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 * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc. 


import java.util.concurrent.{ ConcurrentHashMap, ThreadFactory, CountDownLatch, RejectedExecutionException }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicReference }
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }
import akka.event._
import akka.dispatch._
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import akka.util._
import akka.util.Helpers.toRootLowerCase
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration }
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future, Promise, ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
import scala.util.control.{ NonFatal, ControlThrowable }
import java.util.Locale

object ActorSystem {

  val Version: String = akka.Version.current // generated file

  val EnvHome: Option[String] = System.getenv("AKKA_HOME") match {
    case null | "" | "." ⇒ None
    case value           ⇒ Some(value)

  val SystemHome: Option[String] = System.getProperty("akka.home") match {
    case null | "" ⇒ None
    case value     ⇒ Some(value)

  val GlobalHome: Option[String] = SystemHome orElse EnvHome

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the name "default",
   * obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader,
   * then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader
   * associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.
  def create(): ActorSystem = apply()

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name,
   * obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader,
   * then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader
   * associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.
  def create(name: String): ActorSystem = apply(name)

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, and the specified Config, then
   * obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader,
   * then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader
   * associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  def create(name: String, config: Config): ActorSystem = apply(name, config)

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, and specified ClassLoader
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  def create(name: String, config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader): ActorSystem = apply(name, config, classLoader)

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, the specified ClassLoader,
   * and the specified ExecutionContext. The ExecutionContext will be used as the default executor inside this ActorSystem.
   * If `null` is passed in for the Config, ClassLoader and/or ExecutionContext parameters, the respective default value
   * will be used. If no Config is given, the default reference config will be obtained from the ClassLoader.
   * If no ClassLoader is given, it obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current
   * threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then
   * falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. If no ExecutionContext is given, the
   * system will fallback to the executor configured under "".
   * Note that the given ExecutionContext will be used by all dispatchers that have been configured with
   * executor = "default-executor", including those that have not defined the executor setting and thereby fallback
   * to the default of "default-dispatcher.executor".
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  def create(name: String, config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader, defaultExecutionContext: ExecutionContext): ActorSystem = apply(name, Option(config), Option(classLoader), Option(defaultExecutionContext))

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the name "default",
   * obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader,
   * then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader
   * associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.
  def apply(): ActorSystem = apply("default")

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name,
   * obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader,
   * then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader
   * associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.
  def apply(name: String): ActorSystem = apply(name, None, None, None)

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, and the specified Config, then
   * obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader,
   * then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader
   * associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  def apply(name: String, config: Config): ActorSystem = apply(name, Option(config), None, None)

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, and specified ClassLoader
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  def apply(name: String, config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader): ActorSystem = apply(name, Option(config), Option(classLoader), None)

   * Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name,
   * the specified ClassLoader if given, otherwise obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current
   * threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then
   * falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.
   * If an ExecutionContext is given, it will be used as the default executor inside this ActorSystem.
   * If no ExecutionContext is given, the system will fallback to the executor configured under "".
   * The system will use the passed in config, or falls back to the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  def apply(name: String, config: Option[Config] = None, classLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None, defaultExecutionContext: Option[ExecutionContext] = None): ActorSystem = {
    val cl = classLoader.getOrElse(findClassLoader())
    val appConfig = config.getOrElse(ConfigFactory.load(cl))
    new ActorSystemImpl(name, appConfig, cl, defaultExecutionContext, None).start()

   * Settings are the overall ActorSystem Settings which also provides a convenient access to the Config object.
   * For more detailed information about the different possible configuration options, look in the Akka Documentation under "Configuration"
   * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
  class Settings(classLoader: ClassLoader, cfg: Config, final val name: String) {

