com.sun.enterprise.admin.remote.RemoteAdminCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
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* GPL Classpath Exception:
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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.remote;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.AdminLoggerInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.SecureAdmin;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.*;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandModel.ParamModel;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.i18n.LocalStringsImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.io.SmartFile;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.GFBase64Encoder;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CommandModelData.ParamModelData;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.AuthenticationInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CachedCommandModel;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.HttpConnectorAddress;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.cache.AdminCacheUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.io.FileUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.net.NetUtils;
import org.glassfish.admin.payload.PayloadFilesManager;
import org.glassfish.admin.payload.PayloadImpl;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.Payload;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.glassfish.common.util.admin.AuthTokenManager;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Utility class for executing remote admin commands.
* Each instance of RemoteAdminCommand represents a particular
* remote command on a particular remote server accessed using
* particular credentials. The instance can be reused to execute
* the same command multiple times with different arguments.
* Arguments to the command are supplied using a ParameterMap
* passed to the executeCommand method.
* ParameterMap is a MultiMap where each key can have multiple
* values, although this class only supports a single value for
* each option. Operands for the command are stored as the option
* named "DEFAULT" and can have multiple values.
* Before a command can be executed, the metadata for the command
* (in the form of a CommandModel) is required. The getCommandModel
* method will fetch the metadata from the server, save it, and
* return it. If the CommandModel for a command is known
* independently (e.g., stored in a local cache, or known a priori),
* it can be set using the setCommandModel method. If the
* metadata isn't known when the exectureCommand method is
* called, it will fetch the metadata from the server before executing
* the command.
* Any files returned by the command will be stored in the current
* directory. The setFileOutputDirectory method can be used to control
* where returned files are saved.
* This implementation is now in retention period. All content was migrated
* to RemoteRestAdminCommand. This implementation will be removed just after
* all necessary changes and tests will be done.
public class RemoteAdminCommand {
private static final LocalStringsImpl strings =
new LocalStringsImpl(RemoteAdminCommand.class);
private static final String QUERY_STRING_INTRODUCER = "?";
private static final String QUERY_STRING_SEPARATOR = "&";
private static final String ADMIN_URI_PATH = "/__asadmin/";
private static final String COMMAND_NAME_REGEXP =
private static final String READ_TIMEOUT = "AS_ADMIN_READTIMEOUT";
public static final String COMMAND_MODEL_MATCH_HEADER = "X-If-Command-Model-Match";
private static final int defaultReadTimeout; // read timeout for URL conns
private String responseFormatType = "hk2-agent";
private OutputStream userOut;
// return output string rather than printing it
protected String output;
private Map attrs;
private boolean doUpload = false;
private boolean addedUploadOption = false;
private Payload.Outbound outboundPayload;
private String usage;
private File fileOutputDir;
private StringBuilder passwordOptions;
// constructor parameters
protected String name;
protected String host;
private String canonicalHostCache; //Used by getCanonicalHost() to cache resolved value
protected int port;
protected boolean secure;
protected String user;
protected String password;
protected Logger logger;
protected String scope;
protected String authToken = null;
protected boolean prohibitDirectoryUploads = false;
// executeCommand parameters
protected ParameterMap options;
protected List operands;
private CommandModel commandModel;
private boolean commandModelFromCache = false;
private StringBuilder metadataErrors; // XXX
private int readTimeout = defaultReadTimeout;
private int connectTimeout = -1;
private boolean interactive = true;
private boolean omitCache = true;
private List requestHeaders = new ArrayList();
* Set a default read timeout for URL connections.
static {
String rt = System.getProperty(READ_TIMEOUT);
if (rt == null) {
rt = System.getenv(READ_TIMEOUT);
if (rt != null) {
defaultReadTimeout = Integer.parseInt(rt);
} else {
defaultReadTimeout = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes
* content-type used for each file-transfer part of a payload to or from
* the server
private static final String FILE_PAYLOAD_MIME_TYPE =
* Interface to enable factoring out common HTTP connection management code.
* The implementation of this interface must implement
* - {@link #prepareConnection} - to perform all pre-connection configuration - set headers, chunking, etc.
* as well as writing any payload to the outbound connection. In short
* anything needed prior to the URLConnection#connect invocation.
* The caller will invoke this method after it has invoked {@link URL#openConnection}
* but before it invokes {@link URL#connect}.
- {@link #useConnection} - to read from the
* input stream, etc. The caller will invoke this method after it has
* successfully invoked {@link URL#connect}.
