com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.ProgramOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.io.SmartFile;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.*;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandModel.ParamModel;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CommandModelData.ParamModelData;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.HostAndPort;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.i18n.LocalStringsImpl;
import org.glassfish.common.util.admin.AsadminInput;
import org.glassfish.common.util.admin.AuthTokenManager;
* Representation of the options known to the asadmin program.
* These options control the overall behavior of asadmin, e.g.,
* the server to contact, and aren't specific to any of the
* commands supported by asadmin.
* In GlassFish v3, asadmin program options are normally specified
* before the asadmin command name, with command options after the
* command name (although intermixed program and command options
* are still supported for compatibility).
public class ProgramOptions {
public enum PasswordLocation {
private static final Set programOptions;
private static final Set helpOption; //--help can be after command name also if all others are before
// the known program option names
public static final String HOST = "host";
public static final String PORT = "port";
public static final String USER = "user";
public static final String PASSWORDFILE = "passwordfile";
public static final String TERSE = "terse";
public static final String ECHO = "echo";
public static final String INTERACTIVE = "interactive";
public static final String SECURE = "secure";
public static final String HELP = "help";
public static final String DETACH = "detach";
public static final String NOTIFY = "notify";
public static final String AUTHTOKEN = AuthTokenManager.AUTH_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME;
public static final String AUXINPUT = AsadminInput.CLI_INPUT_OPTION_NAME;
private static final Logger logger =
private static final LocalStringsImpl strings =
new LocalStringsImpl(ProgramOptions.class);
private ParameterMap options;
private Environment env;
private boolean optionsSet;
private String password;
private PasswordLocation location;
private String commandName;
* Information passed in from AsadminMain and used by start-domain.
* XXX - this is somewhat of a kludge but this seems the best place
* to put it for now
private String classPath;
private String className;
* Define the meta-options known by the asadmin command.
static {
Set opts = new HashSet();
Set hopts = new HashSet();
addMetaOption(opts, HOST, 'H', String.class, false,
addMetaOption(opts, PORT, 'p', String.class, false,
addMetaOption(opts, USER, 'u', String.class, false, null);
addMetaOption(opts, PASSWORDFILE, 'W', File.class, false, null);
addMetaOption(opts, SECURE, 's', Boolean.class, false, "false");
addMetaOption(opts, TERSE, 't', Boolean.class, false, "false");
addMetaOption(opts, ECHO, 'e', Boolean.class, false, "false");
addMetaOption(opts, INTERACTIVE, 'I', Boolean.class, false, "false");
addMetaOption(opts, HELP, '?', Boolean.class, false, "false");
addMetaOption(opts, AUXINPUT, '\0', String.class, false, null);
addMetaOption(opts, AUTHTOKEN, '\0', String.class, false, null);
addMetaOption(opts, DETACH, '\0', Boolean.class, false, "false");
addMetaOption(opts, NOTIFY, '\0', Boolean.class, false, "false");
programOptions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(opts);
addMetaOption(hopts, HELP, '?', Boolean.class, false, "false");
helpOption = Collections.unmodifiableSet(hopts);
* Helper method to define a meta-option.
* @param name long option name
* @param sname short option name
* @param type option type (String.class, Boolean.class, etc.)
* @param req is option required?
* @param def default value for option
private static void addMetaOption(Set opts, String name,
char sname, Class type, boolean req, String def) {
ParamModel opt = new ParamModelData(name, type, !req, def,
* Initialize program options based only on environment defaults,
* with no options from the command line.
public ProgramOptions(Environment env) throws CommandException {
this(new ParameterMap(), env);
optionsSet = false;
* Initialize the programoptions based on parameters parsed
* from the command line, with defaults supplied by the
* environment.
public ProgramOptions(ParameterMap options, Environment env)
throws CommandException {
this.env = env;
* Copy constructor. Create a new ProgramOptions with the same
* options as the specified ProgramOptions.
public ProgramOptions(ProgramOptions other) {
this.options = new ParameterMap(other.options);
this.env = other.env;
this.password = other.password;
this.classPath = other.classPath;
this.className = other.className;
* Update the program options based on the specified
* options from the command line.
public final void updateOptions(ParameterMap newOptions)
throws CommandException {
if (options == null)
options = newOptions;
else {
// merge in the new options
for (Map.Entry> e : newOptions.entrySet())
options.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
optionsSet = true;
// have to verify port value now
String sport = options.getOne(PORT);
if (ok(sport)) {
String badPortMsg = strings.get("InvalidPortNumber", sport);
try {
int port = Integer.parseInt(sport);
if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
throw new CommandException(badPortMsg);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new CommandException(badPortMsg);
private static boolean ok(String s) {
return s != null && s.length() > 0;
* Return a set of all the valid program options.