     * The backing Config of this ActorSystem's Settings
     * @see The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation
    final val config: Config = {
      val config = cfg.withFallback(ConfigFactory.defaultReference(classLoader))
      config.checkValid(ConfigFactory.defaultReference(classLoader), "akka")

    import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps
    import config._

    final val ConfigVersion: String = getString("akka.version")
    final val ProviderClass: String =
      getString("") match {
        case "local"   ⇒ classOf[LocalActorRefProvider].getName
        // these two cannot be referenced by class as they may not be on the classpath
        case "remote"  ⇒ "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
        case "cluster" ⇒ "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
        case fqcn      ⇒ fqcn

    final val SupervisorStrategyClass: String = getString("")
    final val CreationTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(config.getMillisDuration(""))
    final val UnstartedPushTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(config.getMillisDuration(""))

    final val SerializeAllMessages: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val SerializeAllCreators: Boolean = getBoolean("")

    final val LogLevel: String = getString("akka.loglevel")
    final val StdoutLogLevel: String = getString("akka.stdout-loglevel")
    final val Loggers: immutable.Seq[String] = immutableSeq(getStringList("akka.loggers"))
    final val LoggersDispatcher: String = getString("akka.loggers-dispatcher")
    final val LoggingFilter: String = getString("akka.logging-filter")
    final val LoggerStartTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(config.getMillisDuration("akka.logger-startup-timeout"))
    final val LogConfigOnStart: Boolean = config.getBoolean("akka.log-config-on-start")
    final val LogDeadLetters: Int = toRootLowerCase(config.getString("akka.log-dead-letters")) match {
      case "off" | "false" ⇒ 0
      case "on" | "true"   ⇒ Int.MaxValue
      case _               ⇒ config.getInt("akka.log-dead-letters")
    final val LogDeadLettersDuringShutdown: Boolean = config.getBoolean("akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown")

    final val AddLoggingReceive: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val DebugAutoReceive: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val DebugLifecycle: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val FsmDebugEvent: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val DebugEventStream: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val DebugUnhandledMessage: Boolean = getBoolean("")
    final val DebugRouterMisconfiguration: Boolean = getBoolean("")

    final val Home: Option[String] = config.getString("akka.home") match {
      case "" ⇒ None
      case x  ⇒ Some(x)

    final val SchedulerClass: String = getString("akka.scheduler.implementation")
    final val Daemonicity: Boolean = getBoolean("akka.daemonic")
    final val JvmExitOnFatalError: Boolean = getBoolean("akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error")

    final val DefaultVirtualNodesFactor: Int = getInt("")

    if (ConfigVersion != Version)
      throw new akka.ConfigurationException("Akka JAR version [" + Version + "] does not match the provided config version [" + ConfigVersion + "]")

     * Returns the String representation of the Config that this Settings is backed by
    override def toString: String = config.root.render


  private[akka] def findClassLoader(): ClassLoader = Reflect.findClassLoader()

 * An actor system is a hierarchical group of actors which share common
 * configuration, e.g. dispatchers, deployments, remote capabilities and
 * addresses. It is also the entry point for creating or looking up actors.
 * There are several possibilities for creating actors (see [[]]
 * for details on `props`):
 * {{{
 * // Java or Scala
 * system.actorOf(props, "name")
 * system.actorOf(props)
 * // Scala
 * system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "name")
 * system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor], arg1, arg2), "name")
 * // Java
 * system.actorOf(Props.create(MyActor.class), "name");
 * system.actorOf(Props.create(MyActor.class, arg1, arg2), "name");
 * }}}
 * Where no name is given explicitly, one will be automatically generated.
 * Important Notice:
 * This class is not meant to be extended by user code. If you want to
 * actually roll your own Akka, it will probably be better to look into
 * extending [[]] instead, but beware that you
 * are completely on your own in that case!
abstract class ActorSystem extends ActorRefFactory {
  import ActorSystem._

   * The name of this actor system, used to distinguish multiple ones within
   * the same JVM & class loader.
  def name: String

   * The core settings extracted from the supplied configuration.
  def settings: Settings

   * Log the configuration.
  def logConfiguration(): Unit

   * Construct a path below the application guardian to be used with [[ActorSystem#actorSelection]].
  def /(name: String): ActorPath