* Because the caller might have to work with multiple URLConnection objects
* (as it follows redirection, for example) this contract allows the caller
* to delegate to the HttpCommand implementation multiple times to configure
* each of the URLConnections objects, then to invoke useConnection only
* once after it has the "final" URLConnection object. For this reason
* be sure to implement prepareConnection so that it can be invoked
* multiple times.
interface HttpCommand {
* Configures the HttpURLConnection (headers, chuncking, etc.) according
* to the needs of this use of the connection and then writes any
* required outbound payload to the connection.
* This method might be invoked multiple times before the connection is
* actually connected, so it should be serially reentrant. Note that the
* caller will
* @param urlConnection the connection to be configured
public void prepareConnection(HttpURLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException;
* Uses the configured and connected connection to read
* data, process it, etc.
* @param urlConnection the connection to be used
* @throws CommandException
* @throws IOException
public void useConnection(HttpURLConnection urlConnection)
throws CommandException, IOException;
public RemoteAdminCommand(String name, String host, int port)
throws CommandException {
this(name, host, port, false, "admin", null, Logger.getAnonymousLogger());
public RemoteAdminCommand(String name, String host, int port,
boolean secure, String user, String password, Logger logger)
throws CommandException {
this(name, host, port, secure, user, password, logger, null, null, false);
* Construct a new remote command object. The command and arguments
* are supplied later using the execute method in the superclass.
public RemoteAdminCommand(String name, String host, int port,
boolean secure, String user, String password, Logger logger,
final String scope,
final String authToken,
final boolean prohibitDirectoryUploads)
throws CommandException {
this.name = name;
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.secure = secure;
this.user = user;
this.password = password;
this.logger = logger;
this.scope = scope;
this.authToken = authToken;
this.prohibitDirectoryUploads = prohibitDirectoryUploads;
* Make sure the command name is legitimate and
* won't allow any URL spoofing attacks.
private void checkName() throws CommandException {
if (!name.matches(COMMAND_NAME_REGEXP)) {
throw new CommandException("Illegal command name: " + name);
//todo: XXX - I18N
* Set the response type used in requests to the server.
* The response type is sent in the User-Agent HTTP header
* and tells the server what format of response to produce.
public void setResponseFormatType(String responseFormatType) {
this.responseFormatType = responseFormatType;
* If set, the raw response from the command is written to the
* specified stream.
public void setUserOut(OutputStream userOut) {
this.userOut = userOut;
* Set the CommandModel used by this command. Normally the
* CommandModel will be fetched from the server using the
* getCommandModel method, which will also save the CommandModel
* for further use. If the CommandModel is known in advance, it
* can be set with this method and avoid the call to the server.
public void setCommandModel(CommandModel commandModel) {
this.commandModel = commandModel;
this.commandModelFromCache = false;
* Set the read timeout for the URLConnection.
public void setReadTimeout(int readTimeout) {
this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
public static int getReadTimeout() {
return defaultReadTimeout;
* Set the connect timeout for the URLConnection.
public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) {
this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
* Set the interactive mode for the command. By default, the command is
* interactive.
public void setInteractive(boolean state) {
this.interactive = state;
* Omit local {@code AdminCache} to process command metadata.
* If {@code true} it will download the metadata from remote server.
* Default value is {@code false}
public void setOmitCache(boolean omitCache) {
this.omitCache = omitCache;
* Get the CommandModel for the command from the server.
* If the CommandModel hasn't been set, it's fetched from
* the server.
* @return the model for the command
* @throws CommandException if the server can't be contacted
public CommandModel getCommandModel() throws CommandException {
if (commandModel == null && !omitCache) {
long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
try {
commandModel = AdminCacheUtils.getCache().get(createCommandCacheKey(), CommandModel.class);
if (commandModel != null) {
this.commandModelFromCache = true;
if (commandModel instanceof CachedCommandModel) {
CachedCommandModel ccm = (CachedCommandModel) commandModel;
this.usage = ccm.getUsage();
addedUploadOption = ccm.isAddedUploadOption();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Command model for command {0} was successfully loaded from the cache. [Duration: {1} nanos]", new Object[] {name, System.nanoTime() - startNanos});
} else {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Command model for command {0} is not in cache. It must be fatched from server.", name);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Can not get data from cache under key " + createCommandCacheKey(), ex);
if (commandModel == null) {
return commandModel;
/** If command model was load from local cache.
public boolean isCommandModelFromCache() {
return commandModelFromCache;
* Set the directory in which any returned files will be stored.
* The default is the user's home directory.
* @param dir
public void setFileOutputDirectory(File dir) {
fileOutputDir = dir;
* Return a modifiable list of headers to be added to the request.
* @return
public List headers() {
return requestHeaders;
* Run the command using the specified arguments.
* Return the output of the command.
