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A Kotlin Multiplatform implementation of the Lightning Network
package fr.acinq.lightning.payment
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.ByteVector32
import fr.acinq.lightning.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.crypto.sphinx.FailurePacket
import fr.acinq.lightning.crypto.sphinx.SharedSecrets
import fr.acinq.lightning.db.HopDesc
import fr.acinq.lightning.db.LightningOutgoingPayment
import fr.acinq.lightning.db.OutgoingPaymentsDb
import fr.acinq.lightning.router.ChannelHop
import fr.acinq.lightning.router.NodeHop
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.wire.*
import org.kodein.log.newLogger
class OutgoingPaymentHandler(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val walletParams: WalletParams, val db: OutgoingPaymentsDb) {
interface SendPaymentResult
interface ProcessFailureResult
interface ProcessFulfillResult
/** A payment attempt has been made: we provide information about the fees we're paying, which may increase as we re-try our payment. */
data class Progress(val request: SendPayment, val fees: MilliSatoshi, val actions: List) : SendPaymentResult, ProcessFailureResult
/** The payment could not be sent. */
data class Failure(val request: SendPayment, val failure: OutgoingPaymentFailure) : SendPaymentResult, ProcessFailureResult
/** The recipient released the preimage, but we are still waiting for some partial payments to settle. */
data class PreimageReceived(val request: SendPayment, val preimage: ByteVector32) : ProcessFulfillResult
/** The payment was successfully made. */
data class Success(val request: SendPayment, val payment: LightningOutgoingPayment, val preimage: ByteVector32) : ProcessFailureResult, ProcessFulfillResult
private val logger = nodeParams.loggerFactory.newLogger(this::class)
private val childToParentId = mutableMapOf()
private val pending = mutableMapOf()
private val routeCalculation = RouteCalculation(nodeParams.loggerFactory)
// NB: this function should only be used in tests.
fun getPendingPayment(parentId: UUID): PaymentAttempt? = pending[parentId]
private fun getPaymentAttempt(childId: UUID): PaymentAttempt? = childToParentId[childId]?.let { pending[it] }
suspend fun sendPayment(request: SendPayment, channels: Map, currentBlockHeight: Int): SendPaymentResult {
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = request.mdc()) { "sending ${request.amount} to ${request.recipient}" }
if (request.amount <= 0.msat) {
logger.warning { "payment amount must be positive (${request.amount})" }
return Failure(request, FinalFailure.InvalidPaymentAmount.toPaymentFailure())
if (!nodeParams.features.areSupported(Features(request.paymentRequest.features).invoiceFeatures())) {
logger.warning { "invoice contains mandatory features that we don't support" }
return Failure(request, FinalFailure.FeaturesNotSupported.toPaymentFailure())
if (pending.containsKey(request.paymentId)) {
logger.error { "contract violation: caller is recycling uuid's" }
return Failure(request, FinalFailure.InvalidPaymentId.toPaymentFailure())
if (db.listLightningOutgoingPayments(request.paymentHash).find { it.status is LightningOutgoingPayment.Status.Completed.Succeeded } != null) {
logger.error { "invoice has already been paid" }
return Failure(request, FinalFailure.AlreadyPaid.toPaymentFailure())
val trampolineFees = request.trampolineFeesOverride ?: walletParams.trampolineFees
val (trampolineAmount, trampolineExpiry, trampolinePacket) = createTrampolinePayload(request, trampolineFees.first(), currentBlockHeight)
return when (val result = routeCalculation.findRoutes(request.paymentId, trampolineAmount, channels)) {
is Either.Left -> {
logger.warning { "payment failed: ${result.value}" }
db.addOutgoingPayment(LightningOutgoingPayment(request.paymentId, request.amount, request.recipient, request.paymentRequest))
val finalFailure = result.value
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(request.paymentId, finalFailure)
Failure(request, finalFailure.toPaymentFailure())
is Either.Right -> {
// We generate a random secret for this payment to avoid leaking the invoice secret to the trampoline node.
