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# Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
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adapter.param.decode=Cannot decode parameter {0} = {1}
adapter.param.missing={0} command requires the {1} parameter : {2}
adapter.param.missing.passwordfile={0} command requires the passwordfile parameter containing {1} entry.
adapter.param.missing.nodesc={0} command requires the {1} parameter
adapter.exception=Exception in command execution : {0}
adapter.command.notfound=Command {0} not found. \nCheck the entry of command name. This command may be provided by a package that is not installed.
adapter.command.notcreated=Implementation for the command {0} exists in the system,\nbut it has some errors, check server.log for details
adapter.command.noscope=Implementation for the command {0} exists in the system,\nbut it has no @Scoped annotation
adapter.command.hasparams=Implementation for the command {0} exists in the system,\nbut it''s a singleton that also has parameters
adapter.command.nocommand=No command was specified.
adapter.wrongprivacy=Command {0} does not have {1} visibility.
adapter.nodesc=No description provided
adapter.panic=Wrong request landed in AdminAdapter {0}
adapter.auth.userpassword=Invalid user name or password
adapter.auth.notOnInstance=Configuration access to an instance is not allowed; please connect to the domain admin server instead to make configuration changes
adapter.auth.remoteReqSecAdminOff=Remote configuration is currently disabled
adapter.command.unacceptableValue=Invalid parameter: {0}. Its value is {1} but it isn''t one of these acceptable values: {2}
list.containers.command=List all known application containers
list.containers.listapps=Applications deployed
list.containers.nocontainer=No container currently configured
lock.timeout=Command timed out. Unable to acquire a lock to access the domain. Another command acquired exclusive access to the domain on {0}. Retry the command at a later time.
lock.notacquired=The command was blocked. The domain was suspended by a user on {0}.
stop.domain.command=Stop a running domain
stop.domain.notDas=stop-domain only works with domains, this is a {0}
restart.server.internalError=Internal Error: {0}
restart.server.badNumModules=There should be only 1 primordial module but {0} primordial modules were found.
restart.server.failure=Got an exception trying to restart: {0}
restart.server.init=Server restart initiated
restart.server.noStartupInfo=Unable to restart. Neither CLI or non-CLI startup info was found. \
Here is what we were looking for:\n{0}\n{1}
restart.server.noPasswordFile=Unable to restart as the password file used to start the domain has been moved or deleted. \n\
The following password file could not be found:\n{0}
restart.server.asadminError=Error in Asadmin. These 3 arguments must be present on the server's \
original command line:\n-asadmin-classpath\n-asadmin-classname\n-asadmin-args\nCould not restart.
restart.server.nonAsadminError=Internal Error in ASMain. These 3 arguments were not set:\n\
-startup-classpath\n-startup-classname\n-startup-args\nCould not restart.
restart.domain.command=Restart a running domain
restart.server.jvmError=Error running java process: {0}
version.command=Returns the version of the application server
locations.command=Returns the root and domain locations of the application server
get.restart.required.command=Returns the "restart required" flag
list.modules.command=List all the modules known to the module subsystem
notstarted=Not Started
create.profiler=Creates the profiler element. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler, by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart the server.
create.profiler.classpath=Java classpath string that specifies the classes needed by the profiler.
create.profiler.enabled=Profiler is enabled by default.
create.profiler.nativelibrarypath=This path is automatically constructed to be a concatenation of the Application Serverm installation relative path for its native shared libraries, standard JRE native library path, the shell environment setting (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on UNIX) and any path that may be specified in the profile element.
create.profiler.name=Name of the profiler.
create.profiler.properties=Name/value pairs of provider specific attributes.
create.profiler.target=This option specifies the target on which you are creating a profiler.
create.profiler.usagetext=create-profiler\n\t[--classpath ] [--enabled[=]]\n\t[--nativelibrarypath ]\n\t[--property (name=value)[:name=value]*]\n\t[--target ] [-?|--help[=]]\n\tprofiler_name
delete.profiler=The delete-profiler command deletes the profiler element you specify. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart the server.
delete.profiler.target=This option specifies the target profiler element which you are deleting.
#Error Messages
CouldNotCreateParamTokenizer=Could not create ParamTokenizer object.
UnclosedString=Unclosed string value.
NothingToList=Nothing to list.