* @param opts
* @return
* @throws org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandException
public String executeCommand(ParameterMap opts) throws CommandException {
// first, make sure we have the command model
// XXX : This is to take care of camel case from ReST calls that
// do not go through usual CLI path
// XXX : This is not clean; this should be handled the same way
// it is handled for incoming CLI commands
options = new ParameterMap();
for (Map.Entry> o : opts.entrySet()) {
String key = o.getKey();
List value = o.getValue();
options.set(key.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), value);
operands = options.get("default"); // "DEFAULT".toLowerCase()
try {
// if uploading, we need a payload
if (doUpload) {
outboundPayload = PayloadImpl.Outbound.newInstance();
StringBuilder uriString = getCommandURI();
ParamModel operandParam = null;
for (ParamModel opt : commandModel.getParameters()) {
if (opt.getParam().primary()) {
operandParam = opt;
String paramName = opt.getName();
List paramValues = new ArrayList(options.get(paramName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)));
if (!opt.getParam().alias().isEmpty() &&
if (!opt.getParam().multiple() && paramValues.size() > 1) {
throw new CommandException(strings.get("tooManyOptions",
if (paramValues.isEmpty()) {
// perhaps it's set in the environment?
String envValue = getFromEnvironment(paramName);
if (envValue != null) {
if (paramValues.isEmpty()) {
* Option still not set. Note that we ignore the default
* value and don't send it explicitly on the assumption
* that the server will supply the default value itself.
* If the missing option is required, that's an error,
* which should never happen here because validate()
* should check it first.
if (!opt.getParam().optional()) {
throw new CommandException(strings.get("missingOption",
// optional param not set, skip it
for (String paramValue : paramValues) {
if (opt.getType() == File.class ||
opt.getType() == File[].class) {
addFileOption(uriString, paramName, paramValue);
} else if (opt.getParam().password()) {
addPasswordOption(uriString, paramName, paramValue);
} else {
addStringOption(uriString, paramName, paramValue);
// add operands
for (String operand : operands) {
if (operandParam.getType() == File.class ||
operandParam.getType() == File[].class) {
addFileOption(uriString, "DEFAULT", operand);
} else {
addStringOption(uriString, "DEFAULT", operand);
// remove the last character, whether it was "?" or "&"
uriString.setLength(uriString.length() - 1);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
// possibly an error caused while reading or writing a file?
throw new CommandException("I/O Error", ioex);
return output;
* After a successful command execution, the attributes returned
* by the command are saved. This method returns those saved
* attributes.
public Map getAttributes() {
return attrs;
* Return true if we're successful in collecting new information
* (and thus the caller should try the request again).
* Subclasses can override to (e.g.) collect updated authentication
* information by prompting the user.
* The implementation in this class returns false, indicating that the
* authentication information was not updated.
protected boolean updateAuthentication() {
return false;
* Subclasses can override to supply parameter values from environment.
* The implementation in this class returns null, indicating that the
* name is not available in the environment.
protected String getFromEnvironment(String name) {
return null;
* Called when a non-secure connection attempt fails and it appears
* that the server requires a secure connection.
* Subclasses can override to indicate that the connection should
* The implementation in this class returns false, indicating that the
* connection should not be retried.
protected boolean retryUsingSecureConnection(String host, int port) {
return false;
* Return the error message to be used in the AuthenticationException.
* Subclasses can override to provide a more detailed message, for
* example, indicating the source of the password that failed.
* The implementation in this class returns a default error message.
protected String reportAuthenticationException() {
return strings.get("InvalidCredentials", user);
* Get the URI for executing the command.
protected StringBuilder getCommandURI() {
StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(ADMIN_URI_PATH);
if (scope != null) rv.append(scope);
return rv;
* Actually execute the remote command.
private void executeRemoteCommand(String uri) throws CommandException {
doHttpCommand(uri, chooseRequestMethod(), new HttpCommand() {
public void prepareConnection(final HttpURLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException {
if (doUpload) {
* If we are uploading anything then set the content-type
* and add the uploaded part(s) to the payload.