val trampolinePaymentSecret = Lightning.randomBytes32()
val trampolinePayload = PaymentAttempt.TrampolinePayload(trampolineAmount, trampolineExpiry, trampolinePaymentSecret, trampolinePacket)
val childPayments = createChildPayments(request, result.value, trampolinePayload)
db.addOutgoingPayment(LightningOutgoingPayment(request.paymentId, request.amount, request.recipient, LightningOutgoingPayment.Details.Normal(request.paymentRequest), { it.first }, LightningOutgoingPayment.Status.Pending))
val payment = PaymentAttempt.PaymentInProgress(request, 0, trampolinePayload, childPayments.associate { to Pair(it.first, it.second) }, setOf(), listOf())
pending[request.paymentId] = payment
Progress(request, payment.fees, { it.third })
private fun createChildPayments(request: SendPayment, routes: List, trampolinePayload: PaymentAttempt.TrampolinePayload): List> {
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = request.mdc())
val childPayments = { createOutgoingPart(request, it, trampolinePayload) }
childToParentId.putAll( { to request.paymentId })
childPayments.forEach {"childPaymentId" to { "sending ${it.first.amount} to channel ${it.third.channelId}" } }
return childPayments
suspend fun processAddFailed(channelId: ByteVector32, event: ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.AddFailed, channels: Map): ProcessFailureResult? {
val add = event.cmd
val payment = getPaymentAttempt(add.paymentId) ?: return processPostRestartFailure(add.paymentId, Either.Left(event.error))
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = mapOf("channelId" to channelId, "childPaymentId" to add.paymentId) + payment.request.mdc())
logger.debug { "could not send HTLC: ${event.error.message}" }
db.completeOutgoingLightningPart(add.paymentId, Either.Left(event.error))
val (updated, result) = when (payment) {
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentInProgress -> {
val ignore = payment.ignore + channelId // we ignore the failing channel in retries
when (val routes = routeCalculation.findRoutes(payment.request.paymentId, add.amount, channels - ignore)) {
is Either.Left -> PaymentAttempt.PaymentAborted(payment.request, routes.value, payment.pending, payment.failures).failChild(add.paymentId, Either.Left(event.error), db, logger)
is Either.Right -> {
val newPayments = createChildPayments(payment.request, routes.value, payment.trampolinePayload)
db.addOutgoingLightningParts(payment.request.paymentId, { it.first })
val updatedPayments = payment.pending - add.paymentId + { to Pair(it.first, it.second) }
val updated = payment.copy(ignore = ignore, failures = payment.failures + Either.Left(event.error), pending = updatedPayments)
val result = Progress(payment.request, updated.fees, { it.third })
Pair(updated, result)
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentAborted -> payment.failChild(add.paymentId, Either.Left(event.error), db, logger)
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentSucceeded -> payment.failChild(add.paymentId, db, logger)
updateGlobalState(add.paymentId, updated)
return result
suspend fun processAddSettled(channelId: ByteVector32, event: ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.AddSettledFail, channels: Map, currentBlockHeight: Int): ProcessFailureResult? {
val payment = getPaymentAttempt(event.paymentId) ?: return processPostRestartFailure(event.paymentId, Either.Right(UnknownFailureMessage(0)))
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = mapOf("channelId" to channelId, "childPaymentId" to event.paymentId) + payment.request.mdc())
val failure: FailureMessage = when (event.result) {
is ChannelAction.HtlcResult.Fail.RemoteFail -> when (val part = payment.pending[event.paymentId]) {
null -> UnknownFailureMessage(0)
else -> when (val decrypted = FailurePacket.decrypt(, part.second)) {
is Try.Failure -> UnknownFailureMessage(1)
is Try.Success -> decrypted.result.failureMessage
else -> UnknownFailureMessage(FailureMessage.BADONION)
logger.debug { "HTLC failed: ${failure.message}" }
db.completeOutgoingLightningPart(event.paymentId, Either.Right(failure))
val (updated, result) = when (payment) {
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentInProgress -> {
val trampolineFees = payment.request.trampolineFeesOverride ?: walletParams.trampolineFees
val finalError = when {
trampolineFees.size <= payment.attemptNumber + 1 -> FinalFailure.RetryExhausted
failure == UnknownNextPeer -> FinalFailure.RecipientUnreachable
failure != TrampolineExpiryTooSoon && failure != TrampolineFeeInsufficient -> FinalFailure.UnknownError // non-retriable error
else -> null
if (finalError != null) {
PaymentAttempt.PaymentAborted(payment.request, finalError, payment.pending, listOf()).failChild(event.paymentId, Either.Right(failure), db, logger)
} else {
// The trampoline node is asking us to retry the payment with more fees.
logger.debug { "child payment failed because of fees" }
val updated = payment.copy(pending = payment.pending - event.paymentId)
if (updated.pending.isNotEmpty()) {
// We wait for all pending HTLCs to be settled before retrying.
