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import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import akka.util.Timeout
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import akka.pattern.ask

private[akka] object Inbox {

  private sealed trait Query {
    def deadline: Deadline
    def withClient(c: ActorRef): Query
    def client: ActorRef
  private final case class Get(deadline: Deadline, client: ActorRef = null) extends Query {
    def withClient(c: ActorRef) = copy(client = c)
  private final case class Select(deadline: Deadline, predicate: PartialFunction[Any, Any], client: ActorRef = null) extends Query {
    def withClient(c: ActorRef) = copy(client = c)
  private final case class StartWatch(target: ActorRef)
  private case object Kick


trait Inbox { this: ActorDSL.type ⇒

  import Inbox._

  protected trait InboxExtension { this: Extension ⇒
    val DSLInboxQueueSize = config.getInt("inbox-size")

    val inboxNr = new AtomicInteger
    val inboxProps = Props(classOf[InboxActor], ActorDSL, DSLInboxQueueSize)

    def newReceiver: ActorRef = mkChild(inboxProps, "inbox-" + inboxNr.incrementAndGet)

  private implicit val deadlineOrder: Ordering[Query] = new Ordering[Query] {
    def compare(left: Query, right: Query): Int = left.deadline.time compare right.deadline.time

  private class InboxActor(size: Int) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
    var clients = Queue.empty[Query]
    val messages = Queue.empty[Any]
    var clientsByTimeout = TreeSet.empty[Query]
    var printedWarning = false

    def enqueueQuery(q: Query) {
      val query = q withClient sender()
      clients enqueue query
      clientsByTimeout += query

    def enqueueMessage(msg: Any) {
      if (messages.size < size) messages enqueue msg
      else {
        if (!printedWarning) {
          log.warning("dropping message: either your program is buggy or you might want to increase, current value is " + size)
          printedWarning = true

    var currentMsg: Any = _
    val clientPredicate: (Query) ⇒ Boolean = {
      case _: Get          ⇒ true
      case Select(_, p, _) ⇒ p isDefinedAt currentMsg
      case _               ⇒ false

    var currentSelect: Select = _
    val messagePredicate: (Any ⇒ Boolean) = (msg) ⇒ currentSelect.predicate.isDefinedAt(msg)

    var currentDeadline: Option[(Deadline, Cancellable)] = None

    def receive = ({
      case g: Get ⇒
        if (messages.isEmpty) enqueueQuery(g)
        else sender() ! messages.dequeue()
      case s @ Select(_, predicate, _) ⇒
        if (messages.isEmpty) enqueueQuery(s)
        else {
          currentSelect = s
          messages.dequeueFirst(messagePredicate) match {
            case Some(msg) ⇒ sender() ! msg
            case None      ⇒ enqueueQuery(s)
          currentSelect = null
      case StartWatch(target) ⇒ context watch target
      case Kick ⇒
        val now =
        val pred = (q: Query) ⇒ q.deadline.time < now.time
        val overdue = clientsByTimeout.iterator.takeWhile(pred)
        while (overdue.hasNext) {
          val toKick =
          toKick.client ! Status.Failure(new TimeoutException("deadline passed"))
        clients = clients.filterNot(pred)
        clientsByTimeout = clientsByTimeout.from(Get(now))
      case msg ⇒
        if (clients.isEmpty) enqueueMessage(msg)
        else {
          currentMsg = msg
          clients.dequeueFirst(clientPredicate) match {
            case Some(q) ⇒ { clientsByTimeout -= q; q.client ! msg }
            case None    ⇒ enqueueMessage(msg)
          currentMsg = null
    }: Receive) andThen { _ ⇒
      if (clients.isEmpty) {
        if (currentDeadline.isDefined) {
          currentDeadline = None
      } else {
        val next = clientsByTimeout.head.deadline
        import context.dispatcher
        if (currentDeadline.isEmpty) {
          currentDeadline = Some((next, context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(next.timeLeft, self, Kick)))
        } else {
          // must not rely on the Scheduler to not fire early (for robustness)
          currentDeadline = Some((next, context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(next.timeLeft, self, Kick)))

   * make sure that AskTimeout does not accidentally mess up message reception
   * by adding this extra time to the real timeout
  private val extraTime = 1.minute

   * Create a new actor which will internally queue up messages it gets so that
   * they can be interrogated with the `!.Inbox!.receive`
   * and `!.Inbox!.select` methods. It will be created as
   * a system actor in the ActorSystem which is implicitly (or explicitly)
   * supplied.
  def inbox()(implicit system: ActorSystem): Inbox = new Inbox(system)

  class Inbox(system: ActorSystem) extends {

    val receiver: ActorRef = Extension(system).newReceiver

    // Java API
    def getRef: ActorRef = receiver
    def send(target: ActorRef, msg: AnyRef): Unit = target.tell(msg, receiver)

    private val defaultTimeout: FiniteDuration = Extension(system).DSLDefaultTimeout

     * Receive a single message from the internal `receiver` actor. The supplied
     * timeout is used for cleanup purposes and its precision is subject to the
     * resolution of the system’s scheduler (usually 100ms, but configurable).
     * Warning: This method blocks the current thread until a message is
     * received, thus it can introduce dead-locks (directly as well as
     * indirectly by causing starvation of the thread pool). Do not use
     * this method within an actor!
    def receive(timeout: FiniteDuration = defaultTimeout): Any = {
      implicit val t = Timeout(timeout + extraTime)
      Await.result(receiver ? Get( + timeout), Duration.Inf)

     * Receive a single message for which the given partial function is defined
     * and return the transformed result, using the internal `receiver` actor.
     * The supplied timeout is used for cleanup purposes and its precision is
     * subject to the resolution of the system’s scheduler (usually 100ms, but
     * configurable).
     * Warning: This method blocks the current thread until a message is
     * received, thus it can introduce dead-locks (directly as well as
     * indirectly by causing starvation of the thread pool). Do not use
     * this method within an actor!
    def select[T](timeout: FiniteDuration = defaultTimeout)(predicate: PartialFunction[Any, T]): T = {
      implicit val t = Timeout(timeout + extraTime)
      predicate(Await.result(receiver ? Select( + timeout, predicate), Duration.Inf))

     * Make the inbox’s actor watch the target actor such that reception of the
     * Terminated message can then be awaited.
    def watch(target: ActorRef): Unit = receiver ! StartWatch(target)

     * Overridden finalizer which will try to stop the actor once this Inbox
     * is no longer referenced.
    override def finalize() {

  implicit def senderFromInbox(implicit inbox: Inbox): ActorRef = inbox.receiver

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