eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WTreeNode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2009 Emweb bvba, Leuven, Belgium.
* See the LICENSE file for terms of use.
package eu.webtoolkit.jwt;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.*;
import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.chart.*;
import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.utils.*;
import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.servlet.*;
* A single node in a tree.
* A tree list is constructed by combining several tree node objects in a tree
* hierarchy, by passing the parent tree node as the last argument in the child
* node constructor, or by using {@link WTreeNode#addChildNode(WTreeNode node)
* addChildNode()}, to add a child to its parent.
* Each tree node has a label, and optionally a label icon pair. The icon pair
* offers the capability to show a different icon depending on the state of the
* node (expanded or collapsed). When the node has any children, a child count
* may be displayed next to the label using
* {@link WTreeNode#setChildCountPolicy(WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy policy)
* setChildCountPolicy()}.
* Expanding a tree node it will collapse all its children, so that a user may
* collapse/expand a node as a short-cut to collapsing all children.
* The treenode provides several policies to communicate the current contents of
* the tree to the client (if possible):
* -
* {@link WTreeNode.LoadPolicy#PreLoading}: the entire tree is transmitted to
* the client, and all tree navigation requires no further communication.
* -
* {@link WTreeNode.LoadPolicy#LazyLoading}: only the minimum is transmitted to
* the client. When expanding a node for the first time, only then it is
* transmitted to the client, and this may thus have some latency.
* -
* {@link WTreeNode.LoadPolicy#NextLevelLoading}: all leafs of visible children
* are transmitted, but not their children. This provides a good trade-off
* between bandwith use and interactivity, since expanding any tree node will
* happen instantly, and at the same time trigger some communication in the
* back-ground to load the next level of invisible nodes.
* The default policy is {@link WTreeNode.LoadPolicy#LazyLoading}. Another load
* policy may be specified using
* {@link WTreeNode#setLoadPolicy(WTreeNode.LoadPolicy loadPolicy)
* setLoadPolicy()} on the root node and before adding any children. The load
* policy is inherited by all children in the tree.
* There are a few scenarios where it makes sense to specialize the WTreeNode
* class. One scenario is create a tree that is populated dynamically while
* browsing. For this purpose you should reimplement the
* {@link WTreeNode#populate() populate()} method, whose default implementation
* does nothing. This method is called when 'loading' the node. The
* exact moment for loading a treenode depends on the LoadPolicy.
* A second scenario that is if you want to customize the look of the tree label
* (see {@link WTreeNode#getLabelArea() getLabelArea()}) or if you want to
* modify or augment the event collapse/expand event handling (see
* {@link WTreeNode#doExpand() doExpand()} and {@link WTreeNode#doCollapse()
* doCollapse()}).
* See {@link WTree} for a usage example.
* The tree is styled by the current CSS theme. The look can be overridden using
* the Wt-tree
CSS class and the following selectors:
* .Wt-tree .Wt-trunk : vertical line, trunk
* .Wt-tree .Wt-end : vertical line, last item
* .Wt-tree .Wt-collapse : collapse icon (img *)
* .Wt-tree .Wt-expand : expand icon (img *)
* .Wt-tree .Wt-noexpand : leaf icon
* .Wt-tree .Wt-label : the node label
* .Wt-tree .Wt-childcount : the node child count
* .Wt-tree .Wt-node : the node's table row
* * The collapse and expand icons are fetched themselves as images,
* nav-plus.gif
and nav-minus.gif
* @see WTree
* @see WTreeTableNode
public class WTreeNode extends WCompositeWidget {
* An enumeration for the policy to load children.
public enum LoadPolicy {
* Load-on-demand of child nodes.
* Pre-load all child nodes.
* Pre-load one level of child nodes.
* Returns the numerical representation of this enum.
public int getValue() {
return ordinal();
* An enumeration for the policy to display the child count.
public enum ChildCountPolicy {
* Do not display a child count.
* Always display a child count.
* Only display a child count when the node is populated.
* Returns the numerical representation of this enum.
public int getValue() {
return ordinal();
* Creates a tree node with the given label.
* The labelIcon, if specified, will appear just before the label and its
* state reflect the expand/collapse state of the node.