// NB: we don't update failures here to avoid duplicate trampoline errors
Pair(updated, null)
} else {
val nextFees = trampolineFees[payment.attemptNumber + 1] { "retrying payment with higher fees (base=${nextFees.feeBase}, proportional=${nextFees.feeProportional})..." }
val (trampolineAmount, trampolineExpiry, trampolinePacket) = createTrampolinePayload(payment.request, nextFees, currentBlockHeight)
when (val routes = routeCalculation.findRoutes(payment.request.paymentId, trampolineAmount, channels)) {
is Either.Left -> {
logger.warning { "payment failed: ${routes.value}" }
val aborted = PaymentAttempt.PaymentAborted(payment.request, routes.value, mapOf(), payment.failures + Either.Right(failure))
val result = Failure(payment.request, OutgoingPaymentFailure(aborted.reason, aborted.failures))
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(payment.request.paymentId, result.failure.reason)
Pair(aborted, result)
is Either.Right -> {
// We generate a random secret for this payment to avoid leaking the invoice secret to the trampoline node.
val trampolinePaymentSecret = Lightning.randomBytes32()
val trampolinePayload = PaymentAttempt.TrampolinePayload(trampolineAmount, trampolineExpiry, trampolinePaymentSecret, trampolinePacket)
val childPayments = createChildPayments(payment.request, routes.value, trampolinePayload)
db.addOutgoingLightningParts(payment.request.paymentId, { it.first })
val newAttempt = PaymentAttempt.PaymentInProgress(
payment.attemptNumber + 1,
childPayments.associate { to Pair(it.first, it.second) },
setOf(), // we reset ignored channels
payment.failures + Either.Right(failure)
val result = Progress(newAttempt.request, newAttempt.fees, { it.third })
Pair(newAttempt, result)
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentAborted -> payment.failChild(event.paymentId, Either.Right(failure), db, logger)
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentSucceeded -> payment.failChild(event.paymentId, db, logger)
updateGlobalState(event.paymentId, updated)
return result
private suspend fun processPostRestartFailure(partId: UUID, failure: Either): ProcessFailureResult? {
when (val payment = db.getLightningOutgoingPaymentFromPartId(partId)) {
null -> {
logger.error { "paymentId=$partId doesn't match any known payment attempt" }
return null
else -> {
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = mapOf("childPaymentId" to partId) + payment.mdc())
logger.debug { "could not send HTLC (wallet restart): ${failure.fold({ it.message }, { it.message })}" }
db.completeOutgoingLightningPart(partId, failure)
val hasMorePendingParts = { it.status == LightningOutgoingPayment.Part.Status.Pending && != partId }
return if (!hasMorePendingParts) {
logger.warning { "payment failed: ${FinalFailure.WalletRestarted}" }
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(, FinalFailure.WalletRestarted)
val request = when (payment.details) {
is LightningOutgoingPayment.Details.Normal -> SendPayment(, payment.recipientAmount, payment.recipient, payment.details.paymentRequest)
else -> {
logger.debug { "cannot recreate send-payment-request failure from db data with details=${payment.details}" }
return null
request = request,
failure = OutgoingPaymentFailure(
reason = FinalFailure.WalletRestarted,
failures = { it.status }.filterIsInstance() + OutgoingPaymentFailure.convertFailure(failure)
} else {
suspend fun processAddSettled(event: ChannelAction.ProcessCmdRes.AddSettledFulfill): ProcessFulfillResult? {
val preimage = event.result.paymentPreimage
val payment = getPaymentAttempt(event.paymentId) ?: return processPostRestartFulfill(event.paymentId, preimage)
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = mapOf("childPaymentId" to event.paymentId) + payment.request.mdc())
logger.debug { "HTLC fulfilled" }
val part = payment.pending[event.paymentId]?.first?.copy(status = LightningOutgoingPayment.Part.Status.Succeeded(preimage))
db.completeOutgoingLightningPart(event.paymentId, preimage)
val updated = when (payment) {
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentInProgress -> PaymentAttempt.PaymentSucceeded(payment.request, preimage, part?.let { listOf(it) } ?: listOf(), payment.pending - event.paymentId)
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentSucceeded -> payment.copy(pending = payment.pending - event.paymentId, parts = part?.let { + it } ?:
is PaymentAttempt.PaymentAborted -> {
// The recipient released the preimage without receiving the full payment amount.