* @return the valid program options
public static Collection getValidOptions() {
return programOptions;
* Return a set of all the valid program options.
* @return the valid program options
public static Collection getHelpOption() {
return helpOption;
* Copy the program options that were specified on the
* command line into the corresponding environment variables.
public void toEnvironment(Environment env) {
// copy all the parameters into corresponding environment variables
putEnv(env, ECHO);
putEnv(env, TERSE);
putEnv(env, INTERACTIVE);
putEnv(env, HOST);
putEnv(env, PORT);
putEnv(env, SECURE);
putEnv(env, USER);
putEnv(env, PASSWORDFILE);
putEnv(env, AUTHTOKEN);
putEnv(env, AUXINPUT);
// XXX - HELP?
private void putEnv(Environment env, String name) {
String value = options.getOne(name);
if (value != null)
env.putOption(name, value);
* @return the host
public String getHost() {
String host = options.getOne(HOST);
if (!ok(host))
host = env.getStringOption(HOST);
if (!ok(host))
return host;
* @param host the host to set
public void setHost(String host) {
options.set(HOST, host);
* @return the port
public int getPort() {
int port;
String sport = options.getOne(PORT);
if (!ok(sport))
sport = env.getStringOption(PORT);
if (ok(sport)) {
try {
port = Integer.parseInt(sport);
if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
port = -1; // should've been verified in constructor
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
port = -1; // should've been verified in constructor
} else
port = CLIConstants.DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT; // the default port
return port;
* @param port the port to set
public void setPort(int port) {
options.set(PORT, Integer.toString(port));
* Convenience method to set the host and port (and secure)
* attributes from a HostAndPort object.
* @param address the HostAndPort object from which to set the attributes
public void setHostAndPort(HostAndPort address) {
* @return the user
public String getUser() {
String user = options.getOne(USER);
if (!ok(user))
user = env.getStringOption(USER);
if (!ok(user))
user = null; // distinguish between specify the default explicitly
return user;
* @param user the user to set
public void setUser(String user) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
logger.finer("Setting user to: " + user);
options.set(USER, user);
* @return the password
public String getPassword() {
return password;
* @return the password location
public PasswordLocation getPasswordLocation() {
return location;
* @param password the password to set
public void setPassword(String password, PasswordLocation location) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
logger.finer("Setting password to: " +
(ok(password) ? "" : ""));
this.password = password;
this.location = location;
* @return the passwordFile
public String getPasswordFile() {
String passwordFile = options.getOne(PASSWORDFILE);
if (!ok(passwordFile))
passwordFile = env.getStringOption(PASSWORDFILE);
if (!ok(passwordFile))
return null; // no default
// weird, huh? This means use standard input
if (!passwordFile.equals("-"))
passwordFile = SmartFile.sanitize(passwordFile);
return passwordFile;
* @param passwordFile the passwordFile to set
public void setPasswordFile(String passwordFile) {
options.set(PASSWORDFILE, passwordFile);
* @return the secure
public boolean isSecure() {
boolean secure;
if (options.containsKey(SECURE)) {
String value = options.getOne(SECURE);
if (ok(value))
secure = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
secure = true;
} else
secure = env.getBooleanOption(SECURE);
return secure;
* @param secure the secure to set
public void setSecure(boolean secure) {
options.set(SECURE, Boolean.toString(secure));
public void setAuthToken(final String token) {
options.set(AUTHTOKEN, token);
public String getAuthToken() {
return getString(AUTHTOKEN);
public void setAuxInput(final String authInput) {
options.set(AUXINPUT, authInput);
public String getAuxInput() {
return getString(AUXINPUT);
private String getString(final String optionName) {
String result;
result = options.getOne(optionName);
if ( ! ok(result)) {
result = env.getStringOption(optionName);
if ( ! ok(result)) {
result = null;
return result;
* @return the terse
public boolean isTerse() {
boolean terse;
if (options.containsKey(TERSE)) {
String value = options.getOne(TERSE);
if (ok(value))
terse = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
