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package fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.electrum
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerKw
import fr.acinq.lightning.crypto.KeyManager
import fr.acinq.lightning.logging.LoggerFactory
import fr.acinq.lightning.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.sat
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.sum
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.distinctUntilChangedBy
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
class FinalWallet(
private val chain: Chain,
private val finalWalletKeys: KeyManager.Bip84OnChainKeys,
electrum: IElectrumClient,
scope: CoroutineScope,
loggerFactory: LoggerFactory
) {
private val logger = loggerFactory.newLogger(this::class)
val wallet = ElectrumMiniWallet(chain.chainHash, electrum, scope, logger)
private val addressIndex = 0L
val finalAddress: String = finalWalletKeys.address(addressIndex = addressIndex).also { wallet.addAddress(it) }
init {
scope.launch {
.distinctUntilChangedBy { it.totalBalance }
.collect { wallet -> { "${wallet.totalBalance} available on final wallet with ${wallet.utxos.size} utxos" }
/** Builds a tx that spends all confirmed available funds and send them to a given address. Does not sign or broadcast it. */
fun buildSendAllTransaction(bitcoinAddress: String, feerate: FeeratePerKw): Pair? {
val pubkeyScript = Bitcoin.addressToPublicKeyScript(chain.chainHash, bitcoinAddress).right ?: return null
val utxos = wallet.walletStateFlow.value.utxos.filter { it.blockHeight > 0 }
fun buildTx(amount: Satoshi) = Transaction(
version = 2,
txIn = { TxIn(it.outPoint, sequence = 0xffffffffL) },
txOut = listOf(TxOut(amount, pubkeyScript)),
lockTime = 0
// build and sign a dummy tx to compute the fee
val signedDummyTx = signTransaction(buildTx(0.sat)) ?: return null
val fee = Transactions.weight2fee(feerate, signedDummyTx.weight())
val amountMinusFee = { it.amount }.sum() - fee
if (amountMinusFee < 546.sat) return null
return buildTx(amountMinusFee) to fee
/** Sign the given input if we have the corresponding private key (only works for P2WPKH scripts). */
private fun signInput(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, utxo: WalletState.Utxo): Transaction {
val privateKey = finalWalletKeys.privateKey(0)
// mind this: the pubkey script used for signing is not the prevout pubscript (which is just a push
// of the pubkey hash), but the actual script that is evaluated by the script engine, in this case a PAY2PKH script
val publicKey = privateKey.publicKey()
val pubKeyScript = Script.pay2pkh(publicKey)
val sig = Transaction.signInput(tx, inputIndex, pubKeyScript, SigHash.SIGHASH_ALL, utxo.amount, SigVersion.SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0, privateKey)
val witness = Script.witnessPay2wpkh(publicKey, sig.byteVector())
return tx.updateWitness(inputIndex, witness)
fun signTransaction(unsignedTx: Transaction): Transaction? {
return unsignedTx.txIn.withIndex().fold(unsignedTx) { partiallySignedTx, txIn ->
val utxo = wallet.walletStateFlow.value.utxos.find { it.outPoint == txIn.value.outPoint } ?: return null
signInput(partiallySignedTx, inputIndex = txIn.index, utxo)