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A Kotlin Multiplatform implementation of the Lightning Network
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.WatchEvent
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.electrum.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerByte
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerKw
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.OnChainFeerates
import fr.acinq.lightning.crypto.noise.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.db.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.payment.IncomingPaymentHandler
import fr.acinq.lightning.payment.OutgoingPaymentFailure
import fr.acinq.lightning.payment.OutgoingPaymentHandler
import fr.acinq.lightning.payment.PaymentRequest
import fr.acinq.lightning.serialization.Encryption.from
import fr.acinq.lightning.serialization.Serialization.DeserializationResult
import fr.acinq.lightning.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.wire.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.wire.Ping
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.onFailure
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import org.kodein.log.newLogger
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
sealed class PeerCommand
* Try to open a channel, consuming all the spendable utxos in the wallet state provided.
data class RequestChannelOpen(val requestId: ByteVector32, val walletInputs: List) : PeerCommand()
/** Open a channel, consuming all the spendable utxos in the wallet state provided. */
data class OpenChannel(
val fundingAmount: Satoshi,
val pushAmount: MilliSatoshi,
val walletInputs: List,
val commitTxFeerate: FeeratePerKw,
val fundingTxFeerate: FeeratePerKw,
val channelFlags: Byte,
val channelType: ChannelType.SupportedChannelType
) : PeerCommand()
data class PeerConnection(val id: Long, val output: Channel, val logger: MDCLogger) {
fun send(msg: LightningMessage) {
// We can safely use trySend because we use unlimited channel buffers.
// If the connection was closed, the message will automatically be dropped.
val result = output.trySend(msg)
result.onFailure { failure -> logger.warning(failure) { "cannot send $msg" } }
data class Connected(val peerConnection: PeerConnection) : PeerCommand()
data class MessageReceived(val connectionId: Long, val msg: LightningMessage) : PeerCommand()
data class WatchReceived(val watch: WatchEvent) : PeerCommand()
data class WrappedChannelCommand(val channelId: ByteVector32, val channelCommand: ChannelCommand) : PeerCommand()
object Disconnected : PeerCommand()
sealed class PaymentCommand : PeerCommand()
private object CheckPaymentsTimeout : PaymentCommand()
data class PayToOpenResponseCommand(val payToOpenResponse: PayToOpenResponse) : PeerCommand()
data class SendPayment(val paymentId: UUID, val amount: MilliSatoshi, val recipient: PublicKey, val paymentRequest: PaymentRequest, val trampolineFeesOverride: List? = null) : PaymentCommand() {
val paymentHash: ByteVector32 = paymentRequest.paymentHash
data class PurgeExpiredPayments(val fromCreatedAt: Long, val toCreatedAt: Long) : PaymentCommand()
sealed class PeerEvent
data class PaymentReceived(val incomingPayment: IncomingPayment, val received: IncomingPayment.Received) : PeerEvent()
data class PaymentProgress(val request: SendPayment, val fees: MilliSatoshi) : PeerEvent()
data class PaymentNotSent(val request: SendPayment, val reason: OutgoingPaymentFailure) : PeerEvent()
data class PaymentSent(val request: SendPayment, val payment: LightningOutgoingPayment) : PeerEvent()
data class ChannelClosing(val channelId: ByteVector32) : PeerEvent()
* Useful to handle transparent migration on Phoenix Android between eclair-core and lightning-kmp.
data class PhoenixAndroidLegacyInfoEvent(val info: PhoenixAndroidLegacyInfo) : PeerEvent()
* The peer we establish a connection to. This object contains the TCP socket, a flow of the channels with that peer, and watches
* the events on those channels and processes the relevant actions. The dialogue with the peer is done in coroutines.
* @param nodeParams Low level, Lightning related parameters that our node will use in relation to this Peer.
* @param walletParams High level parameters for our node. It especially contains the Peer's [NodeUri].
* @param watcher Watches events from the Electrum client and publishes transactions and events.
* @param db Wraps the various databases persisting the channels and payments data related to the Peer.
* @param socketBuilder Builds the TCP socket used to connect to the Peer.
* @param trustedSwapInTxs a set of txids that can be used for swap-in even if they are zeroconf (useful when migrating from the legacy phoenix android app).
* @param initTlvStream Optional stream of TLV for the [Init] message we send to this Peer after connection. Empty by default.
class Peer(
val nodeParams: NodeParams,
val walletParams: WalletParams,
val watcher: ElectrumWatcher,
val db: Databases,
socketBuilder: TcpSocket.Builder?,
scope: CoroutineScope,
private val trustedSwapInTxs: Set = emptySet(),
private val initTlvStream: TlvStream = TlvStream.empty()
) : CoroutineScope by scope {
companion object {
private const val prefix: Byte = 0x00
private val prologue = "lightning".encodeToByteArray()
var socketBuilder: TcpSocket.Builder? = socketBuilder
set(value) {
logger.debug { "swap socket builder=$value" }
field = value
val remoteNodeId: PublicKey =
// We use unlimited buffers, otherwise we may end up in a deadlock since we're both
// receiving *and* sending to those channels in the same coroutine.
private val input = Channel(UNLIMITED)
private val swapInCommands = Channel(UNLIMITED)
private val logger = MDCLogger(nodeParams.loggerFactory.newLogger(this::class), staticMdc = mapOf("remoteNodeId" to remoteNodeId))
// The channels map, as initially loaded from the database at "boot" (on Peer.init).
