eu.toop.edm.EDMRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This work is protected under copyrights held by the members of the
* TOOP Project Consortium as indicated at
* (c) 2018-2021. All rights reserved.
* This work is dual licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
* and the EUPL 1.2.
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
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* Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or – as soon they will be approved
* by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL
* (the "Licence");
* You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
package eu.toop.edm;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import com.helger.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.Nonempty;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.ReturnsMutableCopy;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.ReturnsMutableObject;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.CommonsArrayList;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.CommonsHashSet;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.CommonsLinkedHashMap;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.CommonsLinkedHashSet;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsList;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsOrderedMap;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsOrderedSet;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsSet;
import com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTFactory;
import com.helger.commons.equals.EqualsHelper;
import com.helger.commons.hashcode.HashCodeGenerator;
import com.helger.commons.string.StringHelper;
import com.helger.commons.string.ToStringGenerator;
import com.helger.commons.traits.IGenericImplTrait;
import eu.toop.edm.jaxb.cccev.CCCEVConceptType;
import eu.toop.edm.jaxb.cccev.CCCEVRequirementType;
import eu.toop.edm.jaxb.dcatap.DCatAPDistributionType;
import eu.toop.edm.model.AgentPojo;
import eu.toop.edm.model.BusinessPojo;
import eu.toop.edm.model.ConceptPojo;
import eu.toop.edm.model.DistributionPojo;
import eu.toop.edm.model.EToopLanguageCode;
import eu.toop.edm.model.EToopQueryDefinitionType;
import eu.toop.edm.model.EToopResponseOptionType;
import eu.toop.edm.model.PersonPojo;
import eu.toop.edm.request.EDMRequestPayloadConcepts;
import eu.toop.edm.request.EDMRequestPayloadDistribution;
import eu.toop.edm.request.EDMRequestPayloadDocumentID;
import eu.toop.edm.request.IEDMRequestPayloadProvider;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotAuthorizedRepresentative;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotConceptRequestList;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotConsentToken;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotDataConsumer;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotDataSubjectLegalPerson;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotDataSubjectNaturalPerson;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotDatasetIdentifier;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotDistributionRequestList;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotFullfillingRequirements;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotIssueDateTime;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotProcedure;
import eu.toop.edm.slot.SlotSpecificationIdentifier;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.IJAXBVersatileReader;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.IVersatileWriter;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.JAXBVersatileReader;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.JAXBVersatileWriter;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.cagv.AgentMarshaller;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.cagv.CCAGV;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.cccev.ConceptMarshaller;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.cccev.RequirementMarshaller;
import eu.toop.edm.xml.dcatap.DistributionMarshaller;
import eu.toop.regrep.RegRep4Reader;
import eu.toop.regrep.RegRep4Writer;
import eu.toop.regrep.RegRepHelper;
import eu.toop.regrep.query.QueryRequest;
import eu.toop.regrep.query.ResponseOptionType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.AnyValueType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.CollectionValueType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.DateTimeValueType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.InternationalStringType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.InternationalStringValueType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.LocalizedStringType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.QueryType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.SlotType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.StringValueType;
import eu.toop.regrep.rim.ValueType;
import eu.toop.regrep.slot.ISlotProvider;
import eu.toop.regrep.slot.SlotHelper;
import eu.toop.regrep.slot.predefined.SlotId;
* This class contains the data model for a single TOOP EDM Request. It requires
* at least the following fields:
* - QueryDefinition - Concept or Document query?
* - Request ID - the internal ID of the request that must be part of the
* response. Can be a UUID.
* - Specification Identifier - must be the value
* - Issue date time - when the request was created. Ideally in UTC.
* - Data Consumer - the basic infos of the DC
* - Data Subject - either as Legal Person or as Natural Person, but not
* both.
* - If it is a "ConceptQuery" the request Concepts must be provided.
* - If it is a "DocumentQuery" the request distribution must be
* provided.
* - If it is a "ObjectReference" the request Document ID must be
* provided.
* It is recommended to use the builder*()
methods to create the
* EDM request using the builder pattern with a fluent API.
