fi.pelam.csv.table.Table.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Scala library for reading and writing CSV data with an optional high level API. Supports structured access to tabular data and a form of CSV format detection.
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* This file is part of pelam-scala-csv
* Copyright © Peter Lamberg 2015 ([email protected])
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fi.pelam.csv.table
import fi.pelam.csv.cell._
import fi.pelam.csv.table.TableUtil._
import fi.pelam.csv.util.SortedBiMap
import fi.pelam.csv.util.SortedBiMap._
import scala.collection.{SortedMap, SortedSet}
* This class is an immutable container for [[fi.pelam.csv.cell.Cell Cells]] with optional
* row and column types. The ideas in the API roughly follow popular spread sheet programs.
* The cells are stored in rows which are numbered conceptually from top to bottom
* and then in columns which are numbered from left to right.
* The row and column types are an additional abstraction with the purpose of simplifying
* machine reading of complex spread sheets.
* This class is part of the the higher level API for reading,
* writing and processing CSV data.
* [[fi.pelam.csv.stream.CsvReader The simpler stream based API]] is enough for
* many scenarios, but if several different sets of data will be pulled from
* the same CSV file and the structure of the CSV file is not rigid, this API may
* be a better fit.
* Several methods are provided for getting cells based on the row and column types.
* For example
* == Example ==
* This example constructs a table directly, although usually it is done via a
* [[TableReader]]. In this example, simple `String` values are used for row
* and column types, although usually an enumeration or
* case object type solution is cleaner and safer.
* {{{
* val table = Table(
* List(StringCell(CellKey(0, 0), "name"),
* StringCell(CellKey(0, 1), "value"),
* StringCell(CellKey(1, 0), "foo"),
* IntegerCell(CellKey(1, 1), 1),
* StringCell(CellKey(2, 0), "bar"),
* IntegerCell(CellKey(2, 1), 2)
* ),
* SortedBiMap(RowKey(0) -> "header",
* RowKey(1) -> "data",
* RowKey(2) -> "data"),
* SortedBiMap(ColKey(0) -> "name",
* ColKey(1) -> "number")
* )
* table.getSingleCol("name", "data").map(_.value).toList
* // Will give List("foo","bar")
* table.getSingleCol("number", "data").map(_.value).toList)
* // Will give List(1,2)
* }}}
* == Note on row and column numbers ==
* Internally rows and columns have zero based index numbers, but in some cases
* like in `toString` methods of `Cell` and `CellKey` the index numbers are represented similarly
* to popular spread sheet programs. In that csae row numbers are one based and column
* numbers are alphabetic.
* @constructor The actual constructor is on the companion object.
* @param cells All cells in a structure of nested `IndexedSeq`s. The order is first rows, then columns.
* @param rowTypes A bidirectional map mapping rows to their row types and vice versa.
* Multiple rows can have the same type.
* @param colTypes A bidirectional map mapping columns to their column types and vice versa.
* Multiple columns can have the same type.
* @param metadata User extensible metadata that is piggybacked in the `Table` instance.
* @tparam RT The client specific row type.
* @tparam CT The client specific column type.
* @tparam M The type of the `metadata` parameter. Must be a sub type of [[TableMetadata]].
* This specifies the character set and separator to use when reading the CSV data from the input stream.
// TODO: Reorder methods
final case class Table[RT, CT, M <: TableMetadata](
cells: IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Cell]],
rowTypes: SortedBiMap[RowKey, RT],
colTypes: SortedBiMap[ColKey, CT],
metadata: M) {
import Table._
* The vertical size of this table. The table has strict rectangular form.
* Unused cells simply contain empty `StringCell`s.
val rowCount: Int = cells.size
* The horizontal size of this table. The table has strict rectangular form.