// As the channelsFlow is unavailable until the electrum connection is up-and-running,
// this may provide useful information for the UI.
private val _bootChannelsFlow = MutableStateFlow?>(null)
val bootChannelsFlow: StateFlow?> get() = _bootChannelsFlow
// channels map, indexed by channel id
// note that a channel starts with a temporary id then switches to its final id once accepted
private val _channelsFlow = MutableStateFlow>(HashMap())
val channelsFlow: StateFlow> get() = _channelsFlow
private var _channels by _channelsFlow
val channels: Map get() = _channelsFlow.value
// pending requests asking our peer to open a channel to us
private var channelRequests: Map = HashMap()
private val _connectionState = MutableStateFlow(Connection.CLOSED(null))
val connectionState: StateFlow get() = _connectionState
private val _eventsFlow = MutableSharedFlow(replay = 0, extraBufferCapacity = 64, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND)
val eventsFlow: SharedFlow get() = _eventsFlow.asSharedFlow()
// encapsulates logic for validating incoming payments
private val incomingPaymentHandler = IncomingPaymentHandler(nodeParams, db.payments)
// encapsulates logic for sending payments
private val outgoingPaymentHandler = OutgoingPaymentHandler(nodeParams, walletParams, db.payments)
private val features = nodeParams.features
private val ourInit = Init(features.initFeatures(), initTlvStream)
private var theirInit: Init? = null
val currentTipFlow = MutableStateFlow?>(null)
val onChainFeeratesFlow = MutableStateFlow(null)
val swapInFeeratesFlow = MutableStateFlow(null)
private val _channelLogger = nodeParams.loggerFactory.newLogger(ChannelState::class)
private suspend fun ChannelState.process(cmd: ChannelCommand): Pair> {
val state = this
val ctx = ChannelContext(
StaticParams(nodeParams, remoteNodeId),
logger = MDCLogger(
logger = _channelLogger,
staticMdc = mapOf("remoteNodeId" to remoteNodeId) + state.mdc()
return { ctx.process(cmd) }
.also { (state1, _) ->
if (state1::class != state::class) { { "${state.stateName} -> ${state1.stateName}" }
val finalWallet = ElectrumMiniWallet(nodeParams.chainHash, watcher.client, scope, nodeParams.loggerFactory, name = "final")
val finalAddress: String = nodeParams.keyManager.finalOnChainWallet.address(addressIndex = 0L).also { finalWallet.addAddress(it) }
val swapInWallet = ElectrumMiniWallet(nodeParams.chainHash, watcher.client, scope, nodeParams.loggerFactory, name = "swap-in")
val swapInAddress: String = nodeParams.keyManager.swapInOnChainWallet.address.also { swapInWallet.addAddress(it) }
private var swapInJob: Job? = null
init { { "initializing peer" }
launch {
.collect { msg ->
currentTipFlow.value = msg.blockHeight to msg.header
launch {
watcher.client.connectionStatus.filter { it is ElectrumConnectionStatus.Connected }.collect {
// onchain fees are retrieved punctually, when electrum status moves to Connection.ESTABLISHED
// since the application is not running most of the time, and when it is, it will be only for a few minutes, this is good enough.
// (for a node that is online most of the time things would be different and we would need to re-evaluate onchain fee estimates on a regular basis)
launch {
watcher.openWatchNotificationsFlow().collect {
logger.debug { "notification: $it" }
input.send(WrappedChannelCommand(it.channelId, ChannelCommand.WatchReceived(it)))
launch {
.distinctUntilChangedBy { it.totalBalance }
.collect { wallet -> { "${wallet.totalBalance} available on final wallet with ${wallet.utxos.size} utxos" }
launch {
// we don't restore closed channels
val bootChannels = db.channels.listLocalChannels().filterNot { it is Closed }
_bootChannelsFlow.value = bootChannels.associateBy { it.channelId }
val channelIds = { { "restoring channel ${it.channelId} from local storage" }
val state = WaitForInit
val (state1, actions) = state.process(ChannelCommand.Init.Restore(it))
processActions(it.channelId, peerConnection, actions)
_channels = _channels + (it.channelId to state1)
} { "restored ${channelIds.size} channels" }
launch {
// the swap-in manager executes commands, but will not do anything until startWatchSwapInWallet() is called
val swapInManager = SwapInManager(bootChannels, logger)
launch {
// If we have some htlcs that have timed out, we may need to close channels to ensure we don't lose funds.
// But maybe we were offline for too long and it is why our peer couldn't settle these htlcs in time.
// We give them a bit of time after we reconnect to send us their latest htlc updates.
