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# Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
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# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
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# resource bundle for query messages
# The Message ID for a message in persistence is derived as follows:
# JDO<2_digit_bundle_prefix><1_digit_section_number><2_digit_serial_number>
# The 2 digit prefix for this bundle is 75.
# This file is divided into following sections. 
# 1. main ejbqlc compiler class
# 2. ejbqlc error message helper class
# 3. ejbqlc syntax error messages
# 4. ejbqlc semantic error messages
# 5. ejbqlc code generation error messages
# 6. Miscellaneous
# Under each section, messages that need not be I18Ned are separated under NOI18N. All other messages
# need to be numbered.
# When adding a new message:
# 1. Please make sure that you add the message to the end of appropriate section.
# 2. Please add message ID to any user visible message.
# 3. The message ID for the new message = message ID for the last numbered 
#    message in a section + 1.
# 4. Please do not change the message ID for existing messages. These 
#    numbers are potentially mapped to more explanation about the message for 
#    the end user.

# Message ID Range: JDO75000 - JDO75099 ############################################################################# # {0} - bean name # {1} - finder/selector method signature # {2} - EJBQL query text LOG_EJBQLCCompile=JDO75000: EJBQLC compile query\n\ Bean: {0}\n\ Method: {1}\n\ EJBQL: {2} # {0} - name of the compiler pass LOG_EJBQLCStartPass=JDO75001: EJBQLC start {0} # {0} - name of the compiler pass LOG_EJBQLCDumpTree=JDO75002: EJBQLC dump tree {0} # {0} - String repr of the EJBQLC compile result LOG_EJBQLCResult=JDO75003: EJBQLC result {0} ERR_MissingMethodInstance=JDO75004: Missing finder/selector method instance. # {0} - bean name # {1} - finder/selector method signature EXC_MissingEjbqlQueryText=JDO75005: Incomplete deployment descriptor for bean {0}: Missing or empty ejb-ql element in query element for method {1}. # {0} - bean name # {1} - finder/selector method signature # {2} - EJBQL query text # {3} - detailed error message EXC_InvalidEJBQLQuery=JDO75006: Invalid EJBQL query\n\ Bean: {0}\n\ Method: {1}\n\ EJBQL: {2}\n\ Error: {3} # {0} - bean name # {1} - finder/selector method signature # {2} - EJBQL query text # {3} - detailed error message EXC_EJBQLQueryInternalError=JDO75007: Fatal internal exception while parsing EJBQL:\n\ Bean: {0}\n\ Method: {1}\n\ EJBQL: {2}\n\ Error: {3} JDO75007.diag.cause.1=Internal error in CMP module. JDO75007.diag.check.1=This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Payara Support with your application and the complete error log message. ERR_UnexpectedException=JDO75008: Unexpected exception during {0} ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO75100 - JDO75199 ############################################################################# EXC_PositionInfoMsg={0} EXC_PositionInfoMsgColumn=column({0}): {1} EXC_PositionInfoMsgLineColumn=line({0}) column({1}): {2} ERR_FatalInternalError=JDO75100: Fatal internal error: {0} ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO75200 - JDO75299 ############################################################################# EXC_SyntaxError=JDO75200: Syntax error. EXC_SyntaxErrorAt=JDO75201: Syntax error at ''{0}''. EXC_UnexpectedToken=JDO75202: Syntax error unexpected token ''{0}''. EXC_UnexpectedChar=JDO75203: Syntax error unexpected char ''{0}''. EXC_ExpectedCharFound=JDO75204: Syntax error expected char ''{0}'', found ''{1}''. EXC_UnexpectedEOF=JDO75205: Syntax error unexpected end of EJBQL query. ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO75300 - JDO75499 ############################################################################# EXC_MultipleDeclaration=JDO75300: Multiple declaration of ''{0}''. EXC_UndefinedIdentifier=JDO75301: Undefined identifier ''{0}''. EXC_BooleanWhereClauseExpected=JDO75302: Boolean expression expected, where clause expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_OrderableOrderbyClauseExpected=JDO75303: Orderable expression expected, orderby clause expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_OrderableExpected=JDO75304: Orderable expression expected, expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_NumberExprExpected=JDO75305: Number expression expected, expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_StringExprExpected=JDO75306: String expression expected, expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_NumberOrStringExprExpected=JDO75307: Number or String expression expected, expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_IntExprExpected=JDO75308: Int expression expected, expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_DoubleExprExpected=JDO75309: Double expression expected, expression has type ''{0}''. EXC_IdentificationVariableExcepted=JDO75310: Identifier ''{0}'' does not denote an identification variable. EXC_InvalidArguments=JDO75311: Invalid argument(s) for ''{0}''. EXC_InvalidParameterIndex=JDO75312: Invalid parameter ''{0}''. It must be at least 1 and not greater than {1}. EXC_AbstractSchemNameExpected=JDO75313: Identifier ''{0}'' does not denote abstract schema type. EXC_UnknownField=JDO75314: ''{0}'' does not denote a cmp-field or cmr-field of the entity bean for abstract schema type ''{1}''. EXC_SingleValuedCMROrCMPFieldExpected=JDO75315: Field ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' is not a single valued cmr-field or a cmp-field. EXC_CMPFieldExpected=JDO75316: Field ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' is not a cmp-field. EXC_SingleValuedCMRFieldExpected=JDO75317: Field ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' is not a single valued cmr-field. EXC_CollectionValuedCMRFieldExpected=JDO75318: Field ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' is not a collection valued cmr-field. EXC_CollectionElementTypeMismatch=JDO75319: Collection element type ''{0}'' is not compatible with value type ''{1}''. EXC_InCollectionElementTypeMismatch=JDO75320: In Collection expression type ''{0}'' is not compatible with value type ''{1}''. EXC_InvalidPatternDefinition=JDO75321: Invalid Pattern ''{0}'' of LIKE expression, expected type String. EXC_InvalidEscapeDefinition=JDO75322: Invalid ESCAPE ''{0}'' of LIKE expression, expected single character string literal. EXC_InvalidEscapeParameterDefinition=JDO75323: Invalid ESCAPE parameter ''{0}'' of LIKE expression, expected type char or Character. EXC_InvalidLHSLiteral=JDO75324: Invalid use of literal ''{0}'' on left hand side of an ''{1}'' operation. EXC_InvalidLHSParameter=JDO75325: Invalid use of input parameter ''{0}'' on left hand side of an ''{1}'' operation. EXC_MultipleEJBNameParameter=JDO75326: Multiple access of the same input parameter ''{0}'' assuming different ejb-name ''{1}''. The same input parameter was associated to the ejb-name ''{2}'' before. # Error: result-type-mapping specified for a finder method EXC_InvalidResultTypeMappingForFinder=\ JDO75327: result-type-mapping must not be specified for finder methods. # Error: result-type-mapping specified as Remote, # but bean does not have remote interface # {0} - ejb name EXC_InvalidRemoteResultTypeMappingForMultiSelector=\ JDO75328: result-type-mapping is specified as ''Remote'', \ but bean ''{0}'' does not have a remote interface. # Error: result-type-mapping is specified as Local or not specified, # but bean does not have local interface # {0} - ejb name EXC_InvalidLocalResultTypeMappingForMultiSelector=\ JDO75329: result-type-mapping is specified as or defaults to ''Local'', \ but bean ''{0}'' does not have a local interface. # Error: result-type-mapping is specified as Remote, # but single-object selector does not return remote interface. EXC_InvalidRemoteResultTypeMappingForSingleSelector=\ JDO75330: result-type-mapping is specified as 'Remote', \ but single-object selector does not return remote interface. # Error: result-type-mapping is specified as Local or not specified, # but single-object selector does not return local interface. EXC_InvalidLocalResultTypeMappingForSingleSelector=\ JDO75331: result-type-mapping is specified as or defaults to 'Local', \ but single-object selector does not return local interface. # Error: result-type-mapping is specified for a selector method returning # non-entity objects # {0} - type of of the select clause expression EXC_InvalidResultTypeMappingForSelector=\ JDO75332: result-type-mapping must not be specified for selectors returning non-entity \ objects. (The select clause expression has type ''{0}'') # Error: invalid return type for finder, e.g. java.lang.String # {0} - finder method return type EXC_InvalidFinderReturnType=\ JDO75333: Invalid return type ''{0}'' for finder method. # Error: the select clause of the finder's EJBQL query has an invalid type, # e.g. java.lang.String # {0} - type of of the select clause expression EXC_InvalidFinderSelectClauseType=\ JDO75334: Invalid type ''{0}'' of select clause expression for finder method. # Error: type mismatch between the return type of the selector and # the select clause of the EJBQL query # {0} - selector method return type # {1} - type of of the select clause expression EXC_InvalidSelectorReturnType=\ JDO75335: The selector return type ''{0}'' is not compatible with the select clause type ''{1}''. # Error: mismatch between orderby item and select clause of EJB QL query # {0} - order by item EXC_InvalidOrderbyItem=\ JDO75336: The orderby item ''{0}'' is not compatible with the select clause. # Error: mismatch between orderby item and cmp field select clause of # EJB QL query # {0} - order by item EXC_InvalidOrderbyItemForCMPSelect=\ JDO75337: The orderby item ''{0}'' and the cmp field in select clause must be the same. EXC_InvalidAggregateOrderby=\ JDO75338: An aggregate select clause must not be used with an order by clause. ERR_SemanticError=JDO75339: Semantic error: ERR_InvalidPathExpr=JDO75340: Invalid path expr #Error: Missing information about a field of a bean # {0} - Field # {1} - Bean name ERR_MissingFieldInfo=JDO75341: Missing field meta data for field ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO75500 - JDO75599 ############################################################################# ERR_JDOQLCodeGenerationError=JDO75500: JDOQL code generation error: ERR_UnexpectedNode=JDO75501: Unexpected node ''{0}'', token type ''{1}'' ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO75600 - JDO75699 ############################################################################# # # ejbqlc EJBQLASTFactory # ERR_UnexpectedExceptionClone=JDO75600: Unexpected exception during clone # # ejbqlc TypeSupport # ERR_EjbNameExpected=JDO75601: {0}: expected ejb name {1}

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