terse = true;
} else
terse = env.getBooleanOption(TERSE);
return terse;
* @return detach option
public boolean isDetachedCommand() {
if (options.containsKey(DETACH)) {
String value = options.getOne(DETACH);
return (ok(value)) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(value) : true;
return false;
* @return notify option
public boolean isNotifyCommand() {
if (options.containsKey(NOTIFY)) {
String value = options.getOne(NOTIFY);
return (ok(value)) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(value) : true;
return false;
public void removeDetach() {
if (options.containsKey(DETACH)) {
* @param terse the terse to set
public void setTerse(boolean terse) {
options.set(TERSE, Boolean.toString(terse));
* @return the echo
public boolean isEcho() {
boolean echo;
if (options.containsKey(ECHO)) {
String value = options.getOne(ECHO);
if (ok(value))
echo = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
echo = true;
} else
echo = env.getBooleanOption(ECHO);
return echo;
* @param echo the echo to set
public void setEcho(boolean echo) {
options.set(ECHO, Boolean.toString(echo));
* @return the interactive
public boolean isInteractive() {
boolean interactive;
if (options.containsKey(INTERACTIVE)) {
String value = options.getOne(INTERACTIVE);
if (ok(value))
interactive = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
interactive = true;
} else if (env.hasOption(INTERACTIVE)) {
interactive = env.getBooleanOption(INTERACTIVE);
} else
interactive = System.console() != null;
return interactive;
* @param interactive the interactive to set
public void setInteractive(boolean interactive) {
options.set(INTERACTIVE, Boolean.toString(interactive));
* @return the help
public boolean isHelp() {
boolean help = false;
if (options.containsKey(HELP)) {
String value = options.getOne(HELP);
if (ok(value))
help = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
help = true;
} else
help = env.getBooleanOption(HELP);
return help;
* @param help the help to set
public void setHelp(boolean help) {
options.set(HELP, Boolean.toString(help));
* @return were options set on the command line?
public boolean isOptionsSet() {
return optionsSet;
* Set whether the program options have already been set.
public void setOptionsSet(boolean optionsSet) {
this.optionsSet = optionsSet;
* Return an array of asadmin command line options that specify
* all the options of this ProgramOptions instance.
public String[] getProgramArguments() {
List args = new ArrayList(15);
if (ok(getHost())) {
if (getPort() > 0) {
if (ok(getUser())) {
if (ok(getPasswordFile())) {
if (ok(getAuxInput())) {
args.add("--" + AUXINPUT);
args.add("--secure=" + String.valueOf(isSecure()));
args.add("--terse=" + String.valueOf(isTerse()));
args.add("--echo=" + String.valueOf(isEcho()));
args.add("--interactive=" + String.valueOf(isInteractive()));
String[] a = new String[args.size()];
return a;
/** Option by name just as was parsed. No added value.
public String getPlainOption(String name) {
return options.getOne(name);
* @return the classPath
public String getClassPath() {
return classPath;
* @param classPath the classPath to set
public void setClassPath(String classPath) {
this.classPath = classPath;
* @return the className
public String getClassName() {
return className;
* @param className the className to set
public void setClassName(String className) {
this.className = className;
* @return the name of the command (not the subcommand)
public String getCommandName() {
return commandName;
* @param commandName the name of the command (not the subcommand)
public void setCommandName(String commandName) {
this.commandName = commandName;
* String representation of the asadmin program options.
* Included in the --echo output.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (ok(getHost()))
sb.append("--host ").append(getHost()).append(' ');
if (getPort() > 0)
sb.append("--port ").append(getPort()).append(' ');
if (ok(getUser()))
sb.append("--user ").append(getUser()).append(' ');
if (ok(getPasswordFile()))
sb.append("--passwordfile ").
append(getPasswordFile()).append(' ');
if (isSecure())
sb.append("--secure ");
append(Boolean.toString(isInteractive())).append(' ');
append(Boolean.toString(isEcho())).append(' ');
append(Boolean.toString(isTerse())).append(' ');
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); // strip trailing space
return sb.toString();