delay(timeMillis = nodeParams.checkHtlcTimeoutAfterStartupDelaySeconds.toLong() * 1000) { "checking for timed out htlcs for channels: ${channelIds.joinToString(", ")}" }
channelIds.forEach { input.send(WrappedChannelCommand(it, ChannelCommand.Commitment.CheckHtlcTimeout)) }
launch {
var previousState = connectionState.value
connectionState.filter { it != previousState }.collect { { "connection state changed: ${it::class.simpleName}" }
previousState = it
private suspend fun updateEstimateFees() {
watcher.client.connectionStatus.filter { it is ElectrumConnectionStatus.Connected }.first()
val sortedFees = listOf(
) { "on-chain fees: $sortedFees" }
// TODO: If some feerates are null, we may implement a retry
onChainFeeratesFlow.value = OnChainFeerates(
fundingFeerate = sortedFees[3] ?: FeeratePerKw(FeeratePerByte(2.sat)),
mutualCloseFeerate = sortedFees[2] ?: FeeratePerKw(FeeratePerByte(10.sat)),
claimMainFeerate = sortedFees[1] ?: FeeratePerKw(FeeratePerByte(20.sat)),
fastFeerate = sortedFees[0] ?: FeeratePerKw(FeeratePerByte(50.sat))
fun connect() {
if (connectionState.value is Connection.CLOSED) {
_connectionState.value = Connection.ESTABLISHING
} else {
logger.warning { "Peer is already connecting / connected" }
fun disconnect() {
if (this::socket.isInitialized) socket.close()
_connectionState.value = Connection.CLOSED(null)
// Warning : lateinit vars have to be used AFTER their init to avoid any crashes
// This shouldn't be used outside the establishConnection() function
// Except from the disconnect() one that check if the lateinit var has been initialized
private lateinit var socket: TcpSocket
private fun establishConnection() = launch {
// Clean up previous connection state: we do this here to ensure that it is handled before the Connected event for the new connection.
// That means we're not sending this event if we don't reconnect. It's ok, since that has the same effect as not detecting a disconnection and closing the app.
val connectionId = currentTimestampMillis()
val logger = MDCLogger(nodeParams.loggerFactory.newLogger(this::class), staticMdc = mapOf("remoteNodeId" to remoteNodeId, "connectionId" to connectionId)) { "connecting to ${}" }
socket = try {
host =,
port = walletParams.trampolineNode.port,
tls = TcpSocket.TLS.DISABLED,
loggerFactory = nodeParams.loggerFactory
) ?: error("socket builder is null.")
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
logger.warning(ex) { "TCP connect: ${ex.message}: " }
val ioException = when (ex) {
is TcpSocket.IOException -> ex
else -> TcpSocket.IOException.ConnectionRefused(ex)
_connectionState.value = Connection.CLOSED(ioException)
fun closeSocket(ex: TcpSocket.IOException?) {
if (_connectionState.value is Connection.CLOSED) return
logger.warning(ex) { "closing TCP socket: " }
_connectionState.value = Connection.CLOSED(ex)
val priv = nodeParams.nodePrivateKey
val pub = priv.publicKey()
val keyPair = Pair(pub.value.toByteArray(), priv.value.toByteArray())
val (enc, dec, ck) = try {
{ s -> socket.receiveFully(s) },
{ b -> socket.send(b) }
} catch (ex: TcpSocket.IOException) {
logger.warning { "TCP handshake: ${ex.message}" }
val session = LightningSession(enc, dec, ck)
// TODO use atomic counter instead
val peerConnection = PeerConnection(connectionId, Channel(UNLIMITED), logger)
// Inform the peer about the new connection.
suspend fun doPing() {
val ping = Ping(10, ByteVector("deadbeef"))
while (isActive) {
suspend fun checkPaymentsTimeout() {
while (isActive) {
delay(10.seconds) // we schedule a check every 10 seconds
suspend fun receiveLoop() {
try {
while (isActive) {
val received = session.receive { size -> socket.receiveFully(size) }
try {
val msg = LightningMessage.decode(received)
input.send(MessageReceived(, msg))
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logger.warning { "cannot deserialize message: ${received.byteVector().toHex()}" }
} catch (ex: TcpSocket.IOException) {
logger.warning { "TCP receive: ${ex.message}" }
} finally {
suspend fun sendLoop() {
try {
for (msg in peerConnection.output) {
// Avoids polluting the logs with pings/pongs
if (msg !is Ping && msg !is Pong) { "sending $msg" }
val encoded = LightningMessage.encode(msg)
session.send(encoded) { data, flush -> socket.send(data, flush) }
} catch (ex: TcpSocket.IOException) {
logger.warning { "TCP send: ${ex.message}" }
} finally {
launch { doPing() }
launch { checkPaymentsTimeout() }
launch { sendLoop() }
receiveLoop() // This suspends until the coroutines is cancelled or the socket is closed
* This function needs to be called after [Peer] is initialized, to start watching the swap-in wallet
* and trigger swap-ins.
* Warning: not thread-safe!
suspend fun startWatchSwapInWallet() { { "starting swap-in watch job" }
if (swapInJob != null) return
// wait to have a swap-in feerate available { "waiting for feerates" }
swapInFeeratesFlow.filterNotNull().first() { "waiting for peer to be ready" }
swapInJob = launch {
swapInWallet.walletStateFlow.combine(currentTipFlow.filterNotNull()) { walletState, currentTip -> currentTip.first to walletState }
.filter { (_, walletState) -> walletState.consistent }
.collect { (currentBlockHeight, walletState) ->
// Local mutual close txs from pre-splice channels can be used as zero-conf inputs for swap-in to facilitate migration
val mutualCloseTxs = channels.values
.filterNot { it.commitments.params.channelFeatures.hasFeature(Feature.DualFunding) }
.flatMap { state -> { closingTx -> closingTx.tx.txid } }
val trustedTxs = trustedSwapInTxs + mutualCloseTxs
swapInCommands.send(SwapInCommand.TrySwapIn(currentBlockHeight, walletState, walletParams.swapInParams, trustedTxs))
suspend fun stopWatchSwapInWallet() { { "stopping swap-in watch job" }
swapInJob = null
private suspend fun processSwapInCommands(swapInManager: SwapInManager) {
for (command in swapInCommands) {
swapInManager.process(command)?.let { requestChannelOpen -> input.send(requestChannelOpen) }
suspend fun send(cmd: PeerCommand) {
* This function blocks until the peer is connected and existing channels have been fully reestablished.
