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## list-domains
## domain1 running
## domain2 not running
list.domains.StatusRunning={0} running
list.domains.StatusRestartRequired={0} running, restart required to apply configuration changes
list.domains.StatusNotRunning={0} not running
list.domains.StatusUnknown={0} status unknown
NoDomainsToList=CLI141: No Domains to list.
StopAllDomains.tooManyOperands=stop-all-domains does not accept any operand.
## create-service
create.service.BadDomainDir=The domain directory specified does not exist: {0}
create.service.BadDomainDirParent=The parent directory of the specified domain directory does not exist: {0}
create.service.noAsadminScript=Can not locate the administration command script. It appears to be missing: {0}
create.service.noDomainDirs=No domains exist in {0}
create.service.tooManyDomainDirs=There is more than one domain in {0}. Try again but specify the domain name as the last argument.
create.service.runtimeHelp={0}\nFor your convenience this message has also been saved to this file: {1}
## login
AdminUserPrompt=Enter admin user name [default: {0}]>
AdminPasswordPrompt=Enter admin password>
LoginInfoStored=Login information relevant to admin user name [{0}]\nfor host [{1}] and admin port [{2}] stored at\n[{3}] successfully.\nMake sure that this file remains protected.\nInformation stored in this file will be used by\nadministration commands to manage the associated domain.
LoginInfoStoredCreateDomain=Login information relevant to admin user name [{0}]\nfor this domain [{1}] stored at\n[{2}] successfully.\nMake sure that this file remains protected.\nInformation stored in this file will be used by\nadministration commands to manage this domain.
LoginInfoNotStored=Login information is not saved for host name [{0}] and port [{1}]
InvalidCredentials=Authorization has been refused for credentials [user: {0}] given in this request.\n(Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
ConnectException=Remote server is not listening for requests on [{0}:{1}].\nPlease make sure the server is running.
IOException=Unexpected I/O error while talking to server [{0}:{1}].\nPlease make sure the server is running.
UnknownException=Unknown exception while talking to server [{0}:{1}].\nPlease make sure the server is running.
## delete-domain
DomainDeleted=Domain {0} deleted.
InvalidDomainPath=CLI138: Invalid domain path, {0}
CouldNotDeleteDomain=CLI139: Could not delete domain, {0}.
domain.is.running=Domain {0} at {1} is running. Stop it first.
domain.fileinuse=A file or folder within domain {0} at {1} is in use. Stop using it before deleting the domain.
## create-domain
InvalidCharInDomain=CLI129: Invalid character in domain name, {0}
CouldNotCreateDomain=CLI130: Could not create domain, {0}
InvalidPortNumber=CLI136: Port {0} should be a numeric value.
RequireEitherOrOption=Option {0} or {1} must be specified.
AdminPassword=Enter the admin password
AdminPasswordAgain=Enter the admin password again
MasterPassword=Enter the master password
MasterPasswordAgain=Enter the master password again
DomainCreated=Domain {0} created.
InvalidPortRange=CLI160: Invalid Port {0}, should be between 1 and 65535.
PortInUseError=Port for {0} ({1}) is in use. Try a different port number.
PortInUseWarning=Warning: Port {0} is in use. Ignoring since the checkports option is set to false.
NoPermissionForPortError=You do not have permission to use port {0} for {1}. Try a different port number or login to a more privileged account.
NoPermissionForPortWarning=Warning: You do not have permission to use port {0} for {1}. Ignoring since the checkports option is set to false.
UnknownPortMsg=Unknown error when trying port {0}. Try a different port number.
InvalidPortBaseRange=CLI211: Invalid Port {0} for {1}, should be between 1 and 65535. Choose a portbase value such that the resulting port number doesn''t exceed 65535.
UsingPort=Using port {1} for {0}.
DomainExists=Domain exists: {0}
OverwriteLoginMsgCreateDomain=Admin login information for host [{0}] and port [{1}]\nis being overwritten with credentials provided because the\n--savelogin option was used during the create-domain command.
LoginInfoNotStoredCreateDomain=Login information relevant to the admin user name [{0}] for this domain [{1}] could not be stored.\nThe .gfclient/pass file in the home directory may be corrupt.\nCheck the format of this file.
DefaultPortInUse=Default port {1} for {0} is in use. Using {2}
PortNotSpecified=Port for {0} is not specified. Using {1}
InvalidPortRangeMsg=Invalid Port for {0}, should be between 1 and 65535. Using {1}
PortInUse=Port {1} for {0} is in use. Using {2}
UsingDefaultPort=Using default port {1} for {0}.
MutuallyExclusiveOption=CLI169: Options {0} and {1} are mutually exclusive. You must specify one or the other but not both.
PortPrivilege=On Unix platforms, port numbers below 1024 may require special privileges.
PasswordMissing=Value for {0} was not specified.
PasswordLimit=CLI128: Value for {0} must have 8 or more characters.
