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package org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.impl;
import org.glassfish.orb.admin.config.IiopListener;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerRef;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.util.IIOPUtils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* This class is responsible for reading the domain.xml via Config API
* and producing a list of instances in the form of ClusterInstanceInfo
* objects.
* This class is designed for use by both FailoverIORInterceptor
* and Java Web Start.
* @author Sheetal Vartak
* @date 1/12/05
public class IIOPEndpointsInfo {
private static final IIOPUtils iiopUtils = IIOPUtils.getInstance();
private static Logger _logger = LogDomains.getLogger(IIOPEndpointsInfo.class, LogDomains.CORBA_LOGGER);
private static final String baseMsg = IIOPEndpointsInfo.class.getName();
* TODO implement post V3 FCS
public static Collection getServersInCluster() {
return iiopUtils.getServerRefs();
public static List getListenersInCluster() {
return iiopUtils.getIiopListeners();
* This method returns a list of SocketInfo objects for a particular
* server. This method is the common code called by
* getIIOPEndpoints() and getClusterInstanceInfo()
public static List getSocketInfoForServer(ServerRef serverRef,
IiopListener[] listen) {
List listOfSocketInfo =
new LinkedList();
String serverName = serverRef.getRef();
String hostName =
if (hostName == null) {
hostName = listen[0].getAddress();
for (int j = 0; j < listen.length; j++) {
String id = listen[j].getId();
String port =
getResolvedPort(listen[j], serverName);
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
baseMsg + ".getSocketInfoForServer:" +
" adding address for "+
serverName + "/" + id +
"/" + hostName + "/" + port);
listOfSocketInfo.add(new SocketInfo(id, hostName, Integer.valueOf(port)));
return listOfSocketInfo;
* This method returns the endpoints in host:port,host1:port1,host2:port2,...
* format. This is called by Java Web Start
public static String getIIOPEndpoints() {
String endpoints = null;
return endpoints;
* This method returns a ClusterInstanceInfo list.
public static List getClusterInstanceInfo()
return null;
* The following returns the IIOP listener(s) for all the
* servers belonging to the current cluster.
* @author [email protected]
public static IiopListener[][] getIIOPEndPointsForCurrentCluster() {
// For each server instance in a cluster, there are 3 iiop listeners:
// one for non ssl, one for ssl and third for ssl mutual auth
IiopListener[][] listeners = new IiopListener[serverRefs.length][3]; //SHEETAL can there be multiple SSL or
//SSL_MUTH_AUTH ports? bug 6321813
for (int i = 0; i < serverRefs.length; i++) {
Server server =
ServerHelper.getServerByName(configCtx, serverRefs[i].getRef());
String configRef = server.getConfigRef();
Config config =
ConfigAPIHelper.getConfigByName(configCtx, configRef);
IiopService iiopService = config.getIiopService();
listeners[i] = iiopService.getIiopListener();
return listeners;
* Returns ip address from node agent refered from instance
* or null if Exception
* @author [email protected]
public static String getHostNameForServerInstance(String serverName)
try {
JMXConnectorConfig info =
ServerHelper.getJMXConnectorInfo(configCtx, serverName);
baseMsg + ".getHostNameForServerInstance: " +
"found info: " + info.toString());
String host = info.getHost();
baseMsg + ".getHostNameForServerInstance: " +
"found host: " + host);
return host;
} catch (Throwable e){
baseMsg + ".getHostNameForServerInstance: " +
"gotException: " + e + " " + e.getMessage() +
"; returning null");
return null;
* Gets the correct resolved value for the specific instance
* Without this routine, config context resolves the value
* to the current running instance
* @author [email protected]
public static String getResolvedPort(IiopListener l,
String server) {
String rawPort = l.getRawAttributeValue("port");
PropertyResolver pr = new PropertyResolver(configCtx, server);
return pr.resolve(rawPort);