FileNotFound=The system cannot find the path specified: {0}
ping.connection.pool.pool_name=Name of the JDBC Connection Pool to be pinged.
ping.connection.pool.success=Ping JDBC Connection Pool for {0} is Successful.
ping.connection.pool.fail=Ping JDBC Connection Pool for {0} is Failed.
commandrunner.operand.required=Operand required.
admin.param.missing={0} command requires the {1} parameter : {2}.
admin.param.missing.nodesc={0} command requires the {1} parameter.
admin.param.missing.nofound=Cannot find {1} in {0} command model, file a bug
admin.set.invalid.attribute=Invalid attribute {0}
admin.set.invalid.attributename=Invalid attribute name {0}
admin.set.reject.keychange=Cannot change a primary key\nChange of {0}
admin.set.configuration.notfound=No configuration found for {0}
admin.set.attribute.change.failure=Could not change the attributes: {0}
admin.set.delete.property.failure=Could not delete the property: {0}
admin.set.deprecated=Warning: The attribute {0} is deprecated.
admin.set.elementdeprecated=Warning: The element {0} is deprecated.
admin.set.badelement=Cannot change the element: {0}
admin.set.invalid.namevalue=Invalid name value pair {0}. Missing expected equal sign.
admin.set.invalid.logservice.command=For setting log levels/attributes use set-log-levels/set-log-attributes command.
admin.get.invalid.logservice.command=For getting log levels/attributes use list-log-levels/list-log-attributes command.
admin.set.invalid.target=Unable to extract replication target from {0}
admin.set.invalid.appname=Unable to extract application name from {0}
admin.set.DomNotConfigBean=Internal error: Expected an object of type Dom ({0}) to be also a ConfigBean but it is not"
admin.get.path.notfound=Dotted name path {0} not found.
admin.get.no.monitoring=Monitoring facility not installed
admin.get.monitoring.nodoubledot=Doubled dots are not allowed.
admin.get.monitoring.invalidpattern=Illegal Match pattern: {0}
admin.get.monitoring.invalidtarget=The specified target, {0}, is not a valid server''s name.
admin.get.monitoring.unknown=Unknown Error: {0}
admin.get.monitoring.empty=No monitoring data is available.
admin.get.monitoring.remote.error=Error while trying get details from these instance(s): {0}
create.system.properties=adds or updates one or more system properties of the domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance
create.system.properties.name_value=The name value pairs (separated by the ':' character) of the system properties to add to the specified target. If any of the system properties were previously defined, it will be updated with the newly specified value.
create.system.properties.usagetext=create-system-properties\n\t[--target ] [-?|--help[=]]\n\t(name=value)[:name=value]*
create.system.properties.existsAlready=System property {0} already exists.
create.system.properties.failed=System property {0} creation failed.
create.system.properties.success=System property {0} created successfully.
delete.system.property=removes one system property of the domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance, at a time
delete.system.property.property_name=The name of the system property to remove.
delete.system.property.doesNotExist=System property {0} does not exist.
delete.system.property.success=Deletion of system property {0} executed successfully.
delete.system.property.failed=Deletion of system property {0} failed.
list.system.properties=lists the system properties of the domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance
list.system.properties.success=Command list-system-properties executed successfully.
list.system.properties.fail=Command list-system-properties failed.
invalid.target.sys.props=Invalid target:{0}. Valid targets types are domain, config, cluster, default server, clustered instance, stand alone instance.
no.such.property=System Property named {0} does not exist at the given target {1}
delete.sysprops.ok=System Property named {0} deleted from given target {1}. Make sure you check its references.
list.ok=The target {0} contains following {1} system properties
cant.delete.referenced.property=System Property {0} is referenced by {1} in the configuration. Please remove the references first.
uptime=Returns how long the server has been running.
uptime.command=Returns how long the server has been running.
uptime.output.terse=Up {0}
create.audit.module.duplicatefound=AuditModule named {0} exists. Cannot add duplicate AuditModule.
create.audit.module.fail=Creation of AuditModule {0} failed
create.audit.module.success=Creation of AuditModule {0} completed successfully
list.audit.module.success=Command list-audit-modules executed successfully
delete.audit.module.notfound=Specified Audit Module {0} not found
delete.audit.module.fail=Deletion of Audit Module {0} failed
delete.audit.module.success=Deletion of Audit Module {0} completed successfully
create.message.security.provider.duplicatefound=Message security provider named {0} exists. Cannot add duplicate.
create.message.security.provider.fail=Creation of message security provider named {0} failed.
create.message.security.provider.success=Creation of message security provider named {0} completed successfully.