urlConnection.setChunkedStreamingMode(0); // use default value
// add any user-specified headers
for (Header h : requestHeaders) {
urlConnection.addRequestProperty(h.getName(), h.getValue());
if (doUpload) {
public void useConnection(final HttpURLConnection urlConnection)
throws CommandException, IOException {
InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream();
String responseContentType = urlConnection.getContentType();
Payload.Inbound inboundPayload =
PayloadImpl.Inbound.newInstance(responseContentType, in);
if (inboundPayload == null)
throw new IOException(
strings.get("NoPayloadSupport", responseContentType));
PayloadFilesManager downloadedFilesMgr =
new PayloadFilesManager.Perm(fileOutputDir, null, logger,
new PayloadFilesManager.ActionReportHandler() {
public void handleReport(InputStream reportStream)
throws Exception {
handleResponse(options, reportStream,
urlConnection.getResponseCode(), userOut);
try {
} catch (CommandException cex) {
throw cex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CommandException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
private void doHttpCommand(String uriString, String httpMethod,
HttpCommand cmd) throws CommandException {
doHttpCommand(uriString, httpMethod, cmd, false /* isForMetadata */);
* Set up an HTTP connection, call cmd.prepareConnection so the consumer of
* the connection can further configure it, then open the connection (following
* redirects if needed), then call cmd.useConnection so the consumer of the
* connection can use it.
* This method will try to execute the command repeatedly, for example,
* retrying with updated credentials (typically from the interactive user), etc., until the
* command succeeds or there are no more ways to retry that might succeed.
* @param uriString the URI to connect to
* @param httpMethod the HTTP method to use for the connection
* @param cmd the HttpCommand object
* @throws CommandException if anything goes wrong
private void doHttpCommand(String uriString, String httpMethod,
HttpCommand cmd, boolean isForMetadata) throws CommandException {
HttpURLConnection urlConnection;
* There are various reasons we might retry the command - an authentication
* challenges from the DAS, shifting from an insecure connection to
* a secure one, etc. So just keep trying as long as it makes sense.
* Any exception handling code inside the loop that changes something
* about the connection or the request and wants to retry must set
* shoudTryCommandAgain to true.
boolean shouldTryCommandAgain;
* If the DAS challenges us for credentials and we've already sent
* the caller-provided ones, we might ask the user for a new set
* and use them. But we want to ask only once.
boolean askedUserForCredentials = false;
* On a subsequent retry we might need to use secure, even if the
* caller did not request it.
boolean shouldUseSecure = secure;
* Send the caller-provided credentials (typically from command line
* options or the password file) on the first attempt only if we know
* the connection will
* be secure.
boolean usedCallerProvidedCredentials = secure;
* Note: HttpConnectorAddress will set up SSL/TLS client cert
* handling if the current configuration calls for it.
HttpConnectorAddress url = getHttpConnectorAddress(
host, port, shouldUseSecure);
do {
* Any code that wants to trigger a retry will say so explicitly.
shouldTryCommandAgain = false;
try {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "URI: {0}", uriString);
logger.log(Level.FINER, "URL: {0}", url.toString());
logger.log(Level.FINER, "URL: {0}", url.toURL(uriString).toString());
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Password options: {0}", passwordOptions);
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Using auth info: User: {0}, Password: {1}",
new Object[]{user, ok(password) ? "" : ""});
final AuthenticationInfo authInfo = authenticationInfo();
if (authInfo != null) {
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(uriString);
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", responseFormatType);
if (passwordOptions != null) {
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("X-passwords", passwordOptions.toString());
if (authToken != null) {
* If this request is for metadata then we expect to reuse
* the auth token.
(isForMetadata ? AuthTokenManager.markTokenForReuse(authToken) : authToken));
if (commandModel != null && isCommandModelFromCache() && commandModel instanceof CachedCommandModel) {
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(COMMAND_MODEL_MATCH_HEADER, ((CachedCommandModel) commandModel).getETag());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "CommandModel ETag: {0}", ((CachedCommandModel) commandModel).getETag());
if (connectTimeout >= 0)
* We must handle redirection from http to https explicitly
* because, even if the HttpURLConnection's followRedirect is
* set to true, the Java SE implementation does not do so if the
* procotols are different.
String redirection = checkConnect(urlConnection);
if (redirection != null) {
* Log at FINER; at FINE it would appear routinely when used from
* asadmin.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Following redirection to " + redirection);
url = followRedirection(url, redirection);
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
* Record that, during the retry of this request, we should
* use https.
shouldUseSecure = url.isSecure();
* Record that, if this is a metadata request, the real
* request should use https also.
secure = true;
* No redirection, so we have established the connection.
* Now delegate again to the command processing to use the
* now-created connection.
logger.finer("doHttpCommand succeeds");
} catch (AuthenticationException authEx) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "DAS has challenged for credentials");
* The DAS has challenged us to provide valid credentials.
