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# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# Contributor(s):
# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
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# only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
# holder.

enterprise.deployment.no_classloader=Cannot create a classloader.
enterprise.deployment.noclientjarentry=Warning: [{0}] not found as a client jar entry.
enterprise.deployment.invalid_format=Invalid Format - No deployment descriptor entry in the manifest.
enterprise.deployment.application.description=Application description
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnobeannamed=This application has no beans of name [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoejbjarnamed=This application has no EJB JAR of name [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoappclientname=This application has no application clients of name [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnowebappname=This application has no web app of name [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionclassloadercouldnotbemade=Class loader could not be made
enterprise.deployment.exceptionparsingdescriptor=Exception parsing descriptor [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionjarfiledoesn'texist=[{0}] does not exist
enterprise.deployment.exceptionnodeploymentinfofound=No deployment info found - invalid format
enterprise.deployment.classsave=Class loadable save
enterprise.deployment.exceptionerrorsavingjar=Error saving JAR
enterprise.deployment.errorsavingentry=Error saving entry [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannotaddtoejbjar=cannot add to an ejb JAR not container in this application
enterprise.deployment.addfiletocomponentincontainer=Add [{0}] to [{1}] in [{2}]
enterprise.deployment.errorrenamingjarfiletoappfile=Error renaming JAR [{0}] to [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.errorrenamingjar=Error renaming JAR
enterprise.deployment.exceptionbundledescriptorunknowntype=[{0}] is an unknown type for removing
enterprise.deployment.exceptionarchiveurinotfoundinappjar=[{0}] not found in [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.packageappclassesmainclassdescriptorinfileintodestfil=Package app client classes [{0}] with main class [{1}] using descriptor in [{2}] into the file [{3}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannotpackageappclient=Cannot package Application Client: [{0}] does not exist.
enterprise.deployment.exceptionincludeclassfileinpackcommand=You must include the class file for [{0}] in the packaging command
enterprise.deployment.createdappclientjar=Created Application Client JAR [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclientjarinfodoesn'texist=[{0}] does not exist
enterprise.deployment.nodeployinfofound=There was no deployment information in [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionnodeployinfofoundatin=No deployment info found at [{0}] in [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionincorrectmanifestformat=Incorrect Manifest format
enterprise.deployment.attributegetname=[{0}] to [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionerrorrenamingjartofile=Error renaming JAR [{0}] to [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionunpackingarchivefailed=Unpacking archive failed: could not make parent file for [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionfiledoesnotexist=[{0}] does not exist
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannotpackageejbs=Cannot package EJBs: [{0}] does not exist.
enterprise.deployment.createdejbjar=Created EJB JAR [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.nodeoployinfoindescriptorfile=There was no deployment information in [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbjardoesnotexist=[{0}] does not exist
enterprise.deployment.exceptionnodeoployinfofoundatinjarcontainerdescriptor=No deployment information found at [{0}] in [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionbeaninbundle=Referencing error: this bundle has no bean of name [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannotsetpermissionuntilinbundle=[{0}] is not known to the bundle
enterprise.deployment.exceptionrolenotinbundle=[{0}] is not known to the bundle
