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import fr.acinq.bitcoin.*
import fr.acinq.lightning.CltvExpiry
import fr.acinq.lightning.MilliSatoshi
import fr.acinq.lightning.NodeEvents
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.Watch
import fr.acinq.lightning.db.ChannelClosingType
import fr.acinq.lightning.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.UUID
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.toMilliSatoshi
import fr.acinq.lightning.wire.*
/** Channel Actions (outputs produced by the state machine). */
sealed class ChannelAction {
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sealed class Message : ChannelAction() {
data class Send(val message: LightningMessage) : Message()
data class SendToSelf(val command: ChannelCommand) : Message()
sealed class ChannelId : ChannelAction() {
data class IdAssigned(val remoteNodeId: PublicKey, val temporaryChannelId: ByteVector32, val channelId: ByteVector32) : ChannelId()
sealed class Blockchain : ChannelAction() {
data class SendWatch(val watch: Watch) : Blockchain()
data class PublishTx(val tx: Transaction, val txType: Type) : Blockchain() {
// region txType
enum class Type {
constructor(txinfo: Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo) : this(
tx = txinfo.tx,
txType = when (txinfo) {
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.CommitTx -> Type.CommitTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.HtlcTx.HtlcSuccessTx -> Type.HtlcSuccessTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.HtlcTx.HtlcTimeoutTx -> Type.HtlcTimeoutTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimHtlcTx.ClaimHtlcSuccessTx -> Type.ClaimHtlcSuccessTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimHtlcTx.ClaimHtlcTimeoutTx -> Type.ClaimHtlcTimeoutTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimAnchorOutputTx.ClaimLocalAnchorOutputTx -> Type.ClaimLocalAnchorOutputTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimAnchorOutputTx.ClaimRemoteAnchorOutputTx -> Type.ClaimRemoteAnchorOutputTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimLocalDelayedOutputTx -> Type.ClaimLocalDelayedOutputTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimRemoteCommitMainOutputTx.ClaimRemoteDelayedOutputTx -> Type.ClaimRemoteDelayedOutputTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.MainPenaltyTx -> Type.MainPenaltyTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.HtlcPenaltyTx -> Type.HtlcPenaltyTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClaimHtlcDelayedOutputPenaltyTx -> Type.ClaimHtlcDelayedOutputPenaltyTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.ClosingTx -> Type.ClosingTx
is Transactions.TransactionWithInputInfo.SpliceTx -> Type.FundingTx
// endregion
sealed class Storage : ChannelAction() {
data class StoreState(val data: PersistedChannelState) : Storage()
data class RemoveChannel(val data: PersistedChannelState) : Storage()
data class HtlcInfo(val channelId: ByteVector32, val commitmentNumber: Long, val paymentHash: ByteVector32, val cltvExpiry: CltvExpiry)
data class StoreHtlcInfos(val htlcs: List) : Storage()
data class GetHtlcInfos(val revokedCommitTxId: TxId, val commitmentNumber: Long) : Storage()
/** Payment received through on-chain operations (channel creation or splice-in) */
sealed class StoreIncomingPayment : Storage() {
abstract val origin: Origin?
abstract val txId: TxId
abstract val localInputs: Set
data class ViaNewChannel(val amountReceived: MilliSatoshi, val serviceFee: MilliSatoshi, val miningFee: Satoshi, override val localInputs: Set, override val txId: TxId, override val origin: Origin?) : StoreIncomingPayment()
data class ViaSpliceIn(val amountReceived: MilliSatoshi, val serviceFee: MilliSatoshi, val miningFee: Satoshi, override val localInputs: Set, override val txId: TxId, override val origin: Origin?) : StoreIncomingPayment()
/** Payment sent through on-chain operations (channel close or splice-out) */
sealed class StoreOutgoingPayment : Storage() {
abstract val miningFees: Satoshi
abstract val txId: TxId
data class ViaSpliceOut(val amount: Satoshi, override val miningFees: Satoshi, val address: String, override val txId: TxId) : StoreOutgoingPayment()
data class ViaSpliceCpfp(override val miningFees: Satoshi, override val txId: TxId) : StoreOutgoingPayment()
data class ViaInboundLiquidityRequest(override val txId: TxId, override val miningFees: Satoshi, val purchase: LiquidityAds.Purchase) : StoreOutgoingPayment()
data class ViaClose(val amount: Satoshi, override val miningFees: Satoshi, val address: String, override val txId: TxId, val isSentToDefaultAddress: Boolean, val closingType: ChannelClosingType) : StoreOutgoingPayment()
data class SetLocked(val txId: TxId) : Storage()
data class ProcessIncomingHtlc(val add: UpdateAddHtlc) : ChannelAction()
* Process the result of executing a given command.
* [ChannelCommand.Htlc.Add] has a special treatment: there are two response patterns for this command:
* - either [ProcessCmdRes.AddFailed] immediately
* - or [ProcessCmdRes.AddSettledFail] / [ProcessCmdRes.AddSettledFulfill] (usually a while later)
sealed class ProcessCmdRes : ChannelAction() {
data class NotExecuted(val cmd: ChannelCommand, val t: ChannelException) : ProcessCmdRes()
data class AddSettledFulfill(val paymentId: UUID, val htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, val result: HtlcResult.Fulfill) : ProcessCmdRes()
data class AddSettledFail(val paymentId: UUID, val htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, val result: HtlcResult.Fail) : ProcessCmdRes()
data class AddFailed(val cmd: ChannelCommand.Htlc.Add, val error: ChannelException, val channelUpdate: ChannelUpdate?) : ProcessCmdRes() {
override fun toString() = "cannot add htlc with paymentId=${cmd.paymentId} reason=${error.message}"
sealed class HtlcResult {
sealed class Fulfill : HtlcResult() {
abstract val paymentPreimage: ByteVector32
data class OnChainFulfill(override val paymentPreimage: ByteVector32) : Fulfill()
data class RemoteFulfill(val fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc) : Fulfill() {
override val paymentPreimage = fulfill.paymentPreimage
sealed class Fail : HtlcResult() {
data class RemoteFail(val fail: UpdateFailHtlc) : Fail()
data class RemoteFailMalformed(val fail: UpdateFailMalformedHtlc) : Fail()
data class OnChainFail(val cause: ChannelException) : Fail()
data object Disconnected : Fail()
data class EmitEvent(val event: NodeEvents) : ChannelAction()
data object Disconnect : ChannelAction()
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