* We might have sent the request without credentials previously
* (because the connection was not secure, typically). In that case,
* retry using the caller provided credentials (if there are any).
if ( ! usedCallerProvidedCredentials) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Have not tried caller-supplied credentials yet; will do that next");
usedCallerProvidedCredentials = true;
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
* We already tried the caller-provided credentials. Try to
* update the credentials if we haven't already done so.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Already used caller-supplied credentials");
if (askedUserForCredentials) {
* We already updated the credentials once, and the updated
* ones did not work. No recourse.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Already tried with updated credentials; cannot authenticate");
throw authEx;
* Try to update the creds.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Have not yet tried to update credentials, so will try to update them");
if ( ! updateAuthentication()) {
* No updated credentials are avaiable, so we
* have no more options.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Could not update credentials; cannot authenticate");
throw authEx;
* We have another set of credentials we can try.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Was able to update the credentials so will retry with the updated ones");
askedUserForCredentials = true;
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
} catch (ConnectException ce) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: connect exception " + ce);
// this really means nobody was listening on the remote server
// note: ConnectException extends IOException and tells us more!
String msg = strings.get("ConnectException", host, port + "");
throw new CommandException(msg, ce);
} catch (UnknownHostException he) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: host exception " + he);
// bad host name
String msg = strings.get("UnknownHostException", host);
throw new CommandException(msg, he);
} catch (SocketException se) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: socket exception " + se);
try {
boolean serverAppearsSecure = NetUtils.isSecurePort(host, port);
if (serverAppearsSecure && !shouldUseSecure) {
if (retryUsingSecureConnection(host, port)) {
// retry using secure connection
shouldUseSecure = true;
usedCallerProvidedCredentials = true;
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
throw new CommandException(se);
} catch(IOException io) {
// XXX - logger.printExceptionStackTrace(io);
throw new CommandException(io);
} catch (SSLException se) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: SSL exception " + se);
try {
boolean serverAppearsSecure = NetUtils.isSecurePort(host, port);
if (!serverAppearsSecure && secure) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, AdminLoggerInfo.mServerIsNotSecure,
new Object[] { host, port });
throw new CommandException(se);
} catch(IOException io) {
// XXX - logger.printExceptionStackTrace(io);
throw new CommandException(io);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: read timeout " + e);
throw new CommandException(
strings.get("ReadTimeout", (float)readTimeout / 1000), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: IO exception " + e);
throw new CommandException(
strings.get("IOError", e.getMessage()), e);
} catch (CommandException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// logger.log(Level.FINER, "doHttpCommand: exception", e);
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: exception " + e);
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(buf));
throw new CommandException(e);
} while (shouldTryCommandAgain);
outboundPayload = null; // no longer needed
* Creates a new HttpConnectorAddress corresponding to the location to which
* an earlier request was redirected.
* If the new protocol is https then the HttpConnectorAddress secure setting
* is turned on.
* @param originalAddr the address which has been redirected elsewhere
* @param redirection the location to which the attempted connection was redirected
* @return connector address for the new location
* @throws MalformedURLException
private HttpConnectorAddress followRedirection(
final HttpConnectorAddress originalAddr,
final String redirection) throws MalformedURLException {
final URL url = new URL(redirection);
final boolean useSecure = (url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("https"));
HttpConnectorAddress hca = new HttpConnectorAddress(
return hca;
* Provides an HttpConnectorAddress for use in connecting to the desired
* admin listener.
* This implementation works for true admin clients and will not work
* correctly for commands submitted to instances from inside the DAS. (That
* is done from the implementation in ServerRemoteAdminCommand which extends
* this class.)
* This code constructs the HttpConnectorAddress in a way that uses either
* no SSLSocketFactory (if security is off) or uses an SSLSocketFactory
* linked to the asadmin truststore.
* @param host the host name to which the connection should be made
* @param port the admin port on that host
* @param shouldUseSecure whether SSL should be used to connect or not
* @return
protected HttpConnectorAddress getHttpConnectorAddress(
final String host, final int port, final boolean shouldUseSecure) {
HttpConnectorAddress hca = new HttpConnectorAddress(
host, port, shouldUseSecure);
return hca;
* Adds any headers needed for the current environment to the admin
* request.
* @param urlConnection
protected void addAdditionalHeaders(final URLConnection urlConnection) {
* No additional headers are needed for connections originating from
* true admin clients.
* Process any headers needed from the reply to the admin
* request. Subclasses can override this method to handle processing
* headers in the command's reply.
* @param urlConnection
protected void processHeaders(final URLConnection urlConnection) {
* No headers are processed by RemoteAdminCommand.
* Returns the username/password authenticaiton information to use
* in building the outbound HTTP connection.