* @author Philip Helger
* @author Konstantinos Douloudis
public class EDMRequest implements IEDMTopLevelObject
private static final ICommonsOrderedSet TOP_LEVEL_SLOTS = new CommonsLinkedHashSet <> (SlotSpecificationIdentifier.NAME,
private final EToopQueryDefinitionType m_eQueryDefinition;
private final String m_sRequestID;
private final EToopResponseOptionType m_eResponseOption;
private final String m_sSpecificationIdentifier;
private final LocalDateTime m_aIssueDateTime;
private final InternationalStringType m_aProcedure;
private final ICommonsList m_aFullfillingRequirements = new CommonsArrayList <> ();
private final AgentPojo m_aDataConsumer;
private final String m_sConsentToken;
private final String m_sDatasetIdentifier;
private final BusinessPojo m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson;
private final PersonPojo m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson;
private final PersonPojo m_aAuthorizedRepresentative;
private final IEDMRequestPayloadProvider m_aPayloadProvider;
protected EDMRequest (@Nonnull final EToopQueryDefinitionType eQueryDefinition,
@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sRequestID,
@Nonnull final EToopResponseOptionType eResponseOption,
@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sSpecificationIdentifier,
@Nonnull final LocalDateTime aIssueDateTime,
@Nullable final InternationalStringType aProcedure,
@Nullable final ICommonsList aFullfillingRequirements,
@Nonnull final AgentPojo aDataConsumer,
@Nullable final String sConsentToken,
@Nullable final String sDatasetIdentifier,
@Nullable final BusinessPojo aDataSubjectLegalPerson,
@Nullable final PersonPojo aDataSubjectNaturalPerson,
@Nullable final PersonPojo aAuthorizedRepresentative,
@Nonnull final IEDMRequestPayloadProvider aRPP)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (eQueryDefinition, "QueryDefinition");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (eResponseOption, "ResponseOption");
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (sRequestID, "RequestID");
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (sSpecificationIdentifier, "SpecificationIdentifier");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aIssueDateTime, "IssueDateTime");
ValueEnforcer.noNullValue (aFullfillingRequirements, "FullfillingRequirements");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDataConsumer, "DataConsumer");
if (!eQueryDefinition.isDataSujectOptional ())
ValueEnforcer.isFalse (aDataSubjectLegalPerson == null && aDataSubjectNaturalPerson == null, "A DataSubject must be set");
ValueEnforcer.isFalse (aDataSubjectLegalPerson != null && aDataSubjectNaturalPerson != null,
"Not more than one DataSubject must be set");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aRPP, "RequestPayloadProvider");
m_eQueryDefinition = eQueryDefinition;
m_sRequestID = sRequestID;
m_eResponseOption = eResponseOption;
m_sSpecificationIdentifier = sSpecificationIdentifier;
m_aIssueDateTime = aIssueDateTime;
m_aProcedure = aProcedure;
if (aFullfillingRequirements != null)
m_aFullfillingRequirements.addAll (aFullfillingRequirements);
m_aDataConsumer = aDataConsumer;
m_sConsentToken = sConsentToken;
m_sDatasetIdentifier = sDatasetIdentifier;
m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson = aDataSubjectLegalPerson;
m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson = aDataSubjectNaturalPerson;
m_aAuthorizedRepresentative = aAuthorizedRepresentative;
m_aPayloadProvider = aRPP;
* @return The query definition type as provided in the constructor. Never
* null
public final EToopQueryDefinitionType getQueryDefinition ()
return m_eQueryDefinition;
* @return The TOOP internal request ID. Neither null
nor empty.
public final String getRequestID ()
return m_sRequestID;
* @return The response option to be used. Never null
public final EToopResponseOptionType getResponseOption ()
return m_eResponseOption;
* @return The specification identifier that identifies the data model in use.
* current one.
public final String getSpecificationIdentifier ()
return m_sSpecificationIdentifier;
* @return The local date and time when the EDM request was created. Never
* null
public final LocalDateTime getIssueDateTime ()
return m_aIssueDateTime;
public final InternationalStringType getProcedure ()
return m_aProcedure;
public final List fullfillingRequirements ()
return m_aFullfillingRequirements;
public final List getAllFullfillingRequirements ()
return m_aFullfillingRequirements.getClone ();
public final AgentPojo getDataConsumer ()
return m_aDataConsumer;
public final String getConsentToken ()
return m_sConsentToken;
public final String getDatasetIdentifier ()
return m_sDatasetIdentifier;
public final BusinessPojo getDataSubjectLegalPerson ()
return m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson;
public final PersonPojo getDataSubjectNaturalPerson ()
return m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson;
public final PersonPojo getAuthorizedRepresentative ()
return m_aAuthorizedRepresentative;
* @return The request payload provider. Never null
. This is one
* of {@link eu.toop.edm.request.IEDMRequestPayloadConcepts},
* {@link eu.toop.edm.request.IEDMRequestPayloadDistribution} or
* {@link eu.toop.edm.request.IEDMRequestPayloadDocumentID}.
