Unit = {
def getChannelMix(channel: Int): AudioMix =
def setChannelMix(mix: AudioMix, channel: Int): Unit =
playQueue.setChannelMix(mix, channel)