// This is a spec violation and is too bad for them, we obtained a proof of payment without paying the full amount.
logger.warning { "payment succeeded after partial failure: we may have paid less than the full amount" }
PaymentAttempt.PaymentSucceeded(payment.request, preimage, part?.let { listOf(it) } ?: listOf(), payment.pending - event.paymentId)
updateGlobalState(event.paymentId, updated)
return if (updated.isComplete()) { { "payment successfully sent (fees=${updated.fees})" }
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(payment.request.paymentId, preimage)
val r = payment.request
Success(r, LightningOutgoingPayment(r.paymentId, r.amount, r.recipient, LightningOutgoingPayment.Details.Normal(r.paymentRequest),, LightningOutgoingPayment.Status.Completed.Succeeded.OffChain(preimage)), preimage)
} else {
PreimageReceived(payment.request, preimage)
private suspend fun processPostRestartFulfill(partId: UUID, preimage: ByteVector32): ProcessFulfillResult? {
when (val payment = db.getLightningOutgoingPaymentFromPartId(partId)) {
null -> {
logger.error { "paymentId=$partId doesn't match any known payment attempt" }
return null
else -> {
val logger = MDCLogger(logger, staticMdc = mapOf("childPaymentId" to partId) + payment.mdc())
logger.debug { "HTLC succeeded (wallet restart): $preimage" }
db.completeOutgoingLightningPart(partId, preimage)
// We try to re-create the request from what we have in the DB.
val request = when (payment.details) {
is LightningOutgoingPayment.Details.Normal -> SendPayment(, payment.recipientAmount, payment.recipient, payment.details.paymentRequest)
else -> {
logger.warning { "cannot recreate send-payment-request fulfill from db data with details=${payment.details}" }
return null
val hasMorePendingParts = { it.status == LightningOutgoingPayment.Part.Status.Pending && != partId }
return if (!hasMorePendingParts) { { "payment successfully sent (wallet restart)" }
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(, preimage)
// NB: we reload the payment to ensure all parts status are updated
// this payment cannot be null
val succeeded = db.getLightningOutgoingPayment(!!
Success(request, succeeded, preimage)
} else {
PreimageReceived(request, preimage)
private fun updateGlobalState(processedChildId: UUID, updatedPayment: PaymentAttempt) {
if (updatedPayment.isComplete()) {
} else {
pending[updatedPayment.request.paymentId] = updatedPayment
private fun createOutgoingPart(request: SendPayment, route: RouteCalculation.Route, trampolinePayload: PaymentAttempt.TrampolinePayload): Triple {
val childId = UUID.randomUUID()
val outgoingPayment = LightningOutgoingPayment.Part(
id = childId,
amount = route.amount,
route = listOf(HopDesc(nodeParams.nodeId,,, HopDesc(, request.recipient)),
status = LightningOutgoingPayment.Part.Status.Pending
val channelHops: List = listOf(ChannelHop(nodeParams.nodeId,,
val (cmdAdd, secrets) = OutgoingPaymentPacket.buildCommand(childId, request.paymentHash, channelHops, trampolinePayload.createFinalPayload(route.amount))
return Triple(outgoingPayment, secrets, WrappedChannelCommand(, cmdAdd))
private fun createTrampolinePayload(request: SendPayment, fees: TrampolineFees, currentBlockHeight: Int): Triple {
// We are either directly paying our peer (the trampoline node) or a remote node via our peer (using trampoline).
val trampolineRoute = when (request.recipient) { -> listOf(
NodeHop(nodeParams.nodeId, request.recipient, /* ignored */ CltvExpiryDelta(0), /* ignored */ 0.msat)
else -> listOf(
NodeHop(nodeParams.nodeId,, /* ignored */ CltvExpiryDelta(0), /* ignored */ 0.msat),
NodeHop(, request.recipient, fees.cltvExpiryDelta, fees.calculateFees(request.amount))
val minFinalExpiryDelta = request.paymentRequest.minFinalExpiryDelta ?: Channel.MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA
val finalExpiry = nodeParams.paymentRecipientExpiryParams.computeFinalExpiry(currentBlockHeight, minFinalExpiryDelta)
val finalPayload = PaymentOnion.FinalPayload.createSinglePartPayload(request.amount, finalExpiry, request.paymentRequest.paymentSecret, request.paymentRequest.paymentMetadata)
val invoiceFeatures = Features(request.paymentRequest.features)
val (trampolineAmount, trampolineExpiry, trampolineOnion) = if (invoiceFeatures.hasFeature(Feature.TrampolinePayment) || invoiceFeatures.hasFeature(Feature.ExperimentalTrampolinePayment)) {
OutgoingPaymentPacket.buildPacket(request.paymentHash, trampolineRoute, finalPayload, OnionRoutingPacket.TrampolinePacketLength)
} else {
OutgoingPaymentPacket.buildTrampolineToLegacyPacket(request.paymentRequest, trampolineRoute, finalPayload)
return Triple(trampolineAmount, trampolineExpiry, trampolineOnion.packet)
sealed class PaymentAttempt {
abstract val request: SendPayment
abstract val pending: Map>
abstract val fees: MilliSatoshi
fun isComplete(): Boolean = pending.isEmpty()
* @param totalAmount total amount that the trampoline node should receive.
