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# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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cantResolveIpAddress=Can't find the IP address for the hostname: {0}
cantdelete=Cannot delete temporary file {0}.
AgentPortInUse=Node agent port {0} is in use.
tooManyNodes=More than one node in directory {0}. Please specify --node.
cantCreateNodeDirChild=Error attempting to create this node directory: {0}
cantGetHostName=Got an Exception attempting to get this computer''s host name: {0}
noInstallDirPath=Can''t find the GlassFish installation directory path.
Agent.noInstallDir=Can''t find the GlassFish installation directory. I was looking at this path: {0}
ConfigClusterConflict=Can only specify one of --cluster or --config
lbenabledNotForStandaloneInstance=The lbenabled option is not supported for standalone instances.
Instance.badNodeDir=Node directory {0} does not exist or is not a directory
Instance.badInstanceDir=Server instance directory {0} does not exist or is not a directory
Instance.invalidAgentPort=Invalid agentport {0}. Specify a valid agentport between 1 and 65535.
Instance.noInstanceDirs=No server instances in directory {0}
Instance.tooManyInstanceDirs=More than one server instance in directory {0}
Instance.badInstanceName=You must supply the instance name
Instance.cantReadDasProperties=Can''t read {0}
Instance.cantWriteProperties=Can''t write {0}: {1}
Instance.dasPropertyComment=Domain Administration Server Connection Properties
Instance.nodeagentPropertiesComment=Node Agent Connection Properties
Instance.unknownHost=Could not determine host. Create hostname directory as nodes/localhost.
Instance.nosync=Skipping synchronization with DAS.
Instance.nodomainxml=CLI810 Synchronization with DAS failed and no local domain.xml,\ncan't start instance.
Instance.syncFailed=Warning: Synchronization with DAS failed, continuing startup...
Instance.fullsync=Removing all cached state for instance {0}.
Instance.rendezvousAttempt=Attempting to rendezvous with DAS on {0}:{1}
Instance.rendezvousAlready={0} is already registered on DAS.
Instance.rendezvousFailed=Failed to rendezvous with DAS on {0}:{1}. \
Please check if this server is running, that the host and port \
are correct, and that this server is configured to allow remote access.
#Instance.rendezvousSuccess {0} hostname that the DAS is running on, {1} Admin port of that DAS
Instance.rendezvousSuccess=Rendezvoused with DAS on {0}:{1}.
#Instance.oldDasProperties {0}=full path filename of das.properties, {1}=the port number in that file {2}=the new admin port number that will replace it
Instance.oldDasProperties=The das.properties file at {0}\nis probably from a previous release but uses the standard port {1},\nwill update it to use port {2} - check that this is correct
Instance.oldDasPropertiesWrong=The das.properties file at {0}\nis probably from a previous release and uses non-standard port {1},\nwill update it to use port {2} - this is probably wrong
Instance.oldDasPropertiesPrompt=The das.properties file at {0}\nis probably from a previous release and uses non-standard port {1}\nEnter DAS admin port number [default:{2}] >
Instance.dasPropertiesUpdateFailed=CLI811 Warning: failed to update das.properties file
Instance.badProtocol=CLI812 das.properties file at {0}\nspecifies an unknown protocol: {1}
Instance.reenterPort=Bad port number, reenter DAS admin port number [default:{0}] >
Instance.existingDasPropertiesWarning=Using DAS host {0} and port {1} from existing das.properties for node\n\
{2}. To use a different DAS, create a new node using create-node-ssh or\n\
create-node-config. Create the instance with the new node and correct\n\
host and port:\n\
asadmin --host das_host --port das_port create-local-instance --node node_name instance_name.
Instance.DasHostUnknown=The DAS hostname, {0}, is not known to instance host {1}. \
This could be because the DAS host is known by a different name on {1} \
or because the DAS hostname needs to be fully qualified with a domain name. \
To correct this make sure that the system the DAS is running on can \
identify itself with a fully qualified name (on Unix systems this is \
often done by adding a fully qualified hostname in /etc/hosts). If the \
DAS host is known by a different name then you need to change the \
DAS admin HTTP listener address.
Instance.DasHostUnreachable=Could not contact the DAS running at {0}:{1}. \
This could be because a firewall is blocking the connection back \
to the DAS or because the DAS host is known by a different name on \
the instance host {2}. To change the hostname that the DAS uses to identify \
itself please update the DAS admin HTTP listener address.
Instance.DasHostInvalid=DAS host {0} does not match DAS host used by node {1}.
