akka.routing.ConsistentHash.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.routing
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import java.util.Arrays
* Consistent Hashing node ring implementation.
* A good explanation of Consistent Hashing:
* http://weblogs.java.net/blog/tomwhite/archive/2007/11/consistent_hash.html
* Note that toString of the ring nodes are used for the node
* hash, i.e. make sure it is different for different nodes.
class ConsistentHash[T: ClassTag] private (nodes: immutable.SortedMap[Int, T], val virtualNodesFactor: Int) {
import ConsistentHash._
if (virtualNodesFactor < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("virtualNodesFactor must be >= 1")
// arrays for fast binary search and access
// nodeHashRing is the sorted hash values of the nodes
// nodeRing is the nodes sorted in the same order as nodeHashRing, i.e. same index
private val (nodeHashRing: Array[Int], nodeRing: Array[T]) = {
val (nhr: Seq[Int], nr: Seq[T]) = nodes.toSeq.unzip
(nhr.toArray, nr.toArray)
* Adds a node to the node ring.
* Note that the instance is immutable and this
* operation returns a new instance.
def :+(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = {
val nodeHash = hashFor(node.toString)
new ConsistentHash(
nodes ++ ((1 to virtualNodesFactor) map { r ⇒ (concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash, r) → node) }),
* Java API: Adds a node to the node ring.
* Note that the instance is immutable and this
* operation returns a new instance.
def add(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = this :+ node
* Removes a node from the node ring.
* Note that the instance is immutable and this
* operation returns a new instance.
def :-(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = {
val nodeHash = hashFor(node.toString)
new ConsistentHash(
nodes -- ((1 to virtualNodesFactor) map { r ⇒ concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash, r) }),
* Java API: Removes a node from the node ring.
* Note that the instance is immutable and this
* operation returns a new instance.
def remove(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = this :- node
// converts the result of Arrays.binarySearch into a index in the nodeRing array
// see documentation of Arrays.binarySearch for what it returns
private def idx(i: Int): Int = {
if (i >= 0) i // exact match
else {
val j = math.abs(i + 1)
if (j >= nodeHashRing.length) 0 // after last, use first
else j // next node clockwise
* Get the node responsible for the data key.
* Can only be used if nodes exists in the node ring,
* otherwise throws `IllegalStateException`
def nodeFor(key: Array[Byte]): T = {
if (isEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get node for [%s] from an empty node ring" format key)
nodeRing(idx(Arrays.binarySearch(nodeHashRing, hashFor(key))))
* Get the node responsible for the data key.
* Can only be used if nodes exists in the node ring,
* otherwise throws `IllegalStateException`
def nodeFor(key: String): T = {
if (isEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get node for [%s] from an empty node ring" format key)
nodeRing(idx(Arrays.binarySearch(nodeHashRing, hashFor(key))))
* Is the node ring empty, i.e. no nodes added or all removed.
def isEmpty: Boolean = nodes.isEmpty
object ConsistentHash {
def apply[T: ClassTag](nodes: Iterable[T], virtualNodesFactor: Int): ConsistentHash[T] = {
new ConsistentHash(
immutable.SortedMap.empty[Int, T] ++
(for {
node ← nodes
nodeHash = hashFor(node.toString)
vnode ← 1 to virtualNodesFactor
} yield (concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash, vnode) → node)),
* Java API: Factory method to create a ConsistentHash
def create[T](nodes: java.lang.Iterable[T], virtualNodesFactor: Int): ConsistentHash[T] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
apply(nodes.asScala, virtualNodesFactor)(ClassTag(classOf[Any].asInstanceOf[Class[T]]))
private def concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash: Int, vnode: Int): Int = {
import MurmurHash._
var h = startHash(nodeHash)
h = extendHash(h, vnode, startMagicA, startMagicB)
private def hashFor(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = MurmurHash.arrayHash(bytes)
private def hashFor(string: String): Int = MurmurHash.stringHash(string)