* @param expiry expiry at the trampoline node.
* @param paymentSecret trampoline payment secret (should be different from the invoice payment secret).
* @param packet trampoline onion packet.
data class TrampolinePayload(val totalAmount: MilliSatoshi, val expiry: CltvExpiry, val paymentSecret: ByteVector32, val packet: OnionRoutingPacket) {
fun createFinalPayload(partialAmount: MilliSatoshi): PaymentOnion.FinalPayload = PaymentOnion.FinalPayload.createTrampolinePayload(partialAmount, totalAmount, expiry, paymentSecret, packet)
* While a payment is in progress, we listen to child payments failures.
* When we receive failures, we retry the failed amount with different routes/fees.
* @param request payment request containing the total amount to send.
* @param attemptNumber number of failed previous payment attempts.
* @param trampolinePayload trampoline payload for the current payment attempt.
* @param pending pending child payments (HTLCs were sent, we are waiting for a fulfill or a failure).
* @param ignore channels that should be ignored (previously returned an error).
* @param failures previous child payment failures.
data class PaymentInProgress(
override val request: SendPayment,
val attemptNumber: Int,
val trampolinePayload: TrampolinePayload,
override val pending: Map>,
val ignore: Set,
val failures: List>
) : PaymentAttempt() {
override val fees: MilliSatoshi = { it.first.amount }.sum() - request.amount
* When we exhaust our retry attempts without success or encounter a non-recoverable error, we abort the payment.
* Once we're in that state, we wait for all the pending child payments to settle.
* @param request payment request containing the total amount to send.
* @param reason failure reason.
* @param pending pending child payments (we are waiting for them to be failed downstream).
* @param failures child payment failures.
data class PaymentAborted(
override val request: SendPayment,
val reason: FinalFailure,
override val pending: Map>,
val failures: List>
) : PaymentAttempt() {
override val fees: MilliSatoshi = 0.msat
suspend fun failChild(childId: UUID, failure: Either, db: OutgoingPaymentsDb, logger: MDCLogger): Pair {
val updated = copy(pending = pending - childId, failures = failures + failure)
val result = if (updated.isComplete()) {
logger.warning { "payment failed: ${updated.reason}" }
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(request.paymentId, updated.reason)
Failure(request, OutgoingPaymentFailure(updated.reason, updated.failures))
} else {
return Pair(updated, result)
* Once we receive a first fulfill for a child payment, we can consider that the whole payment succeeded (because we
* received the payment preimage that we can use as a proof of payment).
* Once we're in that state, we wait for all the pending child payments to fulfill.
* @param request payment request containing the total amount to send.
* @param preimage payment preimage.
* @param parts fulfilled child payments.
* @param pending pending child payments (we are waiting for them to be fulfilled downstream).
data class PaymentSucceeded(
override val request: SendPayment,
val preimage: ByteVector32,
val parts: List,
override val pending: Map>
) : PaymentAttempt() {
override val fees: MilliSatoshi = { it.amount }.sum() + { it.first.amount }.sum() - request.amount
// The recipient released the preimage without receiving the full payment amount.
// This is a spec violation and is too bad for them, we obtained a proof of payment without paying the full amount.
suspend fun failChild(childId: UUID, db: OutgoingPaymentsDb, logger: MDCLogger): Pair {
logger.warning { "partial payment failure after fulfill: we may have paid less than the full amount" }
val updated = copy(pending = pending - childId)
val result = if (updated.isComplete()) { { "payment successfully sent (fees=${updated.fees})" }
db.completeOutgoingPaymentOffchain(request.paymentId, preimage)
Success(request, LightningOutgoingPayment(request.paymentId, request.amount, request.recipient, LightningOutgoingPayment.Details.Normal(request.paymentRequest), parts, LightningOutgoingPayment.Status.Completed.Succeeded.OffChain(preimage)), preimage)
} else {
return Pair(updated, result)
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