public final IEDMRequestPayloadProvider getPayloadProvider ()
return m_aPayloadProvider;
private QueryRequest _createQueryRequest (@Nonnull final ICommonsList aProviders)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (m_eQueryDefinition, "QueryDefinition");
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (m_sRequestID, "RequestID");
ValueEnforcer.noNullValue (aProviders, "Providers");
// Maintain original order
final ICommonsOrderedMap aProviderMap = new CommonsLinkedHashMap <> ();
for (final ISlotProvider aItem : aProviders)
final String sName = aItem.getName ();
if (aProviderMap.containsKey (sName))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("A slot provider for name '" + sName + "' is already present");
aProviderMap.put (sName, aItem);
final QueryRequest ret = RegRepHelper.createEmptyQueryRequest ();
ret.setId (m_sRequestID);
ret.getResponseOption ().setReturnType (m_eResponseOption.getID ());
// All top-level slots outside of query
for (final String sTopLevel : TOP_LEVEL_SLOTS)
final ISlotProvider aSP = aProviderMap.get (sTopLevel);
if (aSP != null)
ret.addSlot (aSP.createSlot ());
final QueryType aQuery = new QueryType ();
aQuery.setQueryDefinition (m_eQueryDefinition.getID ());
// All slots inside of query
for (final Map.Entry aEntry : aProviderMap.entrySet ())
if (!TOP_LEVEL_SLOTS.contains (aEntry.getKey ()))
aQuery.addSlot (aEntry.getValue ().createSlot ());
ret.setQuery (aQuery);
return ret;
public QueryRequest getAsQueryRequest ()
final ICommonsList aSlots = new CommonsArrayList <> ();
// Top-level slots
if (m_sSpecificationIdentifier != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotSpecificationIdentifier (m_sSpecificationIdentifier));
if (m_aIssueDateTime != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotIssueDateTime (m_aIssueDateTime));
if (m_aProcedure != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotProcedure (m_aProcedure));
if (m_aFullfillingRequirements.isNotEmpty ())
aSlots.add (new SlotFullfillingRequirements (m_aFullfillingRequirements));
if (m_sConsentToken != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotConsentToken (m_sConsentToken));
if (m_sDatasetIdentifier != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotDatasetIdentifier (m_sDatasetIdentifier));
if (m_aDataConsumer != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotDataConsumer (m_aDataConsumer));
// Commons Query slots
if (m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotDataSubjectLegalPerson (m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson));
if (m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotDataSubjectNaturalPerson (m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson));
if (m_aAuthorizedRepresentative != null)
aSlots.add (new SlotAuthorizedRepresentative (m_aAuthorizedRepresentative));
// Request payload slot
aSlots.add (m_aPayloadProvider.getAsSlotProvider ());
return _createQueryRequest (aSlots);
public IVersatileWriter getWriter ()
return new JAXBVersatileWriter <> (getAsQueryRequest (), RegRep4Writer.queryRequest (CCAGV.XSDS).setFormattedOutput (true));
public static IJAXBVersatileReader reader ()
return new JAXBVersatileReader <> (RegRep4Reader.queryRequest (CCAGV.XSDS), EDMRequest::create);
public boolean equals (final Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass () != o.getClass ())
return false;
final EDMRequest rhs = (EDMRequest) o;
return EqualsHelper.equals (m_eQueryDefinition, rhs.m_eQueryDefinition) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_eResponseOption, rhs.m_eResponseOption) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_sRequestID, rhs.m_sRequestID) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_sSpecificationIdentifier, rhs.m_sSpecificationIdentifier) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aIssueDateTime, rhs.m_aIssueDateTime) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aProcedure, rhs.m_aProcedure) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aFullfillingRequirements, rhs.m_aFullfillingRequirements) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aDataConsumer, rhs.m_aDataConsumer) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_sConsentToken, rhs.m_sConsentToken) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_sDatasetIdentifier, rhs.m_sDatasetIdentifier) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson, rhs.m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson, rhs.m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aAuthorizedRepresentative, rhs.m_aAuthorizedRepresentative) &&
EqualsHelper.equals (m_aPayloadProvider, rhs.m_aPayloadProvider);