private suspend fun waitForPeerReady() {
// In theory we would only need to verify that no channel is in state Offline/Syncing, but there is a corner
// case where a channel permanently stays in Syncing, because it is only present locally, and the peer will
// never send a channel_reestablish (this happens e.g. due to an error at funding). That is why we consider
// the peer ready if "all channels are synced" OR "peer has been connected for 10s".
connectionState.first { it is Connection.ESTABLISHED }
val result = withTimeoutOrNull(10.seconds) {
channelsFlow.first { it.values.all { channel -> channel !is Offline && channel !is Syncing } }
if (result == null) { { "peer ready timeout elapsed, not all channels are synced but proceeding anyway" }
* Estimate the actual feerate to use (and corresponding fee to pay) in order to reach the target feerate
* for a splice out, taking into account potential unconfirmed parent splices.
suspend fun estimateFeeForSpliceOut(amount: Satoshi, scriptPubKey: ByteVector, targetFeerate: FeeratePerKw): Pair? {
return channels.values
.firstOrNull { it.commitments.availableBalanceForSend() > amount }
?.let { channel ->
val weight = FundingContributions.computeWeightPaid(isInitiator = true, commitment =, walletInputs = emptyList(), localOutputs = listOf(TxOut(amount, scriptPubKey)))
watcher.client.computeSpliceCpfpFeerate(channel.commitments, targetFeerate, spliceWeight = weight, logger)
* Estimate the actual feerate to use (and corresponding fee to pay) in order to reach the target feerate
* for a cpfp splice.
* @return The adjusted feerate to use in [spliceCpfp], such that the whole transaction chain has a feerate equivalent
* to [targetFeerate].
* NB: if the output feerate is equal to the input feerate then the cpfp is useless and
* should not be attempted.
suspend fun estimateFeeForSpliceCpfp(channelId: ByteVector32, targetFeerate: FeeratePerKw): Pair? {
return channels.values
.find { it.channelId == channelId }
?.let { channel ->
val weight = FundingContributions.computeWeightPaid(isInitiator = true, commitment =, walletInputs = emptyList(), localOutputs = emptyList())
watcher.client.computeSpliceCpfpFeerate(channel.commitments, targetFeerate, spliceWeight = weight, logger)
* Do a splice out using any suitable channel
* @return [ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Response] if a splice was attempted, or {null} if no suitable
* channel was found
suspend fun spliceOut(amount: Satoshi, scriptPubKey: ByteVector, feerate: FeeratePerKw): ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Response? {
return channels.values
.firstOrNull { it.commitments.availableBalanceForSend() > amount }
?.let { channel ->
val spliceCommand = ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Request(
replyTo = CompletableDeferred(),
spliceIn = null,
spliceOut = ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Request.SpliceOut(amount, scriptPubKey),
feerate = feerate
send(WrappedChannelCommand(channel.channelId, spliceCommand))
suspend fun spliceCpfp(channelId: ByteVector32, feerate: FeeratePerKw): ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Response? {
return channels.values
.find { it.channelId == channelId }
?.let { channel ->
val spliceCommand = ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Request(
replyTo = CompletableDeferred(),
// no additional inputs or outputs, the splice is only meant to bump fees
spliceIn = null,
spliceOut = null,
feerate = feerate
send(WrappedChannelCommand(channel.channelId, spliceCommand))
suspend fun createInvoice(paymentPreimage: ByteVector32, amount: MilliSatoshi?, description: Either, expirySeconds: Long? = null): PaymentRequest {
// we add one extra hop which uses a virtual channel with a "peer id", using the highest remote fees and expiry across all
// channels to maximize the likelihood of success on the first payment attempt
val remoteChannelUpdates = _channels.values.mapNotNull { channelState ->
when (channelState) {
is Normal -> channelState.remoteChannelUpdate
is Offline -> (channelState.state as? Normal)?.remoteChannelUpdate
is Syncing -> (channelState.state as? Normal)?.remoteChannelUpdate
else -> null
val extraHops = listOf(
nodeId =,
shortChannelId = ShortChannelId.peerId(nodeParams.nodeId),
feeBase = remoteChannelUpdates.maxOfOrNull { it.feeBaseMsat } ?: walletParams.invoiceDefaultRoutingFees.feeBase,
feeProportionalMillionths = remoteChannelUpdates.maxOfOrNull { it.feeProportionalMillionths } ?: walletParams.invoiceDefaultRoutingFees.feeProportional,
cltvExpiryDelta = remoteChannelUpdates.maxOfOrNull { it.cltvExpiryDelta } ?: walletParams.invoiceDefaultRoutingFees.cltvExpiryDelta
return incomingPaymentHandler.createInvoice(paymentPreimage, amount, description, extraHops, expirySeconds)
// The (node_id, fcm_token) tuple only needs to be registered once.