Instance.DasPortInvalid=DAS port {0} does not match DAS port used by node {1}.
Instance.DasIsSecureInvalid=DAS secure flag of {0} does not match DAS secure flag used by node {1}.
Instance.DasConfig=Node {0} is configured to connect to DAS on {1}:{2} with secure = {3}.
create.local.instance.usagetext=create-local-instance\n\t[--config | --cluster ]\n\t[--lbenabled[=]]\n\t[--systemproperties ] [--portbase ]\n\t[--checkports[=]]\n\t[--savemasterpassword[=]]\n\t[--nodedir ] [--node ]\n\t[-?|--help[=]] instance_name
Instance.alreadyExists=A Server instance with a "{0}" name already exists in the configuration
masterPasswordFileNotCreated=Error creating master password file {0}
fileNotFound=File {0} not found.
MasterPassword=Enter the master password
MasterPasswordAgain=Enter the master password again
masterPasswordIncorrect=Incorrect master password. Master password not saved.
Keystore.not.encrypted=Error in encrypting the keystore
Instance.installdir.mismatch=Attribute mismatch for node {0}: the value for the installdir attribute from the command ({1}) does not match the value in the DAS configuration ({2})
Instance.installdir.null=Attribute null for installdir on node {0}: command value is: {1}, node value is: {2}
Instance.duplicateInstanceDir=Server instance {0} is trying to use the same directory as instance {1}
StopInstance.noInstanceNameAllowed=No instance name allowed with --host option.
StopInstance.instanceNotRunning=CLI1306 Warning - server instance is not running.
Instance.noSuchInstance=CLI1307 Warning - no server instance found with that name.
StopInstance.waitForDeath=Waiting for the instance to stop
StopInstance.instanceNotDead=Timed out ({0} seconds) waiting for the domain to stop.
## SynchronizeInstanceCommand
Sync.noDASConfigured=CLI800 das.properties file is missing, expected to find it here: {0}
Sync.alreadySynced=CLI801 Instance is already synchronized
Sync.dirFailed=CLI802 Synchronization failed for directory {0}, caused by:\n {1}
Sync.failed=CLI803 Failed to synchronize with DAS on host {0}, port {1}
Sync.cantCreateSyncState=Warning: Can''t create synchronization state file: {0}
Sync.cantDeleteSyncState=Warning: Can''t delete synchronization state file: {0}
Sync.cantCreateDirectory=Warning: Can''t create directory: {0}
Sync.cantSetModTime=Warning: Can''t set last modified time: {0}
Sync.cantDeleteTempFile=Warning: Can''t delete temporary file: {0}
Sync.fullRequired=Previous synchronization failed at {0}\nWill perform full synchronization.
Sync.connectFailed=Failed to connect to DAS during synchronization, caused by: {0}
## DeleteLocalInstanceCommand
DeleteInstance.running=The instance is running. Stop it and then re-run the command.
DeleteInstance.noInstanceName=You must specify an instance.
DeleteInstance.badWhack=Unable to delete the instance directory: {0} The directory still exists after trying to delete it.
DeleteInstance.badWhackWithException=Unable to delete the instance directory: {0}. \n\
This IOException was thrown: {1) \n** STACK TRACE **\n{2}
DeleteInstance.remoteError=Failed to connect to DAS on {0}:{1}.
DeleteInstance.noWhack=The instance directory does not exist: {0}
DeleteInstance.noInstance=The instance does not exist on this machine.
Config.badConfigNames=You must specify a source and destination config
restart.instanceNotRunning=Server is not running, will attempt to start it...
restart=Restarting Instance...
restart.notRestartable=The server reports that it is not restartable. \n\
This usually means that the password file that was originally used to start the server \
has been deleted or is not readable now.\n\
Please stop and then start the server - or fix the password file.
restartChangeDebug=Restarting Instance and explicitly setting debug to {0}...
noFile=File {0} does not exist.
import.sync.bundle.extractBundleFailed=Could not extract contents from bundle\n{0}\nto\n{1}.
import.sync.bundle.inboundPayloadFailed=Could not read bundle\n{0}\n{1}.
import.sync.bundle.completeRegistrationFailed=DAS is offline. Could not set rendezvousOccurred property. \
Use the set command to set rendezvousOccurred property to true:\nset {0}.
import.sync.bundle.backupInstanceDirFailed=Could not rename existing directory\n{0}\nto\n{1}.
import.sync.bundle.deletedInstanceDir=Deleted existing directory:\n{0}
import.sync.bundle.closeStreamFailed=Could not close stream on file\n{0}\n{1}
import.sync.bundle.invalidInstance=Instance {0} does not exist.
import.sync.bundle.domainXmlNotFound=Could not find domain.xml in {0}.
import.sync.bundle.createDirectoryFailed=Could not create directory {0}.
import.sync.bundle.restoreInstanceDirFailed=Could not rename directory\n{0}\nto\n{1}.