enterprise.deployment.errorloadingclass=Error loading class [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.errorloadingejbclassingetfieldname=Error loading the ejb class in getFieldForName on EjbDescriptor [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannothavepersistentfieldsonbeanwithbmp=Cannot have persistent fields [{0}] on a bean with bean managed persistence
enterprise.deployment.exceptionentitybeanwithbmpcannothaveprimaryfield=Entity beans with bean persistence cannot have a primary key field
enterprise.deployment.exceptionbldngsqlstatementmthds=Error building allSqlStatementedMethods [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionincorrectapiusage=Incorrect API usage - can't get the link name of an external reference
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbrefhasnoejbdscrptor=This ejb reference has no ejb descriptor
enterprise.deployment.exceptointxtypenotlegaltype=[{0}] is not a legal transaction type for session beans
enterprise.deployment.exceptiontypenotallowedpropertytype=[{0}] is not an allowed property value type
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncouldnotcreateinstancetype=Could not create instance of [{0}] from [{1}]\n reason: [{2}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionillegaltypeenvproperty=Illegal type for environment properties: [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionauthenticationmethod=[{0}] is not a valid authentication method
enterprise.deployment.exceptionnullejbclasssymbol=Null ejb class symbol
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbclasssymbol=[{0}] should be [{1}] or [{2}] or [{3}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbdescriptormethod=[{0}] \n does not have a method [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionmatchingmethoddescriptor=[{0}] \n does not have a method [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionmethodnotfound=[{0}] not found in [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannotpackagewebapp=Cannot package web application: [{0}] does not exist.
enterprise.deployment.exceptoinreadingwebxml=Error reading web xml [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionReadingConnectorXml=Error reading connector xml [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptiondeploymentdescriptor=The deployment descriptor declares the jsp with filename attribute [{0}] but it is not present in [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.createdwebapp=Created WebApplication [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.createdconnector=Created Connector [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionwebfiledoesnotexist=[{0}] does not exist
enterprise.deployment.exceptoinparsingdescriptor=Error parsing descriptor [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionnodeploymentinfo=No deployment info found at [{0}] in [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.cannotinstantiate=Cannot instantiate implementation of [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionimplementationclassnotfound=Cannot find implementation class for [{0}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannothaveCMPfieldsonbeanwithbmp=Cannot have CMP fields [{0}] on a bean with bean managed persistence
entreprise.deployment.invalidLocalInterfaceReference=Trying to set an ejb-local-ref on an EJB while the EJB [{0}] does not define local interfaces
entreprise.deployment.invalidRemoteInterfaceReference=Trying to set an ejb-ref on an EJB, while the EJB [{0}] does not define remote interfaces
entreprise.deployment.exceptionduplicatedatasourcedefinition=This descriptor/class cannot have datasource definitions of same name : [{0}]
entreprise.deployment.exceptionduplicateconnectionfactorydefinition=This descriptor/class cannot have connection factory definitions of same name : [{0}]
entreprise.deployment.exceptionduplicatejmsconnectionfactorydefinition=This descriptor/class cannot have jms connection factory definitions of same name : [{0}]
entreprise.deployment.exceptionduplicatejmsdestinationdefinition=This descriptor/class cannot have jms destination definitions of same name : [{0}]
entreprise.deployment.exceptionduplicatemanagedbeandefinition=ManagedBean [{0}] cannot have same name [{1}] already used by another ManagedBean [{2}]