// And after that, only if the tuple changes (e.g. different fcm_token).
fun registerFcmToken(token: String?) {
val message = if (token == null) UnsetFCMToken else FCMToken(token)
private suspend fun processActions(channelId: ByteVector32, peerConnection: PeerConnection?, actions: List) {
// we peek into the actions to see if the id of the channel is going to change, but we're not processing it yet
val actualChannelId = actions.filterIsInstance().firstOrNull()?.channelId ?: channelId
logger.withMDC(mapOf("channelId" to actualChannelId)) { logger ->
actions.forEach { action ->
when (action) {
is ChannelAction.Message.Send -> peerConnection?.send(action.message) // ignore if disconnected
// sometimes channel actions include "self" command (such as ChannelCommand.Commitment.Sign)
is ChannelAction.Message.SendToSelf -> input.send(WrappedChannelCommand(actualChannelId, action.command))
is ChannelAction.Blockchain.SendWatch ->
is ChannelAction.Blockchain.PublishTx -> watcher.publish(action.tx)
is ChannelAction.ProcessIncomingHtlc -> processIncomingPayment(Either.Right(action.add))
is ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.NotExecuted -> logger.warning(action.t) { "command not executed" }
is ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.AddFailed -> {
when (val result = outgoingPaymentHandler.processAddFailed(actualChannelId, action, _channels)) {
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Progress -> {
_eventsFlow.emit(PaymentProgress(result.request, result.fees))
result.actions.forEach { input.send(it) }
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Failure -> _eventsFlow.emit(PaymentNotSent(result.request, result.failure))
null -> logger.debug { "non-final error, more partial payments are still pending: ${action.error.message}" }
is ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.AddSettledFail -> {
val currentTip = currentTipFlow.filterNotNull().first()
when (val result = outgoingPaymentHandler.processAddSettled(actualChannelId, action, _channels, currentTip.first)) {
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Progress -> {
_eventsFlow.emit(PaymentProgress(result.request, result.fees))
result.actions.forEach { input.send(it) }
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Success -> _eventsFlow.emit(PaymentSent(result.request, result.payment))
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Failure -> _eventsFlow.emit(PaymentNotSent(result.request, result.failure))
null -> logger.debug { "non-final error, more partial payments are still pending: ${action.result}" }
is ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.AddSettledFulfill -> {
when (val result = outgoingPaymentHandler.processAddSettled(action)) {
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Success -> _eventsFlow.emit(PaymentSent(result.request, result.payment))
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.PreimageReceived -> logger.debug(mapOf("paymentId" to result.request.paymentId)) { "payment preimage received: ${result.preimage}" }
null -> logger.debug { "unknown payment" }
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreState -> { { "storing state=${}" }
is ChannelAction.Storage.RemoveChannel -> { { "removing channelId=${} state=${}" }
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreHtlcInfos -> {
action.htlcs.forEach { db.channels.addHtlcInfo(actualChannelId, it.commitmentNumber, it.paymentHash, it.cltvExpiry) }
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreIncomingPayment -> { { "storing incoming payment $action" }
incomingPaymentHandler.process(actualChannelId, action)
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreOutgoingPayment -> { { "storing $action" }
when (action) {
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreOutgoingPayment.ViaSpliceOut ->
id = UUID.randomUUID(),
recipientAmount = action.amount,
address = action.address,
miningFees = action.miningFees,
channelId = channelId,
txId = action.txId,
createdAt = currentTimestampMillis(),
confirmedAt = null,
lockedAt = null
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreOutgoingPayment.ViaSpliceCpfp ->
id = UUID.randomUUID(),
miningFees = action.miningFees,
channelId = channelId,
txId = action.txId,
createdAt = currentTimestampMillis(),
confirmedAt = null,
lockedAt = null
is ChannelAction.Storage.StoreOutgoingPayment.ViaClose ->
id = UUID.randomUUID(),
recipientAmount = action.amount,
address = action.address,
isSentToDefaultAddress = action.isSentToDefaultAddress,
miningFees = action.miningFees,
channelId = channelId,
txId = action.txId,
createdAt = currentTimestampMillis(),
confirmedAt = null,
lockedAt = currentTimestampMillis(), // channel close are not splices, they are final
closingType = action.closingType
is ChannelAction.Storage.SetLocked -> { { "setting status locked for txid=${action.txId}" }
is ChannelAction.Storage.GetHtlcInfos -> {
val htlcInfos = db.channels.listHtlcInfos(actualChannelId, action.commitmentNumber).map { ChannelAction.Storage.HtlcInfo(actualChannelId, action.commitmentNumber, it.first, it.second) }
input.send(WrappedChannelCommand(actualChannelId, ChannelCommand.Closing.GetHtlcInfosResponse(action.revokedCommitTxId, htlcInfos)))
is ChannelAction.ChannelId.IdAssigned -> { { "switching channel id from ${action.temporaryChannelId} to ${action.channelId}" }
_channels[action.temporaryChannelId]?.let { _channels = _channels + (action.channelId to it) - action.temporaryChannelId }
is ChannelAction.EmitEvent -> nodeParams._nodeEvents.emit(action.event)
private suspend fun processIncomingPayment(item: Either) {
val currentBlockHeight = currentTipFlow.filterNotNull().first().first
val result = when (item) {
is Either.Right -> incomingPaymentHandler.process(item.value, currentBlockHeight)
is Either.Left -> incomingPaymentHandler.process(item.value, currentBlockHeight)
when (result) {
is IncomingPaymentHandler.ProcessAddResult.Accepted -> _eventsFlow.emit(PaymentReceived(result.incomingPayment, result.received))
else -> Unit
result.actions.forEach { input.send(it) }
private suspend fun handshake(
ourKeys: Pair,
theirPubkey: ByteArray,
r: suspend (Int) -> ByteArray,
w: suspend (ByteArray) -> Unit
): Triple {
* See BOLT #8: during the handshake phase we are expecting 3 messages of 50, 50 and 66 bytes (including the prefix)
* @param reader handshake state reader
* @return the size of the message the reader is expecting
fun expectedLength(reader: HandshakeStateReader): Int = when (reader.messages.size) {
3, 2 -> 50
1 -> 66
else -> throw RuntimeException("invalid state")
val writer = HandshakeState.initializeWriter(
handshakePatternXK, prologue,
ourKeys, Pair(ByteArray(0), ByteArray(0)), theirPubkey, ByteArray(0),
Secp256k1DHFunctions, Chacha20Poly1305CipherFunctions, SHA256HashFunctions
val (state1, message, _) = writer.write(ByteArray(0))
w(byteArrayOf(prefix) + message)
val payload = r(expectedLength(state1))
require(payload[0] == prefix)
val (writer1, _, _) =
val (_, message1, foo) = writer1.write(ByteArray(0))
val (enc, dec, ck) = foo!!
