akka.actor.ActorDSL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.actor
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.Await
import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps
* This object contains elements which make writing actors and related code
* more concise, e.g. when trying out actors in the REPL.
* For the communication of non-actor code with actors, you may use anonymous
* actors tailored to this job:
* {{{
* import ActorDSL._
* import scala.concurrent.util.duration._
* implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
* implicit val i = inbox()
* someActor ! someMsg // replies will go to `i`
* val reply = i.receive()
* val transformedReply = i.select(5 seconds) {
* case x: Int => 2 * x
* }
* }}}
* The `receive` and `select` methods are synchronous, i.e. they block the
* calling thread until an answer from the actor is received or the timeout
* expires. The default timeout is taken from configuration item
* `akka.actor.dsl.default-timeout`.
* When defining actors in the REPL, say, you may want to have a look at the
* `Act` trait:
* {{{
* import ActorDSL._
* val system: ActorSystem = ...
* val a = actor(system, "fred")(new Act {
* val b = actor("barney")(new Act {
* ...
* })
* become {
* case msg => ...
* }
* })
* }}}
* Note that `actor` can be used with an implicit [[akka.actor.ActorRefFactory]]
* as shown with `"barney"` (where the [[akka.actor.ActorContext]] serves this
* purpose), but since nested declarations share the same
* lexical context `"fred"`’s ActorContext would be ambiguous
* if the [[akka.actor.ActorSystem]] were declared `implicit` (this could also
* be circumvented by shadowing the name `system` within `"fred"`).
* Note: If you want to use an `Act with Stash`, you should use the
* `ActWithStash` trait in order to have the actor get the necessary deque-based
* mailbox setting.
object ActorDSL extends dsl.Inbox with dsl.Creators {
protected object Extension extends ExtensionId[Extension] with ExtensionIdProvider {
override def lookup = Extension
override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): Extension = new Extension(system)
* Java API: retrieve the ActorDSL extension for the given system.
override def get(system: ActorSystem): Extension = super.get(system)
protected class Extension(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends akka.actor.Extension with InboxExtension {
private case class MkChild(props: Props, name: String) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
private val boss = system.systemActorOf(Props(
new Actor {
def receive = {
case MkChild(props, name) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(props, name)
case any ⇒ sender() ! any
}), "dsl").asInstanceOf[RepointableActorRef]
lazy val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.actor.dsl")
val DSLDefaultTimeout = config.getMillisDuration("default-timeout")
def mkChild(p: Props, name: String): ActorRef =
if (boss.isStarted)
boss.underlying.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].attachChild(p, name, systemService = true)
else {
implicit val timeout = system.settings.CreationTimeout
Await.result(boss ? MkChild(p, name), timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[ActorRef]
* An Inbox is an actor-like object which is interrogated from the outside.
* It contains an actor whose reference can be passed to other actors as
* usual and it can watch other actors’ lifecycle.
abstract class Inbox {
* Receive the next message from this Inbox. This call will return immediately
* if the internal actor previously received a message, or it will block for
* up to the specified duration to await reception of a message. If no message
* is received a [[java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException]] will be raised.
def receive(max: FiniteDuration): Any
* Have the internal actor watch the target actor. When the target actor
* terminates a [[Terminated]] message will be received.
def watch(target: ActorRef): Unit
* Obtain a reference to the internal actor, which can then for example be
* registered with the event stream or whatever else you may want to do with
* an [[ActorRef]].
def getRef(): ActorRef
* Have the internal actor act as the sender of the given message which will
* be sent to the given target. This means that should the target actor reply
* then those replies will be received by this Inbox.
def send(target: ActorRef, msg: AnyRef): Unit
object Inbox {
* Create a new Inbox within the given system.
def create(system: ActorSystem): Inbox = ActorDSL.inbox()(system)