Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import eu.joaocosta.minart.internal.*
/** Image reader for PGM/PPM files.
* Supports P2, P3, P5 and P6 PGM/PPM files with a 8 bit color range.
trait PpmImageReader extends ImageReader {
import PpmImageReader.*
import ByteReader.*
import ByteStringOps.*
// P1
private val loadStringBWPixel: ParseState[String, Color] =
for {
value <- readNextNonWhitespaceChar
_.exists(x => x == '0' || x == '1'),
x => s"Bitmap value $x needs to be either 0 or 1"
} yield if (value.contains('1')) Color.grayscale(0) else Color.grayscale(255)
// P2
private val loadStringGrayscalePixel: ParseState[String, Color] =
for {
value <- parseNextInt("Invalid value")
} yield Color.grayscale(value)
// P3
private val loadStringRgbPixel: ParseState[String, Color] =
for {
red <- parseNextInt("Invalid red channel")
green <- parseNextInt("Invalid green channel")
blue <- parseNextInt("Invalid blue channel")
} yield Color(red, green, blue)
// P4 - Custom logic due to bit packing
private def loadBits(
data: CustomInputStream,
remainingLines: Int,
width: Int,
lineBytes: Int,
acc: Vector[Array[Boolean]] = Vector()
): ParseResult[Vector[Array[Boolean]]] = {
if (isEmpty(data) || remainingLines == 0) Right(data -> acc)
else {
readPaddedBits(width, lineBytes).run(data) match {
case Left(error) => Left(error)
case Right((remaining, line)) =>
loadBits(remaining, remainingLines - 1, width, lineBytes, acc :+ line)
// P5
private val loadBinaryGrayscalePixel: ParseState[String, Color] =
{ case Some(byte) => Color.grayscale(byte) },
_ => "Not enough data to read Grayscale pixel"
// P6
private val loadBinaryRgbPixel: ParseState[String, Color] =
{ case bytes if bytes.size == 3 => Color(bytes(0), bytes(1), bytes(2)) },
_ => "Not enough data to read RGB pixel"
private def loadColor(magic: String): Either[String, ParseState[String, Color]] = magic match {
case "P1" => Right(loadStringBWPixel)
case "P2" => Right(loadStringGrayscalePixel)
case "P3" => Right(loadStringRgbPixel)
// case "P4" => // P4 requires special logic
case "P5" => Right(loadBinaryGrayscalePixel)
case "P6" => Right(loadBinaryRgbPixel)
case fmt => Left(s"Invalid pixel format: $fmt")
private def loadPixelLine(
loadColor: ParseState[String, Color],
data: CustomInputStream,
remainingPixels: Int,
acc: List[Color] = Nil
): ParseResult[Array[Color]] = {
if (isEmpty(data) || remainingPixels == 0)
Right(data -> acc.reverseIterator.toArray)
else { match {
case Left(error) => Left(error)
case Right((remaining, color)) =>
loadPixelLine(loadColor, remaining, remainingPixels - 1, color :: acc)
private def loadPixels(
loadColor: ParseState[String, Color],
data: CustomInputStream,
remainingLines: Int,
width: Int,
acc: Vector[Array[Color]] = Vector()
): ParseResult[Vector[Array[Color]]] = {
if (isEmpty(data) || remainingLines == 0) Right(data -> acc)
else {
loadPixelLine(loadColor, data, width) match {
case Left(error) => Left(error)
case Right((remaining, line)) =>
loadPixels(loadColor, remaining, remainingLines - 1, width, acc :+ line)
private def loadHeader(bytes: CustomInputStream): ParseResult[Header] = {
for {
magic <- readNextString.validate(PpmImageFormat.supportedFormats, m => s"Unsupported format: $m")
width <- parseNextInt(s"Invalid width")
height <- parseNextInt(s"Invalid height")
colorRange <-
if (magic == "P1" || magic == "P4") State.pure(1)
parseNextInt(s"Invalid color range").validate(
_ == 255,
range => s"Unsupported color range: $range"
} yield Header(magic, width, height, colorRange)
final def loadImage(is: InputStream): Either[String, RamSurface] = {
val bytes = fromInputStream(is)
loadHeader(bytes).flatMap { case (data, header) =>
val pixels = header.magic match {
case "P4" =>
loadBits(data, header.height, header.width, math.ceil(header.width / 8.0).toInt).map((state, bits) =>
(state, => if (b) Color.grayscale(0) else Color.grayscale(255))))
case _ =>
loadColor(header.magic).flatMap(loadColor => loadPixels(loadColor, data, header.height, header.width))
pixels.flatMap { case (_, pixelMatrix) =>
if (pixelMatrix.size != header.height)
Left(s"Invalid number of lines: Got ${pixelMatrix.size}, expected ${header.height}")
else if (pixelMatrix.nonEmpty && pixelMatrix.last.size != header.width)
Left(s"Invalid number of pixels in the last line: Got ${pixelMatrix.last.size}, expected ${header.width}")
else Right(new RamSurface(pixelMatrix))
object PpmImageReader {
private object ByteStringOps {
import ByteReader.*
private val space = ' '.toInt
private val newLine = '\n'.toInt
private val comment = '#'.toInt
val skipLine: ParseState[Nothing, Unit] =
skipWhile(_ != newLine).flatMap(_ => skipBytes(1))
val readNextString: ParseState[String, String] =
readByte.flatMap {
case None => State.pure("")
case Some(c) =>
if (c == comment) skipLine.flatMap(_ => readNextString)
else if (c == newLine || c == space) readNextString
readWhile(char => char != space && char != newLine)
.map(chars => (c.toChar ::""))
.flatMap(str => skipBytes(1).map(_ => str))
val readNextNonWhitespaceChar: ParseState[String, Option[Char]] =
readByte.flatMap {
case None => State.pure(None)
case Some(c) =>
if (c == comment) skipLine.flatMap(_ => readNextNonWhitespaceChar)
else if (c == newLine || c == space) readNextNonWhitespaceChar
else State.pure(Some(c.toChar))
def parseNextInt(errorMessage: String): ParseState[String, Int] =
readNextString.flatMap { str =>
val intEither = => Right(int)).getOrElse(Left(s"Failed to parse int: $str"))