   * Java API: Create a new child actor path.
  def child(child: String): ActorPath = /(child)

   * Construct a path below the application guardian to be used with [[ActorSystem#actorSelection]].
  def /(name: Iterable[String]): ActorPath

   * Java API: Recursively create a descendant’s path by appending all child names.
  def descendant(names: java.lang.Iterable[String]): ActorPath = /(immutableSeq(names))

   * Start-up time in milliseconds since the epoch.
  val startTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis

   * Up-time of this actor system in seconds.
  def uptime: Long = (System.currentTimeMillis - startTime) / 1000

   * Main event bus of this actor system, used for example for logging.
  def eventStream: EventStream

   * Convenient logging adapter for logging to the [[ActorSystem#eventStream]].
  def log: LoggingAdapter

   * Actor reference where messages are re-routed to which were addressed to
   * stopped or non-existing actors. Delivery to this actor is done on a best
   * effort basis and hence not strictly guaranteed.
  def deadLetters: ActorRef
   * Light-weight scheduler for running asynchronous tasks after some deadline
   * in the future. Not terribly precise but cheap.
  def scheduler: Scheduler

   * Helper object for looking up configured dispatchers.
  def dispatchers: Dispatchers

   * Default dispatcher as configured. This dispatcher is used for all actors
   * in the actor system which do not have a different dispatcher configured
   * explicitly.
   * Importing this member will place the default MessageDispatcher in scope.
  implicit def dispatcher: ExecutionContextExecutor

   * Helper object for looking up configured mailbox types.
  def mailboxes: Mailboxes

   * Register a block of code (callback) to run after ActorSystem.shutdown has been issued and
   * all actors in this actor system have been stopped.
   * Multiple code blocks may be registered by calling this method multiple times.
   * The callbacks will be run sequentially in reverse order of registration, i.e.
   * last registration is run first.
   * Throws a RejectedExecutionException if the System has already shut down or if shutdown has been initiated.
   * Scala API
  def registerOnTermination[T](code: ⇒ T): Unit

   * Java API: Register a block of code (callback) to run after ActorSystem.shutdown has been issued and
   * all actors in this actor system have been stopped.
   * Multiple code blocks may be registered by calling this method multiple times.
   * The callbacks will be run sequentially in reverse order of registration, i.e.
   * last registration is run first.
   * Throws a RejectedExecutionException if the System has already shut down or if shutdown has been initiated.
  def registerOnTermination(code: Runnable): Unit

   * Block current thread until the system has been shutdown, or the specified
   * timeout has elapsed. This will block until after all on termination
   * callbacks have been run.
   * Throws TimeoutException in case of timeout.
  @deprecated("Use Await.result(whenTerminated, timeout) instead", "2.4")
  def awaitTermination(timeout: Duration): Unit

   * Block current thread until the system has been shutdown. This will
   * block until after all on termination callbacks have been run.
  @deprecated("Use Await.result(whenTerminated, Duration.Inf) instead", "2.4")
  def awaitTermination(): Unit

   * Stop this actor system. This will stop the guardian actor, which in turn
   * will recursively stop all its child actors, then the system guardian
   * (below which the logging actors reside) and the execute all registered
   * termination handlers (see [[ActorSystem#registerOnTermination]]).
  @deprecated("Use the terminate() method instead", "2.4")
  def shutdown(): Unit

   * Query the termination status: if it returns true, all callbacks have run
   * and the ActorSystem has been fully stopped, i.e.
   * `awaitTermination(0 seconds)` would return normally. If this method
   * returns `false`, the status is actually unknown, since it might have
   * changed since you queried it.
  @deprecated("Use the whenTerminated method instead.", "2.4")
  def isTerminated: Boolean

   * Terminates this actor system. This will stop the guardian actor, which in turn
   * will recursively stop all its child actors, then the system guardian
   * (below which the logging actors reside) and the execute all registered
   * termination handlers (see [[ActorSystem#registerOnTermination]]).
   * Be careful to not schedule any operations on completion of the returned future
   * using the `dispatcher` of this actor system as it will have been shut down before the
   * future completes.
  def terminate(): Future[Terminated]