w(byteArrayOf(prefix) + message1)
return Triple(enc, dec, ck)
private suspend fun run() { { "peer is active" }
for (event in input) {
logger.withMDC(logger.staticMdc + (peerConnection?.logger?.staticMdc ?: emptyMap()) + ((event as? MessageReceived)?.msg?.mdc() ?: emptyMap())) { logger ->
processEvent(event, logger)
// MUST ONLY BE SET BY processEvent()
private var peerConnection: PeerConnection? = null
private suspend fun processEvent(cmd: PeerCommand, logger: MDCLogger) {
when (cmd) {
is Connected -> { { "new connection with id=${}, sending init $ourInit" }
peerConnection = cmd.peerConnection
is MessageReceived -> {
if (cmd.connectionId != peerConnection?.id) {
logger.warning { "ignoring ${cmd.msg} for connectionId=${cmd.connectionId}" }
val msg = cmd.msg
msg.let { if (it !is Ping && it !is Pong) { "received $it" } }
when (msg) {
is UnknownMessage -> {
logger.warning { "unhandled code=${msg.type}" }
is Init -> { { "peer is using features ${msg.features}" }
when (val error = Features.validateFeatureGraph(msg.features)) {
is Features.Companion.FeatureException -> {
logger.error(error) { "feature validation error" }
// TODO: disconnect peer
else -> {
theirInit = msg
_connectionState.value = Connection.ESTABLISHED
_channels = _channels.mapValues { entry ->
val (state1, actions) = entry.value.process(ChannelCommand.Connected(ourInit, theirInit!!))
processActions(entry.key, peerConnection, actions)
is Ping -> {
val pong = Pong(ByteVector(ByteArray(msg.pongLength)))
is Pong -> {
logger.debug { "received pong" }
is Warning -> {
// NB: we don't forward warnings to the channel because it shouldn't take any automatic action,
// these warnings are meant for humans.
logger.warning { "peer sent warning: ${msg.toAscii()}" }
is OpenDualFundedChannel -> {
if (theirInit == null) {
logger.error { "they sent open_channel before init" }
} else if (_channels.containsKey(msg.temporaryChannelId)) {
logger.warning { "ignoring open_channel with duplicate temporaryChannelId=${msg.temporaryChannelId}" }
} else {
val (walletInputs, fundingAmount, pushAmount) = when (val origin = msg.origin) {
is Origin.PleaseOpenChannelOrigin -> when (val request = channelRequests[origin.requestId]) {
is RequestChannelOpen -> {
val totalFee = origin.serviceFee + origin.miningFee.toMilliSatoshi() - msg.pushAmount
nodeParams.liquidityPolicy.value.maybeReject(request.walletInputs.balance.toMilliSatoshi(), totalFee, LiquidityEvents.Source.OnChainWallet, logger)?.let { rejected -> { "rejecting open_channel2: reason=${rejected.reason}" }
swapInCommands.send(SwapInCommand.UnlockWalletInputs( { it.outPoint }.toSet()))
peerConnection?.send(Error(msg.temporaryChannelId, "cancelling open due to local liquidity policy"))
val fundingFee = Transactions.weight2fee(msg.fundingFeerate, request.walletInputs.size * Transactions.swapInputWeight)
// We have to pay the fees for our inputs, so we deduce them from our funding amount.
val fundingAmount = request.walletInputs.balance - fundingFee
// We pay the other fees by pushing the corresponding amount
val pushAmount = origin.serviceFee + origin.miningFee.toMilliSatoshi() - fundingFee.toMilliSatoshi()
nodeParams._nodeEvents.emit(SwapInEvents.Accepted(request.requestId, serviceFee = origin.serviceFee, miningFee = origin.miningFee))
Triple(request.walletInputs, fundingAmount, pushAmount)
else -> {
logger.warning { "n:$remoteNodeId c:${msg.temporaryChannelId} rejecting open_channel2: cannot find channel request with requestId=${origin.requestId}" }
peerConnection?.send(Error(msg.temporaryChannelId, "no corresponding channel request"))
else -> Triple(listOf(), 0.sat, 0.msat)
if (fundingAmount.toMilliSatoshi() < pushAmount) {
logger.warning { "rejecting open_channel2 with invalid funding and push amounts ($fundingAmount < $pushAmount)" }
peerConnection?.send(Error(msg.temporaryChannelId, InvalidPushAmount(msg.temporaryChannelId, pushAmount, fundingAmount.toMilliSatoshi()).message))
} else {
val localParams = LocalParams(nodeParams, isInitiator = false)
val state = WaitForInit
val channelConfig = ChannelConfig.standard
val (state1, actions1) = state.process(ChannelCommand.Init.NonInitiator(msg.temporaryChannelId, fundingAmount, pushAmount, walletInputs, localParams, channelConfig, theirInit!!))