public int hashCode ()
return new HashCodeGenerator (this).append (m_eQueryDefinition)
.append (m_eResponseOption)
.append (m_sRequestID)
.append (m_sSpecificationIdentifier)
.append (m_aIssueDateTime)
.append (m_aProcedure)
.append (m_aFullfillingRequirements)
.append (m_aDataConsumer)
.append (m_sConsentToken)
.append (m_sDatasetIdentifier)
.append (m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson)
.append (m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson)
.append (m_aAuthorizedRepresentative)
.append (m_aPayloadProvider)
.getHashCode ();
public String toString ()
return new ToStringGenerator (this).append ("QueryDefinition", m_eQueryDefinition)
.append ("ResponseOption", m_eResponseOption)
.append ("RequestID", m_sRequestID)
.append ("SpecificationIdentifier", m_sSpecificationIdentifier)
.append ("IssueDateTime", m_aIssueDateTime)
.append ("Procedure", m_aProcedure)
.append ("FullfillingRequirements", m_aFullfillingRequirements)
.append ("DataConsumer", m_aDataConsumer)
.append ("ConsentToken", m_sConsentToken)
.append ("DatasetIdentifier", m_sDatasetIdentifier)
.append ("DataSubjectLegalPerson", m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson)
.append ("DataSubjectNaturalPerson", m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson)
.append ("AuthorizedRepresentative", m_aAuthorizedRepresentative)
.append ("RequestPayloadProvider", m_aPayloadProvider)
.getToString ();
public static BuilderConcept builderConcept ()
return new BuilderConcept ().specificationIdentifier (CToopEDM.SPECIFICATION_IDENTIFIER_TOOP_EDM_V21)
.responseOption (EToopResponseOptionType.INLINE);
public static BuilderDocumentsByDistribution builderDocumentsByDistribution ()
return new BuilderDocumentsByDistribution ().specificationIdentifier (CToopEDM.SPECIFICATION_IDENTIFIER_TOOP_EDM_V21)
.responseOption (EToopResponseOptionType.INLINE);
public static BuilderDocumentsByDistribution builderDocumentReferencesByDistribution ()
return new BuilderDocumentsByDistribution ().specificationIdentifier (CToopEDM.SPECIFICATION_IDENTIFIER_TOOP_EDM_V21)
.responseOption (EToopResponseOptionType.REFERENCE);
* @return A new builder for an EDM Request that is request with a an ID only.
public static BuilderDocumentByID builderDocumentByID ()
return new BuilderDocumentByID ().specificationIdentifier (CToopEDM.SPECIFICATION_IDENTIFIER_TOOP_EDM_V21)
.responseOption (EToopResponseOptionType.INLINE);
* Generic Builder for an EDM request
* @author Philip Helger
* @param
* The implementation class of this class
public abstract static class AbstractBuilder > implements IGenericImplTrait
protected final EToopQueryDefinitionType m_eQueryDefinition;
protected String m_sRequestID;
protected EToopResponseOptionType m_eResponseOption;
protected String m_sSpecificationIdentifier;
protected LocalDateTime m_aIssueDateTime;
protected InternationalStringType m_aProcedure;
protected final ICommonsList m_aFullfillingRequirements = new CommonsArrayList <> ();
protected AgentPojo m_aDataConsumer;
protected String m_sConsentToken;
protected String m_sDatasetIdentifier;
protected BusinessPojo m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson;
protected PersonPojo m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson;
protected PersonPojo m_aAuthorizedRepresentative;
protected AbstractBuilder (@Nonnull final EToopQueryDefinitionType e)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (e, "QueryDefinitionType");
m_eQueryDefinition = e;
public final IMPLTYPE randomID ()
return id (UUID.randomUUID ());
public final IMPLTYPE id (@Nullable final UUID a)
return id (a == null ? null : a.toString ());
public final IMPLTYPE id (@Nullable final String s)
m_sRequestID = s;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE responseOption (@Nullable final EToopResponseOptionType e)
m_eResponseOption = e;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE specificationIdentifier (@Nullable final String s)
m_sSpecificationIdentifier = s;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE issueDateTimeNow ()
return issueDateTime (PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDateTime ());
public final IMPLTYPE issueDateTime (@Nullable final LocalDateTime a)
m_aIssueDateTime = a == null ? null : a.truncatedTo (ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE procedure (@Nullable final LocalizedStringType... a)
return procedure (a == null ? null : SlotHelper.createInternationalStringType (a));
public final IMPLTYPE procedure (@Nonnull final Locale aLocale, @Nonnull final String sText)
return procedure (SlotHelper.createLocalizedString (aLocale, sText));
