akka.actor.Props.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.actor
import akka.actor.Deploy.{ NoDispatcherGiven, NoMailboxGiven }
import akka.dispatch._
import akka.routing._
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Factory for Props instances.
* Props is a ActorRef configuration object, that is immutable, so it is thread safe and fully sharable.
* Used when creating new actors through ActorSystem.actorOf
and ActorContext.actorOf
object Props extends AbstractProps {
* The defaultCreator, simply throws an UnsupportedOperationException when applied, which is used when creating a Props
final val defaultCreator: () ⇒ Actor = () ⇒ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No actor creator specified!")
* The defaultRoutedProps is NoRouter which is used when creating a Props
final val defaultRoutedProps: RouterConfig = NoRouter
* The default Deploy instance which is used when creating a Props
final val defaultDeploy = Deploy()
* A Props instance whose creator will create an actor that doesn't respond to any message
final val empty = Props[EmptyActor]
* The default Props instance, uses the settings from the Props object starting with default*.
final val default = Props(defaultDeploy, classOf[CreatorFunctionConsumer], List(defaultCreator))
* (Not because it is so immensely complicated, only because we might remove it if no longer needed internally)
private[akka] class EmptyActor extends Actor {
def receive = Actor.emptyBehavior
* Scala API: Returns a Props that has default values except for "creator" which will be a function that creates an instance
* of the supplied type using the default constructor.
def apply[T <: Actor: ClassTag](): Props = apply(defaultDeploy, implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass, List.empty)
* Scala API: Returns a Props that has default values except for "creator" which will be a function that creates an instance
* using the supplied thunk.
* CAVEAT: Required mailbox type cannot be detected when using anonymous mixin composition
* when creating the instance. For example, the following will not detect the need for
* `DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics` as defined in `Stash`:
* {{{
* 'Props(new Actor with Stash { ... })
* }}}
* Instead you must create a named class that mixin the trait,
* e.g. `class MyActor extends Actor with Stash`.
def apply[T <: Actor: ClassTag](creator: ⇒ T): Props =
mkProps(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass, () ⇒ creator)
private def mkProps(classOfActor: Class[_], ctor: () ⇒ Actor): Props =
Props(classOf[TypedCreatorFunctionConsumer], classOfActor, ctor)
* Scala API: create a Props given a class and its constructor arguments.
def apply(clazz: Class[_], args: Any*): Props = apply(defaultDeploy, clazz, args.toList)
* Props is a configuration object using in creating an [[Actor]]; it is
* immutable, so it is thread-safe and fully shareable.
* Examples on Scala API:
* {{{
* val props = Props.empty
* val props = Props[MyActor]
* val props = Props(classOf[MyActor], arg1, arg2)
* val otherProps = props.withDispatcher("dispatcher-id")
* val otherProps = props.withDeploy()
* }}}
* Examples on Java API:
* {{{
* final Props props = Props.empty();
* final Props props = Props.create(MyActor.class, arg1, arg2);
* final Props otherProps = props.withDispatcher("dispatcher-id");
* final Props otherProps = props.withDeploy();
* }}}
final case class Props(deploy: Deploy, clazz: Class[_], args: immutable.Seq[Any]) {
// derived property, does not need to be serialized
private[this] var _producer: IndirectActorProducer = _
// derived property, does not need to be serialized
private[this] var _cachedActorClass: Class[_ <: Actor] = _
private[akka] def producer: IndirectActorProducer = {
if (_producer eq null)
_producer = IndirectActorProducer(clazz, args)
private[this] def cachedActorClass: Class[_ <: Actor] = {
if (_cachedActorClass eq null)
_cachedActorClass = producer.actorClass
// validate producer constructor signature; throws IllegalArgumentException if invalid
* Convenience method for extracting the dispatcher information from the
* contained [[Deploy]] instance.
def dispatcher: String = deploy.dispatcher match {
case NoDispatcherGiven ⇒ Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId
case x ⇒ x
* Convenience method for extracting the mailbox information from the
* contained [[Deploy]] instance.
def mailbox: String = deploy.mailbox match {
case NoMailboxGiven ⇒ Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId
case x ⇒ x
* Convenience method for extracting the router configuration from the
* contained [[Deploy]] instance.
def routerConfig: RouterConfig = deploy.routerConfig
* Returns a new Props with the specified dispatcher set.
def withDispatcher(d: String): Props = deploy.dispatcher match {
case NoDispatcherGiven ⇒ copy(deploy = deploy.copy(dispatcher = d))
case x ⇒ if (x == d) this else copy(deploy = deploy.copy(dispatcher = d))
* Returns a new Props with the specified mailbox set.
def withMailbox(m: String): Props = deploy.mailbox match {
case NoMailboxGiven ⇒ copy(deploy = deploy.copy(mailbox = m))
case x ⇒ if (x == m) this else copy(deploy = deploy.copy(mailbox = m))
* Returns a new Props with the specified router config set.
def withRouter(r: RouterConfig): Props = copy(deploy = deploy.copy(routerConfig = r))
* Returns a new Props with the specified deployment configuration.
def withDeploy(d: Deploy): Props = copy(deploy = d withFallback deploy)
* Obtain an upper-bound approximation of the actor class which is going to
* be created by these Props. In other words, the actor factory method will
* produce an instance of this class or a subclass thereof. This is used by
* the actor system to select special dispatchers or mailboxes in case
* dependencies are encoded in the actor type.
def actorClass(): Class[_ <: Actor] = cachedActorClass
* Create a new actor instance. This method is only useful when called during
* actor creation by the ActorSystem, i.e. for user-level code it can only be
* used within the implementation of [[IndirectActorProducer#produce]].
private[akka] def newActor(): Actor = {