* Unused cells simply contain empty `StringCell`s.
val colCount: Int = cells.lift(0).map(_.size).getOrElse(0)
require(rowTypes.keys.foldLeft(true)((acc, rowKey) => acc && rowKey.inRange(rowCount)),
"Row type map keys must match rows in the table")
require(colTypes.keys.foldLeft(true)((acc, colKey) => acc && colKey.inRange(colCount)),
"Column type map keys must match columns in the table")
// Verify table is strictly rectangular and that each cell's key matches the position in table
for ((row, rowIndex) <- cells.zipWithIndex) {
require(row.size == colCount, s"Same number of columns required for reach row. ${row.size} vs ${colCount}")
for ((cell, colIndex) <- row.zipWithIndex) {
require(cell.cellKey.rowIndex == rowIndex &&
cell.cellKey.colIndex == colIndex,
s"Cell $cell should be in that position in the datastructure, \n but it is at position ${CellKey(rowIndex, colIndex)}.")
type TableType = Table[RT, CT, M]
def getRow(cellKey: CellKey) = cells(cellKey.rowIndex)
/** Returns a modified a table with the specified amount of rows added or removed.
* @param rowKey where new rows are added or old rows deleted.
* If rows are deleted this will be the first row to go and further rows will be the
* ones before this. If rows are added, they are added after this row with the same
* type as this row.
* @param value for negative values, rows above `rowKey` are deleted
* For positive values rows at `rowKey` are added.
* For zero, this table is returned.
* @return a modified copy of the table
def resizedRows(rowKey: RowKey, value: Int, fillerGenerator: CellGenerator = emptyStringCell): TableType = value match {
case value if value < 0 => {
val keepFromStart = rowKey.index + value + 1
val dropAndKeepFromEnd = rowKey.index + 1
val beforeRemoved = cells.take(keepFromStart)
val rowsRemoved = beforeRemoved ++ renumberRows(beforeRemoved.size, cells.drop(dropAndKeepFromEnd))
val rowTypesRemoved = deleteTypeMapSlice(keepFromStart, dropAndKeepFromEnd, rowTypes)
new Table[RT, CT, M](rowsRemoved, rowTypesRemoved, colTypes, metadata)
case value if value > 0 => {
val newIndices = rowKey.index + 1 until rowKey.index + value + 1
val newRows = for (rowIndex <- newIndices) yield {
for (colIndex <- 0 until colCount) yield {
val cellKey = CellKey(rowIndex, colIndex)
val keepFromStart = rowKey.index + 1
val dropAndKeepFromEnd = rowKey.index + 1
val indicesOk = cells.take(keepFromStart) ++ newRows
val rowsAdded = indicesOk ++ renumberRows(indicesOk.size, cells.drop(dropAndKeepFromEnd))
val rowTypesAdded = addTypeMapSlice(rowKey, newIndices.size, rowTypes)
new Table[RT, CT, M](rowsAdded, rowTypesAdded, colTypes, metadata)
case _ => this
* Returns a modified a table with the specified amount of columns added or removed.
* @param colKey where new columns are added or old ones deleted
* If columns are deleted this will be the first column to go and further columns will be the
* ones before this. If columns are added, they are added before this column with the same
* type as this column.
* @param value for negative values, rows left of `colKey` are deleted.
* For positive values columns at `colKey` are added.
* For zero, this table is returned.
* @param updateSide Allows adding the new colums _after_ the column indicated by `colKey`.
* @return a modified copy of the table
// TODO: Direction should be in resizeRows and also apply to deleting rows
def resizedCols(colKey: ColKey,
value: Int,
fillerGenerator: CellGenerator = emptyStringCell,
updateSide: HorizontalDirection = LeftColumn): TableType = value match {
case value if value < 0 => {
val keepFromStart = colKey.index + value + 1
val dropAndKeepFromEnd = colKey.index + 1
// extract
val colsRemoved = for (row <- cells) yield {
val endRenumbered = for ((cell, offset) <- row.drop(dropAndKeepFromEnd).zipWithIndex;
index = keepFromStart + offset) yield {
cell.updatedCellKey(CellKey(cell.rowIndex, index))
row.take(keepFromStart) ++ endRenumbered
val colTypesRemoved = deleteTypeMapSlice(keepFromStart, dropAndKeepFromEnd, colTypes)
new Table[RT, CT, M](colsRemoved, rowTypes, colTypesRemoved, metadata)
case value if value > 0 => {
val offset = updateSide match {
case LeftColumn => 0
case RightColumn => 1
val newIndices = colKey.index + offset until colKey.index + value + offset
val keepFromStart = colKey.index + offset
val dropAndKeepFromEnd = colKey.index + offset
val colsAdded = for ((row, rowIndex) <- cells.zipWithIndex) yield {
val newCols = for (colIndex <- newIndices) yield {
val cellKey = CellKey(rowIndex, colIndex)
val tailRenumbered = for (cell <- row.drop(dropAndKeepFromEnd)) yield {
row.take(keepFromStart) ++ newCols ++ tailRenumbered
val colTypesAdded = addTypeMapSlice(colKey, newIndices.size, colTypes)
new Table[RT, CT, M](colsAdded, rowTypes, colTypesAdded, metadata)
case _ => this
* @param targetRegion defines a rectangular region of cells to be replaced. Region
* spanned by `replacementCells` does not need to fit targetRegion.