public final IMPLTYPE procedure (@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sLanguage, @Nonnull final String sText)
return procedure (SlotHelper.createLocalizedString (sLanguage, sText));
public final IMPLTYPE procedure (@Nonnull final EToopLanguageCode eLanguage, @Nonnull final String sText)
return procedure (SlotHelper.createLocalizedString (eLanguage.getID (), sText));
public final IMPLTYPE procedure (@Nullable final Map a)
return procedure (a == null ? null : SlotHelper.createInternationalStringType (a));
public final IMPLTYPE procedure (@Nullable final InternationalStringType a)
m_aProcedure = a;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE addFullfillingRequirement (@Nullable final CCCEVRequirementType a)
if (a != null)
m_aFullfillingRequirements.add (a);
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE fullfillingRequirement (@Nullable final CCCEVRequirementType a)
if (a != null)
m_aFullfillingRequirements.set (a);
m_aFullfillingRequirements.clear ();
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE fullfillingRequirements (@Nullable final CCCEVRequirementType... a)
m_aFullfillingRequirements.setAll (a);
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE fullfillingRequirements (@Nullable final Iterable extends CCCEVRequirementType> a)
m_aFullfillingRequirements.setAll (a);
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE fullfillingRequirements (@Nullable final Iterable extends U> a,
@Nonnull final Function super U, CCCEVRequirementType> aMapper)
m_aFullfillingRequirements.setAllMapped (a, aMapper);
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE consentToken (@Nullable final String s)
m_sConsentToken = s;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE datasetIdentifier (@Nullable final String s)
m_sDatasetIdentifier = s;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE dataConsumer (@Nullable final Consumer super AgentPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final AgentPojo.Builder aBuilder = AgentPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
dataConsumer ( ());
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE dataConsumer (@Nullable final AgentType a)
return dataConsumer (a == null ? null : AgentPojo.builder (a));
public final IMPLTYPE dataConsumer (@Nullable final AgentPojo.Builder a)
return dataConsumer (a == null ? null : ());
public final IMPLTYPE dataConsumer (@Nullable final AgentPojo a)
m_aDataConsumer = a;
return thisAsT ();
* Set a legal person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* natural person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubjectBusiness (@Nullable final Consumer super BusinessPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final BusinessPojo.Builder aBuilder = BusinessPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
dataSubject ( ());
return thisAsT ();
* Set a legal person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* natural person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubject (@Nullable final CoreBusinessType a)
return dataSubject (a == null ? null : BusinessPojo.builder (a));
* Set a legal person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* natural person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubject (@Nullable final BusinessPojo.Builder a)
return dataSubject (a == null ? null : ());
* Set a legal person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* natural person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubject (@Nullable final BusinessPojo a)
m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson = a;
m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson = null;
return thisAsT ();
* Set a natural person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* legal person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubjectPerson (@Nullable final Consumer super PersonPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final PersonPojo.Builder aBuilder = PersonPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
dataSubject ( ());
return thisAsT ();
* Set a natural person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* legal person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubject (@Nullable final CorePersonType a)
return dataSubject (a == null ? null : PersonPojo.builder (a));
* Set a natural person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* legal person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubject (@Nullable final PersonPojo.Builder a)
return dataSubject (a == null ? null : ());
* Set a natural person as data subject. This method nulls an eventually set
* legal person data subject.
