akka.event.EventBus.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.event
import akka.actor.{ ActorSystem, ActorRef }
import akka.util.Index
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
import java.util.Comparator
import akka.util.{ Subclassification, SubclassifiedIndex }
import scala.collection.immutable
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicReference }
* Represents the base type for EventBuses
* Internally has an Event type, a Classifier type and a Subscriber type
* For the Java API, see akka.event.japi.*
trait EventBus {
type Event
type Classifier
type Subscriber
* Attempts to register the subscriber to the specified Classifier
* @return true if successful and false if not (because it was already
* subscribed to that Classifier, or otherwise)
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean
* Attempts to deregister the subscriber from the specified Classifier
* @return true if successful and false if not (because it wasn't subscribed
* to that Classifier, or otherwise)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean
* Attempts to deregister the subscriber from all Classifiers it may be subscribed to
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit
* Publishes the specified Event to this bus
def publish(event: Event): Unit
* Represents an EventBus where the Subscriber type is ActorRef
trait ActorEventBus extends EventBus {
type Subscriber = ActorRef
protected def compareSubscribers(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef) = a compareTo b
* Can be mixed into an EventBus to specify that the Classifier type is ActorRef
trait ActorClassifier { this: EventBus ⇒
type Classifier = ActorRef
* Can be mixed into an EventBus to specify that the Classifier type is a Function from Event to Boolean (predicate)
trait PredicateClassifier { this: EventBus ⇒
type Classifier = Event ⇒ Boolean
* Maps Subscribers to Classifiers using equality on Classifier to store a Set of Subscribers (hence the need for compareSubscribers)
* Maps Events to Classifiers through the classify-method (so it knows who to publish to)
* The compareSubscribers need to provide a total ordering of the Subscribers
trait LookupClassification { this: EventBus ⇒
protected final val subscribers = new Index[Classifier, Subscriber](mapSize(), new Comparator[Subscriber] {
def compare(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int = compareSubscribers(a, b)
* This is a size hint for the number of Classifiers you expect to have (use powers of 2)
protected def mapSize(): Int
* Provides a total ordering of Subscribers (think java.util.Comparator.compare)
protected def compareSubscribers(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int
* Returns the Classifier associated with the given Event
protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier
* Publishes the given Event to the given Subscriber
protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.put(to, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.remove(from, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = subscribers.removeValue(subscriber)
def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
val i = subscribers.valueIterator(classify(event))
while (i.hasNext) publish(event, i.next())
* Classification which respects relationships between channels: subscribing
* to one channel automatically and idempotently subscribes to all sub-channels.
trait SubchannelClassification { this: EventBus ⇒
* The logic to form sub-class hierarchy
protected implicit def subclassification: Subclassification[Classifier]
// must be lazy to avoid initialization order problem with subclassification
private lazy val subscriptions = new SubclassifiedIndex[Classifier, Subscriber]()
private var cache = Map.empty[Classifier, Set[Subscriber]]
* Returns the Classifier associated with the given Event
protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier
* Publishes the given Event to the given Subscriber
protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean = subscriptions.synchronized {
val diff = subscriptions.addValue(to, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean = subscriptions.synchronized {
val diff = subscriptions.removeValue(from, subscriber)
// removeValue(K, V) does not return the diff to remove from or add to the cache
// but instead the whole set of keys and values that should be updated in the cache
cache ++= diff
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = subscriptions.synchronized {
def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
val c = classify(event)
val recv =
if (cache contains c) cache(c) // c will never be removed from cache
else subscriptions.synchronized {
if (cache contains c) cache(c)
else {
recv foreach (publish(event, _))
* Expensive call! Avoid calling directly from event bus subscribe / unsubscribe.