   * Returns a Future which will be completed after the ActorSystem has been terminated
   * and termination hooks have been executed. Be careful to not schedule any operations
   * on the `dispatcher` of this actor system as it will have been shut down before this
   * future completes.
  def whenTerminated: Future[Terminated]

   * Registers the provided extension and creates its payload, if this extension isn't already registered
   * This method has putIfAbsent-semantics, this method can potentially block, waiting for the initialization
   * of the payload, if is in the process of registration from another Thread of execution
  def registerExtension[T <: Extension](ext: ExtensionId[T]): T

   * Returns the payload that is associated with the provided extension
   * throws an IllegalStateException if it is not registered.
   * This method can potentially block, waiting for the initialization
   * of the payload, if is in the process of registration from another Thread of execution
  def extension[T <: Extension](ext: ExtensionId[T]): T

   * Returns whether the specified extension is already registered, this method can potentially block, waiting for the initialization
   * of the payload, if is in the process of registration from another Thread of execution
  def hasExtension(ext: ExtensionId[_ <: Extension]): Boolean

 * More powerful interface to the actor system’s implementation which is presented to extensions (see [[]]).
 * Important Notice:
 * This class is not meant to be extended by user code. If you want to
 * actually roll your own Akka, beware that you are completely on your own in
 * that case!
abstract class ExtendedActorSystem extends ActorSystem {

   * The ActorRefProvider is the only entity which creates all actor references within this actor system.
  def provider: ActorRefProvider

   * The top-level supervisor of all actors created using system.actorOf(...).
  def guardian: InternalActorRef

   * The top-level supervisor of all system-internal services like logging.
  def systemGuardian: InternalActorRef

   * Create an actor in the "/system" namespace. This actor will be shut down
   * during system.terminate only after all user actors have terminated.
  def systemActorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef

   * A ThreadFactory that can be used if the transport needs to create any Threads
  def threadFactory: ThreadFactory

   * ClassLoader wrapper which is used for reflective accesses internally. This is set
   * to use the context class loader, if one is set, or the class loader which
   * loaded the ActorSystem implementation. The context class loader is also
   * set on all threads created by the ActorSystem, if one was set during
   * creation.
  def dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess

   * Filter of log events that is used by the LoggingAdapter before
   * publishing log events to the eventStream
  def logFilter: LoggingFilter

   * For debugging: traverse actor hierarchy and make string representation.
   * Careful, this may OOM on large actor systems, and it is only meant for
   * helping debugging in case something already went terminally wrong.
  private[akka] def printTree: String


private[akka] class ActorSystemImpl(
  val name:                String,
  applicationConfig:       Config,
  classLoader:             ClassLoader,
  defaultExecutionContext: Option[ExecutionContext],
  val guardianProps:       Option[Props]) extends ExtendedActorSystem {

  if (!name.matches("""^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$"""))
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
      "invalid ActorSystem name [" + name +
        "], must contain only word characters (i.e. [a-zA-Z0-9] plus non-leading '-' or '_')")

  import ActorSystem._

  @volatile private var logDeadLetterListener: Option[ActorRef] = None
  final val settings: Settings = new Settings(classLoader, applicationConfig, name)

  protected def uncaughtExceptionHandler: Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler =
    new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
      def uncaughtException(thread: Thread, cause: Throwable): Unit = {
        cause match {
          case NonFatal(_) | _: InterruptedException | _: NotImplementedError | _: ControlThrowable ⇒ log.error(cause, "Uncaught error from thread [{}]", thread.getName)
          case _ ⇒
            if (settings.JvmExitOnFatalError) {
              try {
                markerLogging.error(LogMarker.Security, cause, "Uncaught error from thread [{}] shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled", thread.getName)
                import System.err
                err.print("Uncaught error from thread [")
                err.print("] shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem[")
              } finally {
            } else {
              markerLogging.error(LogMarker.Security, cause, "Uncaught fatal error from thread [{}] shutting down ActorSystem [{}]", thread.getName, name)

  final val threadFactory: MonitorableThreadFactory =
    MonitorableThreadFactory(name, settings.Daemonicity, Option(classLoader), uncaughtExceptionHandler)