* @return the username/password auth. information to send with the request
protected AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo() {
return ((user != null || password != null) ? new AuthenticationInfo(user, password) : null);
* Check that the connection was successful and handle any error responses,
* turning them into exceptions.
private String checkConnect(HttpURLConnection urlConnection)
throws IOException, CommandException {
int code = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Response code: " + code);
if (code == -1) {
URL url = urlConnection.getURL();
throw new CommandException(
strings.get("NotHttpResponse", url.getHost(), url.getPort()));
if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
throw new AuthenticationException(reportAuthenticationException());
if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED) {
throw new CommandValidationException("Code: " + HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED + ": Cached CommandModel is invalid.");
* The DAS might be redirecting to a secure port. If so, follow
* the redirection.
if (isStatusRedirection(code)) {
return urlConnection.getHeaderField("Location");
if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new CommandException(strings.get("BadResponse", "" + code,
* If the connection worked then return null, indicating no
* redirection is needed.
return null;
private boolean isStatusRedirection(final int returnCode) {
* Currently, Grizzly redirects using 302. For admin requests the
* other varieties of redirection do not apply.
return (returnCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP);
* Get the usage text.
* If we got usage information from the server, use it.
* @return usage text
public String getUsage() {
return usage;
* Adds a single option expression to the URI. Appends a '?' in preparation
* for the next option.
* @param uriString the URI composed so far
* @param option the option expression to be added
* @return the URI so far, including the newly-added option
private StringBuilder addStringOption(StringBuilder uriString, String name,
String option) {
try {
String encodedOption = URLEncoder.encode(option, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// XXX - should never happen
throw new RuntimeException("Error encoding value for: " + name
+ ", value:" + option, e);
return uriString;
* Add a password option, passing it as a header in the request
private StringBuilder addPasswordOption(StringBuilder uriString, String name,
String option) throws IOException {
if (passwordOptions == null) {
passwordOptions = new StringBuilder();
} else {
GFBase64Encoder encoder = new GFBase64Encoder();
URLEncoder.encode(encoder.encode(option.getBytes()), "UTF-8"));
return uriString;
* Adds an option for a file argument, passing the name (for uploads) or the
* path (for no-upload) operations.
* @param uriString the URI string so far
* @param optionName the option which takes a path or name
* @param filename the name of the file
* @return the URI string
* @throws java.io.IOException
private StringBuilder addFileOption(
StringBuilder uriString,
String optionName,
String filename) throws IOException, CommandException {
File f = SmartFile.sanitize(new File(filename));
logger.finer("FILE PARAM: " + optionName + " = " + f);
final boolean uploadThisFile = doUpload && ! f.isDirectory();
// attach the file to the payload - include the option name in the
// relative URI to avoid possible conflicts with same-named files
// in different directories
if (uploadThisFile) {
logger.finer("Uploading file");
try {
URI.create(optionName + "/" + f.getName() + (f.isDirectory() ? "/" : "")),
true /* isRecursive - in case it's a directory */);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
* Probably due to an attempt to upload a non-existent file.
* Convert this to a CommandException so it's better handled
* by the rest of the command running infrastructure.
throw new CommandException(strings.get("UploadedFileNotFound", f.getAbsolutePath()));
if (f != null) {
// if we are about to upload it -- give just the name
// o/w give the full path
String pathToPass = (uploadThisFile ? f.getName() : f.getPath());
addStringOption(uriString, optionName, pathToPass);
return uriString;
* Decide what request method to use in building the HTTP request.
* @return the request method appropriate to the current command and options
private String chooseRequestMethod() {
// XXX - should be part of command metadata
if (doUpload) {
return "POST";
} else {
return "GET";
private void handleResponse(ParameterMap params,
InputStream in, int code, OutputStream userOut)
throws IOException, CommandException {
if (userOut == null) {
handleResponse(params, in, code);
} else {
FileUtils.copy(in, userOut, 0);
private void handleResponse(ParameterMap params,
InputStream in, int code) throws IOException, CommandException {
RemoteResponseManager rrm = null;
try {
rrm = new RemoteResponseManager(in, code, logger);
} catch (RemoteSuccessException rse) {
// save results
output = rse.getMessage();
assert rrm != null;
attrs = rrm.getMainAtts();
} catch (RemoteException rfe) {
// XXX - gross
if (rfe.getRemoteCause().indexOf("CommandNotFoundException") >= 0) {
// CommandNotFoundException from the server, then display
// the closest matching commands
throw new InvalidCommandException(rfe.getMessage());
throw new CommandException(
"remote failure: " + rfe.getMessage(), rfe);
* Fetch the command metadata from the remote server.
* @throws org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandException
protected void fetchCommandModel() throws CommandException {
long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
commandModel = null; //For sure not be used during request header construction
// XXX - there should be a "help" command, that returns XML output
//StringBuilder uriString = new StringBuilder(ADMIN_URI_PATH).
