Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.electrum
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.BlockHeader
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.ByteVector32
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Transaction
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.TxId
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.Feerates
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.IClient
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerByte
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerKw
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
/** Note to implementers: methods exposed through this interface must *not* throw exceptions. */
interface IElectrumClient : IClient {
val notifications: Flow
val connectionStatus: StateFlow
/** Return the transaction matching the txId provided, if it can be found. */
suspend fun getTx(txId: TxId): Transaction?
/** Return the block header at the given height, if it exists. */
suspend fun getHeader(blockHeight: Int): BlockHeader?
/** Return the block headers starting at the given height, if they exist (empty list otherwise). */
suspend fun getHeaders(startHeight: Int, count: Int): List
/** Return a merkle proof for the given transaction, if it can be found. */
suspend fun getMerkle(txId: TxId, blockHeight: Int, contextOpt: Transaction? = null): GetMerkleResponse?
/** Return the transaction history for a given script, or an empty list if the script is unknown. */
suspend fun getScriptHashHistory(scriptHash: ByteVector32): List
/** Return the utxos matching a given script, or an empty list if the script is unknown. */
suspend fun getScriptHashUnspents(scriptHash: ByteVector32): List
* Try broadcasting a transaction: we cannot know whether the remote server really broadcast the transaction,
* so we always consider it to be a success. The client should regularly retry transactions that don't confirm.
suspend fun broadcastTransaction(tx: Transaction): TxId
/** Estimate the feerate required for a transaction to be confirmed in the next [confirmations] blocks. */
suspend fun estimateFees(confirmations: Int): FeeratePerKw?
/******************** Subscriptions ********************/
/** Subscribe to changes to a given script. */
suspend fun startScriptHashSubscription(scriptHash: ByteVector32): ScriptHashSubscriptionResponse
/** Subscribe to headers for new blocks found. */
suspend fun startHeaderSubscription(): HeaderSubscriptionResponse
* @return the number of confirmations, zero if the transaction is in the mempool, null if the transaction is not found
suspend fun getConfirmations(tx: Transaction): Int? {
return when (val status = connectionStatus.value) {
is ElectrumConnectionStatus.Connected -> {
val currentBlockHeight = status.height
val scriptHash = ElectrumClient.computeScriptHash(tx.txOut.first().publicKeyScript)
val scriptHashHistory = getScriptHashHistory(scriptHash)
val item = scriptHashHistory.find { it.txid == tx.txid }
item?.let { if (item.blockHeight > 0) currentBlockHeight - item.blockHeight + 1 else 0 }
else -> null
override suspend fun getConfirmations(txId: TxId): Int? = getTx(txId)?.let { tx -> getConfirmations(tx) }
override suspend fun getFeerates(): Feerates? {
return Feerates(
minimum = estimateFees(144)?.let { FeeratePerByte(it) } ?: return null,
slow = estimateFees(18)?.let { FeeratePerByte(it) } ?: return null,
medium = estimateFees(6)?.let { FeeratePerByte(it) } ?: return null,
fast = estimateFees(2)?.let { FeeratePerByte(it) } ?: return null,
fastest = estimateFees(1)?.let { FeeratePerByte(it) } ?: return null,