eu.joaocosta.minart.backend.SdlSurface.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package eu.joaocosta.minart.backend
import scala.scalanative.unsafe.*
import scala.scalanative.unsigned.*
import sdl2.all.*
import sdl2.enumerations.SDL_BlendMode.*
import{BlendMode, Color, MutableSurface, Surface}
/** Mutable surface backed by an SDL surface.
* This class assumes that the surface is in `SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888`.
* It also does not free the surface, that's expected to be handled manually.
* However, when not in use anymore, one should call `cleanup()` to cleanup
* some temporary resources.
final class SdlSurface(val data: Ptr[SDL_Surface]) extends MutableSurface {
val width: Int = (!data).w
val height: Int = (!data).h
private val renderer = SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer(data)
SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE)
private val dataBuffer = (!data).pixels.asInstanceOf[Ptr[Int]]
def unsafeGetPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
Color.fromARGB(dataBuffer(y * width + x))
def unsafePutPixel(x: Int, y: Int, color: Color): Unit = dataBuffer(y * width + x) = color.argb
override def fill(color: Color): Unit = {
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, color.r.toUByte, color.g.toUByte, color.b.toUByte, color.a.toUByte)
def fillRegion(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int, color: Color): Unit = {
val x1 = Math.max(x, 0)
val y1 = Math.max(y, 0)
val x2 = Math.min(x + w, width)
val y2 = Math.min(y + h, height)
if (x1 != x2 && y1 != y2) {
val _w = x2 - x1
val _h = y2 - y1
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, color.r.toUByte, color.g.toUByte, color.b.toUByte, color.a.toUByte)
val rect = stackalloc[SDL_Rect]()
(!rect).x = x1
(!rect).y = y1
(!rect).w = _w
(!rect).h = _h
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, rect)
override def blit(
that: Surface,
blendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.Copy
)(x: Int, y: Int, cx: Int = 0, cy: Int = 0, cw: Int = that.width, ch: Int = that.height): Unit =
(that, blendMode) match {
case (img: SdlSurface, BlendMode.Copy) =>
val srcRect = stackalloc[SDL_Rect]()
(!srcRect).x = cx
(!srcRect).y = cy
(!srcRect).w = cw
(!srcRect).h = ch
val dstRect = stackalloc[SDL_Rect]()
(!dstRect).x = x
(!dstRect).y = y
(!dstRect).w = cw
(!dstRect).h = ch
SDL_UpperBlit(, srcRect,, dstRect)
case _ =>
super.blit(that, blendMode)(x, y, cx, cy, cw, ch)
/** Cleans up the internal datastructures used by this surface.
* Note that the underlying data is not freed by this method.
def cleanup(): Unit = {
object SdlSurface {
/* Converts a raw SDL surface to ARGB 8888, so that it can be used by SdlSurface.
* This method will only copy the surface if necessary.
* When that happens, the original pointer will be invalidated.
* As such, the pointer used to call this method should never be reused, only the
* pointer returned.
* @param original original data to convert
def ensureARGBFormat(original: Ptr[SDL_Surface]): Ptr[SDL_Surface] = {
val originalFormat = (!(!original).format).format
if (originalFormat == SDL_PixelFormatEnum.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888.uint) {
} else {
val formattedSurface =
SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(original, SDL_PixelFormatEnum.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32.uint, 0.toUInt)
/** Processes a raw SDL surface as if it was a Minart SdlSurface.
* The temporary surface is released after the code block is executed, so it should
* be returned.
* This method assumes that the data is in RGBA32.
* @param data raw SDL data
* @param f operation to apply
* @return result of the operation
inline def withRawData[T](data: Ptr[SDL_Surface])(inline f: SdlSurface => T): T = {
val tempSurface = new SdlSurface(data)
val ret = f(tempSurface)