* Table will be resized to match. See below for more details.
* @param replacementCells a rectangular region of cells to replace `targetRegion`.
* Gaps are ok.
* The `replacementCells` can define (span) a different
* rectangular region than the targetRegion.
* See `resized` for details on how the resizing works.
* @param fillerGenerator When new cells need to be created, this is used.
* @return a new table with the replaced cells. Original table is not modified.
def updatedRegion(targetRegion: Region,
replacementCells: TraversableOnce[Cell],
fillerGenerator: CellGenerator = emptyStringCell): TableType = {
val traversableReplacement = replacementCells.toTraversable
val replacementRegion = spannedRegion(traversableReplacement)
val resizedTable = resized(targetRegion, replacementRegion, fillerGenerator)
* Return a new table with `replacementCells` inserted into the table
* as rows with the width of the `targetRegion`.
* This method kind of squeezes given cells into the given region row by
* row.
* If the given `replacementCells` don't fit snugly into
* the region, the region is resized vertically as needed.
* Another way to define this method, is that it is same as `updatedRegion`,
* but `replacementCells` are renumbered from left to right and top to
* bottom into the `targetRegion`.
def updatedRows(targetRegion: Region,
replacementCells: TraversableOnce[Cell],
fillerGenerator: CellGenerator = emptyStringCell): TableType = {
val renumbered = renumberedAsRows(replacementCells, targetRegion)
updatedRegion(targetRegion, renumbered, fillerGenerator)
* Return a new table with `replacementCells` inserted into the table
* as columns with the height of the `targetRegion`.
* This method kind of squeezes given cells into the given region column by
* column.
* If the given `replacementCells` don't fit snugly into
* the region, the region is resized horizontally as needed.
* Another way to define this method, is that it is same as `updatedRegion`,
* but `replacementCells` are renumbered from top to bottom and left to right
* into the `targetRegion`.
def updatedCols(targetRegion: Region,
replacementCells: TraversableOnce[Cell],
fillerGenerator: CellGenerator = emptyStringCell): TableType = {
val renumbered = renumberedAsCols(replacementCells, targetRegion)
updatedRegion(targetRegion, renumbered, fillerGenerator)
* Return a new table with different dimensions.
* The resizing is based on two rectangular regions `targetRegion` and
* `resizedRegion`.
* The idea is that this method can grow or shrink the region specified
* by `targetRegion` as needed to match the `resizedRegion`.
* @param targetRegion defines a rectangular region of cells to be resized.
* The idea is that `targetRegion` will be resized to match
* the `resizedRegion`.
* @param resizedRegion is a rectangular region to define the new size for the
* `targetRegion`.
* The idea is that `resizedRegion` can define
* (span) a different rectangular region than the
* `targetRegion`.
* If there are extra cells in the `targetRegion`, rows and columns
* are deleted from the "ends" of the `targetRegion`.
* If the `resizedRegion` doesn't fit in `targetRegion`, the
* `targetRegion` is expanded to contain it.
* New rows and columns are generated with `fillerGenerator` as needed.
* There is one limitation however. The top left corner of
* `resizedRegion` must be equal to or towards down and right
* with respect to the top left corner of `targetRegion`.
