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/** A procedurally generated infinite surface.
* Can be clipped to create a surface.
trait Plane extends Function2[Int, Int, Color] { outer =>
/** Returns the color at position (x, y). */
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Color = getPixel(x, y)
/** Returns the color at position (x, y). */
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color
/** Maps the colors from this plane. */
final def map(f: Color => Color): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = f(outer.getPixel(x, y))
/** Flatmaps this plane */
final def flatMap(f: Color => Plane): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = f(outer.getPixel(x, y)).getPixel(x, y)
/** Contramaps the positions from this plane. */
final def contramap(f: (Int, Int) => (Int, Int)): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
val res = f(x, y)
outer.getPixel(res._1, res._2)
/** Combines this plane with another by combining their colors with the given function. */
final def zipWith(that: Plane, f: (Color, Color) => Color): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
val c1 = outer.getPixel(x, y)
val c2 = that.getPixel(x, y)
f(c1, c2)
/** Combines this plane with a surface by combining their colors with the given function. */
final def zipWith(that: Surface, f: (Color, Color) => Color): SurfaceView = SurfaceView(
new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
val c1 = outer.getPixel(x, y)
that.getPixel(x, y).fold(c1)(c2 => f(c1, c2))
width = that.width,
height = that.height
/** Coflatmaps this plane with a Plane => Color function.
* Effectively, each pixel of the new plane is computed from a translated plane, which can be used to
* implement convolutions.
final def coflatMap(f: Plane => Color): Plane =
new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color =
f((dx: Int, dy: Int) => outer.getPixel(x + dx, y + dy))
/** Clips this plane to a chosen rectangle
* @param cx leftmost pixel on the surface
* @param cy topmost pixel on the surface
* @param cw clip width
* @param ch clip height
final def clip(cx: Int, cy: Int, cw: Int, ch: Int): SurfaceView =
if (cx == 0 && cy == 0) toSurfaceView(cw, ch)
new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
outer.getPixel(x + cx, y + cy)
}.toSurfaceView(cw, ch)
/** Inverts a plane color. */
def invertColor: Plane = map(_.invert)
/** Contramaps this plane using a matrix instead of a function.
* This method can be chained multiple times efficiently.
* Note that this is *contramaping*. The operation is applied as
* [a b c] [dx] = [sx]
* [d e f] [dy] [sy]
* [0 0 1] [ 1] [ 1]
* Where (sx,sy) are the positions in the original plane and (dx, dy) are the positions in the new plane.
* This means that you need to invert the transformations to use the common transformation matrices.
* For example, the matrix:
* [2 0 0] [dx] = [sx]
* [0 2 0] [dy] [sy]
* [0 0 1] [ 1] [ 1]
* Will *scale down* the image, not scale up.
def contramapMatrix(matrix: Matrix) =
Plane.MatrixPlane(matrix, this)
/** Translates a plane. */
def translate(dx: Double, dy: Double): Plane = contramapMatrix(Matrix(1, 0, -dx, 0, 1, -dy))
/** Flips a plane horizontally. */
def flipH: Plane = contramapMatrix(Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0))
/** Flips a plane vertically. */
def flipV: Plane = contramapMatrix(Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0))
/** Scales a plane. */
def scale(sx: Double, sy: Double): Plane = contramapMatrix(Matrix(1.0 / sx, 0, 0, 0, 1.0 / sy, 0))
/** Scales a plane. */
def scale(s: Double): Plane = scale(s, s)
/** Rotates a plane by a certain angle (clockwise). */
def rotate(theta: Double): Plane = {
val ct = math.cos(-theta)
val st = math.sin(-theta)
contramapMatrix(Matrix(ct, -st, 0, st, ct, 0))
/** Shears a plane. */
def shear(sx: Double, sy: Double): Plane = contramapMatrix(Matrix(1.0, -sx, 0, -sy, 1.0, 0))
/** Transposes a plane (switches the x and y coordinates). */
def transpose: Plane = contramapMatrix(Matrix(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0))
/** Converts this plane to a surface view, assuming (0, 0) as the top-left corner.
* @param width surface view width
* @param height surface view height
final def toSurfaceView(width: Int, height: Int): SurfaceView =
SurfaceView(this, width, height)
/** Converts this plane to a RAM surface, assuming (0, 0) as the top-left corner.
* @param width surface width
* @param height surface height
final def toRamSurface(width: Int, height: Int): RamSurface =
toSurfaceView(width, height).toRamSurface()
object Plane {
private[Plane] final case class MatrixPlane(matrix: Matrix, plane: Plane) extends Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
val (xx, yy) = matrix(x, y)
plane.getPixel(xx, yy)
override def contramapMatrix(matrix: Matrix) =
MatrixPlane(this.matrix.multiply(matrix), plane)
/** Creates a plane from a constant color.
* @param constant constant color
def fromConstant(color: Color): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = color
/** Creates a plane from a generator function.
* @param generator generator function from (x, y) to a color
def fromFunction(generator: (Int, Int) => Color): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
generator(x, y)
/** Creates a plane from a surface, filling the remaining pixels with a fallback color.
* @param surface reference surface
* @param fallback fallback color
def fromSurfaceWithFallback(surface: Surface, fallback: Color): Plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
surface.getPixelOrElse(x, y, fallback)
/** Creates a plane from a surface, by repeating that surface accross both axis.
* @param surface reference surface
@deprecated("Use surface.view.repeating")
def fromSurfaceWithRepetition(surface: Surface): Plane =