* The node is initialized to be collapsed.
public WTreeNode(CharSequence labelText, WIconPair labelIcon,
WTreeNode parent) {
this.childNodes_ = new ArrayList();
this.collapsed_ = true;
this.selectable_ = true;
this.visible_ = true;
this.childrenDecorated_ = true;
this.parentNode_ = null;
this.childCountPolicy_ = WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Disabled;
this.labelIcon_ = labelIcon;
this.labelText_ = new WText(labelText);
this.childrenLoaded_ = false;
this.populated_ = false;
this.interactive_ = true;
this.selected_ = new Signal1(this);
this.clickedConnection_ = new AbstractSignal.Connection();
if (parent != null) {
* Creates a tree node with the given label.
* Calls
* {@link #WTreeNode(CharSequence labelText, WIconPair labelIcon, WTreeNode parent)
* this(labelText, (WIconPair)null, (WTreeNode)null)}
public WTreeNode(CharSequence labelText) {
this(labelText, (WIconPair) null, (WTreeNode) null);
* Creates a tree node with the given label.
* Calls
* {@link #WTreeNode(CharSequence labelText, WIconPair labelIcon, WTreeNode parent)
* this(labelText, labelIcon, (WTreeNode)null)}
public WTreeNode(CharSequence labelText, WIconPair labelIcon) {
this(labelText, labelIcon, (WTreeNode) null);
* Destructor.
public void remove() {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
if (this.childNodes_.get(i) != null)
if (this.noExpandIcon_ != null)
if (this.expandIcon_ != null)
* Returns the tree.
* By default if this node has no parent the result will be 0.
public WTree getTree() {
return this.parentNode_ != null ? this.parentNode_.getTree() : null;
* Returns the label.
public WText getLabel() {
return this.labelText_;
* Returns the label icon.
public WIconPair getLabelIcon() {
return this.labelIcon_;
* Sets the label icon.
public void setLabelIcon(WIconPair labelIcon) {
if (this.labelIcon_ != null)
this.labelIcon_ = labelIcon;
if (this.labelIcon_ != null) {
if (this.labelText_ != null) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1).insertBefore(this.labelIcon_,
} else {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1).addWidget(this.labelIcon_);
this.labelIcon_.setState(this.isExpanded() ? 1 : 0);
* Inserts a child node.
* Inserts the node node
at index index
public void insertChildNode(int index, WTreeNode node) {
this.childNodes_.add(0 + index, node);
node.parentNode_ = this;
if (this.childrenLoaded_) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 1).insertWidget(index, node);
} else {
node.setParent((WObject) null);
if (this.loadPolicy_ != node.loadPolicy_) {
if (this.childCountPolicy_ != node.childCountPolicy_) {
if (index == (int) this.childNodes_.size() - 1
&& this.childNodes_.size() > 1) {
this.childNodes_.get(this.childNodes_.size() - 2).update();
* Adds a child node.
* Equivalent to:
* insertChildNode(childNodes().size(), node);
* @see WTreeNode#insertChildNode(int index, WTreeNode node)
public void addChildNode(WTreeNode node) {
this.insertChildNode(this.childNodes_.size(), node);
* Removes a child node.
public void removeChildNode(WTreeNode node) {
node.parentNode_ = null;
if (this.childrenLoaded_) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 1).removeWidget(node);
* Returns the list of children.
public List getChildNodes() {
return this.childNodes_;
* Returns the number of children that should be displayed.
* This is used to display the count in the count label. The default
* implementation simply returns {@link WTreeNode#getChildNodes()
* getChildNodes()}.size().
public int getDisplayedChildCount() {
return this.childNodes_.size();
* Configures how and when the child count should be displayed.
* By default, no child count indication is disabled (this is the behaviour
* since 2.1.1). Use this method to enable child count indications.
* The child count policy is inherited by all children in the tree.
public void setChildCountPolicy(WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy policy) {
if (policy != WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Disabled
&& !(this.childCountLabel_ != null)) {
this.childCountLabel_ = new WText();
this.childCountLabel_.setMargin(new WLength(7), EnumSet
.setStyleClass("Wt-childcount treenodechildcount");
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1).addWidget(this.childCountLabel_);
this.childCountPolicy_ = policy;
if (this.childCountPolicy_ == WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Enabled) {
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null && parent.isExpanded()) {
if (this.isDoPopulate()) {
if (this.childCountPolicy_ != WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Disabled) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
* Returns the child count policy.