KeySetupFailed=SSH key setup failed: {0}
SSHPasswordPrompt=Enter remote password for {0}@{1}>
SSHPasswordNotFound=Non-interactive mode and SSH password not found in password file.
SSHPassphrasePrompt=Key {0} is encrypted\nEnter key passphrase>
GenerateKeyPairPrompt=SSH key not found for user {0}\nWould you like to generate a SSH key pair (without a key passphrase) for {0} to access {1}? [y/n]:
SSHAlreadySetup=SSH public key authentication is already configured for {0}@{1}
ConnFailed=Connection verification failed.
#DomainMasterPasswordPrompt {0}=the name of the domain
DomainMasterPasswordPrompt=Password is aliased. To obtain the real password, enter master password for {0}''s key store>
GetPasswordFailure=Failed to get the password from {0}''s keystore.
PasswordAuthFailure=Failed to authenticate using the aliased password stored in {0}''s keystore.
mkdir.failed=Could not create the directory {0} on host {1}
cannot.copy.zip.file=Could not copy zip file {0} to host {1}
jar.failed=jar command failed while installing glassfish on host {0}. Command output {1}
fix.permissions.failed=Could not set permissions on commands in bin directory on host {0} for glassfish installation {1}
glassfish.install.check.failed=Problem encountered while checking if installation already exists on remote host.
StopInstance.nopidprev=Can not find the process ID of the server. It is supposed to be here: {0}. Unable to kill the process.
StopInstance.pidprevreaderror=Error trying to read the Process ID from {0}: {1}
CreateLocalInstance.errSetLastMod=Attempt to set lastModified date for {0} failed; no further information is available
instance.is.running=Server {0} is running. You need to stop the instance before the master-password can be changed.
## change-master-password-node
current.mp=Enter the current master password>
no.console=Not connected to console, giving up.
incorrect.mp=Incorrect current master password. You will not be able to change it.
incorrect.old.mp=Incorrect old master password. You will not be able to change it.
new.mp=Enter the new master password
new.mp.again=Enter the new master password again
old.mp=Enter the old master password>
bad.node.dir=Node {0} does not exist.
dry_run_msg=Dump of JVM Invocation line that would be used to launch:
dcom.error.unpacking=Failed to unpack the installation on remote Windows machine using DCOM.\n\
The remote script is {0}. It returned: {1}
remote.install.dir.already.gone=The remote directory ({0}) does not exist. \
Nothing to delete.
remote.install.dir.cant.delete=Unable to delete the remote directory: {0}. \
Please delete it manually.
install.dir.exists=The remote installation directory, {0}, already exists. Use the --force option to overwrite it.
install.node.nolocal=install-node-dcom only operates on remote hosts. {0} is this computer.
##### vld
vld.windows.only=This command is exclusively for Windows computers.
vld.missing.dlls=This command runs a native Windows program that requires other files to run. \n\
Here are the missing file(s):\n{0}
vld.badtempdir=The Java-provided temp dir (java.io.tmpdir), {0}, is not a directory.
vld.app.exists=The DCOM tool already exists ({0}) and can''t be deleted. \n\
Please delete it manually and re-run this command.
vld.app.deleted=This is unusual. The app, {0}, already existed. It was deleted with no problem.
vld.error.extracting.ex=Error while attempting to extract DCOM Configuration tool {0}\n{1}
vld.error.extracting=Error while attempting to extract DCOM Configuration tool {0}
vld.areyousure=Caution: This command might modify the permissions of some keys \
in the Windows registry.\n\
Before running this command, back up the Windows registry.\n\
The modification allows the Windows user full control over these keys.\n\
\nAre you sure that you want to edit the Windows registry? If so, type yes in full
vld.not.interactive=This command can only run in interactive mode. \n\
Please make sure you have the interactive flag set to true. See '--help' for details\n\
The other option is to use the --force option
vld.noconsole=This command can only be run from a console. Please try again with a console attached.
vld.no=You chose to not run the command.
internal.error=Internal Error: {0}
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