   * This is an extension point: by overriding this method, subclasses can
   * control all reflection activities of an actor system.
  protected def createDynamicAccess(): DynamicAccess = new ReflectiveDynamicAccess(classLoader)

  private val _pm: DynamicAccess = createDynamicAccess()
  def dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess = _pm

  def logConfiguration(): Unit =

  protected def systemImpl: ActorSystemImpl = this

  def systemActorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef = systemGuardian.underlying.attachChild(props, name, systemService = true)

  def actorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef =
    if (guardianProps.isEmpty) guardian.underlying.attachChild(props, name, systemService = false)
    else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot create top-level actor from the outside on ActorSystem with custom user guardian")

  def actorOf(props: Props): ActorRef =
    if (guardianProps.isEmpty) guardian.underlying.attachChild(props, systemService = false)
    else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot create top-level actor from the outside on ActorSystem with custom user guardian")

  def stop(actor: ActorRef): Unit = {
    val path = actor.path
    val guard = guardian.path
    val sys = systemGuardian.path
    path.parent match {
      case `guard` ⇒ guardian ! StopChild(actor)
      case `sys`   ⇒ systemGuardian ! StopChild(actor)
      case _       ⇒ actor.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].stop()

  import settings._

  // this provides basic logging (to stdout) until .start() is called below
  val eventStream = new EventStream(this, DebugEventStream)

  val logFilter: LoggingFilter = {
    val arguments = Vector(classOf[Settings] → settings, classOf[EventStream] → eventStream)
    dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[LoggingFilter](LoggingFilter, arguments).get

  private[this] val markerLogging = new MarkerLoggingAdapter(eventStream, getClass.getName + "(" + name + ")", this.getClass, logFilter)
  val log: LoggingAdapter = markerLogging

  val scheduler: Scheduler = createScheduler()

  val provider: ActorRefProvider = try {
    val arguments = Vector(
      classOf[String] → name,
      classOf[Settings] → settings,
      classOf[EventStream] → eventStream,
      classOf[DynamicAccess] → dynamicAccess)

    dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[ActorRefProvider](ProviderClass, arguments).get
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) ⇒
      throw e

  def deadLetters: ActorRef = provider.deadLetters

  val mailboxes: Mailboxes = new Mailboxes(settings, eventStream, dynamicAccess, deadLetters)

  val dispatchers: Dispatchers = new Dispatchers(settings, DefaultDispatcherPrerequisites(
    threadFactory, eventStream, scheduler, dynamicAccess, settings, mailboxes, defaultExecutionContext))

  val dispatcher: ExecutionContextExecutor = dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher

  val internalCallingThreadExecutionContext: ExecutionContext =
      new ExecutionContext with BatchingExecutor {
        override protected def unbatchedExecute(r: Runnable): Unit =
        override protected def resubmitOnBlock: Boolean = false // Since we execute inline, no gain in resubmitting
        override def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = dispatcher reportFailure t

  private[this] final val terminationCallbacks = new TerminationCallbacks(provider.terminationFuture)(dispatcher)

  override def whenTerminated: Future[Terminated] = terminationCallbacks.terminationFuture
  def lookupRoot: InternalActorRef = provider.rootGuardian
  def guardian: LocalActorRef =
  def systemGuardian: LocalActorRef = provider.systemGuardian

  def /(actorName: String): ActorPath = guardian.path / actorName
  def /(path: Iterable[String]): ActorPath = guardian.path / path

  private lazy val _start: this.type = try {
    // the provider is expected to start default loggers, LocalActorRefProvider does this
    if (settings.LogDeadLetters > 0)
      logDeadLetterListener = Some(systemActorOf(Props[DeadLetterListener], "deadLetterListener"))
    if (LogConfigOnStart) logConfiguration()
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) ⇒
      try terminate() catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ Try(stopScheduler()) }
      throw e