* @see WTreeNode#setChildCountPolicy(WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy policy)
public WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy getChildCountPolicy() {
return this.childCountPolicy_;
* Sets the image pack for this (sub)tree (deprecated).
* @deprecated This method does not do anything since JWt 3.1.1, as the tree
* is now styled based on the current CSS theme.
public void setImagePack(String url) {
* Sets the load policy for this tree.
* This may only be set on the root of a tree, and before adding any
* children.
public void setLoadPolicy(WTreeNode.LoadPolicy loadPolicy) {
this.loadPolicy_ = loadPolicy;
switch (loadPolicy) {
case PreLoading:
case NextLevelLoading:
if (this.isExpanded()) {
} else {
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null && parent.isExpanded()) {
new Signal1.Listener() {
public void trigger(WMouseEvent e1) {
case LazyLoading:
if (this.isExpanded()) {
} else {
if (this.childCountPolicy_ == WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Enabled) {
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null && parent.isExpanded()) {
new Signal1.Listener() {
public void trigger(WMouseEvent e1) {
if (this.loadPolicy_ != WTreeNode.LoadPolicy.LazyLoading) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
* Returns whether this node is expanded.
public boolean isExpanded() {
return !this.collapsed_;
* Allows this node to be selected.
* By default, all nodes may be selected.
* @see WTreeNode#isSelectable()
* @see WTree#select(WTreeNode node, boolean selected)
public void setSelectable(boolean selectable) {
this.selectable_ = selectable;
* Returns if this node may be selected.
* @see WTreeNode#setSelectable(boolean selectable)
public boolean isSelectable() {
return this.selectable_;
* Returns the parent node.
* @see WTreeNode#getChildNodes()
public WTreeNode getParentNode() {
return this.parentNode_;
* Sets the visibility of the node itself.
* If false
, then the node itself is not displayed, but only
* its children. This is typically used to hide the root node of a tree.
public void setNodeVisible(boolean visible) {
this.visible_ = visible;
* Sets whether this node's children are decorated.
* By default, node's children have expand/collapse and other lines to
* display their linkage and offspring.
* By setting decorated
to false
, you can hide the
* decorations for the node's children.
public void setChildrenDecorated(boolean decorated) {
this.childrenDecorated_ = decorated;
* Sets whether this node is interactive.
* Interactive nodes can be clicked upon and will populate a list of
* children when clicked. By disabling the interactivity, a node will not
* react to a click event.
public void setInteractive(boolean interactive) {
this.interactive_ = interactive;
* Expands this node.
* Besides the actual expansion of the node, this may also trigger the
* loading and population of the node children, or of the children's
* children.
* @see WTreeNode#collapse()
* @see WTreeNode#doExpand()
public void expand() {
if (!this.isExpanded()) {
if (!this.childrenLoaded_) {
if (this.getParentNode() != null && this.childNodes_.isEmpty()) {
if (this.loadPolicy_ == WTreeNode.LoadPolicy.NextLevelLoading) {
* Collapses this node.
* @see WTreeNode#expand()
* @see WTreeNode#doCollapse()
public void collapse() {
if (this.isExpanded()) {
* Signal emitted when the node is expanded by the user.
* @see WTreeNode#collapsed()
public EventSignal1 expanded() {
return this.expandIcon_.icon1Clicked();
* Signal emitted when the node is collapsed by the user.
* @see WTreeNode#expanded()
public EventSignal1 collapsed() {
return this.expandIcon_.icon2Clicked();
* Signal that is emitted when the node is added or removed from the
* selection
* @see WTree#itemSelectionChanged()
public Signal1 selected() {
return this.selected_;
* Creates a tree node with empty {@link WTreeNode#getLabelArea()
* getLabelArea()}.
* This tree node has no label or labelicon, and is therefore ideally suited
* to provide a custom look.
protected WTreeNode(WTreeNode parent) {
this.childNodes_ = new ArrayList();
this.collapsed_ = true;
this.selectable_ = true;
this.visible_ = true;
this.childrenDecorated_ = true;
this.parentNode_ = null;
this.childCountPolicy_ = WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Disabled;
this.labelIcon_ = null;
this.labelText_ = null;
this.childrenLoaded_ = false;
this.populated_ = false;
this.interactive_ = true;
this.selected_ = new Signal1(this);
this.clickedConnection_ = new AbstractSignal.Connection();
if (parent != null) {
* Creates a tree node with empty {@link WTreeNode#getLabelArea()
* getLabelArea()}.
