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package com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessagesResourceBundle;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LoggerInfo;
* Logger information for the jms-core module.
* @author Krishna Deepak
public class JMSLoggerInfo {
public static final String LOGMSG_PREFIX = "AS-JMS-CORE";
public static final String SHARED_LOGMESSAGE_RESOURCE = "com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.LogMessages";
@LoggerInfo(subsystem="JMS", description="Main JMS Logger", publish=true)
public static final String JMS_MAIN_LOGGER = "javax.enterprise.resource.jms";
private static final Logger jmsLogger =
public static Logger getLogger() {
return jmsLogger;
@LogMessageInfo(message = "JMS Service Connection URL is : {0}")
public static final String JMS_CONNECTION_URL = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00001";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "ADDRESSLIST in setJmsServiceProvider : {0}")
public static final String ADDRESSLIST_JMSPROVIDER = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00002";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Addresslist : {0}")
public static final String ADDRESSLIST = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00003";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "End point determines destination name, Res name: {0}, JNDI name: {1} descriptor name : {2}")
public static final String ENDPOINT_DEST_NAME = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00004";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Successfully set Master broker on JMSRA to {0}")
public static final String MASTER_BROKER_SUCCESS = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00005";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to set Master broker on JMSRA to {0} cause {1}")
public static final String MASTER_BROKER_FAILURE = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00006";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Successfully set Cluster brokerlist to {0}")
public static final String CLUSTER_BROKER_SUCCESS = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00007";
message = "Failed to set Cluster brokerlist to {0} cause {1}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String CLUSTER_BROKER_FAILURE = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00008";
message = "Failed to shut down Grizzly NetworkListener : {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String SHUTDOWN_FAIL_GRIZZLY = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00009";
message = "Error occurs when shutting down JMSRA : {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String SHUTDOWN_FAIL_JMSRA = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00010";
message = "Invalid RMI registry port",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String INVALID_RMI_PORT = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00011";
message = "No such method {0} in the class {1}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "The method setProperty is not defined in the class",
action = "Define the appropriate method"
public static final String NO_SUCH_METHOD = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00012";
message = "Connector Resource could not be closed",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String CLOSE_CONNECTION_FAILED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00013";
message = "rardeployment.mcfcreation_error {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String RARDEPLOYMENT_MCF_ERROR = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00014";
message = "Exception while getting configured RMI port : {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String GET_RMIPORT_FAIL = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00015";
message = "Failed to start Grizlly proxy for MQ broker",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String GRIZZLY_START_FAILURE = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00016";
message = "Failed to create addresslist due to the exception : {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String ADDRESSLIST_SETUP_FAIL = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00017";
message = "Error executing method {0} of the class {1}",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String ERROR_EXECUTE_METHOD = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00018";
message = "MDB destination not specified",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "Missing destination JNDI name",
action = "unknown"
public static final String ERROR_IN_DD = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00019";
message = "Failed to validate endpoint",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String ENDPOINT_VALIDATE_FAILED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00020";
message = "Cannot obtain master broker",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String GET_MASTER_FAILED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00021";
message = "Error while loading connector resources during recovery : {0}",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String LOAD_RESOURCES_ERROR = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00022";
message = "Exception in reading mdb-container configuration : [{0}]",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String MDB_CONFIG_EXCEPTION = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00023";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "MQ Resource adapter upgrade started.")
public static final String JMSRA_UPGRADE_STARTED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00024";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "MQ Resource adapter upgrade completed.")
public static final String JMSRA_UPGRADE_COMPLETED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00025";
message = "Upgrading a MQ resource adapter failed : {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String JMSRA_UPGRADE_FAILED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00026";
message = "Check for a new version of MQ installation failed : {0}",
level = "WARNING",
cause = "unknown",
action = "unknown"
public static final String JMSRA_UPGRADE_CHECK_FAILED = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00027";