InvalidPropertySyntax=Invalid property syntax: {0}
PortBasePortInUse=Port {0} is in use.
DeprecatedAdminPassword=The AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD option in the password file is deprecated.\nUse AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD instead.
AdminUserRequiredPrompt=Enter admin user name [Enter to accept default "{0}" / no password]>
AdminUserRequired=Must specify an admin user (e.g., using the --user option).
DomainPort=Domain {0} admin port is {1}.
DomainAllowsUnauth=Domain {0} allows admin login as user "{1}" with no password.
DomainAdminUser=Domain {0} admin user is "{1}".
CustomizationFailed=Domain.xml customization failed : {0}
NoCustomization=No domain initializers found, bypassing customization step
InvokeInitializer=Invoke DomainInitializer {0}
InvalidUserName=Invalid characters in name {0}
InvalidTemplateValue=Invalid --template value {0}, option accepts only jar file location.
## verify-domain-xml
VerifySuccess=All tests passed; domain.xml is valid.
VerifyError=Error: {0}
VerifyDupKey=Duplicate Key: {0} for type = {1}
## change-master-password
current.mp=Enter the current master password>
incorrect.mp=Incorrect current master password. You will not be able to change it.
new.mp=Enter the new master password
new.mp.again=Enter the new master password again
both.domaindir.nodedir.not.allowed=You cannot specify both domaindir and nodedir together. \
You can use one or the other.
password.too.short=Master password length must be 6 characters or greater
serviceUser_wrong_os=The serviceuser parameter is only supported on Linux.
create.service.badServiceName=Windows requires that the service name contain only \
legal filename characters, no spaces and no dots. Please choose another name. \n\
This is the name you specified: {0}
## LocalDomainsCommand class
Domain.badDomainsDir=CLI300: The specified domaindir is not a directory: {0}
Domain.badDomainDir=CLI301: There is no such domain directory: {0}
Domain.noDomainXml=CLI304: Cannot find domain.xml. It should be here: {0}
## stop-domain command
StopDomain.noDomainsRunning=CLI306: Warning - The server located at {0} is not running. \n\
No domains are currently running.
StopDomain.selectedDomainNotRunning=CLI306: Warning - The server located at {0} is not running. \n\
Please specify one of the currently running domains:
StopDomain.dasNotRunningRemotely=CLI307: Warning - remote server is not running, unable to force it to stop.\n\
Try running stop-domain on the remote server.
StopDomain.WaitDASDeath=Waiting for the domain to stop
StopDomain.DASNotDead=Timed out ({0} seconds) waiting for the domain to stop.
StopDomain.noDomainNameAllowed=No domain name allowed with --host option.
StopDomain.nopidprev=Can not find the process ID of the server. It is supposed to be here: {0}. Unable to kill the process.
StopDomain.pidprevreaderror=Error trying to read the Process ID from {0}: {1}
StopDomain.killerror=Error attempting to kill the server with Process ID {0} with native platform tools. Error message was: {1}
StopDomain.killerror2=Error attempting to kill the server with native platform tools. \n\
Command Line: {0}\n\
Platform Error Message: {1}\n\
Return Value: {2}
StopDomain.killsuccess=Successfully killed the server process. Message from the OS: {0}
StopDomain.killsuccess2=Successfully killed the server process forcibly.
StopDomain.killedNormally=The server died normally with no need to use force.
## start-database, stop-database command
DatabaseNotInstalled=The database is not installed. Please download and install the database from the Update Center.
DatabaseStartMsg=Starting database in the background.
LogRedirectedTo=Log redirected to {0}.
StartDatabaseStatus=Database already started on host {0}, port {1}.
StopDatabaseStatus=Unable to stop database on host {0}, port {1}.
UnableToStartDatabase=Unable to start database. Please check log in {0}.
UnableToAccessDatabaseLog=Unable to access derby.log in {0}.
UnableToConnectToDatabase=Unable to connect to database.
database.info.msg=Database started in Network Server mode on host {0} and port {1}.
database.driver.name.msg=Clients can connect to the database using: [{0}].
database.driver.version.msg=Database Driver Version: [{0}]
jdbc.version.msg=JDBC Specification Version: [{0}]
CouldNotGetSysInfo=Unable to retrieve database system information.
noPorts=Error in domain.xml -- no administration ports found.
WaitServer=Waiting for {0} to start
serverDied=Error starting {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.
serverDiedOutput=Error starting {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.\nBefore it died, it produced the following output:\n\n{2}
remoteError=Error on remote server: {0}
unknownFormat=Unknown server response.
cause=Cause: {0}
#start-domain and start-instance
ServerRunning=There is a process already using the admin port {0} -- it could be another instance of Payara Server or Payara Micro.