val (state2, actions2) = state1.process(ChannelCommand.MessageReceived(msg))
_channels = _channels + (msg.temporaryChannelId to state2)
when (val origin = msg.origin) {
is Origin.PleaseOpenChannelOrigin -> channelRequests = channelRequests - origin.requestId
else -> Unit
processActions(msg.temporaryChannelId, peerConnection, actions1 + actions2)
is ChannelReestablish -> {
val local: ChannelState? = _channels[msg.channelId]
val backup: DeserializationResult? = msg.channelData.takeIf { !it.isEmpty() }?.let { channelData ->
.from(nodeParams.nodePrivateKey, channelData)
.onFailure { logger.warning(it) { "unreadable backup" } }
suspend fun recoverChannel(recovered: PersistedChannelState) {
val state = WaitForInit
val event1 = ChannelCommand.Init.Restore(recovered)
val (state1, actions1) = state.process(event1)
processActions(msg.channelId, peerConnection, actions1)
val event2 = ChannelCommand.Connected(ourInit, theirInit!!)
val (state2, actions2) = state1.process(event2)
processActions(msg.channelId, peerConnection, actions2)
val event3 = ChannelCommand.MessageReceived(msg)
val (state3, actions3) = state2.process(event3)
processActions(msg.channelId, peerConnection, actions3)
_channels = _channels + (msg.channelId to state3)
when {
backup is DeserializationResult.UnknownVersion -> {
logger.warning { "peer sent a reestablish with a backup generated by a more recent of phoenix: version=${backup.version}." }
// In this corner case, we do not want to return an error to the peer, because they will force-close and we will be unable to
// do anything as we can't read the data. Best thing is to not answer, and tell the user to upgrade the app.
logger.error { "need to upgrade your app!" }
local == null && backup == null -> {
logger.warning { "peer sent a reestablish for a unknown channel with no or undecipherable backup" }
peerConnection?.send(Error(msg.channelId, "unknown channel"))
local == null && backup is DeserializationResult.Success -> {
logger.warning { "recovering channel from peer backup" }
local is Syncing && local.state is ChannelStateWithCommitments && backup is DeserializationResult.Success && backup.state is ChannelStateWithCommitments && backup.state.commitments.isMoreRecent(local.state.commitments) -> {
logger.warning { "recovering channel from peer backup (it is more recent)" }
local is ChannelState -> {
val (state1, actions1) = local.process(ChannelCommand.MessageReceived(msg))
processActions(msg.channelId, peerConnection, actions1)
_channels = _channels + (msg.channelId to state1)
is HasTemporaryChannelId -> {
_channels[msg.temporaryChannelId]?.let { state -> { "received ${msg::class.simpleName} for temporary channel ${msg.temporaryChannelId}" }
val event1 = ChannelCommand.MessageReceived(msg)
val (state1, actions) = state.process(event1)
_channels = _channels + (msg.temporaryChannelId to state1)
processActions(msg.temporaryChannelId, peerConnection, actions)
} ?: run {
logger.error { "received ${msg::class.simpleName} for unknown temporary channel ${msg.temporaryChannelId}" }
peerConnection?.send(Error(msg.temporaryChannelId, "unknown channel"))
is HasChannelId -> {
if (msg is Error && msg.channelId == ByteVector32.Zeroes) {
logger.error { "connection error: ${msg.toAscii()}" }
} else {
_channels[msg.channelId]?.let { state ->
val event1 = ChannelCommand.MessageReceived(msg)
val (state1, actions) = state.process(event1)
processActions(msg.channelId, peerConnection, actions)
_channels = _channels + (msg.channelId to state1)
} ?: run {
logger.error { "received ${msg::class.simpleName} for unknown channel ${msg.channelId}" }
peerConnection?.send(Error(msg.channelId, "unknown channel"))
is ChannelUpdate -> {
_channels.values.filterIsInstance().find { it.shortChannelId == msg.shortChannelId }?.let { state ->
val event1 = ChannelCommand.MessageReceived(msg)
val (state1, actions) = state.process(event1)
processActions(state.channelId, peerConnection, actions)
_channels = _channels + (state.channelId to state1)
is PayToOpenRequest -> { { "received ${msg::class.simpleName}" }
// If a channel is currently being created, it can't process splices yet. We could accept this payment, but
// it wouldn't be reflected in the user balance until the channel is ready, because we only insert
// the payment in db when we will process the corresponding splice and see the pay-to-open origin. This
// can take a long time depending on the confirmation speed. It is better and simpler to reject the incoming
// payment rather that having the user wonder where their money went.