* @param a
* The value to set. May be null
* @return this for chaining.
public final IMPLTYPE dataSubject (@Nullable final PersonPojo a)
m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson = null;
m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson = a;
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE authorizedRepresentative (@Nullable final Consumer super PersonPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final PersonPojo.Builder aBuilder = PersonPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
authorizedRepresentative ( ());
return thisAsT ();
public final IMPLTYPE authorizedRepresentative (@Nullable final CorePersonType a)
return authorizedRepresentative (a == null ? null : PersonPojo.builder (a));
public final IMPLTYPE authorizedRepresentative (@Nullable final PersonPojo.Builder a)
return authorizedRepresentative (a == null ? null : ());
public final IMPLTYPE authorizedRepresentative (@Nullable final PersonPojo a)
m_aAuthorizedRepresentative = a;
return thisAsT ();
public void checkConsistency ()
if (m_eQueryDefinition == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Query Definition must be present");
if (StringHelper.hasNoText (m_sRequestID))
throw new IllegalStateException ("ID must be present");
if (m_eResponseOption == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Response Option must be present");
if (StringHelper.hasNoText (m_sSpecificationIdentifier))
throw new IllegalStateException ("SpecificationIdentifier must be present");
if (m_aIssueDateTime == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Issue Date Time must be present");
if (m_aDataConsumer == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Cata Consumer must be present");
if (m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson == null && m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson == null)
// No DS is present
if (!m_eQueryDefinition.isDataSujectOptional ())
throw new IllegalStateException ("Data Subject must be present");
// More than one DS is present?
if (m_aDataSubjectLegalPerson != null && m_aDataSubjectNaturalPerson != null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Data Subject MUST be either legal person OR natural person");
public abstract EDMRequest build ();
* A builder for a "Concept request".Request a concept response.
* @author Philip Helger
public static class BuilderConcept extends AbstractBuilder
private final ICommonsList m_aConcepts = new CommonsArrayList <> ();
protected BuilderConcept ()
super (EToopQueryDefinitionType.CONCEPT);
public BuilderConcept addConcept (@Nullable final Consumer super ConceptPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final ConceptPojo.Builder aBuilder = ConceptPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
addConcept ( ());
return this;
public BuilderConcept addConcept (@Nullable final CCCEVConceptType a)
return addConcept (a == null ? null : ConceptPojo.builder (a));
public BuilderConcept addConcept (@Nullable final ConceptPojo.Builder a)
return addConcept (a == null ? null : ());
public BuilderConcept addConcept (@Nullable final ConceptPojo a)
if (a != null)
m_aConcepts.add (a);
return this;
public BuilderConcept concept (@Nullable final Consumer super ConceptPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final ConceptPojo.Builder aBuilder = ConceptPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
concept ( ());
return this;
public BuilderConcept concept (@Nullable final CCCEVConceptType a)
return concept (a == null ? null : ConceptPojo.builder (a));
public BuilderConcept concept (@Nullable final ConceptPojo.Builder a)
return concept (a == null ? null : ());
public BuilderConcept concept (@Nullable final ConceptPojo a)
if (a != null)
m_aConcepts.set (a);
m_aConcepts.clear ();
return this;
public BuilderConcept concepts (@Nullable final ConceptPojo... a)
m_aConcepts.setAll (a);
return this;
public BuilderConcept concepts (@Nullable final Iterable extends ConceptPojo> a)
m_aConcepts.setAll (a);
return this;
public BuilderConcept concepts (@Nullable final Iterable extends T> a, @Nonnull final Function super T, ConceptPojo> aMapper)
m_aConcepts.setAllMapped (a, aMapper);
return thisAsT ();
public void checkConsistency ()
super.checkConsistency ();
if (m_aConcepts.isEmpty ())
throw new IllegalStateException ("A Query Definition of type 'Concept' must contain a Concept");
public EDMRequest build ()
checkConsistency ();
return new EDMRequest (m_eQueryDefinition,
new EDMRequestPayloadConcepts (m_aConcepts));
* Builder for a "Documents by distribution request". Request 1-n documents -
* either directly or as a reference.
