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# Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# Contributor(s):
# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
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# resource bundle for runtime messages
# key consists of: ...
#  - is optional, package under runtime
#  - class name
#  - method name
#  - short description (use _ to represent space)
# all keys should be in lowercase
# The message ID for a message in persistence is derived as follows:
# JDO<2_digit_bundle_prefix><1_digit_section_number><2_digit_serial_number>
# The 2 digit prefix for this bundle is 79.
# This file is divided into following sections. 
# 1. main compiler class
# 2. error message helper class
# 3. syntax error messages
# 4. semantic error messages
# 5. optimizer
# 6. code generation
# 7. Miscellaneous
# When adding a new message:
# 1. Please make sure that you add the message to the end of appropriate section.
# 2. Please add message ID to any user visible message.
# 3. The message ID for the new message = message ID for the last numbered 
#    message in a section + 1.
# 4. Please do not change the message ID for existing messages. These 
#    numbers are potentially mapped to more explanation about the message for 
#    the end user.

# Message ID Range: JDO79000 - JDO79099 ############################################################################# jqlc.jqlc.generic.nocandidateclass=JDO79000: Missing candidate class specification. jqlc.jqlc.checkcandidates.memorycollection=JDO79001: Queries over non-extent collections not supported. jqlc.jqlc.checkcandidates.mismatch=JDO79002: Candidate collection does not match candidate class ''{0}''. # {0} - name of the compiler pass LOG_JQLCStartPass=JDO79003: JQLC start {0} # {0} - name of the compiler pass LOG_JQLCDumpTree=JDO79004: JQLC dump tree {0} LOG_JQLCReuseRetrieveDesc=JDO79005: JQLC reuse cached RetrieveDesc ############################################################################# # # it is the last arg for each of them that contains the # actual message. ############################################################################# jqlc.errormsg.generic.msg={0}: {1} jqlc.errormsg.generic.msgcolumn={0} column({1}): {2} jqlc.errormsg.generic.msglinecolumn={0} line({1}) column({2}): {3} ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO79100 - JDO79199 ############################################################################# jqlc.parser.syntaxerror=JDO79100: Syntax error. jqlc.parser.syntaxerrorattoken=JDO79101: Syntax error at ''{0}''. jqlc.parser.unexpectedtoken=JDO79102: Syntax error unexpected token ''{0}''. jqlc.parser.unexpectedchar=JDO79103: Syntax error unexpected char ''{0}''. jqlc.parser.expectedfoundchar=JDO79104: Syntax error expected char ''{0}'', found ''{1}''. jqlc.parser.unexpectedEOF=JDO79105: Syntax error unexpected end of text. ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO7109200 - JDO79399 ############################################################################# # semantic error messages (unsupported operations) jqlc.semantic.analysebitwiseexpr.exclusiveorop=JDO79200: Exclusive or operator ^ not supported. jqlc.semantic.analysebitwiseexpr.integerbitwiseop=JDO79201: Integer bitwise operator {0} not supported. jqlc.semantic.analysecollectioncall.unsupportedcollectionexpr=JDO79202: Unsupported collection expression ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.analysecollectioncall.nonvariable=JDO79203: Variable expected - non variable contains arguments not supported. jqlc.semantic.generic.unsupportedconstraintop=JDO79204: Unsupported operation ''{0}'' for variable constraint clause. jqlc.semantic.candidateclass.nonpc=JDO79205: The class ''{0}'' is not persistence-capable. Non-persistence-capable candidate classes are not supported for Query. jqlc.semantic.checkvalidorderingexpr.invalidordering=JDO79206: Unsupported expression ''{0}'' in ordering specification. jqlc.semantic.checkvalidresultexpr.invalidresult=JDO79207: Unsupported expression ''{0}'' in result specification. # semantic error messages (user errors) jqlc.semantic.analysecollectioncall.typemismatch=JDO79208: Collection element type ''{0}'' and