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/** A view over a surface, stored as a plane limited by a width and height.
* Allows lazy operations to be applied over a surface.
* This can have a performance impact. However, a new RAM surface with the operations already applied can be constructed using `toRamSurface`
final case class SurfaceView(plane: Plane, width: Int, height: Int) extends Surface { outer =>
def unsafeGetPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color =
plane.getPixel(x, y)
/** Maps the colors from this surface view. */
def map(f: Color => Color): SurfaceView = copy(
/** Flatmaps the inner plane of this surface view */
def flatMap(f: Color => Plane): SurfaceView =
copy(plane = plane.flatMap(f))
/** Contramaps the positions from this surface view. */
def contramap(f: (Int, Int) => (Int, Int)): Plane =
/** Combines this view with a surface by combining their colors with the given function. */
def zipWith(that: Surface, f: (Color, Color) => Color): SurfaceView =
.zipWith(that, f)
width = math.min(that.width, width),
height = math.min(that.height, height)
/** Combines this view with a plane by combining their colors with the given function. */
def zipWith(that: Plane, f: (Color, Color) => Color): SurfaceView =
copy(plane = plane.zipWith(that, f))
/** Coflatmaps this plane with a SurfaceView => Color function.
* Effectively, each pixel of the new view is computed from a translated view, which can be used to
* implement convolutions.
def coflatMap(f: SurfaceView => Color): SurfaceView =
copy(plane = new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color =
f(outer.clip(x, y, width - x, height - y))
/** Clips this view to a chosen rectangle
* @param cx leftmost pixel on the surface
* @param cy topmost pixel on the surface
* @param cw clip width
* @param ch clip height
def clip(cx: Int, cy: Int, cw: Int, ch: Int): SurfaceView = {
val newWidth = math.min(cw, this.width - cx)
val newHeight = math.min(ch, this.height - cy)
if (cx == 0 && cy == 0 && newWidth == width && newHeight == height) this
else plane.clip(cx, cy, newWidth, newHeight)
/** Inverts a surface color. */
def invertColor: SurfaceView = map(_.invert)
/** Flips a surface horizontally. */
def flipH: SurfaceView =
copy(plane = plane.flipH.translate(width - 1, 0))
/** Flips a surface vertically. */
def flipV: SurfaceView =
copy(plane = plane.flipV.translate(0, height - 1))
/** Scales a surface. */
def scale(sx: Double, sy: Double): SurfaceView =
copy(plane = plane.scale(sx, sy), width = (width * sx).toInt, height = (height * sy).toInt)
/** Scales a surface. */
def scale(s: Double): SurfaceView = scale(s, s)
/** Transposes a surface. */
def transpose: SurfaceView =
plane.transpose.toSurfaceView(height, width)
/** Returns a plane that repeats this surface forever */
def repeating: Plane =
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) Plane.fromConstant(SurfaceView.defaultColor)
new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
outer.plane.getPixel(SurfaceView.floorMod(x, outer.width), SurfaceView.floorMod(y, outer.height))
/** Repeats this surface xTimes on the x axis and yTimes on the yAxis */
def repeating(xTimes: Int, yTimes: Int): SurfaceView =
repeating.toSurfaceView(width * xTimes, height * yTimes)
/** Returns a plane that clamps this surface when out of bounds */
def clamped: Plane =
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) Plane.fromConstant(SurfaceView.defaultColor)
new Plane {
def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int): Color = {
outer.plane.getPixel(SurfaceView.clamp(0, x, outer.width - 1), SurfaceView.clamp(0, y, outer.height - 1))
/** Forces the surface to be computed and returns a new view.
* Equivalent to `toRamSurface().view`.
* This can be particularly useful to force the computation before a heavy
* coflatMap (e.g. a convolution with a large kernel) to avoid recomputing
* the same pixel multiple times.
def precompute: SurfaceView = toRamSurface().view
override def view: SurfaceView = this
object SurfaceView {
private val defaultColor: Color = Color(0, 0, 0) // Fallback color used for safety
private def floorMod(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
val rem = x % y
if (rem >= 0) rem
else rem + y
private def clamp(minValue: Int, value: Int, maxValue: Int): Int =
math.max(0, math.min(value, maxValue))
/** Generates a surface view from a surface */
def apply(surface: Surface): SurfaceView =
SurfaceView(Plane.fromSurfaceWithFallback(surface, defaultColor), surface.width, surface.height)