* @author Philip Helger
public static class BuilderDocumentsByDistribution extends AbstractBuilder
private final ICommonsList m_aDistributions = new CommonsArrayList <> ();
protected BuilderDocumentsByDistribution ()
super (EToopQueryDefinitionType.DOCUMENT_BY_DISTRIBUTION);
public final BuilderDocumentsByDistribution addDistribution (@Nullable final Consumer super DistributionPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final DistributionPojo.Builder aBuilder = DistributionPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
addDistribution ( ());
return this;
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution addDistribution (@Nullable final DCatAPDistributionType a)
return addDistribution (a == null ? null : DistributionPojo.builder (a));
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution addDistribution (@Nullable final DistributionPojo.Builder a)
return addDistribution (a == null ? null : ());
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution addDistribution (@Nullable final DistributionPojo a)
if (a != null)
m_aDistributions.add (a);
return this;
public final BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distribution (@Nullable final Consumer super DistributionPojo.Builder> a)
if (a != null)
final DistributionPojo.Builder aBuilder = DistributionPojo.builder ();
a.accept (aBuilder);
distribution ( ());
return this;
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distribution (@Nullable final DCatAPDistributionType a)
return distribution (a == null ? null : DistributionPojo.builder (a));
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distribution (@Nullable final DistributionPojo.Builder a)
return distribution (a == null ? null : ());
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distribution (@Nullable final DistributionPojo a)
if (a != null)
m_aDistributions.set (a);
m_aDistributions.clear ();
return this;
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distributions (@Nullable final DistributionPojo... a)
m_aDistributions.setAll (a);
return this;
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distributions (@Nullable final Iterable extends DistributionPojo> a)
m_aDistributions.setAll (a);
return this;
public BuilderDocumentsByDistribution distributions (@Nullable final Iterable extends T> a,
@Nonnull final Function super T, DistributionPojo> aMapper)
m_aDistributions.setAllMapped (a, aMapper);
return thisAsT ();
public void checkConsistency ()
super.checkConsistency ();
if (m_aDistributions.isEmpty ())
throw new IllegalStateException ("A Query Definition of type 'Document' must contain a Distribution");
public EDMRequest build ()
checkConsistency ();
return new EDMRequest (m_eQueryDefinition,
new EDMRequestPayloadDistribution (m_aDistributions));
* Builder for a "Document by ID request". Request 1 document directly.
* @author Philip Helger
public static class BuilderDocumentByID extends AbstractBuilder
private String m_sDocumentID;
protected BuilderDocumentByID ()
super (EToopQueryDefinitionType.DOCUMENT_BY_ID);
public BuilderDocumentByID documentID (@Nullable final String s)
m_sDocumentID = s;
return this;
public void checkConsistency ()
super.checkConsistency ();
if (m_sDocumentID == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("A Query Definition of type 'GetObjectByID' must contain a Document ID");
public EDMRequest build ()
checkConsistency ();
return new EDMRequest (m_eQueryDefinition,
new EDMRequestPayloadDocumentID (m_sDocumentID));
private static void _applySlots (@Nonnull final SlotType aSlot, @Nonnull final EDMRequest.AbstractBuilder > aBuilder)
final String sName = aSlot.getName ();
final ValueType aSlotValue = aSlot.getSlotValue ();
switch (sName)
case SlotSpecificationIdentifier.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof StringValueType)
final String sValue = ((StringValueType) aSlotValue).getValue ();
aBuilder.specificationIdentifier (sValue);
case SlotIssueDateTime.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof DateTimeValueType)
final LocalDateTime aCal = ((DateTimeValueType) aSlotValue).getValue ();
aBuilder.issueDateTime (aCal);
case SlotProcedure.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof InternationalStringValueType)
final InternationalStringType aIntString = ((InternationalStringValueType) aSlotValue).getValue ();
aBuilder.procedure (aIntString);
case SlotFullfillingRequirements.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof CollectionValueType)
final List aElements = ((CollectionValueType) aSlotValue).getElement ();
for (final ValueType aElement : aElements)