variable type ''{1}'' not compatible. jqlc.semantic.analysecollectioncall.relationshipexpected=JDO79209: Relationship field expected ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.analysedotexpr.classexprexpected=JDO79210: Expression of class type expected. jqlc.semantic.analysefieldaccess.nonperistentfield=JDO79211: Cannot access non-persistent field ''{0}'' of persistence-capable class ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.analysefieldaccess.nonpublicfield=JDO79212: Cannot access non-public field ''{0}'' of non-persistence-capable class ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.analysestaticfieldaccess.staticreference=JDO79213: Cannot make a static reference to non-static variable ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.analysestaticfieldaccess.nonpublicfield=JDO79214: Cannot access non-public static field ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.analyserelationalexpr.notorderable=JDO79215: Operand type ''{0}'' of {1} is not sortable. jqlc.semantic.expression.undefined=JDO79216: Undefined expression ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.filter.booleanexpected=JDO79217: Boolean expression expected, filter expression has type ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.generic.alreadydeclared=JDO79218: ''{0}'' already declared as {1}. jqlc.semantic.generic.arguments.numbermismatch=JDO79219: Wrong number of arguments. jqlc.semantic.generic.arguments.typemismatch=JDO79220: Incompatible type of actual parameter. Cannot convert ''{0}'' to ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.generic.arguments.invalid=JDO79221: Invalid argument(s) for ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.generic.invalidmethodcall=JDO79222: Invalid method call. jqlc.semantic.generic.unknownfield=JDO79223: Field ''{0}'' not defined for class ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.generic.unknowntype=JDO79224: Unknown type ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.identifier.undefined=JDO79225: Undefined identifier ''{0}''. jqlc.semantic.primary.invalidcast=JDO79226: Cannot cast expression of type ''{0}'' to type ''{1}''. jqlc.semantic.type.notype=JDO79227: Type expected, ''{0}'' is defined as {1}. jqlc.semantic.analyseorderingexpression.notorderable=JDO79228: Type ''{0}'' of ordering expression is not sortable. jqlc.semantic.checkvalidresultexpr.invalidavgsumexpr=JDO79229: Type ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' aggregate expression is not a number or char type. jqlc.semantic.checkvalidresultexpr.invalidminmaxexpr=JDO79230: Type ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' aggregate expression is not sortable. jqlc.semantic.checkresultordering.invalidorderingfordistinctresultfield=JDO79231: The distinct result field expression ''{0}'' and the ordering expression ''{1}'' are not compatible. They must be the same field. jqlc.semantic.checkresultordering.invalidorderingfordistinctresult=JDO79232: The result expression ''distinct {0}'' and the ordering expression ''{1}'' are not compatible. They must be fields in the same class using the same navigation expression to the class. # query parameter table jqlc.parametertable.checkunboundparams.unboundparam=JDO79233: Unbound query parameter ''{0}''. jqlc.parametertable.definevaluebyname.undefinedparam=JDO79234: Undefined query parameter ''{0}''. jqlc.parametertable.definevaluebyindex.wrongnumberofargs=JDO79235: Wrong number of arguments. jqlc.parametertable.definevaluebyindex.typemismatch=JDO79236: Incompatible type of actual parameter. Cannot convert ''{0}'' to ''{1}''. ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO79400 - JDO79499 ############################################################################# jqlc.optimizer.staticfieldaccess.illegal=JDO79400: Cannot access static field ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''. jqlc.optimizer.literal.invalid=JDO79401: Invalid {0} literal ''{1}''. ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO79500 - JDO79599 ############################################################################# jqlc.codegeneration.fieldaccess.illegal=JDO79500: Cannot access field ''{0}'' of object ''{1}''. jqlc.codegeneration.collectioncomparison.nonnull=JDO79501: Unsupported comparison of collection with non null value. jqlc.codegeneration.generic.unsupportedop=JDO79502: Unsupported operation ''{0}'' jqlc.codegeneration.substring.beginnegative=JDO79503: Begin index ''{0}'' of substring method is negative. jqlc.codegeneration.substring.beginlargerend=JDO79504: Begin index ''{0}''of substring method is larger than end index ''{1}''. jqlc.codegeneration.resultExpr.missingpkfields=JDO79505: Unsupported COUNT expression. The expression type ''{0}'' is a persistence-capable class without primary key fields. ############################################################################# # # Message ID Range: JDO79600 - JDO79699 ############################################################################# # {0} - RetrieveDesc info LOG_JQLCDumpRD=JDO79600: JQLC dump RetrieveDesc {0} # variable table jqlc.variabletable.markconstraint.multiple=JDO79601: Multiple constraints for variable ''{0}''. jqlc.variabletable.checkconstraint.unused=JDO79602: Variable ''{0}'' defined but not used. jqlc.variabletable.checkconstraint.cycle=JDO79603: Unsupported cyclic constraint definition for variable ''{0}''. jqlc.variabletable.merge.different=JDO79604: Different constraints for the same variable ''{0}''. ############################################################################### # ############################################################################### # # # jqlc.jqlc.checkcandidates.nullpc=Persistence capable class of extent collection is null. jqlc.parser.invalidunicodestr=JQLLexer.UNICODE_STR jqlc.parametertable.getvaluebyname.undefined=ParameterTable.getValueByName: undefined parameter {0}. jqlc.parametertable.getvaluebyindex.wrongindex=ParameterTable.getValueByIndex: wrong index {0}. jqlc.parametertable.definevaluebyindex.wrongindex=ParameterTable.defineValueByIndex: wrong index {0}. jqlc.semantic.checkcandidateclass.unknowntype=Semantic.checkCandidateClass: unknown type {0}. jqlc.semantic.analysedefinedidentifier.illegalident=Semantic.analyseDefinedIdentifier: illegal identifier definition {0}. jqlc.semantic.getcollectionfield.missingchildren=Semantic.getCollectionField: invalid node structure children missing. jqlc.optimizer.checkbinaryplusop.invalidtype=Optimizer.checkBinaryPlusOp: invalid type {0}. jqlc.optimizer.checkbinaryminusop.invalidtype=Optimizer.checkBinaryMinusOp: invalid type {0}. jqlc.optimizer.checkmultiplicationop.invalidtype=Optimizer.checkMultiplicationOp: invalid type {0}. jqlc.optimizer.checkdivisionop.invalidtype=Optimizer.checkDivisionOp: invalid type {0}. jqlc.optimizer.checkmodop.invalidtype=Optimizer.checkModOp: invalid type {0}. jqlc.optimizer.checkunaryminusop.invalidtype=Optimizer.checkUnaryMinusOp: invalid type {0}. jqlc.optimizer.getbigdecimalvalue.notnumber=Optimizer.getBigDecimalValue: expected number value {0}. jqlc.optimizer.getbigintegervalue.notnumber=Optimizer.getBigIntegerValue: expected number value {0}. jqlc.optimizer.isempty.requirecollection=Optimizer.isEmpty: requires collection value. jqlc.codegeneration.generatesimplefieldvaluecomparison.invalidvalue=CodeGeneration.generateSimpleFieldValueComparison: invalid null value in relational operation. jqlc.codegeneration.generateparametervaluecomparison.invalidvalue=CodeGeneration.generateParameterValueComparison: invalid null value in relational operation. jqlc.codegeneration.getkeyfieldscomparisonbooleanop.invalidobj=CodeGeneration.getKeyFieldsComparisonBooleanOp: invalid object comparison operation {0}. jqlc.codegeneration.filter.nonbooleanvalue=CodeGeneration.filter: invalid non boolean value {0}. jqlc.codegeneration.primary.null=CodeGeneration.primary: invalid null value. jqlc.variabletable.markused.varnotfound=VariableTable.markUsed variable {0} not found. jqlc.variabletable.markused.multidep=VariableTable.markUsed multiple dependencies for variable {0} old: {1}, new: {2}. jqlc.variabletable.markconstraint.varnotfound=VariableTable.markConstraint variable {0} not found. wrong token type {0} expected PARAMETER_DEF node. jqlc.queryvaluefetcher.getvalue.invalidparam=Invalid parameter index {0} parameter array has length {1}.

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