akka.routing.OptimalSizeExploringResizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.routing
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.Clock
import java.time.ZoneId
import scala.collection.immutable
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.actor._
import akka.util.JavaDurationConverters._
import OptimalSizeExploringResizer._
trait OptimalSizeExploringResizer extends Resizer {
* Report the messageCount as well as current routees so that the
* it can collect metrics.
* Caution: this method is not thread safe.
* @param currentRoutees
* @param messageCounter
def reportMessageCount(currentRoutees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee], messageCounter: Long): Unit
case object OptimalSizeExploringResizer {
private[routing]type PoolSize = Int
private[routing] case class UnderUtilizationStreak(start: LocalDateTime, highestUtilization: Int)
private[routing] case class ResizeRecord(
underutilizationStreak: Option[UnderUtilizationStreak] = None,
messageCount: Long = 0,
totalQueueLength: Int = 0,
checkTime: Long = 0)
private[routing]type PerformanceLog = Map[PoolSize, Duration]
def apply(resizerCfg: Config): OptimalSizeExploringResizer =
lowerBound = resizerCfg.getInt("lower-bound"),
upperBound = resizerCfg.getInt("upper-bound"),
chanceOfScalingDownWhenFull = resizerCfg.getDouble("chance-of-ramping-down-when-full"),
actionInterval = resizerCfg.getDuration("action-interval").asScala,
downsizeAfterUnderutilizedFor = resizerCfg.getDuration("downsize-after-underutilized-for").asScala,
numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization = resizerCfg.getInt("optimization-range"),
exploreStepSize = resizerCfg.getDouble("explore-step-size"),
explorationProbability = resizerCfg.getDouble("chance-of-exploration"),
weightOfLatestMetric = resizerCfg.getDouble("weight-of-latest-metric"),
downsizeRatio = resizerCfg.getDouble("downsize-ratio"))
* This resizer resizes the pool to an optimal size that provides
* the most message throughput.
* This resizer works best when you expect the pool size to
* performance function to be a convex function.
* For example, when you have a CPU bound tasks, the optimal
* size is bound to the number of CPU cores.
* When your task is IO bound, the optimal size is bound to
* optimal number of concurrent connections to that IO service -
* e.g. a 4 node elastic search cluster may handle 4-8
* concurrent requests at optimal speed.
* It achieves this by keeping track of message throughput at
* each pool size and performing the following three
* resizing operations (one at a time) periodically:
* * Downsize if it hasn't seen all routees ever fully
* utilized for a period of time.
* * Explore to a random nearby pool size to try and
* collect throughput metrics.
* * Optimize to a nearby pool size with a better (than any other
* nearby sizes) throughput metrics.
* When the pool is fully-utilized (i.e. all routees are busy),
* it randomly choose between exploring and optimizing.
* When the pool has not been fully-utilized for a period of time,
* it will downsize the pool to the last seen max utilization
* multiplied by a configurable ratio.
* By constantly exploring and optimizing, the resizer will
* eventually walk to the optimal size and remain nearby.
* When the optimal size changes it will start walking towards
* the new one.
* It keeps a performance log so it's stateful as well as
* having a larger memory footprint than the default [[Resizer]].
* The memory usage is O(n) where n is the number of sizes
* you allow, i.e. upperBound - lowerBound.
* For documentation about the parameters, see the reference.conf -
* akka.actor.deployment.default.optimal-size-exploring-resizer
case class DefaultOptimalSizeExploringResizer(
lowerBound: PoolSize = 1,
upperBound: PoolSize = 30,
chanceOfScalingDownWhenFull: Double = 0.2,
actionInterval: Duration = 5.seconds,
numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization: Int = 16,
exploreStepSize: Double = 0.1,
downsizeRatio: Double = 0.8,
downsizeAfterUnderutilizedFor: Duration = 72.hours,
explorationProbability: Double = 0.4,
weightOfLatestMetric: Double = 0.5) extends OptimalSizeExploringResizer {
* Leave package accessible for testing purpose
private[routing] var performanceLog: PerformanceLog = Map.empty
* Leave package accessible for testing purpose
private[routing] var record: ResizeRecord = ResizeRecord()
* Leave package accessible for testing purpose
private[routing] var stopExploring = false
private def random = ThreadLocalRandom.current()
private def checkParamAsProbability(value: Double, paramName: String): Unit =
if (value < 0 || value > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$paramName must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive), was: [%s]".format(value))
private def checkParamAsPositiveNum(value: Double, paramName: String): Unit = checkParamLowerBound(value, 0, paramName)