if (aElement instanceof AnyValueType)
final Object aElementValue = ((AnyValueType) aElement).getAny ();
if (aElementValue instanceof Node)
aBuilder.addFullfillingRequirement (new RequirementMarshaller ().read ((Node) aElementValue));
case SlotConsentToken.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof StringValueType)
final String sValue = ((StringValueType) aSlotValue).getValue ();
aBuilder.consentToken (sValue);
case SlotDatasetIdentifier.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof StringValueType)
final String sValue = ((StringValueType) aSlotValue).getValue ();
aBuilder.datasetIdentifier (sValue);
case SlotDataConsumer.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof AnyValueType)
final Node aAny = (Node) ((AnyValueType) aSlotValue).getAny ();
aBuilder.dataConsumer (AgentPojo.builder (new AgentMarshaller ().read (aAny)));
case SlotDataSubjectLegalPerson.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof AnyValueType)
final Node aAny = (Node) ((AnyValueType) aSlotValue).getAny ();
aBuilder.dataSubject (BusinessPojo.builder (new BusinessMarshaller ().read (aAny)));
case SlotDataSubjectNaturalPerson.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof AnyValueType)
final Node aAny = (Node) ((AnyValueType) aSlotValue).getAny ();
aBuilder.dataSubject (PersonPojo.builder (new PersonMarshaller ().read (aAny)));
case SlotAuthorizedRepresentative.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof AnyValueType)
final Node aAny = (Node) ((AnyValueType) aSlotValue).getAny ();
aBuilder.authorizedRepresentative (PersonPojo.builder (new PersonMarshaller ().read (aAny)));
case SlotConceptRequestList.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof CollectionValueType)
final List aElements = ((CollectionValueType) aSlotValue).getElement ();
if (!aElements.isEmpty ())
for (final ValueType aElement : aElements)
if (aElement instanceof AnyValueType)
final Object aElementValue = ((AnyValueType) aElement).getAny ();
if (aElementValue instanceof Node)
((EDMRequest.BuilderConcept) aBuilder).addConcept (new ConceptMarshaller ().read ((Node) aElementValue));
case SlotDistributionRequestList.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof CollectionValueType)
final List aElements = ((CollectionValueType) aSlotValue).getElement ();
if (!aElements.isEmpty ())
for (final ValueType aElement : aElements)
if (aElement instanceof AnyValueType)
final Object aElementValue = ((AnyValueType) aElement).getAny ();
if (aElementValue instanceof Node)
((EDMRequest.BuilderDocumentsByDistribution) aBuilder).addDistribution (new DistributionMarshaller ().read ((Node) aElementValue));
case SlotId.NAME:
if (aSlotValue instanceof StringValueType)
final String sValue = ((StringValueType) aSlotValue).getValue ();
((EDMRequest.BuilderDocumentByID) aBuilder).documentID (sValue);
throw new IllegalStateException ("Found unsupported slot '" + sName + "'");
public static EDMRequest create (@Nonnull final QueryRequest aQueryRequest)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aQueryRequest, "QueryRequest");
final QueryType aQuery = aQueryRequest.getQuery ();
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aQuery, "QueryRequest.Query");
final ICommonsSet aQuerySlotNames = new CommonsHashSet <> (aQuery.getSlot (), SlotType::getName);
// Enforce a default response option
final EDMRequest.AbstractBuilder > aBuilder;
if (aQuerySlotNames.contains (SlotConceptRequestList.NAME))
aBuilder = builderConcept ();
if (aQuerySlotNames.contains (SlotDistributionRequestList.NAME))
aBuilder = builderDocumentsByDistribution ();
if (aQuerySlotNames.contains (SlotId.NAME))
aBuilder = builderDocumentByID ();
throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot read this QueryRequest as a TOOP EDM request");
// Request ID (aQueryRequest.getId ());
// Top level slots
for (final SlotType aSlot : aQueryRequest.getSlot ())
_applySlots (aSlot, aBuilder);
// Query slots
for (final SlotType aSlot : aQuery.getSlot ())
if (aSlot != null)
_applySlots (aSlot, aBuilder);
// Default response option is "CONTAINED" for backwards compatibility from
// beta3 to beta2
EToopResponseOptionType eResponseOption = null;
final ResponseOptionType aResponseOption = aQueryRequest.getResponseOption ();
if (aResponseOption != null && aResponseOption.getReturnType () != null)
eResponseOption = EToopResponseOptionType.getFromIDOrNull (aResponseOption.getReturnType ());
aBuilder.responseOption (eResponseOption != null ? eResponseOption : EToopResponseOptionType.INLINE);
return ();
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