eu.unicore.uas.SMSProperties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eu.unicore.uas;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import eu.unicore.uas.impl.sms.DefaultStorageInfoProvider;
import eu.unicore.uas.impl.sms.SMSBaseImpl;
import eu.unicore.uas.impl.sms.StorageInfoProvider;
import eu.unicore.uas.impl.sms.StorageManagementHomeImpl.StorageTypes;
import eu.unicore.uas.util.LogUtil;
import eu.unicore.util.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import eu.unicore.util.configuration.DocumentationReferenceMeta;
import eu.unicore.util.configuration.PropertiesHelper;
import eu.unicore.util.configuration.PropertyGroupHelper;
import eu.unicore.util.configuration.PropertyMD;
* This class is used to handle configuration of a particular SMS
* Note for documentation generation: an artificial prefix must be manually set, as this class is used
* many times with different prefixed, determined at runtime.
* @author K. Benedyczak
public class SMSProperties extends PropertiesHelper {
private static final Logger log = LogUtil.getLogger(LogUtil.CONFIG, SMSProperties.class);
// Subkeys of general-purpose configuration properties of storages and storage factories.
public static final String NAME="name";
public static final String TYPE="type";
public static final String PATH="path";
// alternative (deprecated) way to specify path
public static final String WORKDIR="workdir";
public static final String CLASS="class";
public static final String PROTOCOLS="protocols";
public static final String FILTER_LISTING="filterFiles";
public static final String CLEANUP="cleanup";
public static final String DISABLE_METADATA="disableMetadata";
public static final String CHECK_EXISTENCE="checkExistence";
public static final String ALLOW_USER_DEFINED_PATH="allowUserDefinedPath";
// triggering stuff
public static final String ENABLE_TRIGGER="enableTrigger";
public static final String ALLOW_TRIGGER="allowTrigger";
public static final String SHARED_TRIGGER_USER="triggerUserID";
public static final String UMASK_KEY = "defaultUmask";
public static final String DESCRIPTION="description";
// info provider needed for custom SMS types
public static final String INFO_PROVIDER="infoProviderClass";
public static final String EXTRA_PREFIX="settings.";
public static final Pattern umaskPattern = Pattern.compile("[0]?[0-7]?[0-7]?[0-7]");
public static final Map META = new HashMap<>();
static {
META.put(NAME, new PropertyMD().
setDescription("Storage name. If not set then the internal unique identifier is used."));
META.put(TYPE, new PropertyMD().
setDescription("Storage type. FIXEDPATH: mapped to a fixed directory, "
+ "VARIABLE: resolved using an environmental variable lookup, "
+ "CUSTOM: specified class is used."));
META.put(PATH, new PropertyMD().
setDescription("Denotes the storage base path."));
META.put(CLASS, new PropertyMD().setClass(SMSBaseImpl.class).
setDescription("Storage implementation class used (and mandatory) in case of the CUSTOM type."));
META.put(FILTER_LISTING, new PropertyMD("false").setUpdateable().
setDescription("If set to true then this SMS will filter returned files in response of the ListDirectory command: only files owned or accessible by the caller will be returned."));
META.put(CLEANUP, new PropertyMD("false").setUpdateable().
setDescription("Whether files of the storage should be removed when the storage is destroyed. This is mostly useful for storage factories."));
META.put(DISABLE_METADATA, new PropertyMD("false").
setDescription("Whether the metadata service should be disabled for this storage."));
META.put(ENABLE_TRIGGER, new PropertyMD("false").
setDescription("Whether the triggering feature should be enabled for this storage."));
META.put(ALLOW_TRIGGER, new PropertyMD("true").
setDescription("(if creating via factory) If user is allowed to enable the triggering feature."));
setDescription("For data triggering on shared storages, use this user ID for the controlling process."));
META.put(CHECK_EXISTENCE, new PropertyMD("true").
setDescription("Whether the existence of the base directory should be checked when creating the storage."));
META.put(ALLOW_USER_DEFINED_PATH, new PropertyMD("true").
setDescription("(if creating via factory) Whether the allow the user to set the storage base directory."));
META.put(UMASK_KEY, new PropertyMD("027").
setDescription("Default (initial) umask for files in the storage. Must be an octal number."));
META.put(DESCRIPTION, new PropertyMD("Filesystem").setUpdateable().
setDescription("Description of the storage. It will be presented to the users."));
META.put(INFO_PROVIDER, new PropertyMD(DefaultStorageInfoProvider.class, StorageInfoProvider.class).
setDescription("(Very) advanced setting, providing information about storages produced by the SMS factory."));
META.put(EXTRA_PREFIX, new PropertyMD().setCanHaveSubkeys().setUpdateable().
setDescription("Useful for CUSTOM storage types: allows to set additional settings (if needed) by such storages. "
+ "Please refer to documentation of a particular custom storage type for details. "
+ "Note that while in general updates of the properties at runtime are propagated "
+ "to the chosen implementation, it is up to it to use the updated values or ignore changes."));
META.put(WORKDIR, new PropertyMD().
setDescription("(DEPRECATED, use 'path' instead)"));
META.put(PROTOCOLS, new PropertyMD().setUpdateable().
setDescription("(DEPRECATED, ignored)"));
public SMSProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) throws ConfigurationException {
super(prefix, properties, META, log);
protected SMSProperties(String prefix, Properties properties, Map meta, Logger log) throws ConfigurationException {
super(prefix, properties, meta, log);
String workdir = getValue(WORKDIR);
String path = getValue(PATH);
if(workdir!=null && path ==null){
setProperty(PATH, workdir);
protected void checkConstraints() throws ConfigurationException {
String type = getValue(TYPE);
String clazz = getValue(CLASS);
if (type != null && type.equalsIgnoreCase(StorageTypes.CUSTOM.toString()) && clazz == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("For the CUSTOM storage type the class must be always set.");
protected void checkPropertyConstraints(PropertyMD meta, String key) throws ConfigurationException {
super.checkPropertyConstraints(meta, key);
if (key.equals(UMASK_KEY)) {
String newUmask = getValue(key);
if (newUmask != null && !umaskPattern.matcher(newUmask).matches())
throw new ConfigurationException("Specified umask must be an octal number from 0 to 777.");
public Map getExtraSettings() {
PropertyGroupHelper helper = new PropertyGroupHelper(properties, prefix+EXTRA_PREFIX);
Map filteredMap = helper.getFilteredMap();
Map cutMap = new HashMap();
int len = prefix.length()+EXTRA_PREFIX.length();
for (String key: filteredMap.keySet()) {
cutMap.put(key.substring(len), filteredMap.get(key));
return cutMap;
protected void findUnknown(Properties properties) throws ConfigurationException {
// backwards compatibility fixes
String n = prefix+"disableTrigger";
String v = properties.getProperty(n);
String newName = prefix+ENABLE_TRIGGER;
boolean val = Boolean.parseBoolean(v);
properties.put(newName, String.valueOf(!val));
log.warn("Property "+n+" is DEPRECATED, superseded by <"+newName+">");