private[akka] def hasSubscriptions(subscriber: Subscriber): Boolean =
// FIXME binary incompatible, but I think it is safe to filter out this problem,
// since it is only called from new functionality in EventStreamUnsubscriber
cache.values exists { _ contains subscriber }
private def removeFromCache(changes: immutable.Seq[(Classifier, Set[Subscriber])]): Unit =
cache = (cache /: changes) {
case (m, (c, cs)) ⇒ m.updated(c, m.getOrElse(c, Set.empty[Subscriber]) diff cs)
private def addToCache(changes: immutable.Seq[(Classifier, Set[Subscriber])]): Unit =
cache = (cache /: changes) {
case (m, (c, cs)) ⇒ m.updated(c, m.getOrElse(c, Set.empty[Subscriber]) union cs)
* Maps Classifiers to Subscribers and selects which Subscriber should receive which publication through scanning through all Subscribers
* through the matches(classifier, event) method
* Note: the compareClassifiers and compareSubscribers must together form an absolute ordering (think java.util.Comparator.compare)
trait ScanningClassification { self: EventBus ⇒
protected final val subscribers = new ConcurrentSkipListSet[(Classifier, Subscriber)](new Comparator[(Classifier, Subscriber)] {
def compare(a: (Classifier, Subscriber), b: (Classifier, Subscriber)): Int = compareClassifiers(a._1, b._1) match {
case 0 ⇒ compareSubscribers(a._2, b._2)
case other ⇒ other
* Provides a total ordering of Classifiers (think java.util.Comparator.compare)
protected def compareClassifiers(a: Classifier, b: Classifier): Int
* Provides a total ordering of Subscribers (think java.util.Comparator.compare)
protected def compareSubscribers(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int
* Returns whether the specified Classifier matches the specified Event
protected def matches(classifier: Classifier, event: Event): Boolean
* Publishes the specified Event to the specified Subscriber
protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.add((to, subscriber))
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.remove((from, subscriber))
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = {
val i = subscribers.iterator()
while (i.hasNext) {
val e = i.next()
if (compareSubscribers(subscriber, e._2) == 0) i.remove()
def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
val currentSubscribers = subscribers.iterator()
while (currentSubscribers.hasNext) {
val (classifier, subscriber) = currentSubscribers.next()
if (matches(classifier, event))
publish(event, subscriber)
* Maps ActorRefs to ActorRefs to form an EventBus where ActorRefs can listen to other ActorRefs.
* All subscribers will be watched by an `akka.event.ActorClassificationUnsubscriber` and unsubscribed when they terminate.
* The unsubscriber actor will not be stopped automatically, and if you want to stop using the bus you should stop it yourself.
trait ManagedActorClassification { this: ActorEventBus with ActorClassifier ⇒
import scala.annotation.tailrec
protected def system: ActorSystem
private class ManagedActorClassificationMappings(val seqNr: Int, val backing: Map[ActorRef, immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]) {
def get(monitored: ActorRef): immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef] = backing.getOrElse(monitored, empty)
def add(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef) = {
val watchers = backing.get(monitored).getOrElse(empty) + monitor
new ManagedActorClassificationMappings(seqNr + 1, backing.updated(monitored, watchers))
def remove(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef) = {
val monitors = backing.get(monitored).getOrElse(empty) - monitor
new ManagedActorClassificationMappings(seqNr + 1, backing.updated(monitored, monitors))
def remove(monitored: ActorRef) = {
val v = backing - monitored
new ManagedActorClassificationMappings(seqNr + 1, v)
private val mappings = new AtomicReference[ManagedActorClassificationMappings](
new ManagedActorClassificationMappings(0, Map.empty[ActorRef, immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]))
private val empty = immutable.TreeSet.empty[ActorRef]
/** The unsubscriber takes care of unsubscribing actors, which have terminated. */
protected lazy val unsubscriber = ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.start(system, this)
protected final def associate(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef): Boolean = {
val current = mappings.get
current.backing.get(monitored) match {
case None ⇒
val added = current.add(monitored, monitor)
if (mappings.compareAndSet(current, added)) registerWithUnsubscriber(monitor, added.seqNr)
else associate(monitored, monitor)
case Some(monitors) ⇒
if (monitors.contains(monitored)) false
else {
val added = current.add(monitored, monitor)
val noChange = current.backing == added.backing
if (noChange) false
else if (mappings.compareAndSet(current, added)) registerWithUnsubscriber(monitor, added.seqNr)
else associate(monitored, monitor)
protected final def dissociate(actor: ActorRef): Unit = {
def dissociateAsMonitored(monitored: ActorRef): Unit = {
val current = mappings.get
if (current.backing.contains(monitored)) {
val removed = current.remove(monitored)
if (!mappings.compareAndSet(current, removed))
def dissociateAsMonitor(monitor: ActorRef): Unit = {
val current = mappings.get
val i = current.backing.iterator
while (i.hasNext) {
val (key, value) = i.next()
value match {
case null ⇒
// do nothing
case monitors ⇒
if (monitors.contains(monitor))
dissociate(key, monitor)
try { dissociateAsMonitored(actor) } finally { dissociateAsMonitor(actor) }