//addStringOption(uriString, "DEFAULT", name);
StringBuilder uriString = getCommandURI();
addStringOption(uriString, "Xhelp", "true");
// remove the last character, whether it was "?" or "&"
uriString.setLength(uriString.length() - 1);
doHttpCommand(uriString.toString(), "GET", new HttpCommand() {
public void prepareConnection(HttpURLConnection urlConnection) {
//urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept: ", "text/xml");
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "metadata");
public void useConnection(HttpURLConnection urlConnection)
throws CommandException, IOException {
InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream();
String responseContentType = urlConnection.getContentType();
logger.finer("Response Content-Type: " + responseContentType);
Payload.Inbound inboundPayload =
PayloadImpl.Inbound.newInstance(responseContentType, in);
if (inboundPayload == null)
throw new IOException(
strings.get("NoPayloadSupport", responseContentType));
boolean isReportProcessed = false;
Iterator partIt = inboundPayload.parts();
while (partIt.hasNext()) {
* There should be only one part, which should be the
* metadata, but skip any other parts just in case.
if (!isReportProcessed) {
metadataErrors = new StringBuilder();
commandModel =
"fetchCommandModel: got command opts: " +
isReportProcessed = true;
} else {
partIt.next(); // just throw it away
if (commandModel == null) {
if (metadataErrors != null) {
throw new InvalidCommandException(metadataErrors.toString());
} else {
throw new InvalidCommandException(strings.get("unknownError"));
} else {
this.commandModelFromCache = false;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Command model for {0} command fetched from remote server. [Duration: {1} nanos]", new Object[] {name, System.nanoTime() - startNanos});
//if (!omitCache) {
try {
AdminCacheUtils.getCache().put(createCommandCacheKey(), commandModel);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, AdminLoggerInfo.mCantPutToCache,
new Object[] { createCommandCacheKey() });
private String createCommandCacheKey() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(getCanonicalHost().length() + name.length() + 6);
return result.toString();
protected String getCanonicalHost() {
if (canonicalHostCache == null) {
try {
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(host);
canonicalHostCache = address.getCanonicalHostName();
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
canonicalHostCache = host;
if (canonicalHostCache != null) {
canonicalHostCache = canonicalHostCache.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
return canonicalHostCache;
* Parse the XML metadata for the command on the input stream.
* @param in the input stream
* @return the set of ValidOptions
private CommandModel parseMetadata(InputStream in, StringBuilder errors) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { // XXX - assume "debug" == "FINER"
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
FileUtils.copy(in, baos, 0);
} catch (IOException ex) { }
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
String response = baos.toString();
logger.finer("------- RAW METADATA RESPONSE ---------");
logger.finer("------- RAW METADATA RESPONSE ---------");
CachedCommandModel cm = new CachedCommandModel(name);
boolean sawFile = false;
try {
DocumentBuilder d =
Document doc = d.parse(in);
NodeList cmd = doc.getElementsByTagName("command");
Node cmdnode = cmd.item(0);
if (cmdnode == null) {
Node report = doc.getElementsByTagName("action-report").item(0);
String cause = getAttr(report.getAttributes(), "failure-cause");
if (ok(cause))
else {
Node mp = report.getFirstChild(); // message-part
if (mp != null)
cause = getAttr(mp.getAttributes(), "message");
if (ok(cause))
// no command info, must be invalid command or something
// wrong with command implementation
return null;
NamedNodeMap cmdattrs = cmdnode.getAttributes();
usage = getAttr(cmdattrs, "usage");
String dashOk = getAttr(cmdattrs, "unknown-options-are-operands");
if (dashOk != null)
cm.dashOk = Boolean.parseBoolean(dashOk);
NodeList opts = doc.getElementsByTagName("option");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = opts.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = n.getAttributes();
String sn = getAttr(attributes, "short");
String def = getAttr(attributes, "default");
String obs = getAttr(attributes, "obsolete");
String alias = getAttr(attributes, "alias");
ParamModelData opt = new ParamModelData(
getAttr(attributes, "name"),
typeOf(getAttr(attributes, "type")),
Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttr(attributes, "optional")),
ok(sn) ? sn : null,
ok(obs) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(obs) : false,
if (getAttr(attributes, "type").equals("PASSWORD")) {
opt.param._password = true;
opt.prompt = getAttr(attributes, "prompt");
opt.promptAgain = getAttr(attributes, "promptAgain");
if (opt.getType() == File.class)
sawFile = true;
// should be only one operand item
opts = doc.getElementsByTagName("operand");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = opts.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = n.getAttributes();
Class> type = typeOf(getAttr(attributes, "type"));
if (type == File.class) {
sawFile = true;
int min = Integer.parseInt(getAttr(attributes, "min"));
String max = getAttr(attributes, "max");
boolean multiple = false;
if (max.equals("unlimited")) {
multiple = true;
// XXX - should convert to array of whatever
if (type == File.class) {
type = File[].class;
} else {
type = List.class;
ParamModelData pm = new ParamModelData(
getAttr(attributes, "name"), type, min == 0, null);
pm.param._primary = true;
pm.param._multiple = multiple;
* If one of the options or operands is a FILE,
* make sure there's also a --upload option available.
