akka.actor.RepointableActorRef.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.actor
import java.util.{ LinkedList ⇒ JLinkedList }
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.actor.dungeon.ChildrenContainer
import akka.event.Logging.Warning
import akka.util.Unsafe
import akka.dispatch._
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
* This actor ref starts out with some dummy cell (by default just enqueuing
* messages into vectors protected by ReentrantLock), it must be initialize()’d
* before it can be sent to, and it will be activate()’d by its supervisor in
* response to the Supervise() message, which will replace the contained Cell
* with a fully functional one, transfer all messages from dummy to real queue
* and swap out the cell ref.
private[akka] class RepointableActorRef(
val system: ActorSystemImpl,
val props: Props,
val dispatcher: MessageDispatcher,
val mailboxType: MailboxType,
val supervisor: InternalActorRef,
val path: ActorPath)
extends ActorRefWithCell with RepointableRef {
import AbstractActorRef.{ cellOffset, lookupOffset }
* H E R E B E D R A G O N S !
* There are two main functions of a Cell: message queueing and child lookup.
* When switching out the UnstartedCell for its real replacement, the former
* must be switched after all messages have been drained from the temporary
* queue into the real mailbox, while the latter must be switched before
* processing the very first message (i.e. before Cell.start()). Hence there
* are two refs here, one for each function, and they are switched just so.
@volatile private var _cellDoNotCallMeDirectly: Cell = _
@volatile private var _lookupDoNotCallMeDirectly: Cell = _
def underlying: Cell = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, cellOffset).asInstanceOf[Cell]
def lookup = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, lookupOffset).asInstanceOf[Cell]
@tailrec final def swapCell(next: Cell): Cell = {
val old = underlying
if (Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, cellOffset, old, next)) old else swapCell(next)
@tailrec final def swapLookup(next: Cell): Cell = {
val old = lookup
if (Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, lookupOffset, old, next)) old else swapLookup(next)
* Initialize: make a dummy cell which holds just a mailbox, then tell our
* supervisor that we exist so that he can create the real Cell in
* handleSupervise().
* Call twice on your own peril!
* This is protected so that others can have different initialization.
def initialize(async: Boolean): this.type =
underlying match {
case null ⇒
swapCell(new UnstartedCell(system, this, props, supervisor))
supervisor.sendSystemMessage(Supervise(this, async))
if (!async) point(false)
case other ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("initialize called more than once!")
* This method is supposed to be called by the supervisor in handleSupervise()
* to replace the UnstartedCell with the real one. It assumes no concurrent
* modification of the `underlying` field, though it is safe to send messages
* at any time.
def point(catchFailures: Boolean): this.type =
underlying match {
case u: UnstartedCell ⇒
val cell =
try newCell(u)
catch {
case NonFatal(ex) if catchFailures ⇒
val safeDispatcher = system.dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher
new ActorCell(system, this, props, safeDispatcher, supervisor).initWithFailure(ex)
* The problem here was that if the real actor (which will start running
* at cell.start()) creates children in its constructor, then this may
* happen before the swapCell in u.replaceWith, meaning that those
* children cannot be looked up immediately, e.g. if they shall become
* routees.
case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("underlying cell is null")
case _ ⇒ this // this happens routinely for things which were created async=false
* This is called by activate() to obtain the cell which is to replace the
* unstarted cell. The cell must be fully functional.
def newCell(old: UnstartedCell): Cell =
new ActorCell(system, this, props, dispatcher, supervisor).init(sendSupervise = false, mailboxType)
def start(): Unit = ()
def suspend(): Unit = underlying.suspend()
def resume(causedByFailure: Throwable): Unit = underlying.resume(causedByFailure)
def stop(): Unit = underlying.stop()
def restart(cause: Throwable): Unit = underlying.restart(cause)
def isStarted: Boolean = underlying match {
case _: UnstartedCell ⇒ false
case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("isStarted called before initialized")
case _ ⇒ true
@deprecated("Use context.watch(actor) and receive Terminated(actor)", "2.2") def isTerminated: Boolean = underlying.isTerminated
def provider: ActorRefProvider = system.provider
def isLocal: Boolean = underlying.isLocal
def getParent: InternalActorRef = underlying.parent
def getChild(name: Iterator[String]): InternalActorRef =
if (name.hasNext) {
name.next match {
case ".." ⇒ getParent.getChild(name)
case "" ⇒ getChild(name)
case other ⇒
val (childName, uid) = ActorCell.splitNameAndUid(other)
lookup.getChildByName(childName) match {
case Some(crs: ChildRestartStats) if uid == ActorCell.undefinedUid || uid == crs.uid ⇒
case _ ⇒ lookup match {
case ac: ActorCell ⇒ ac.getFunctionRefOrNobody(childName, uid)
case _ ⇒ Nobody
} else this
* Method for looking up a single child beneath this actor.