* Calls {@link #WTreeNode(WTreeNode parent) this((WTreeNode)null)}
protected WTreeNode() {
this((WTreeNode) null);
* Accesses the container widget that holds the label area.
* Use this to customize how the label should look like.
protected WTableCell getLabelArea() {
return this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1);
* Populates the node dynamically on loading.
* Reimplement this method if you want to populate the widget dynamically,
* as the tree is being browsed and therefore loaded. This is only usefull
* with LazyLoading or NextLevelLoading strategies.
protected void populate() {
* Returns whether this node has already been populated.
* @see WTreeNode#populate()
protected boolean isPopulated() {
return this.populated_;
* Returns whether this node can be expanded.
* The default implementation populates the node if necessary, and then
* checks if there are any child nodes.
* You may wish to reimplement this method if you reimplement
* {@link WTreeNode#populate() populate()}, and you have a quick default for
* determining whether a node may be expanded (which does not require
* populating the node).
* @see WTreeNode#populate()
protected boolean isExpandable() {
if (this.interactive_) {
return !this.childNodes_.isEmpty();
} else {
return false;
* Renders the node to be selected.
* The default implementation changes the style class of the
* {@link WTreeNode#getLabelArea() getLabelArea()} to "selected".
protected void renderSelected(boolean isSelected) {
isSelected ? "Wt-selected selected" : "");
* The image pack that is used for this tree node (deprecated).
* @deprecated This method returns "" since JWt 3.1.1, as the
* image pack is no longer used in favour of the CSS themes.
protected String getImagePack() {
return "";
* Reacts to the removal of a descendant node.
* Reimplement this method if you wish to react on the removal of a
* descendant node. The default implementation simply propagates the event
* to the parent.
protected void descendantRemoved(WTreeNode node) {
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null) {
* Reacts to the addition of a descendant node.
* Reimplement this method if you wish to react on the addition of a
* descendant node. The default implementation simply propagates the event
* to the parent.
protected void descendantAdded(WTreeNode node) {
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null) {
* The actual expand.
* This method, which is implemented as a stateless slot, performs the
* actual expansion of the node.
* You may want to reimplement this function (and
* {@link WTreeNode#undoDoExpand() undoDoExpand()}) if you wish to do
* additional things on node expansion.
* @see WTreeNode#doCollapse()
* @see WTreeNode#expand()
protected void doExpand() {
this.wasCollapsed_ = !this.isExpanded();
this.collapsed_ = false;
if (!this.childNodes_.isEmpty()) {
if (this.labelIcon_ != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
* The actual collapse.
* This method, which is implemented as a stateless slot, performs the
* actual collapse of the node.
* You may want to reimplement this function (and
* {@link WTreeNode#undoDoCollapse() undoDoCollapse()}) if you wish to do
* additional things on node expansion.
* @see WTreeNode#doExpand()
* @see WTreeNode#collapse()
protected void doCollapse() {
this.wasCollapsed_ = !this.isExpanded();
this.collapsed_ = true;
if (this.labelIcon_ != null) {
* Undo method for {@link WTreeNode#doCollapse() doCollapse()} stateless
* implementation.
* @see WTreeNode#doCollapse()
protected void undoDoExpand() {
if (this.wasCollapsed_) {
if (this.labelIcon_ != null) {
this.collapsed_ = true;
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
* Undo method for {@link WTreeNode#doCollapse() doCollapse()} stateless
* implementation.