* @param fillerGenerator When new cells need to be created, this is used. The cell does not need
* to have correct cellKey, a copy with the correct cellKey will be made
* if necessary.
def resized(targetRegion: (CellKey, CellKey), resizedRegion: (CellKey, CellKey), fillerGenerator: CellGenerator): TableType = {
val topLeftMinRegion = topLeftMin(resizedRegion, targetRegion)
val heightResize: Int = height(topLeftMinRegion) - height(targetRegion)
val widthResize: Int = width(topLeftMinRegion) - width(targetRegion)
val resizeCellKey = CellKey(targetRegion._2.rowKey.withOffset(-1), targetRegion._2.colKey.withOffset(-1))
val resizedTable = resized(resizeCellKey, heightResize, widthResize, fillerGenerator)
* Returns a copy of the table with specified amounts of rows and columns added or removed.
* Basically the same as first doing `resizedRows` and then `resizedCols`.
def resized(resizeCellKey: CellKey, rowsResize: Int, colsResize: Int, fillerGenerator: CellGenerator): TableType = {
val rowsResized = resizedRows(resizeCellKey.rowKey, rowsResize, fillerGenerator)
rowsResized.resizedCols(resizeCellKey.colKey, colsResize, fillerGenerator, updateSide = RightColumn)
* This method is a shorthand for `rowTypes.reverse`.
* @return a map from row types to matching [[fi.pelam.csv.cell.RowKey RowKeys]] (row indices)
def rowsByType: SortedMap[RT, IndexedSeq[RowKey]] = rowTypes.reverse
* This method is a shorthand for `colTypes.reverse`.
* @return a map from column types to matching [[fi.pelam.csv.cell.ColKey ColKeys]] (column indices)
def colsByType: SortedMap[CT, IndexedSeq[ColKey]] = colTypes.reverse
* Return a new table with given cells replacing the previous cells
* at each the location `cell.cellKey`.
def updatedCells(newCells: TraversableOnce[Cell]): TableType = {
var updatedCells = cells
for ((rowIndex, rowCells) <- newCells.toTraversable.groupBy(_.rowIndex)) {
var updatedRow = cells(rowIndex)
for (cell <- rowCells) {
val colIndex = cell.colIndex
updatedRow = updatedRow.updated(colIndex, cell)
updatedCells = updatedCells.updated(rowIndex, updatedRow)
copy(cells = updatedCells)
* A convenient form for returning a new table with specified cells updated.
* {{{
* val updated = table.updatedCells(StringCell(CellKey(0, 0), "foo"), StringCell(CellKey(1, 0), "bar"),
* }}}
def updatedCells(cells: Cell*): TableType = updatedCells(cells)
private[csv] def checkRowInsideTable(rowIndex: Int) = {
if (rowIndex >= rowCount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Row number ${rowIndex + 1} " +
s"is outside the number of rows $rowCount. Mark the row a comment?")
private[csv] def checkColInsideTable(colIndex: Int) = {
if (colIndex >= colCount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Column number ${colIndex + 1} " +
s"is outside the number of columns $colCount. Mark the column a comment?")
* Return a new table with given cell replacing the previous cell
* in the location `cell.cellKey`.
def updatedCell(cell: Cell): TableType = {
val rowIndex = cell.rowIndex
val colIndex = cell.colIndex
val updatedCells = cells.updated(rowIndex, cells(rowIndex).updated(colIndex, cell))
copy(cells = updatedCells)
* Get all cells in a single sequence.
* One way to think about this is that the rows are catenated one after the other.
def getCells(): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
for (i <- 0 until rowCount;
j <- 0 until colCount) yield cells(i)(j)
* Get cell at specific row, column address.
def getCell(key: CellKey) = cells(key.rowIndex)(key.colIndex)
* Get a full rows from table defined by `rowType`.
def getRows(rowType: RT): IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Cell]] = {
val rowKeys = rowTypes.reverse(rowType)
for (rowKey <- rowKeys) yield {
* Get a cell from specified row matching the specified column type.
* This method throws an error if more than 1 or zero cells match the criteria.
* Example:
* {{{
* // Get the user name cell from the 11th row.
* table.getSingleCell(RowKey(10), ColumnTypeUserName)
* }}}
* @param rowKey identifies the row to target.