* It is racy if called from the outside.
def getSingleChild(name: String): InternalActorRef = lookup.getSingleChild(name)
def children: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef] = lookup.childrenRefs.children
def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender) = underlying.sendMessage(message, sender)
def sendSystemMessage(message: SystemMessage) = underlying.sendSystemMessage(message)
protected def writeReplace(): AnyRef = SerializedActorRef(this)
private[akka] class UnstartedCell(
val systemImpl: ActorSystemImpl,
val self: RepointableActorRef,
val props: Props,
val supervisor: InternalActorRef) extends Cell {
* This lock protects all accesses to this cell’s queues. It also ensures
* safe switching to the started ActorCell.
private[this] final val lock = new ReentrantLock
// use Envelope to keep on-send checks in the same place ACCESS MUST BE PROTECTED BY THE LOCK
private[this] final val queue = new JLinkedList[Envelope]()
private[this] var sysmsgQueue: LatestFirstSystemMessageList = SystemMessageList.LNil
import systemImpl.settings.UnstartedPushTimeout.{ duration ⇒ timeout }
def replaceWith(cell: Cell): Unit = locked {
try {
def drainSysmsgQueue(): Unit = {
// using while in case a sys msg enqueues another sys msg
while (sysmsgQueue.nonEmpty) {
var sysQ = sysmsgQueue.reverse
sysmsgQueue = SystemMessageList.LNil
while (sysQ.nonEmpty) {
val msg = sysQ.head
sysQ = sysQ.tail
while (!queue.isEmpty) {
// drain sysmsgQueue in case a msg enqueues a sys msg
} finally {
def system: ActorSystem = systemImpl
def start(): this.type = this
def suspend(): Unit = sendSystemMessage(Suspend())
def resume(causedByFailure: Throwable): Unit = sendSystemMessage(Resume(causedByFailure))
def restart(cause: Throwable): Unit = sendSystemMessage(Recreate(cause))
def stop(): Unit = sendSystemMessage(Terminate())
override private[akka] def isTerminated: Boolean = locked {
val cell = self.underlying
if (cellIsReady(cell)) cell.isTerminated else false
def parent: InternalActorRef = supervisor
def childrenRefs: ChildrenContainer = ChildrenContainer.EmptyChildrenContainer
def getChildByName(name: String): Option[ChildRestartStats] = None
override def getSingleChild(name: String): InternalActorRef = Nobody
def sendMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = {
if (lock.tryLock(timeout.length, timeout.unit)) {
try {
val cell = self.underlying
if (cellIsReady(cell)) {
} else if (!queue.offer(msg)) {
system.eventStream.publish(Warning(self.path.toString, getClass, "dropping message of type " + msg.message.getClass + " due to enqueue failure"))
system.deadLetters.tell(DeadLetter(msg.message, msg.sender, self), msg.sender)
} else if (Mailbox.debug) println(s"$self temp queueing ${msg.message} from ${msg.sender}")
} finally lock.unlock()
} else {
system.eventStream.publish(Warning(self.path.toString, getClass, "dropping message of type" + msg.message.getClass + " due to lock timeout"))
system.deadLetters.tell(DeadLetter(msg.message, msg.sender, self), msg.sender)
def sendSystemMessage(msg: SystemMessage): Unit = {
lock.lock // we cannot lose system messages, ever, and we cannot throw an Error from here as well
try {
val cell = self.underlying
if (cellIsReady(cell))
else {
sysmsgQueue ::= msg
if (Mailbox.debug) println(s"$self temp queueing system $msg")
} finally lock.unlock()
def isLocal = true
private[this] final def cellIsReady(cell: Cell): Boolean = (cell ne this) && (cell ne null)
def hasMessages: Boolean = locked {
val cell = self.underlying
if (cellIsReady(cell)) cell.hasMessages else !queue.isEmpty
def numberOfMessages: Int = locked {
val cell = self.underlying
if (cellIsReady(cell)) cell.numberOfMessages else queue.size
private[this] final def locked[T](body: ⇒ T): T = {
try body finally lock.unlock()