contract.fa.codelist.standard.UNECE_PackagingMarkingCode_D16A.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Product ingredients not marked on package
The ingredients of the product are not marked on the packaging of the product.
Product price not marked on packaging
The product price is not marked on the packaging of the product.
Product best before date not marked on product package
The product best before date is not marked on the packaging of the product.
Package not marked recyclable
Package is not marked as recyclable.
Promotional details marked
A code indicating that promotional details have been marked on the package.
Labeled according to general EAN.UCC specifications for clothing and fashion accessories
The item is labeled according to the general EAN.UCC specifications for clothing and fashion accessories.
Sell-by date marked on package
The package is marked with the last date on which the item may be sold.
Use-by date marked on package
The package is marked with the last date on which the item may be used.
Packaging / manufacturing date marked on package
The package is marked with the date of the packaging or manufacturing of the item.
No freshness date marked on package
Package is not marked with any kind of date indicating freshness, such as use-by, best before or packaging date.
Package best before date marked
Package is marked with the product best before date.
Package marked recyclable
The package is marked recyclable.
Package marked returnable
The package is marked returnable.
Product marking
The information is related to product marking.
Type of package
The information is related to the type of package.
Package specifications
The information specifies the package.
Package protection
The information is related to protection of the package.
The information describes how coverage with tarpaulins is to be provided.
Platform/skid location
The information describes the platform or skid location.
Bearing piece location
The information gives the location of the load bearing piece.
Skid/pallet type
The information describes the type of skid or pallet.
Placement on carrier
The information describes the placement on the carrier.
Spacing directions
Descriptions to be provided.
Unloading device
The information specifies the unloading device which must be used to handle the package.
Unloading equipment
The information specifies the unloading equipment which must be used to handle the package.
Packing method
The method used in packing the commodity, e.g. hermetically sealed, repacked in original container.
Packing group I
Substances presenting high danger.
Packing group II
Substances presenting medium danger.
Packing group III
Substances presenting low danger.
Package price marked
The package is marked with the price.
Product ingredients marked on package
The ingredients of the product contained in a package are marked on that package.
Core characteristics
Specifies the characteristics of the core of the package.
Shipping requirement
The packaging as per shipping requirement.
Customs requirement
The packaging as per Customs requirement.
Transport contract requirement
The packaging as per transport contract requirement.
Preservation method
The packaging related information is for methods of preservation.
Product marking pattern
The information describes the pattern used to mark the product.
Product marking location
The information provides the location of the product marking.
Package/container mark location
The information provides the location of a package or container mark.
Marking method
The information details the marking method.
Receiving facility limitations
The information describes limitations which apply to a receiving facility.
Shipping package labelling
The labelling of a package in which goods are shipped.
Shipping package sealing
The sealing particulars of a package in which goods are shipped.
Optional packaging procedure
To indicate an optional procedure for packaging.
Cleaning or drying specification
Identification of the cleaning or drying specification.
Cushioning thickness specification
Identification of the cushioning thickness specification.
Cushioning and dunnage specification
Identification of the cushioning and dunnage specification.
Level of preservation specification
Identification of the level of preservation specification.
Preservation material specification
Identification of the preservation material specification.
Unit container specification
Identification of the unit container specification.
Material wrapping specification
Identification of the material wrapping specification.
Marked with “display until date”
Package is marked with the date by which the product should be removed from the display location.