Download eu.stratosphere JAR files with all dependencies
sopremo-base from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
Relational and nesting operators for Stratsphere Sopremo
meteor-meteor from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
sopremo-query from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
stratosphere-java from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.5.2-hadoop2)
meteor-webfrontend from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
meteor-client from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
meteor-testing from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
sopremo-client from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
sopremo-testserver from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
sopremo-server from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
stratosphere-test-utils from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.5.2-hadoop2)
stratosphere-compiler from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.5.2-hadoop2)
sopremo-testplan from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4)
Test utilities for Stratsphere Sopremo
stratosphere-scala-examples from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.5.2-hadoop2)
array-datamodel from group eu.stratosphere (version 0.4-hadoop2)
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