* @param colType identifies the column type which must correspond to exactly 1 column.
* @return the matching cell object.
def getSingleCell(rowKey: RowKey, colType: CT): Cell = {
val colKey = getSingleColKeyByType(colType)
getCell(CellKey(rowKey, colKey))
* Get all cells from the specified row.
def getCells(rowKey: RowKey): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
* Get all cells from the specified column
def getCells(colKey: ColKey): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
for (i <- 0 until rowCount) yield cells(i)(colKey.index)
* Get cell keys corresponding to all cells on the specified row.
def getCellKeys(rowKey: RowKey): IndexedSeq[CellKey] = {
for (i <- 0 until colCount) yield CellKey(rowKey, i)
* Get cell keys corresponding to all cells on the specified column.
def getCellKeys(colKey: ColKey): IndexedSeq[CellKey] = {
for (i <- 0 until rowCount) yield CellKey(i, colKey)
* Gets a selected set of cells from a particular row.
* The cells will be picked from columns having a column type (`CT`)
* for which `colTypeMatcher` returns true.
* Throws an exception if `RT` fits more than one or zero rows.
* Here is an imaginary example: {{{
* // Gets the extra notes on projects and clients
* table.getSingleRow(ExtraNotesRow, Set(ProjectColumn, ClientColumn))
* }}}
def getSingleRow(rowType: RT, colTypeMatcher: CT => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
getSingleRow(getSingleRowKeyByType(rowType), colTypeMatcher)
* Gets a selected set of cells from a particular column.
* The cells will be picked from rows having a row type (`RT`)
* for which `rowTypeMatcher` returns true.
* Throws an exception if `CT` fits more than one or zero columns.
* Here is an imaginary example: {{{
* // Gets the street address for two types of addresses
* table.getSingleCol(Set(HomeAddressRow, BillingAddressRow), StreetAddressColumn)
* }}}
def getSingleCol(rowTypeMatcher: RT => Boolean, colType: CT): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
getSingleCol(rowTypeMatcher, getSingleColKeyByType(colType))
* Otherwise same as `getSingleRow(RT, colTypeMatcher)`, but
* a single bare column type is specified instead of the more general
* predicate form.
def getSingleRow(rowType: RT, colType: CT): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
getSingleRow(getSingleRowKeyByType(rowType), (ct: CT) => ct == colType)
* Otherwise same as `getSingleCol(rowTypeMatcher, CT)`, but
* a single bare row type is specified instead of the more general
* predicate form.
def getSingleCol(rowType: RT, colType: CT): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
getSingleCol((rt: RT) => rt == rowType, getSingleColKeyByType(colType))
* Otherwise same as `getSingleRow(RT, colTypeMatcher)`, but
* row is addressed directly with `RowKey` (row index) and
* a single bare column type is specified instead of the more general
* predicate form.
def getSingleRow(rowKey: RowKey, colType: CT): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
getSingleRow(rowKey, (ct: CT) => ct == colType)
* Otherwise same as `getSingleCol(rowTypeMatcher, CT)`, but
* the column is addressed directly with `colKey` (column index) and
* a single bare row type is specified instead of the more general
* predicate form.
def getSingleCol(rowType: RT, colKey: ColKey): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
getSingleCol((rt: RT) => rt == rowType, colKey)
* Otherwise same as `getSingleRow(RT, colTypeMatcher)`, but
* row is addressed directly with `RowKey` (row index).
def getSingleRow(rowKey: RowKey, colTypeMatcher: CT => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
for (cellKey <- getCellKeys(rowKey);
colKey = cellKey.colKey;
if colTypes.contains(colKey) && colTypeMatcher(colTypes(colKey))) yield {
* Otherwise same as `getSingleCol(rowTypeMatcher, CT)`, but
* the column is addressed directly with `colKey` (column index).
def getSingleCol(rowTypeMatcher: RT => Boolean, colKey: ColKey): IndexedSeq[Cell] = {
for (cellKey <- getCellKeys(colKey);
rowKey = cellKey.rowKey;
if rowTypes.contains(rowKey) && rowTypeMatcher(rowTypes(rowKey))) yield {
* Find a single row with given type.