  def start(): this.type = _start
  def registerOnTermination[T](code: ⇒ T) { registerOnTermination(new Runnable { def run = code }) }
  def registerOnTermination(code: Runnable) { terminationCallbacks.add(code) }
  override def awaitTermination(timeout: Duration) { Await.ready(whenTerminated, timeout) }
  override def awaitTermination() = awaitTermination(Duration.Inf)
  override def isTerminated = whenTerminated.isCompleted

  override def shutdown(): Unit = terminate()

  override def terminate(): Future[Terminated] = {
    if (!settings.LogDeadLettersDuringShutdown) logDeadLetterListener foreach stop

  @volatile var aborting = false

   * This kind of shutdown attempts to bring the system down and release its
   * resources more forcefully than plain shutdown. For example it will not
   * wait for remote-deployed child actors to terminate before terminating their
   * parents.
  def abort(): Unit = {
    aborting = true

   * Create the scheduler service. This one needs one special behavior: if
   * Closeable, it MUST execute all outstanding tasks upon .close() in order
   * to properly shutdown all dispatchers.
   * Furthermore, this timer service MUST throw IllegalStateException if it
   * cannot schedule a task. Once scheduled, the task MUST be executed. If
   * executed upon close(), the task may execute before its timeout.
  protected def createScheduler(): Scheduler =
    dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[Scheduler](settings.SchedulerClass, immutable.Seq(
      classOf[Config] → settings.config,
      classOf[LoggingAdapter] → log,
      classOf[ThreadFactory] → threadFactory.withName( + "-scheduler"))).get

   * This is called after the last actor has signaled its termination, i.e.
   * after the last dispatcher has had its chance to schedule its shutdown
   * action.
  protected def stopScheduler(): Unit = scheduler match {
    case x: Closeable ⇒ x.close()
    case _            ⇒

  private val extensions = new ConcurrentHashMap[ExtensionId[_], AnyRef]

   * Returns any extension registered to the specified Extension or returns null if not registered
  private def findExtension[T <: Extension](ext: ExtensionId[T]): T = extensions.get(ext) match {
    case c: CountDownLatch ⇒
      c.await(); findExtension(ext) //Registration in process, await completion and retry
    case t: Throwable ⇒ throw t //Initialization failed, throw same again
    case other ⇒
      other.asInstanceOf[T] //could be a T or null, in which case we return the null as T

  final def registerExtension[T <: Extension](ext: ExtensionId[T]): T = {
    findExtension(ext) match {
      case null ⇒ //Doesn't already exist, commence registration
        val inProcessOfRegistration = new CountDownLatch(1)
        extensions.putIfAbsent(ext, inProcessOfRegistration) match { // Signal that registration is in process
          case null ⇒ try { // Signal was successfully sent
            ext.createExtension(this) match { // Create and initialize the extension
              case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("Extension instance created as 'null' for extension [" + ext + "]")
              case instance ⇒
                extensions.replace(ext, inProcessOfRegistration, instance) //Replace our in process signal with the initialized extension
                instance //Profit!
          } catch {
            case t: Throwable ⇒
              extensions.replace(ext, inProcessOfRegistration, t) //In case shit hits the fan, remove the inProcess signal
              throw t //Escalate to caller
          } finally {
            inProcessOfRegistration.countDown //Always notify listeners of the inProcess signal
          case other ⇒ registerExtension(ext) //Someone else is in process of registering an extension for this Extension, retry
      case existing ⇒ existing.asInstanceOf[T]

  def extension[T <: Extension](ext: ExtensionId[T]): T = findExtension(ext) match {
    case null ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to get non-registered extension [" + ext + "]")
    case some ⇒ some.asInstanceOf[T]

  def hasExtension(ext: ExtensionId[_ <: Extension]): Boolean = findExtension(ext) != null