* XXX - should only add it if it's not present
* XXX - should just define upload parameter on remote command
if (sawFile) {
cm.add(new ParamModelData("upload", Boolean.class,
true, null));
addedUploadOption = true;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException pex) {
// ignore for now
return null;
} catch (SAXException sex) {
// ignore for now
return null;
} catch (IOException ioex) {
// ignore for now
return null;
return cm;
private Class> typeOf(String type) {
if (type.equals("STRING"))
return String.class;
else if (type.equals("BOOLEAN"))
return Boolean.class;
else if (type.equals("FILE"))
return File.class;
else if (type.equals("PASSWORD"))
return String.class;
else if (type.equals("PROPERTIES"))
return Properties.class;
return String.class;
* Return the value of a named attribute, or null if not set.
private static String getAttr(NamedNodeMap attributes, String name) {
Node n = attributes.getNamedItem(name);
if (n != null)
return n.getNodeValue();
return null;
* Search all the parameters that were actually specified to see
* if any of them are FILE type parameters. If so, check for the
* "--upload" option.
private void initializeDoUpload() throws CommandException {
boolean sawFile = false;
boolean sawDirectory = false;
* We don't upload directories, even when asked to upload.
boolean sawUploadableFile = false;
for (Map.Entry> param : options.entrySet()) {
String paramName = param.getKey();
if (paramName.equals("DEFAULT")) // operands handled below
ParamModel opt = commandModel.getModelFor(paramName);
if (opt != null &&
(opt.getType() == File.class ||
opt.getType() == File[].class)) {
sawFile = true;
for (String fname : options.get(opt.getName())) {
final File optionFile = new File(fname);
sawDirectory |= optionFile.isDirectory();
sawUploadableFile |= optionFile.isFile();
// now check the operands for files
ParamModel operandParam = getOperandModel();
if (operandParam != null &&
(operandParam.getType() == File.class ||
operandParam.getType() == File[].class)) {
sawFile |= !operands.isEmpty();
for (String operandValue : operands) {
final File operandFile = new File(operandValue);
sawDirectory |= operandFile.isDirectory();
sawUploadableFile |= operandFile.isFile();
if (sawFile) {
logger.finer("Saw a file parameter");
// found a FILE param, is doUpload set?
String upString = getOption("upload");
if (ok(upString))
doUpload = Boolean.parseBoolean(upString);
doUpload = !isLocal(host) && sawUploadableFile;
if (prohibitDirectoryUploads && sawDirectory && doUpload) {
// oops, can't upload directories
logger.finer("--upload=" + upString +
", doUpload=" + doUpload);
throw new CommandException(strings.get("CantUploadDirectory"));
if (addedUploadOption) {
logger.finer("removing --upload option");
//options.remove("upload"); // remove it
// XXX - no remove method, have to copy it
ParameterMap noptions = new ParameterMap();
for (Map.Entry> e : options.entrySet()) {
if (!e.getKey().equals("upload"))
noptions.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
options = noptions;
logger.finer("doUpload set to " + doUpload);
* Does the given hostname represent the local host?
private static boolean isLocal(String hostname) {
if (hostname.equalsIgnoreCase("localhost")) // the common case
return true;
try {
// let NetUtils do the hard work
InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(hostname);
return NetUtils.isLocal(ia.getHostAddress());
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
* Sometimes people misconfigure their name service and they
* can't even look up the name of their own machine.
* Too bad. We just give up and say it's not local.
return false;
* Get the ParamModel that corresponds to the operand
* (primary parameter). Return null if none.
private ParamModel getOperandModel() {
for (ParamModel pm : commandModel.getParameters()) {
if (pm.getParam().primary())
return pm;
return null;
* Get an option value, that might come from the command line
* or from the environment. Return the default value for the
* option if not otherwise specified.
private String getOption(String name) {
String val = options.getOne(name);
if (val == null)
val = getFromEnvironment(name);
if (val == null) {
// no value, find the default
ParamModel opt = commandModel.getModelFor(name);
// if no value was specified and there's a default value, return it
if (opt != null) {
String def = opt.getParam().defaultValue();
if (ok(def))
val = def;
return val;
private static boolean ok(String s) {
return s != null && s.length() > 0;