private def checkParamLowerBound(value: Double, lowerBound: Double, paramName: String): Unit =
if (value < lowerBound) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$paramName must be >= $lowerBound, was: [%s]".format(value))
checkParamAsPositiveNum(lowerBound, "lowerBound")
checkParamAsPositiveNum(upperBound, "upperBound")
if (upperBound < lowerBound) throw new IllegalArgumentException("upperBound must be >= lowerBound, was: [%s] < [%s]".format(upperBound, lowerBound))
checkParamLowerBound(numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization, 2, "numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization")
checkParamAsProbability(chanceOfScalingDownWhenFull, "chanceOfScalingDownWhenFull")
checkParamAsPositiveNum(numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization, "numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization")
checkParamAsPositiveNum(exploreStepSize, "exploreStepSize")
checkParamAsPositiveNum(downsizeRatio, "downsizeRatio")
checkParamAsProbability(explorationProbability, "explorationProbability")
checkParamAsProbability(weightOfLatestMetric, "weightOfLatestMetric")
private val actionInternalNanos = actionInterval.toNanos
def isTimeForResize(messageCounter: Long): Boolean = {
System.nanoTime() > record.checkTime + actionInternalNanos
def reportMessageCount(currentRoutees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee], messageCounter: Long): Unit = {
val (newPerfLog, newRecord) = updatedStats(currentRoutees, messageCounter)
performanceLog = newPerfLog
record = newRecord
private[routing] def updatedStats(currentRoutees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee], messageCounter: Long): (PerformanceLog, ResizeRecord) = {
//val now = LocalDateTime.now(Clock.system(ZoneId.systemDefault))
val currentSize = currentRoutees.length
val messagesInRoutees = currentRoutees map {
case ActorRefRoutee(a: ActorRefWithCell) ⇒
a.underlying match {
case cell: ActorCell ⇒
cell.mailbox.numberOfMessages + (if (cell.currentMessage != null) 1 else 0)
case cell ⇒ cell.numberOfMessages
case x ⇒ 0
val totalQueueLength = messagesInRoutees.sum
val utilized = messagesInRoutees.count(_ > 0)
val fullyUtilized = utilized == currentSize
val newUnderutilizationStreak =
if (fullyUtilized)
Math.max(record.underutilizationStreak.fold(0)(_.highestUtilization), utilized))) */
val newPerformanceLog: PerformanceLog =
if (fullyUtilized && record.underutilizationStreak.isEmpty && record.checkTime > 0) {
val totalMessageReceived = messageCounter - record.messageCount
val queueSizeChange = record.totalQueueLength - totalQueueLength
val totalProcessed = queueSizeChange + totalMessageReceived
if (totalProcessed > 0) {
val duration = Duration.fromNanos(System.nanoTime() - record.checkTime)
val last: Duration = duration / totalProcessed
//exponentially decrease the weight of old last metrics data
val toUpdate = performanceLog.get(currentSize).fold(last) { oldSpeed ⇒
(oldSpeed * (1.0 - weightOfLatestMetric)) + (last * weightOfLatestMetric)
performanceLog + (currentSize → toUpdate)
} else performanceLog
} else performanceLog
val newRecord = record.copy(
underutilizationStreak = newUnderutilizationStreak,
messageCount = messageCounter,
totalQueueLength = totalQueueLength,
checkTime = System.nanoTime())
(newPerformanceLog, newRecord)
def resize(currentRoutees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee]): Int = {
val currentSize = currentRoutees.length
// val now = LocalDateTime.now(Clock.system(ZoneId.systemDefault))
val proposedChange =
if (false) {
val downsizeTo = (record.underutilizationStreak.get.highestUtilization * downsizeRatio).toInt
Math.min(downsizeTo - currentSize, 0)
} else if (performanceLog.isEmpty || record.underutilizationStreak.isDefined) {
} else {
if (!stopExploring && random.nextDouble() < explorationProbability)
Math.max(lowerBound, Math.min(proposedChange + currentSize, upperBound)) - currentSize
private def optimize(currentSize: PoolSize): Int = {
val adjacentDispatchWaits: Map[PoolSize, Duration] = {
def adjacency = (size: Int) ⇒ Math.abs(currentSize - size)
val sizes = performanceLog.keys.toSeq
val numOfSizesEachSide = numOfAdjacentSizesToConsiderDuringOptimization / 2
val leftBoundary = sizes.filter(_ < currentSize).sortBy(adjacency).take(numOfSizesEachSide).lastOption.getOrElse(currentSize)
val rightBoundary = sizes.filter(_ >= currentSize).sortBy(adjacency).take(numOfSizesEachSide).lastOption.getOrElse(currentSize)
performanceLog.filter { case (size, _) ⇒ size >= leftBoundary && size <= rightBoundary }
val optimalSize = adjacentDispatchWaits.minBy(_._2)._1
val movement = (optimalSize - currentSize) / 2.0
if (movement < 0)
private def explore(currentSize: PoolSize): Int = {
val change = Math.max(1, random.nextInt(Math.ceil(currentSize * exploreStepSize).toInt))
if (random.nextDouble() < chanceOfScalingDownWhenFull)