  private def loadExtensions() {
     * @param throwOnLoadFail Throw exception when an extension fails to load (needed for backwards compatibility)
    def loadExtensions(key: String, throwOnLoadFail: Boolean): Unit = {
      immutableSeq(settings.config.getStringList(key)) foreach { fqcn ⇒
        dynamicAccess.getObjectFor[AnyRef](fqcn) recoverWith { case _ ⇒ dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[AnyRef](fqcn, Nil) } match {
          case Success(p: ExtensionIdProvider) ⇒ registerExtension(p.lookup())
          case Success(p: ExtensionId[_])      ⇒ registerExtension(p)
          case Success(other) ⇒
            if (!throwOnLoadFail) log.error("[{}] is not an 'ExtensionIdProvider' or 'ExtensionId', skipping...", fqcn)
            else throw new RuntimeException(s"[$fqcn] is not an 'ExtensionIdProvider' or 'ExtensionId'")
          case Failure(problem) ⇒
            if (!throwOnLoadFail) log.error(problem, "While trying to load extension [{}], skipping...", fqcn)
            else throw new RuntimeException(s"While trying to load extension [$fqcn]", problem)

    loadExtensions("akka.library-extensions", throwOnLoadFail = true)
    loadExtensions("akka.extensions", throwOnLoadFail = false)

  override def toString: String = lookupRoot.path.root.address.toString

  override def printTree: String = {
    def printNode(node: ActorRef, indent: String): String = {
      node match {
        case wc: ActorRefWithCell ⇒
          val cell = wc.underlying
          (if (indent.isEmpty) "-> " else indent.dropRight(1) + "⌊-> ") +
   + " " + Logging.simpleName(node) + " " +
            (cell match {
              case real: ActorCell ⇒ if ( ne null) else "null"
              case _               ⇒ Logging.simpleName(cell)
            }) +
            (cell match {
              case real: ActorCell ⇒ " status=" + real.mailbox.currentStatus
              case _               ⇒ ""
            }) +
            " " + (cell.childrenRefs match {
              case ChildrenContainer.TerminatingChildrenContainer(_, toDie, reason) ⇒
                "Terminating(" + reason + ")" +
                  (toDie.toSeq.sorted mkString ("\n" + indent + "   |    toDie: ", "\n" + indent + "   |           ", ""))
              case x @ (ChildrenContainer.TerminatedChildrenContainer | ChildrenContainer.EmptyChildrenContainer) ⇒ x.toString
              case n: ChildrenContainer.NormalChildrenContainer ⇒ n.c.size + " children"
              case x ⇒ Logging.simpleName(x)
            }) +
            (if (cell.childrenRefs.children.isEmpty) "" else "\n") +
              val children = cell.childrenRefs.children.toSeq.sorted
              val bulk = children.dropRight(1) map (printNode(_, indent + "   |"))
              bulk ++ (children.lastOption map (printNode(_, indent + "    ")))
            } mkString ("\n"))
        case _ ⇒
          indent + + " " + Logging.simpleName(node)
    printNode(lookupRoot, "")

  final class TerminationCallbacks[T](upStreamTerminated: Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
    private[this] final val done = Promise[T]()
    private[this] final val ref = new AtomicReference(done)

    // onComplete never fires twice so safe to avoid null check
    upStreamTerminated onComplete { t ⇒ ref.getAndSet(null).complete(t) }

     * Adds a Runnable that will be executed on ActorSystem termination.
     * Note that callbacks are executed in reverse order of insertion.
     * @param r The callback to be executed on ActorSystem termination
     * Throws RejectedExecutionException if called after ActorSystem has been terminated.
    final def add(r: Runnable): Unit = {
      @tailrec def addRec(r: Runnable, p: Promise[T]): Unit = ref.get match {
        case null                               ⇒ throw new RejectedExecutionException("ActorSystem already terminated.")
        case some if ref.compareAndSet(some, p) ⇒ some.completeWith(p.future.andThen { case _ ⇒ })
        case _                                  ⇒ addRec(r, p)
      addRec(r, Promise[T]())

     * Returns a Future which will be completed once all registered callbacks have been executed.
    def terminationFuture: Future[T] = done.future

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