val channelInitializing = _channels.isNotEmpty()
&& !_channels.values.any { it is Normal } // we don't have a channel that can be spliced
&& _channels.values.any { it is WaitForFundingSigned || it is WaitForFundingConfirmed || it is WaitForChannelReady } // but we will have one soon
if (channelInitializing) {
val rejected = LiquidityEvents.Rejected(msg.amountMsat, msg.payToOpenFeeSatoshis.toMilliSatoshi(), LiquidityEvents.Source.OffChainPayment, LiquidityEvents.Rejected.Reason.ChannelInitializing) { "rejecting pay-to-open: reason=${rejected.reason}" }
val action = IncomingPaymentHandler.actionForPayToOpenFailure(nodeParams.nodePrivateKey, TemporaryNodeFailure, msg)
} else {
is PhoenixAndroidLegacyInfo -> { { "received ${msg::class.simpleName} hasChannels=${msg.hasChannels}" }
is OnionMessage -> { { "received ${msg::class.simpleName}" }
// TODO: process onion message
is WatchReceived -> {
if (!_channels.containsKey( {
logger.error { "received watch event ${} for unknown channel ${}}" }
} else {
val state = _channels[] ?: error("channel ${} not found")
val event1 = ChannelCommand.WatchReceived(
val (state1, actions) = state.process(event1)
processActions(, peerConnection, actions)
_channels = _channels + ( to state1)
is RequestChannelOpen -> {
when (val channel = channels.values.firstOrNull { it is Normal }) {
is Normal -> {
// we have a channel and we are connected (otherwise state would be Offline/Syncing)
val targetFeerate = swapInFeeratesFlow.filterNotNull().first()
val weight = FundingContributions.computeWeightPaid(isInitiator = true, commitment =, walletInputs = cmd.walletInputs, localOutputs = emptyList())
val (feerate, fee) = watcher.client.computeSpliceCpfpFeerate(channel.commitments, targetFeerate, spliceWeight = weight, logger) { "requesting splice-in using balance=${cmd.walletInputs.balance} feerate=$feerate fee=$fee" }
nodeParams.liquidityPolicy.value.maybeReject(cmd.walletInputs.balance.toMilliSatoshi(), fee.toMilliSatoshi(), LiquidityEvents.Source.OnChainWallet, logger)?.let { rejected -> { "rejecting splice: reason=${rejected.reason}" }
swapInCommands.send(SwapInCommand.UnlockWalletInputs( { it.outPoint }.toSet()))
val spliceCommand = ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Request(
replyTo = CompletableDeferred(),
spliceIn = ChannelCommand.Commitment.Splice.Request.SpliceIn(cmd.walletInputs),
spliceOut = null,
feerate = feerate
input.send(WrappedChannelCommand(channel.channelId, spliceCommand))
else -> {
if (channels.values.all { it is ShuttingDown || it is Negotiating || it is Closing || it is Closed || it is Aborted }) {
// Either there are no channels, or they will never be suitable for a splice-in: we request a new channel.
// Grandparents are supplied as a proof of migration
val grandParents = { utxo -> { txIn -> txIn.outPoint } }.flatten()
val pleaseOpenChannel = PleaseOpenChannel(
cmd.walletInputs.size * Transactions.swapInputWeight,
) { "sending please_open_channel with ${cmd.walletInputs.size} utxos (amount = ${cmd.walletInputs.balance})" }
channelRequests = channelRequests + (pleaseOpenChannel.requestId to cmd)
} else {
// There are existing channels but not immediately usable (e.g. creating, disconnected), we don't do anything yet { "ignoring channel request, existing channels are not ready for splice-in: ${ { it::class.simpleName }}" }
is OpenChannel -> {
val localParams = LocalParams(nodeParams, isInitiator = true)
val state = WaitForInit
val (state1, actions1) = state.process(
val msg = actions1.filterIsInstance().map { it.message }.filterIsInstance().first()
_channels = _channels + (msg.temporaryChannelId to state1)
processActions(msg.temporaryChannelId, peerConnection, actions1)
is PayToOpenResponseCommand -> { { "sending ${cmd.payToOpenResponse::class.simpleName}" }
is SendPayment -> {
val currentTip = currentTipFlow.filterNotNull().first()
when (val result = outgoingPaymentHandler.sendPayment(cmd, _channels, currentTip.first)) {
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Progress -> {
_eventsFlow.emit(PaymentProgress(result.request, result.fees))
result.actions.forEach { input.send(it) }
is OutgoingPaymentHandler.Failure -> _eventsFlow.emit(PaymentNotSent(result.request, result.failure))
is PurgeExpiredPayments -> {
incomingPaymentHandler.purgeExpiredPayments(cmd.fromCreatedAt, cmd.toCreatedAt)
is CheckPaymentsTimeout -> {
val actions = incomingPaymentHandler.checkPaymentsTimeout(currentTimestampSeconds())
actions.forEach { input.send(it) }
is WrappedChannelCommand -> {
if (cmd.channelId == ByteVector32.Zeroes) {
// this is for all channels
_channels.forEach { (key, value) ->
val (state1, actions) = value.process(cmd.channelCommand)
processActions(key, peerConnection, actions)
_channels = _channels + (key to state1)
} else {
_channels[cmd.channelId]?.let { state ->
val (state1, actions) = state.process(cmd.channelCommand)
processActions(cmd.channelId, peerConnection, actions)
_channels = _channels + (cmd.channelId to state1)
} ?: logger.error { "received ${cmd.channelCommand::class.simpleName} for an unknown channel ${cmd.channelId}" }
is Disconnected -> {
when (peerConnection) {
null -> { "ignoring disconnected event, we're already disconnected" }
else -> {
logger.warning { "disconnecting channels from connectionId=${peerConnection?.id}" }
peerConnection = null
_channels.forEach { (key, value) ->
val (state1, actions) = value.process(ChannelCommand.Disconnected)
_channels = _channels + (key to state1)
processActions(key, peerConnection, actions)