protected final def dissociate(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef): Boolean = {
val current = mappings.get
current.backing.get(monitored) match {
case None ⇒ false
case Some(monitors) ⇒
val removed = current.remove(monitored, monitor)
val removedMonitors = removed.get(monitored)
if (monitors.isEmpty || monitors == removedMonitors) {
} else {
if (mappings.compareAndSet(current, removed)) unregisterFromUnsubscriber(monitor, removed.seqNr)
else dissociate(monitored, monitor)
* Returns the Classifier associated with the specified Event
protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier
* This is a size hint for the number of Classifiers you expect to have (use powers of 2)
protected def mapSize: Int
def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
mappings.get.backing.get(classify(event)) match {
case None ⇒ ()
case Some(refs) ⇒ refs.foreach { _ ! event }
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean =
if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
else if (to eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classifier is null")
else associate(to, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean =
if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
else if (from eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classifier is null")
else dissociate(from, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit =
if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
else dissociate(subscriber)
private[akka] def registerWithUnsubscriber(subscriber: ActorRef, seqNr: Int): Boolean = {
unsubscriber ! ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Register(subscriber, seqNr)
private[akka] def unregisterFromUnsubscriber(subscriber: ActorRef, seqNr: Int): Boolean = {
unsubscriber ! ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Unregister(subscriber, seqNr)
* Maps ActorRefs to ActorRefs to form an EventBus where ActorRefs can listen to other ActorRefs
@deprecated("Use Managed ActorClassification instead", "2.4")
trait ActorClassification { this: ActorEventBus with ActorClassifier ⇒
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
private val empty = immutable.TreeSet.empty[ActorRef]
private val mappings = new ConcurrentHashMap[ActorRef, immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]](mapSize)
protected final def associate(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef): Boolean = {
val current = mappings get monitored
current match {
case null ⇒
if (monitored.isTerminated) false
else {
if (mappings.putIfAbsent(monitored, empty + monitor) ne null) associate(monitored, monitor)
else if (monitored.isTerminated) !dissociate(monitored, monitor) else true
case raw: immutable.TreeSet[_] ⇒
val v = raw.asInstanceOf[immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]
if (monitored.isTerminated) false
if (v.contains(monitor)) true
else {
val added = v + monitor
if (!mappings.replace(monitored, v, added)) associate(monitored, monitor)
else if (monitored.isTerminated) !dissociate(monitored, monitor) else true
protected final def dissociate(monitored: ActorRef): immutable.Iterable[ActorRef] = {
def dissociateAsMonitored(monitored: ActorRef): immutable.Iterable[ActorRef] = {
val current = mappings get monitored
current match {
case null ⇒ empty
case raw: immutable.TreeSet[_] ⇒
val v = raw.asInstanceOf[immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]
if (!mappings.remove(monitored, v)) dissociateAsMonitored(monitored)
else v
def dissociateAsMonitor(monitor: ActorRef): Unit = {
val i = mappings.entrySet.iterator
while (i.hasNext()) {
val entry = i.next()
val v = entry.getValue
v match {
case raw: immutable.TreeSet[_] ⇒
val monitors = raw.asInstanceOf[immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]
if (monitors.contains(monitor))
dissociate(entry.getKey, monitor)
case _ ⇒ //Dun care
try { dissociateAsMonitored(monitored) } finally { dissociateAsMonitor(monitored) }
protected final def dissociate(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef): Boolean = {
val current = mappings get monitored
current match {
case null ⇒ false
case raw: immutable.TreeSet[_] ⇒
val v = raw.asInstanceOf[immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]
val removed = v - monitor
if (removed eq raw) false
else if (removed.isEmpty) {
if (!mappings.remove(monitored, v)) dissociate(monitored, monitor) else true
} else {
if (!mappings.replace(monitored, v, removed)) dissociate(monitored, monitor) else true
* Returns the Classifier associated with the specified Event
protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier
* This is a size hint for the number of Classifiers you expect to have (use powers of 2)
protected def mapSize: Int
def publish(event: Event): Unit = mappings.get(classify(event)) match {
case null ⇒ ()
case some ⇒ some foreach { _ ! event }
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean =
if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
else if (to eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classifier is null")
else associate(to, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean =
if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
else if (from eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classifier is null")
else dissociate(from, subscriber)
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit =
if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
else dissociate(subscriber)