warning.static_content.packaged=Warning: [{0}] does not exist. No static content files will be packaged.
enterprise.deployment.errorwithexternaldescriptors=Supplied External Descriptors [{0}] are incorrect
enterprise.deployment.exceptionmessagedestbundle=Referencing error: this bundle has no message destination of name: {0}
enterprise.deployment.norolemapperfactorydefine=This application has no role mapper factory defined
enterprise.deployment.unknownportforruntimeinfo=Runtime port info SEI {0} is not declared in standard service-ref deployment descriptors (under port-component-ref), is this intended ?

enterprise.deployment.errorClosingSubArch=Error closing subarchive {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoejbrefbyname=This class has no ejb reference by the name of {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnomsgdestrefbyname=This class has no message destination reference by the name of {0}

enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoenvpropertybyname=This class has no environment property by the name of {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoresourceenvrefbyname=This class has no resource environment reference by the name of {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoservicerefbyname=This class has no service reference by the name of {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoentitymgrfactoryrefbyname=This class has no entity manager factory reference by the name of {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoentitymgrrefbyname=This class has no entity manager reference by the name of {0}
enterprise.deployment.exceptionhasnoresourcerefbyname=This class has no resource reference by the name of {0}

enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoservicerefbyname=This app [{0}] has no service reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnomsgdestrefbyname=This app [{0}] has no message destination reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoresourceenvrefbyname=This app [{0}] has no resource environment reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoentitymgrfactoryrefbyname=This app [{0}] has no entity manager factory reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoentitymgrrefbyname=This app [{0}] has no entity manager reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoenvpropertybyname=This app [{0}] has no environment property by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoejbrefbyname=This app [{0}] has no ejb reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapphasnoresourcerefbyname=This app [{0}] has no resource reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapplicationduplicatedatasourcedefinition=This app [{0}] cannot have datasource definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapplicationduplicateconnectionfactorydefinition=This app [{0}] cannot have connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapplicationduplicateadministeredobjectdefinition=This app [{0}] cannot have administered object definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapplicationduplicatejmsconnectionfactorydefinition=This app [{0}] cannot have jms connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionapplicationduplicatejmsdestinationdefinition=This app [{0}] cannot have jms destination definitions of same name : [{1}]

enterprise.deployment.exceptioncannotsetrunas=Cannot get RunAs identity when using caller identity
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbhasnomsgdestrefbyname=This ejb [{0}] has no message destination reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbduplicatedatasourcedefinition=This ejb [{0}] cannot have datasource definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbduplicateconnectionfactorydefinition=This ejb [{0}] cannot have connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbduplicatejmsconnectionfactorydefinition=This ejb [{0}] cannot have jms connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbduplicatejmsdestinationdefinition=This ejb [{0}] cannot have jms destination definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbbundleduplicateconnectionfactorydefinition=This ejb bundle [{0}] cannot have connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbbundleduplicatejmsconnectionfactorydefinition=This ejb bundle [{0}] cannot have jms connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionejbbundleduplicatejmsdestinationdefinition=This ejb bundle [{0}] cannot have jms destination definitions of same name : [{1}]

enterprise.deployment.exceptioniwebapphasnomsgdestrefbyname=This web app [{0}] has no message destination reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionwebduplicatedatasourcedefinition=This web app [{0}] cannot have datasource definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionwebduplicateconnectionfactorydefinition=This web app [{0}] cannot have connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionwebduplicatejmsconnectionfactorydefinition=This web app [{0}] cannot have jms connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionwebduplicatejmsdestinationdefinition=This web app [{0}] cannot have jms destination definitions of same name : [{1}]

enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoenvpropertybyname=This application client [{0}] has no environment property by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoservicerefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no service reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnomsgdestrefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no message destination reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoejbrefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no ejb reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoentitymgrrefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no entity manager reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoentitymgrfactoryrefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no entity manager factory reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoresourceenvrefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no resource environment reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclienthasnoresourcerefbyname=This application client [{0}] has no resource reference by the name of [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclientduplicatedatasourcedefinition=The application client [{0}] cannot have datasource definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclientnotsupportconnectionfactorydefinition=The application client [{0}] do not support connection factory definitions
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclientnotsupportadministeredobjectdefinition=The application client [{0}] do not support administered object definitions
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclientduplicatejmsconnectionfactorydefinition=The application client [{0}] cannot have jms connection factory definitions of same name : [{1}]
enterprise.deployment.exceptionappclientduplicatejmsdestinationdefinition=The application client [{0}] cannot have jms destination definitions of same name : [{1}]

enterprise.deployment.exception-unresolved-pu-ref=Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to \
the persistence-unit-ref-name [{0}] in scope of the module called [{1}]. Please verify your application.
enterprise.deployment.exception-unresolved-pc-ref=Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to \
the persistence-context-ref-name [{0}] in the scope of the module called [{1}]. Please verify your application.
enterprise.deployment.exception-non-jta-container-managed-em=The persistence-context-ref-name [{0}] \
in module [{1}] resolves to a persistence unit called [{2}] \
which is of type RESOURCE_LOCAL. Only persistence units with transaction type \
JTA can be used as a container managed entity manager. Please verify your application.
enterprise.deployment.exceptionmergewithdifferentname=Cannot merge property with different names: [{0}], [{1}]

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