ServerStart.SuccessMessage=Successfully started the {0}: {1}\n{0} Location: {2}\nLog File: {3}\nAdmin Port: {4}
ServerStart.DebuggerMessage=Debugging is enabled. The debugging port is: {0}
ServerStart.DebuggerSuspendedMessage=Debugging is enabled and the server is suspended. \
Please attach to the debugging port at: {0}
DomainLocation=Started domain: {0}\nDomain location: {1}\nLog file: {2}
DomainAdminPort=Admin port for the domain: {0}
DomainDebugPort=Debug port for the domain: {0}
mp.prompt=Enter master password ({0}) attempt(s) remain)>
no.console=The Master Password is required to start the domain. No console, no prompting possible. You should either create the domain \
with --savemasterpassword=true or provide a password file with the --passwordfile option.
retry.mp=Sorry, incorrect master password, retry
mp.giveup=Number of attempts ({0}) exhausted, giving up
new.adminpw=Enter an administrative password for user "{0}"
new.adminpw.again=Enter an administrative password for user "{0}" again
new.adminpw.prompt=This domain requires an administrative password to be set before\n\
the domain can be started. Please specify an administrative password.
upgradeNeeded=Domain needs to be upgraded before it can be started.\nAttempting upgrade now...
manualUpgradeNeeded=The configuration data for this domain must be upgraded to run with this\nversion of the software. To upgrade the data, run:\n\tasadmin start-domain --upgrade\nThen start the domain normally.
upgradeSuccessful=Upgrade was successful, starting domain...
upgradeFailed=Error upgrading domain: {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.
upgradeFailedOutput=Error upgrading domain: {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.\nBefore it died, it produced the following output:\n\n{2}
dry_run_msg=Dump of JVM Invocation line that would be used to launch:
## monitor command
monitorCommand.errorRemote=Error encountered when making remote call: {0}
commands.monitor.webmodule_virtual_server_detail=*******************************************************************************\n* ajlc = Number of active JSP pages *\n* asc = Number of currently active sessions *\n* aslc = Number of active servlets that are loaded *\n* ast = Total number of sessions ever activated *\n* mjlc = Maximum number of JSP pages that are loaded *\n* mslc = Maximum number of servlets that are loaded *\n* rst = Total number of rejected sessions *\n* st = Total number of sessions created *\n* tjlc = Total number of JSP pages that are loaded *\n* tslc = Total number of servlets that are loaded *\n*******************************************************************************
commands.monitor.servlet_detail=*******************************************************************************\n* aslc = Number of active servlets that are loaded *\n* mslc = Maximum number of servlets that are loaded *\n* tslc = Total number of servlets that are loaded *\n*******************************************************************************
commands.monitor.httplistener_detail=*******************************************************************************\n* ec = Cumulative value of the error count. An error represents a response *\n* code greater than or equal to 400. *\n* mt = Longest response time for a request - not a cumulative value, but the *\n* largest response time from among the response times. *\n* pt = Cumulative value of the times taken to process each request. The *\n* processing time is the average of request processing times over the *\n* request count. *\n* rc = Cumulative number of the requests processed so far. *\n*******************************************************************************
## restart-domain
restart=Restarting Domain...
restart.dasNotRunning=Server is not running, will attempt to start it...
restart.dasNotRunningNoRestart=Remote server is not running, can not restart it
restartDomain.noGFStart=Timed out waiting for the server to restart
restartDomain.success=Successfully restarted the domain
restartChangeDebug=Restarting Domain and explicitly setting debug to {0}...
restartDomain.notRestartable=The domain reports that it is not restartable. \n\
This usually means that the password file that was originally used to start the server \
has been deleted or is not readable now.\n\
Please stop and then restart the server - or fix the password file.
## change-admin-password
AdminUserDefaultPrompt=Enter admin user name [default: {0}]>
AdminUserRequired=Must specify an admin user (e.g., using the --user option).
AdminPwRequired=Must specify an admin password (e.g., use the --passwordfile option).
AdminNewPwRequired=Must specify a new admin password (e.g., use the --passwordfile option).
change.admin.password.newpassword=Enter the new admin password
change.admin.password.newpassword.again=Enter the new admin password again
## LocalServerCommand
NoServerDirs=Internal Error: setServerDirs() was never called, so the server dirs is null.
DAS=Domain Administration Server
INSTANCE=Instance Server
serverNoStart=No response from the {0} ({1}) after {2} seconds.\n\
The command is either taking too long to complete or the server has failed.\n\
Please see the server log files for command status. \n\
Please start with the --verbose option in order to see early messages.
deathwait_timeout=Waited {0} milliseconds for the server to die. It did not die. Can not restart. Please kill it manually.
NullNewPassword=CLI197: New password must not be null when secure-admin is enabled.
NotFileRealmCannotChangeLocally=CLI198: The admin realm is not a file based realm.The admin password cannot be changed locally.
CannotExecuteLocally=CLI199: This command cannot be executed locally.
NoAdminPort=Cannot find admin port in domain.xml file
NoAdminPortEx=Cannot find admin port in domain.xml file, caused by:\n {0}
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