delete.message.security.provider.confignotfound= A Message security config does not exist for the layer {0}
delete.message.security.provider.fail=Deletion of message security provider named {0} failed
delete.message.security.provider.success=Deletion of message security provider {0} completed successfully
list.message.security.provider.success=list-message-security-providers successful
set.usagetext=set [-?|--help[=]]\n\t(dotted-attribute-name=value)+
version.verbose={0}, JRE version {1}
#### Command Replication related stuff
commandrunner.clusterexecutor.instantiationfailure=Unable to initialize specified executor class {0}: {1}
commandrunner.executor.invalidtarget=Unable to find a valid target with name {0}
commandrunner.executor.invalidtargettype=Target {0} is not a supported type. Command {1} supports these types of targets only: {2}
commandrunner.executor.instanceopnotallowed=The {0} command is not allowed on target {1} because it is part of cluster {2}
commandrunner.executor.supplementalcmdfailed=A supplemental command failed; cannot proceed further
commandrunner.executor.errorwhilereplication=An error occurred during replication
commandrunner.executor.errorinprepare=The command {0} cannot be completed because the preparation for the command failed indicating potential issues: {1}
commandrunner.errCreDir=Could not create the directory {0}; no further information is available.
commandrunner.executor.das.unallowed=Not authorized to execute command {0} on DAS
commandrunner.executor.targettype.unallowed=Target type is not allowed on single instance command {0}
commandrunner.noauth=User is not authorized for this command
commandrunner.errAuth=Error during authorization
commandrunner.executor.instance=Executing command {0} on instance
commandrunner.unacceptableBV=Parameters for command {0} violate the following constraints:
# This message one item in a list of reasons. The list is started with the message with key "commandrunner.unacceptableBV"
commandrunner.unacceptableBV.reason=violation reason [ {0} ] on parameter [ {1} ]
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.devmode=The GlassFish environment does not have any clusters or instances present; Dynamic reconfiguration is turned off
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.delegatedcommand=This command is a delegated command. Dynamic reconfiguration will be bypassed
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.injectiondone=Parameter mapping, validation, injection completed successfully; Starting paramater injection
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.target=@ExecuteOn parsing and default settings done; Current target is {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.runtimeTypes=RuntimeTypes are: {0}
dynamicreconfiguration,diagnostics.targetTypes=TargetTypes are: {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.replicationvalidationdone=All @ExecuteOn attribute and type validation completed successfully. Starting replication stages
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.prepareunodable=Command execution stage 1 : Calling prepare for undoable command {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.presupplemental=Command execution stage 2 : Call pre supplemental commands for {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.maincommand=Command execution stage 3 : Calling main command implementation for {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.postsupplemental=Command execution stage 4 : Call post supplemental commands for {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.afterreplsupplemental=Command execution stage 5 : Call post-replication supplemental commands for {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.startreplication=Command execution stages completed on DAS; Starting replication on remote instances
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.undo=Command execution failed; calling undo() for command {0}
dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.supplementalexec=Executing supplemental command {0}
############ RuntimeInfo
runtime.info.debug=JPDA Debugging is {0}
interceptor.objectName.wrongservernames=This mbean call does not support multiple target instances
interceptor.objectName.wrongobjectname=This mbean call is not supported for objectname {0}
admin.adapter.unkAuth=Unknown admin access {0} returned; expected one of {1}
job.cannot.be.null=Job cannot be null
job.id.in.use=Job id is already in use
removed.expired.job=Removed expired job {0}
cleaning.jobs=Cleaning jobs
cleaning.job=Cleaning job {0}
managedJobConfig.change=ManagedJobConfig {0} was changed by {1}
error.cleaning.jobs=Error while cleaning jobs {0}
scheduling.cleanup=Scheduling cleanup
jobcleanup.service.init=Initializing Job Cleanup service
init.managed.config.bean=Initializing ManagedJobConfig bean
error.persisting.job=Error when persisting job {0} {1}
error.initializing.persistence.service=Error initializing Job Persistence service {0}
error.reading.completed.jobs=Error reading completed jobs {0}
error.initializing.job.manager.service=Error initializing Job Manager service {0}
error.purging.completed.job=Error purging completed jobs {0} {1}
error.reading.jobs.xml.file=Error reading jobs.xml file {0}
checkpointhelper.wrongheader=Error reading checkpoint. Wrong header.
checkpointhelper.cannotlocatecommand=Can not load checkpoint. Can not locate command {0}.
checkpointhelper.wrongfileextension=Wrong checkpoint file extension {0}.
checkpointhelepr.wrongfilename=Wrong checkpoint filename format: {0}.
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