* Throws if the number of rows with given type is not 1
def getSingleRowKeyByType(rowType: RT) = getSingleKeyByType(rowTypes.reverse, rowType, "row")
* Find a single column with given type.
* Throws if the number of columns with given type is not 1
def getSingleColKeyByType(colType: CT) = getSingleKeyByType(colTypes.reverse, colType, "column")
override def toString() = {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
for (colKey <- colKeys) {
builder.append(rowsToString(cells, rowKey => s"${rowKey.index}/${rowTypes.get(rowKey).map(_.toString).getOrElse("")}:"))
* Table can be "projected" ie. select some rows and columns and create a new table.
* See [[TableProjection]] for an example.
def projection = new TableProjection(this)
* Same as `projection`, but start with all rows and columns which can
* then be removed.
* See [[TableProjection]] for more details.
def projectionFull = new TableProjection(this, rowKeys, colKeys)
val rowKeys: SortedSet[RowKey] = SortedSet[RowKey]() ++ (0 until rowCount).map(RowKey(_))
val colKeys: SortedSet[ColKey] = SortedSet[ColKey]() ++ (0 until colCount).map(ColKey(_))
object Table {
* Defines a rectangular region. Both row and column index
* of first `CellKey` must be smaller or equal to the indices
* of the second `CellKey`.
* Region is defined as an half open range ie CellKey 2 is not
* included in the region.
type Region = (CellKey, CellKey)
type CellGenerator = (CellKey) => Cell
val emptyRegion = (CellKey(0, 0), CellKey(0, 0))
implicit def spannedRegion(cells: TraversableOnce[Cell]): Region = spannedRegionKeys(cells.map(_.cellKey))
implicit def toStringCells(strings: TraversableOnce[String]): TraversableOnce[Cell] = {
strings.map(StringCell(CellKey.invalid, _))
implicit def spannedRegionKeys(cellKeys: TraversableOnce[CellKey]): Region = {
val initial = (Int.MaxValue, Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue, Int.MinValue)
val spannedIndices = cellKeys.foldLeft(initial)(
(region, key) => (
Math.min(region._1, Math.min(region._1, key.rowIndex)),
Math.max(region._2, Math.max(region._2, key.rowIndex + 1)),
Math.min(region._3, Math.min(region._3, key.colIndex)),
Math.max(region._4, Math.max(region._4, key.colIndex + 1))
if (spannedIndices == initial) {
} else {
(CellKey(spannedIndices._1, spannedIndices._3), CellKey(spannedIndices._2, spannedIndices._4))
* This is the main constructor for table. Often this is not used directly, but through [[TableReader]].
* @param cells The cells to be used in the table in any order.
* @param rowTypes a map that contains types for rows using the client code defined objects.
* @param colTypes a map that contains types for columns using the client code defined objects.
* @param metadata a user customizable metadata object than can piggyback additional information to this table object.
* @tparam RT Client specified object type used for typing rows in CSV data.
* @tparam CT Client specified object type used for typing columns in CSV data.
* @return constructed Table object
def apply[RT, CT, M <: TableMetadata](
cells: TraversableOnce[Cell] = IndexedSeq(),
rowTypes: SortedBiMap[RowKey, RT] = SortedBiMap[RowKey, RT](),
colTypes: SortedBiMap[ColKey, CT] = SortedBiMap[ColKey, CT](),
metadata: M = SimpleMetadata()): Table[RT, CT, M] = {
val maxRow = findKeyRangeEnd(rowTypes.keys)
val maxCol = findKeyRangeEnd(colTypes.keys)
val builtCells = buildCells(cells, maxRow, maxCol)
Table(builtCells, rowTypes, colTypes, metadata)
def rowsToString(rows: IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Cell]], rowHeader: (RowKey) => String = rowKey => s"$rowKey:"): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
for (row <- rows) {
row.headOption.foreach { head =>
val rowKey = head.cellKey.rowKey
for (cell <- row) {
sealed trait HorizontalDirection
case object LeftColumn extends HorizontalDirection
case object RightColumn extends HorizontalDirection
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