* @see WTreeNode#doExpand()
protected void undoDoCollapse() {
if (!this.wasCollapsed_) {
if (this.labelIcon_ != null) {
this.collapsed_ = false;
WTable getImpl() {
return this.layout_;
private List childNodes_;
private boolean collapsed_;
private boolean selectable_;
private boolean visible_;
private boolean childrenDecorated_;
private WTreeNode parentNode_;
private WTreeNode.LoadPolicy loadPolicy_;
private WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy childCountPolicy_;
private WTable layout_;
private WIconPair expandIcon_;
private WText noExpandIcon_;
private WIconPair labelIcon_;
private WText labelText_;
private WText childCountLabel_;
private boolean childrenLoaded_;
private boolean populated_;
private boolean interactive_;
private Signal1 selected_;
private void loadChildren() {
if (!this.childrenLoaded_) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 1).addWidget(
new Signal1.Listener() {
public void trigger(WMouseEvent e1) {
new Signal1.Listener() {
public void trigger(WMouseEvent e1) {
this.childrenLoaded_ = true;
private void loadGrandChildren() {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
private void create() {
this.setImplementation(this.layout_ = new WTable());
if (WApplication.getInstance().getEnvironment().agentIsOpera()) {
this.layout_.setAttributeValue("style", "table-layout: auto");
// this.implementStateless(WTreeNode.doExpand,WTreeNode.undoDoExpand);
// this.implementStateless(WTreeNode.doCollapse,WTreeNode.undoDoCollapse);
WApplication app = WApplication.getInstance();
this.expandIcon_ = new WIconPair(WApplication.getResourcesUrl()
+ "themes/" + app.getCssTheme() + "/" + imagePlus_,
WApplication.getResourcesUrl() + "themes/" + app.getCssTheme()
+ "/" + imageMin_);
this.noExpandIcon_ = new WText();
if (this.labelText_ != null) {
this.labelText_.setStyleClass("Wt-label treenodelabel");
this.childCountLabel_ = null;
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).setStyleClass("Wt-trunk");
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).addWidget(this.noExpandIcon_);
if (this.labelIcon_ != null) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1).addWidget(this.labelIcon_);
if (this.labelText_ != null) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1).addWidget(this.labelText_);
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).setContentAlignment(
EnumSet.of(AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, AlignmentFlag.AlignTop));
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 1).setContentAlignment(
EnumSet.of(AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, AlignmentFlag.AlignMiddle));
this.childrenLoaded_ = false;
private void update() {
boolean isLast = this.isLastChildNode();
if (!this.visible_) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0)
.resize(new WLength(0), WLength.Auto);
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 0)
.resize(new WLength(0), WLength.Auto);
} else {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).resize(WLength.Auto, WLength.Auto);
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 0).resize(WLength.Auto, WLength.Auto);
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null && !parent.childrenDecorated_) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).hide();
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 0).hide();
if (this.expandIcon_.getState() != (this.isExpanded() ? 1 : 0)) {
this.expandIcon_.setState(this.isExpanded() ? 1 : 0);
if (this.layout_.getRowAt(1).isHidden() != !this.isExpanded()) {
if (this.labelIcon_ != null
&& this.labelIcon_.getState() != (this.isExpanded() ? 1 : 0)) {
this.labelIcon_.setState(this.isExpanded() ? 1 : 0);
if (isLast) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).setStyleClass("Wt-end");
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 0).setStyleClass("");
} else {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).setStyleClass("Wt-trunk");
this.layout_.getElementAt(1, 0).setStyleClass("Wt-trunk");
if (!(this.getParentNode() != null)
|| this.getParentNode().isExpanded()) {
if (this.childCountPolicy_ == WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Enabled
&& !this.populated_) {
if (!this.isExpandable()) {
if (this.noExpandIcon_.getParent() == null) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).addWidget(
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).removeWidget(
} else {
if (this.expandIcon_.getParent() == null) {
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).addWidget(this.expandIcon_);
this.layout_.getElementAt(0, 0).removeWidget(
if (this.childCountPolicy_ != WTreeNode.ChildCountPolicy.Disabled
&& this.populated_ && this.childCountLabel_ != null) {
int n = this.getDisplayedChildCount();
if (n != 0) {
this.childCountLabel_.setText(new WString("("
+ String.valueOf(n) + ")"));
} else {
this.childCountLabel_.setText(new WString());
private boolean isLastChildNode() {
WTreeNode parent = this.getParentNode();
if (parent != null) {
return parent.childNodes_.get(parent.childNodes_.size() - 1) == this;
} else {
return true;
private void updateChildren(boolean recursive) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.childNodes_.size(); ++i) {
if (recursive) {
} else {
private final void updateChildren() {
private boolean wasCollapsed_;
private boolean isDoPopulate() {
if (!this.populated_) {
this.populated_ = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
AbstractSignal.Connection clickedConnection_;
private static String imagePlus_ = "nav-plus.gif";
private static String imageMin_ = "nav-minus.gif";